He loves you… he does not loves you? March 29, 2012 10:52
One of the most interesting and yet difficult thing to find out is if your guy is interested in you, loves you or not… Interesting as this is a matter related to heart. Difficult because you still not sure neither proposed to him, nor did he to you. Yet, there is a interest to know what is running in his mind about you… let me jot down some examples below. If at least more than 3 of them are matching to that of a behavior of your Man, then you can be sure on going ahead with the next level in your relationship with him; If a man really cares about you, he becomes creative in showing how much he loves you. As the object of his affection, you will know whether your man is going the extra mile to show you how much he cares for you. On the other hand, if you find yourself doing all the work and the romance, you may be in for the harsher realties of unrequited love. Does your man call you when he says he will? Does he show up when he days he will? If your answer to both is no, isn’t it time you ask yourself why you are putting up with him? Answer to yourself to know the best answer that would suit your situation. Simply said, he accepts you as a total person with all your imperfections and failings. He may have fallen in love with you based on first impressions that you failed to sustain but he still accepts you, just the same. I am not talking of big bucks or impressive gifts. Generosity is a relative term and should be applied relatively. If your man does not earn a lot of money, he may not spend a lot, but when he does, you will sense his joy in giving and making you happy. On the other hand, if your man does not give you gifts or insists that you pay halfway all the time even if he is financially capable, you can assume that he isn’t looking at you as a partner yet. I hate to be literal about it, but it’s the only way to take it. A man who is seriously committed to you will no longer be romantically interested in other women. If he believes in “keeping his options open”, you can assume he is not yet set on you. A man who has wandering eyes and openly admires other women even when you are together is not only uncommitted, he also does not respect you. You can consider leaving him permanently to give him time for his wanderlust. He wants to know what is going on in your life, in your studies, in your career. He supports your ambitions and encourages you to pursue your dream. If your man does not even know what you do, looks bored when you tell him stories about your life and your friends, he may only be interested in himself. If your man calls you only to cancel a date, or worse does not even call you, he is not your man. If he is as involved as you are in your relationship, he will call you frequently, for the most mundane reasons, just to let you know that you are “connected” and that he is thinking of you. If your man does nothing but criticize you or put you down, ditch him posthaste. I am not saying that he should have nothing but praises for you. But if his words and actions are all meant to put you down and make you feel bad about yourself, you are better off without this man. Words like “You are ugly”, “You are fat”, “No one else will take you”, “You are so stupid” are very harmful for your self-esteem and will have negative long-term effects on your psyche.
Read MoreDon’t have a hobby? Then choose from the following! March 28, 2012 13:03
We are so very busy with our routine that we can’t even think of doing something different. I have come across many women who say they don’t have any hobby… well, better late than never, if you wish to take a break and chill, have a hobby for yourself, I could probably help you with the following interesting yet easy to adapt hobbies, that would inculcate a fresh energy in you, every now and then; Jewelry Making – This hobby shows up a lot on hobby blogs, but rarely do women actually get into it. Making jewelry is as easy as heading down to your local craft stores and picking up some beads or precious stones and making necklaces or bracelets out of them. If you really like the final product that you come out with, you can set up a store on your blog or on eBay to sell your crafty creations. There are quite a few women who do this already, which means that the competition is pretty steep online, but if your product is good enough, people will come. Belly Dancing – Here’s one you probably don’t see every day. Belly dancing is both a great workout and a sexy way to impress your man. Don’t worry if you’re uncoordinated and rough on the dance floor. Belly dancing is different from regular dancing and anyone can learn. Sign up for some belly dancing classes at your local gym or fitness center to see if you like it. You can even sign up for the classes with your friends so the embarrassment can be shared by everyone. Photography- Photography is often thought to have high startup costs, but that doesn’t have to be the case. Photography is one of the best cheap hobbies for women that you can find. If you have a cell phone with a decent camera, you’re ready to get started. Look up a few photography lessons online to see where to get started. If you’re really passionate about your new hobby, consider saving up for a nice DSLR camera or something similar to take your passion to the next level. Book Clubs – If you’re an avid reader, why not team up with others in the community and start a book club. Book clubs are a great way to not only share a few laughs with friends, but to also enjoy more books that you probably wouldn’t have picked up otherwise. Book clubs inspire creativity by getting all of the members to step outside of their comfort zone and read things that may not have ordinarily interested them. Art Classes – Before you shoot the idea down, art classes are welcoming of people of any age. If you’re not sure of your artistic abilities, that’s all the more reason to join an art class or club to meet new people and try something new. Art classes are generally held at local community colleges or at libraries. Have a look online to see where art classes are held in your community and give something new a try! Learning a Language – Knowing a second language is often considered sexy by many men. If you’re not sure where to begin with learning a language, you can always check out books from the local library that can help you get started. If those aren’t cutting it, consider enrolling in some basic language classes at your local college or university until you get the hang of basic phrases or ideas and build from there. Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day, so don’t expect to be fluent in just a few hours. Learning a foreign language takes practice, and what better way to practice than to talk to your boyfriend with your new words? Video Games – Believe it or not, girl gamers are on the rise (big time) and more and more games are coming out every day. If you’ve never taken the time to try your hand at playing video games, why not start now? There are literally hundreds, if not thousands, of entry level games that can help you get on your way to dominating Xbox live. If you’re looking to get your boyfriend involved, chances are he’d be more than happy to play with you while you learn the ropes of his favorite games. Hobbies don’t just have to be personal!
