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The art of implementing Positive Thinking! February 24, 2012 10:38

That’s it… all your so called tensions and issues are solved for 50%. And we all know how can positive thinking change our life and mindset for a better… but, we are so carried away with the situation that we even forget to think Positive… here are some guidelines that suggest you ways to implement Positive thinking; An affirmation is a positive statement that something is already happening, and is a very powerful tool you can use to shift your internal dialogue from negative to positive. Come up with a few statements like “I am creating a beautiful day” or “money and success flow to me” and spend 10 minutes every morning (and every night for extra credit) saying them aloud. Come up with statements that make the most sense for you, and be sure to state them in the present tense, and in a positive form. This is self-talk in its highest sense, and can be very effective. “It doesn’t matter if we believe the words or not, the mere uttering of them makes the subconscious mind believe them to be true. It is as though the subconscious mind doesn’t know what is true or false, it doesn’t judge, it only reacts to the language that is being fed”. Many researchers have shown this sentiment to be quite valid, and we must intentionally start using more positive language to shape the worldview of our subconscious mind. A vision board is the physical manifestation of the life you want to be leading. Find images of the house you desire, the places you want to travel, and the job you crave to work and tack them to a corkboard! Be creative and place words and images that are accurate expressions of your inner-most desires. Constantly add to your vision board put it somewhere you can see it several times a day– even spend a few moments visualizing what it would be like to be living in this life you created. Isn’t this a better way to spend time than in your usual stress mode? They could be famous quotes, inspiring pictures, or even your affirmations that you write out on note cards. The point is to always have physical reminders of things you deem positive close by. Print these items out and place them by your desk, near your bed, and in the car! When you get stressed out, give a glance to them and you will begin to get perspective on things and your mind will re-focus! Every night before you go to bed, spend 5 minutes saying thank you out loud for the experiences you had that day: the people you interacted with, the work you accomplished, the food you ate, etc…As you do this, really try and feel the gratitude emanate from within. You can also say thank you 50 times in the morning and get yourself in an extremely grateful mindset for the coming day. These are wonderful practices for becoming more positive! The car is the perfect place to flex your muscle of positive thought! Because many of us spend a lot of time driving, make an effort to listen to music that inspires you and makes you feel good. Purchase motivational personal development CD’s and play them while driving. If you consistently exercise, this is an excellent time to practice your positive thinking. Say to yourself over and over again: “I am strong and durable” or “I am fast and powerful” and notice the immediate affect these utterances have on your workout. It is absolutely incredible how just saying these words increases your stamina and strength.

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Let’s jot down reasons to live… February 23, 2012 11:49

We end up in a fight with people around us and also end up giving reasons for our tiff with them. We have our own reasons for living, not living our life as we want to, quit our job, end up surviving a break up, living with a person whom we know is definitely not our soul mate and we deserve some one right, and what not… in every phase of our life we have our own reasons of living the moment… then find at least some reasons of living our life as such… 1.    IF TODAY WAS IT, would you die knowing you did your best? 2.    If tomorrow never came, would you be proud of the last thing you said to each person you LOVE? 3.    If “SOMEDAY” was only “NOW“, would you do everything you’ve always put off? 4.    If you knew you had a CHOICE about what kind of LIFE you could be living, would you choose different? 5.    If you knew FAILURE is IMPOSSIBLE, what would you do? 6.    If it were true that everyone you meet is you in another body, how would you TREAT them? 7.    If LOVE was the true currency of the Universe and the more you gave away the more you received, how would you spend it? 8.    If FEAR were the biggest ILLUSION and the greatest lie of all time, how would you choose to live your life? 9.    If the Universe always supported a life lived towards achieving dreams, how BIG would you DREAM?” And most important, it is your life dude… good or bad, mess or bliss, happy or sad; it is completely your call to decide how you want your life to be… So, rather than cribbing each morning about our life and comparing our mental and physical status, each move of our life with the others, let us design our own day, moment and even fraction of second… This definitely does not mean you should care a damn to what your loved ones feel about you and their emotions and start living your mind and heart… apart from your life being your’s, life is also about balancing your mindset and also considering and accommodating your loved ones in it… you can always live your life your way, at the cost of not hurting people around with you, be it with your behavior or the decisions you take… be smart enough to keep a check on the toughest situation by not sacrificing anything… and don’t expect me to write a article on this as well… it is your life dude, you think and act, I am just guiding you (if you feel so) to a path. That’s it!