Read MoreBonding with you and your new born! March 27, 2012 13:12
Rest all aspects as to how to manage work and baby, if elders not living with you who would take care of child while you are working out of home or how to alter your work schedules and manage your home, child and profession, you are aware of all these… but, just let us also know much deep about how to build that bonding with your new born baby… I hope a lot of myths would be solved with the following analysis, about mother’s relationship with her new born; Develop your Bond Developing a strong bond with your baby is so important (for both mums and dads). The bond you develop as you get to know each other in the first few days, weeks and months will affect your child's psychological health throughout his life. The two main ways of creating a strong bond are to have: 1. Plenty of Skin to Skin Contact 2. Lots of Eye Contact When you first gave birth to your baby s/he would normally be put on your tummy so that you are skin to skin - this is because skin to skin contact is so vitally important. In the morning or at bedtime, keep your top half naked and let your baby be naked (apart from a nappy if you choose) - and cuddle! Wrap a blanket around you both if it's chilly. Another good time for skin to skin contact is bath time but getting into a bath with a newborn on your own is tricky! If you have a partner or relative around ask them to help. You get into the bath first and then ask your relative to pass you the baby. They will need to take baby from you before you get out as well. If your breast feeding you will generally have more skin to skin contact just through the act of feeding, so this is especially important for bottle feeding mums and babies. Your baby will love looking into your eyes and getting to know you by doing this. Feeding time whether you're breast or bottle feeding, is a great time to share some quality eye contact and strengthen the bond between you. Every new mum longs for sleep and you can start teaching your baby good sleep habits right from the beginning. Put your baby down to sleep when he/she is still awake - ideally you want your baby to learn right form the start to fall asleep on his own. If you make the effort to do this, you will save yourself lots of pain later. Babies that learn to fall asleep while feeding or being rocked will need this every time they want a sleep. It may not bother you at the beginning but 10 months down the line you will find it rather wearing when they are waking 8 times a night needing to be rocked! If you teach your newborn to sleep well, you will sleep well, and when you're getting enough sleep you will be able to handle the other challenges of parenting a lot more easily. Teaching your baby that night time is for sleeping is a good lesson for her to learn straight away. You'll do this by creating a beditme routine which could consist of bath, PJ's, feed and quiet cuddle. Rather than come back into the noisy living room, it's a good idea to take your baby to the bedroom for his bedtime feed. Have the lights low and don't have your tv on. If you need to do something read a book or magazine instead. Keep outside noise and stimulation as minimal as possible. You might want to use a blackout blind or heavy curtains so that the room is dark in the summer months. When your newborn wakes in the night, again, keep it quiet and dark. Talk in whispers if you need to speak - after a little while your baby will learn that this is quiet time, not play time, and it will help him learn to sleep through the night. Have Fun Look after yourself and make sure you still have fun! It's hard to find time for yourself with a new baby to look after but do try to set aside half an hour to do something you enjoy every day. Remember to treat yourself to new things, as well as look after yourself emotionally - if you're having a bad day talk to someone and have a cry if you need to. If you've not been able to get back into your old clothes buy yourself something new. Look after yourself physically - get as much sleep as you can and eat a heathy diet. If you neglect your needs you could start to resent your baby. Socialise At first a lot of new mums don't want to go out much because they are happy at home with their babies and there are lots of visitors coming to see you and your baby. Unfortunately, the visitors will slowly drop off and you might find yourself isolated and bored. Make an effort to socialise with friends, other new mums and family either by going out or inviting people to visit you at home. Isolation can bring on feelings of depression and this will not help you or your baby. I hope you've found these 10 tips for first time parents help you and your newborn! Newborns can be a bit of a mystery until we get into our stride and get to know the new little person in our lives - but a little bit of knowledge about their needs can go a long way to make your time together as stress free and as enjoyable as possible.
Read MoreColor your thoughts and be ‘Calm’! March 26, 2012 11:51
We all are expressive of whatever emotions we would go thought. But, at times, it is necessary to manage our emotions and just underplay what are our thoughts. It is needful to just stay calm and composed a times, be at our work place or even at our home. But, the challenge itself of just not letting our thoughts and emotions speak is difficult to the core. On the other hand, what is impossible for us? Could be nothing at all. So, let us see how can we just control our temper and emotions, but just unwinding for a while with the following; Focus on completing one task at a time. Turn off all the browsers and screens except the ones you need. Draw up a to-do list and smash through it like a knife through hot butter, or something. Of course, multi-tasking is ‘in’, but one task at a time is also not a bad option at all. Go to gym, go for a run, sprint up 12 flights of stairs or go a couple of rounds of shadow boxing with the boss. It’ll get the oxygenated blood fizzing around in your bloodstream again and you’ll feel like a human being, rather than a drone. Touch your toes, or put one foot on your desk and touch it, keeping your leg bent. You need to be standing to achieve this, which is a good start. Rotate your neck slowly. If you hear a crunching sound, be gentler. A few minutes of sunshine can make the whole PowerPoint presentation you just deleted seem less important. Substitute that extra cup of coffee at 11.30am for a few minutes of sunlight and you’ll have a more productive afternoon. Rub your temples gently while focusing on something far away. The horizon would be good, but the photocopier will do. This gives the muscles in your eyes a break from close focusing. Open the blinds and get some daylight into your workspace. If that’s not practical without breaking down several cubicles, replace the strip lighting in your workspace with daylight-balanced flourescent lights. They mimic daylight and are much easier on the eyes. Daylight-balanced bulbs are also available. Sip a cup of tea or coffee. Have a raw carrot and a piece of fruit. Send you partner a salacious email or an e-card. Do all these things for yourself. Then back to work. Chewing gets the blood in your head flowing. And the emails? Well, that’s up to you. Irrespective of our nature, some of our thoughts are as fickle as they come and just vanish after a while.
Read MoreChange your behavior before complaining about your child’s… March 24, 2012 14:47
Irrespective of the age and the change in the life style and giving new meanings to n number of things that we have been facing around, we still complain about our kids behavior and compare them with others of their age group, irrespective of knowing this could fetch them only in negative and nothing more than that… Now, stop complaining and analyze your child’s behavior… When I ask parents what they’d like to start working on with their child, many say general things like, “I just want my kid to listen to me,” or “I want my teen to do what I ask him to do when I ask him.” I think it’s very important to pick a specific behavior to start with and a time of day when it should be accomplished. When you’re just beginning to use the techniques in the Total Transformation Program, it’s important to put some structure in your child’s schedule or else you’re too likely to get into a power struggle with him each time you ask him to stop what he’s doing and do what you want. Choose a concrete behavior, such as doing homework daily, or being home at curfew, instead of working on yourchild’s attitude. You might feel concerned because you’re letting other behaviors slide when you focus on just one, but realize that your child is actually learning skills when he changes one behavior at a time—skills that he will be able to use in all situations going forward. Primarily, he is learning how to do what he doesn’t feel like doing, and that there will be a consequence if he behaves inappropriately. Make no mistake, a lot is happening when you choose one behavior at a time and work solely on it. Many parents ask, “Where do I start?” I always recommend that you begin with physical behavior first. It could be a safety issue, like your child sneaking out of the house at night. Many parents will say that back talk is the biggest thing they’re dealing with. It’s really hard for them to tolerate, and that’s natural. But if your child is not coming home at night, I suggest putting backtalk aside for a bit and focusing on making sure he’s safe and complying with house rules regarding curfew. Physical behavior can also apply to kids who act out and are destructive or abusive at home. If your child is punching holes in the walls or intimidating his siblings physically, you want to start there. We recommend that you adopt James’ philosophy of, “There’s no excuse for abuse” in your family. Let your kids know there will be stern consequences for their actions and follow through on them. Sometimes in parenting, it really is “two steps forward, one step back.” But remember, even if that’s the case, you are still moving forward. Yes, your child will challenge you. He’ll come back and test you to see if things have really changed; he’ll see if he can get you to go back to the way you used to be, particularly if he was calling all the shots. But stand your ground and eventually his behavior will change. One way to stay encouraged is to remember where your child started and compare it to the progress he’s made. It’s also important to encourage your child when this happens. Keep saying things like, “I know you can make improvements because you have already done it. Keep at this.”
Read MoreSlight difference could make a major change! March 23, 2012 15:19
For certain things, on doing or not doing them, as to how to execute them, how to make those work or not and about the entire plan or structure as such, we would be much sure about the same. And we would not appreciate others even letting out their opinion about our thought and action plan. You and I have been facing these kinds of situations, more often, in our professional as well as personal life. Now, how can we categorize them or in what genre we can put them? Are we confident about what we are doing? Or are we just being over confident, under estimating the rest of the World? Time to know; One of my friends Sruthi… she is a Software professional, working on Oracle Financials Domain… it has been more than 3 years she4 has been working in the domain… from an executive to an associate and now, an independent consultant by herself, she has made point, every now and then, she would grow step by step, as an individual and also in her profession. In this process, she had to unlearn a lot many things, adapt herself to work under the supervision of all those who possess comparatively less knowledge than her. There were many situations that she faced day in and day out, that actually used to question her existence as such… Even then, she never let her self respect turn into an ego and dominate her growth. She was capable enough to adapt herself to the conditions, under play her knowledge, learn from even the minute mistakes she used to make… if necessary, accept those mistakes to be blunders at times, yet learn and never deviated from the point of where she aspires herself to be… And today, forget all those who used to make fun of her mentality as a looser, all those who questioned herself respect and all those who tagged her silence as under confidence… she is what she wanted to at this point of life… Now, what does this mean? Do I mean to say, you should tackle the situations as Sruthi did? Not at all… because no two individuals mind set would be alike… it is only that we should not get carried away by any filthy situations and end up working on proving our confidence levels. at the same time, we cannot even under estimate the others knowledge. Adaptability of any given situation and always keeping ourselves open to positive suggestions would change our life for the better. This is what Sruthi did… she was confident about what she was doing, but never under estimated the others capability, neither judged them on the basis of any qualifications. In many situations, she knew that she could handle them better than others, but she never let her attitude speak, instead worked and succeeded on her worth speaking about the same… she was confident on what she is doing, at the same time adaptable enough to mould according to the situations and work in a team… Be it in a personal life or a professional life, you might be dealing about n number of situations like this… the genre of them might differ… it is all in you… how would you make the given situation utilize to the maximum level with your confidence or end up just living in vane with your over confidence…
Read MoreGet ‘detached’ emotionally… why? March 21, 2012 15:07
Life is all about managing and increasing our relationships with the rest of the World, no matter to what genre the relationships are. Apart from our family, relatives, we always possess a positive sign in widening the names in our friends list, people whom we maintain a cordial relation, with whom we can trust on certain major aspects in life and most important our soul mate. But, at times, we end up living such a situation where detaching our thoughts and ourselves emotionally and physically from those whom we love the most and want to be together the most, would be mandatory, for whatever reason known to you. If you have decided to just let this phase of ‘emotional’ detachment go on, with a minimal mess, here are certain guidelines that can help you; spend some time apart; even if just a day or two to collect your thoughts on every other part of your life, and try to see how this other person is just a part of it. This will be hard to do if you're still in close contact. work on loving yourself more. What activities do you enjoy that are just yours? Get into them again. spend some time with other friends or family to broaden your horizons, and remind you there are other people you may love, in different ways spend some time reflecting on WHY you are so attached to this person. Could it be romantic? Do you need their validation to be happy? If so, why? Could that validation come from within somehow? There may be a root issue here that you may need to address; growing up in broken home, abusive relationships, even depression. If this level of obsession continues after trying some of these things, you might want to contact a professional who can help you get to the bottom of things and offer perspective. Please remember, rather than ending up a used piece in a relationship where you see neither emotional nor any support from your partner, or being a ‘no one’ when your partner is least bothered about your interests, desire to talk to or spend some time with him and he instead tags all these as mere ‘nonsense’ and nothing more, also makes a fun out of your emotions towards him stating that you have a lot of free time and he is being used as a time pass, and most important, you need to kill your thoughts, mindset, and you as a person completely in order to just make the relationship work, all that understanding, sacrifice and adjustment is only from your end all the time and your partner never cares even to contribute to understand the importance of the same, it is better for you to just call your relationship quits or either take a break for a while. Still, things do not end up working; detach your ex from your mind… Once you are out of that rigid thought of making your relationship work, no matter the other person contributes ‘nil’ in working out the relation and you understand there is much more for you in life, once you completely know and accept for you to work this relation, you need to lose yourself as a person, the next level of ‘emotional’ detachment is not big issue… This can be followed in any form of a relationship… End of the day, nothing is more important than yourself respect, peace and you as a person, right?
Read MoreRe gain the energy instead of losing it after a hectic day! March 19, 2012 17:21
'Oh God… Monday again… on top of this my tendency to just get dull by afternoon… I again have to pull up my shoes to just pull this week off… I have tried that 'good' food, live on Coffee/tea during my work and try enjoying my work… even then why does this dullness and loss of energy by afternoon follows me every day?' Stop questioning yourself on this. Instead read the following and start analyzing if your day includes all these or either or not; There's no better way to ensure you have enough energy to get you through that mountain of work than by starting the day with a good breakfast. Put the granola bar down, steer clear of the mega muffin – neither is going to do you any favors. Rather than relying on coffee and sugar to kickstart your day, opt instead for the nutrients your body really needs. Get up 15 to 20 minutes earlier (we know it's hard but it's worth it) and eat something that will keep you satisfied and give you energy. The way you start your day with a ‘proper’ breakfast, makes a lot of difference on how your day will be carried further. Try Some tasty and power-packed options include oatmeal (not the instant, sugar-filled kind) topped with a handful of raw nuts and fresh berries, two scrambled eggs with lightly sautéed spinach and red peppers or low-fat plain yogurt topped with fresh or frozen fruit, a drizzle of honey or maple syrup and ground flax seeds mixed in. Make sure you don't fall into a trap of not drinking enough water. Once you're on a roll, it can be hard to remember to stop and sip -- but staying hydrated is an absolute must if you want to avoid a midday crash. The more tired you get, the more tempted you'll be to reach for a coffee or sugary soda, which will only dehydrate you further. Keep a reusable bottle by your desk and sip all day. Add a squeeze of lemon or lime to make it more palatable, or better yet, fill a larger jug with water and add cucumber and orange slices. Not only it tastes Yum, but helps giving you that power packed energy boost. Recent studies have shown that sitting is bad for our health, and even if you exercise regularly, being in your chair for prolonged periods can cause a host of problems. But aside from that, being stuck in your office for too long without getting your blood flowing can cause you to feel tired and unmotivated. As soon as you feel like you can't concentrate and you've read the same paragraph six times and you still have no idea what it says, it's time to get up and get moving! Rather than email a colleague, instead walk over to her desk to chat about whatever you were going to send. Go outside and walk around the block or spend a few minutes trotting up and down a few flights of stairs. The change of scenery and fact you're up and moving will make a big difference in your performance once you're back at your desk. And most important, Like starting the day off right, getting a good sleep is the other major key to solving the at-work energy crisis. Sleep is elusive for many of us, but doing everything we can to ensure a decent 6 or 7 hours every night (minimum) is beneficial to health, mood and energy level. Try these tips; Try going to bed at the same time every night and getting up at the same time in the morning so your body gets used to a sleep routine. Avoid the before-bed baddies like caffeine, sugar and alcohol before hitting the sack. No working until right before you turn out the light. Cut yourself off from your laptop, iPad and phone at least two hours before bed. Checking work email will just stress you out. Make sure your room is comfortable – quality pillow, not too hot or too cold and dark enough to sleep easily. Rather than just cribbing about your day, try the above first!
Read MoreHusband or kids… a priority or a change in life? March 17, 2012 13:51
There is an age old notion and many times a realty that once we are contented with kid in our life, our husband becomes a second priority and our kids are our life… do not know about our earlier days, but these days, at most kids are completely with us, at max. till they attain the age of 10. Once they are busy with their own life, work, studies, group of friends, you cannot even expect them to spend time with you… At that point of time, you may repent for your deeds of putting your partner aside and prioritizing kids who cannot walk with you although your life… think and act before you reap. Just look into a general observation on the thought process of your Husband, when your priority is you’re Child and not him; Most replied that they felt a deep lack of respect from not only their wives, but from their children as well. “Respect is important to a man, and he doesn’t feel that when the children consistently come first,” said one man. Most men, unlike most women, associate love with actions instead of with feelings. When a woman places her children above her husband, her actions say to him that she loves the children more than she loves him. Though not as vocal about it as women, men desire to be deeply loved by their wives. It is difficult for a man to see his wife cherish the children, but treat him in a cool or casual manner. One of the man’s greatest needs is companionship, and he usually expects to find this in his relationship with his wife. “As my wife pours more and more of her life into being a mother, she pours less and less of it into being my wife,” said one man. “The friend I once had in my wife is now a friend to our children, but a stranger to me.” The lonelier a man becomes, the more vulnerable he is to outside temptation. Is your husband lonely because of the time you spend with your children? Are you in any way making him more vulnerable to the attentions of other women? Men appreciate being appreciated! Many men feel that their wives show greater appreciation to their children than they do to them. “If our daughter goes to a friend’s for the night, my wife misses her terribly,” said one husband. “When she comes home the next morning, my wife is ecstatic to see her and acts as if she’s been gone forever. I can be gone for days on a business trip, and my wife acts like I never left. Sometimes she even seems to resent my return home.” Does your husband know how important he is to you and how much you value him? Are you an appreciative wife? Though not a majority, some men stated that when their wives put their children first, they felt a sense of resentment and anger; some felt this way toward their children, others toward their wives. “My fifteen-year-old son walks through the door and my wife immediately asks abut his day or rubs his back if he’s tired. She pampers him constantly. I find myself resenting him, even though I know it isn’t his fault.” Is your husband frustrated or even jealous of your relationship with your children? Could it be that he feels left out or overlooked? If not giving that space with your Child, do not even build up that gap between you and your hubby as well. Time to act!
Read MoreWorking moms.. be a best mother too.. March 16, 2012 16:44
If life itself is all about managing so is mother hood, not at cost of your work or profession. All you need is certain more time and affective planning for being a super mom, managing work and your baby at a time. And for that, you can consider reading the following; Women are sometimes torn between heading to work and staying at home with infants or young children. A 2009 survey by the Pew Research Center found that men and women mostly agreed that a full-time working mother isn't best for a young child. And while more than 50 percent of dads say the ideal situation for a child is to have a mom who doesn't work, nearly 50 percent of moms say part-time work would benefit a child the most. Full-time work, then, can lead to feelings of guilt. Just because you feel guilty doesn't mean you are guilty. That's very important for working moms. They can so easily get caught up in the emotional aspects of going to work. You have to embrace your choice. If you know you've made the right choice for your family then that's all that matters. Traditional daycare or nannies are not the only options, she adds. For instance, moms can swap childcare duties with another mom, or have friends or relatives provided stints of care during the days when your child isn't at a daycare center. There's always a partner or spouse, though some research has shown moms don't always ask for help. Mothers and fathers can do split-shift childcare, particularly if one parent works from home. That way, dad can watch the kids in the evenings while mom works in her home office. If you are very involved in your work and in your family, the first thing you're going to start taking time away from is yourself. He realizes such advice is easier said than done. They need the bubble bath but they can't take the bubble bath because they need to clean up the kid who just threw up on themselves. That's when mom's social support group comes in, he added. Asking a partner or friend to, say, pick up the kids from school, while you take an hour for yourself could be just what the doctor ordered. Though being possessive about your kids out of the love you have on them, just remember even they are Individuals. The more you are back of them; the more chances of they letting out of your hand are high. At the same time, your choice of giving them a more than required freedom is also a bad option… so, just like in your career you know what to do, when to do and what not, even in the scenario of Child care, you need to know how to handle your kids and when to give them a much needed freedom and when you should put a check on what they are doing, when the freedom is not at all required at all for them… even child care is all about being intelligent and alert, just as you would be while handling issues at your Work!
Read MoreThink before you repent… March 14, 2012 11:49
More than anything else, this statement would be applicable to the best in the situation when you are thinking to settle down and get married… for that one last time, just think about your marriage and relationship, before you end up feeling pity on the decision taken by you and in return on your life as well. And on what basis you would consider rethinking about marriage? Here are the following guidelines that can help you; A sense of humor is vital, and the first person you have to laugh at is yourself. Consider this men and women have to hook up on some level to propagate the species, proving God has a sense of humor. He obviously assumed we would too. You figure you’ll give half, he’ll give half and you’ll meet somewhere in the middle. You poor, poor dear. The reality is, there will be some days you’ll give 90% and you may or may not get 10% back. There may be weeks or months that pass with the scales out of whack. Remember- you committed your whole life to him, and in your lifetime the scales will shift back in your favor. Interestingly, the scales will align faster if you abandon the scorecard and self-pity. Does he leave the toilet seat up? Get over it. Are his table manners a fright? Look the other way. Is he a tight-wad? You better be at one with strict budgets. Try seeing your new hubby’s annoying habits as endearing. In addition to his positive traits, his quirks make him who he is. Figure out a way to truly accept the whole package- the good, the bad and the ugly. If you said “I do” to this one, start goggling divorce attorneys now. Fundamental expectations like being treated well, being faithful, or being honest are covered by your wedding vows. If you want a long lasting marriage, let go of any romance novel or Lifetime movie expectations you have. The men in Hollywood are actors. Real men, generally speaking, are not geared for romance and eloquent, loving speeches. With this attitude, you’ll better enjoy the thoughtful little things your new husband does. Lowered expectations and happily ever after go hand in hand. Like fingerprints, marriages are unique and specific to the two individuals involved and the one-of-a-kind bond they create. Instead of scowling at your husband when your friend brags about the romantic vacation her husband took her on, just smile. Maybe your friend left out how her husband ogled other women on the beach or said something at dinner that made her cry. You never know what goes on behind closed doors- be secure in what you and your husband share and the knowledge that it works for you. Marriage for being a success or ending up in a mess needs to be worked out by both of you. Someone rightly said, ‘If you are working on your marriage, each day, that definitely means you are success in your marriage each day’, so never relax and stop working with your relationship and marriage. Just retain that love and affection in your relationship and the rest all would follow… and of course, do not forget to just light up that ‘spice’ in your relationship, be it you are married for just a year or for a decade…
Read MoreThe process of finding ‘Why’? March 13, 2012 12:45
Right from our child hood toil the last breath of our life, we tend to live for others, expect love and care from others. Day in and day out we just live every moment expecting others to shower their love and understand our feelings towards them… But, just wait a moment… living for others and the rest of the World, and expecting the same from them is not at all a negative side. But forgetting it is our life and we are just ignoring the same in the process of living for the World and adjusting according to others, we are just letting go what are we… before you reach to a saturation point here are some reasons that make you think why should you live for yourself; There is definitely a way out, and it may not seem easy at first. Stop and think again when you face any of the above-mentioned situations. Ask yourself: “How much does this matter to me? Is it more important for me to save for my kids’ education or should I spend on the plasma TV only to keep up with others?” If you really want to keep with others, you can try giving your kids a chance to be better than those of Sanders by offering your kids better education. Decide what is really worth your hard-earned money. If someone (not your near and dear one) hurts you, ask yourself: “how much does this person matter to me?” You have so many things to occupy your mind with and projects to undertake for yourself, family and friends that you cannot keep thinking about the situation in the back of your mind. Deal with it, immediately. Either forgive or forget. You have things to do and you want to move on. If you want to attend something fun such as a pottery or Latin dance class, stop worrying about what others will think. Instead ask how you would feel about yourself once you get done with it? Will you feel good? Will you be impressed by yourself? People will think about your actions only for a moment because they too have a life of their own. But if all they do is talk about you amongst them to judge you, then they are not worth your concern. Either way, there is no reason to live for “people”. Live for your family, for your real friends, and most importantly, for yourself. Even though you adjust to the core for all those loved ones of yours, at times you may not be living up to their expectations. In fact, satisfying all the others at all the time is not at all possible at least for human beings like you and me. Then at least satisfy yourself with your way of living by definitely not hurting others. And never compromise on certain aspect that you are very passionate or possessive about. Be it your career, the person with whom you want to spend your life, profession, your interest or whatever. Compromise and adjustment may seem to be great now, but later you might reach to a point where you regret for your act. So, just think twice before taking a decision and think never before living the way you want for yourself not at the cost of the peace of people around you…
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