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Why ‘no’ to pre marital sex? February 22, 2012 11:47

I am no one to judge what is ethical or un ethical, neither would vote for following our age old traditions, nor would believe in living in a shell… just a thought that why people are so very against about the aspect of ‘Pre marital’ sex and why some are so up for the same… let us un learn what all we have learnt till date and try talking about the other side of ‘pre marital’ sex; Premarital sex experience benefits us both physically and psychologically–conducive to health, because of the urgent need, not towed until adulthood. According to psychological studies, it shows that when the organs of our body become mature because of hormone secretion. Psychologically, people will, accordingly with the changes, have sexual desire, which is normal. If the desire cannot be satisfied, it will affect people’s work, learning, and life. However, it varies according to the different people – some are very strong, and some are very weak. When people are with a strong desire, the so-called “sexual energy”, they can temporarily alleviate the sexual energy produced by having sex, which can give them a happy feeling, and a sense of achievement. let us try to accept certain known facts about the pros and corns of pre marital sex; Many men and women do not want to marry a person who has had intercourse with someone else. Those who have premarital sex tend to have less happy marriages. Those who have premarital sex are more likely to have their marriage end in divorce. Persons and couples who have had premarital sex are more likely to have extramarital affairs as well. Having premarital sex may fool you into marrying a person who is not right for you. They are likely to be less satisfied overall with their sex life during marriage. Poor premarital sexual habits can be carried over to spoil sex in marriage. Guilt may push a couple into a bad marriage. Premarital sex robs a couple of "sexual cement." However, it is totally up to you to design where your life should go and what are the limitations of your life!

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Delete ‘miss’ in communication! February 20, 2012 15:43

Most frequently, be your work life or even your personal life, it gets screwed up when we fail to understand the real perspective of the other person. And the result is that miss communication that is a cause of all the problems. As independent individuals of today’s World, rather than letting that ‘miss’ rule our World and ruin our happiness, next time we are in a issue or a problem, let us understand the root cause of it and resolve that ‘miss’ for our communication to be affective. For that, let us know what are the causes of ‘miss’ communication at work place and also the solution to resolve them. However, these causes and solutions can be inculcated even in solving the issues related to personal life as well; Causes •    People tend to make a lot of assumptions and ask fewer questions. In order to understand what is being asked of you, you must ask questions and have a clear understanding of what is being expected from you. •    This one of the most prominent cause of misunderstandings at the workplace. Office romances are dangerous because they can lead to conflict within the company. Public displays of affection can make colleagues uncomfortable and accusations of favoritism may occur, especially if it is a supervisor-subordinate relationship. •    Less cooperation or no cooperation at all between the management and the employees or between different employees can lead to miscommunication in the workplace. •    Criticism and back-stabbing is very common to human nature. So experiencing this in office premises isn’t an exception. Employees are inclined to blame each other for things that go wrong and this leads to distrust and lack of confidence in others. •    It is a very common belief that higher authorities are being more favorable towards certain employees. This can lead to misunderstandings and the urge to work may lessen among the many other sincere employees, as a direct consequence. •    These were just a few examples of what could cause misunderstandings in the workplace. Passive aggressive behavior, personality clashes, messages not being returned or answered promptly, etc., are some of the other causes for misunderstandings in the office. Solutions •    Every problem is due to lack of communication. A vague message or an unclear direction is one of the most common ways by which miscommunication can take place. Be crystal clear about your message. Don’t leave any room for interpretations because many times employees interpret things according to their convenience. •    Ownership Of Responsibilities Through Self Actualization: Make the employees realize their value and potential. This way the staff won’t become negatively empowered but will become more confident and will also become more aware of their responsibilities. •    This proves that you are open to different thoughts and ideas. Don’t ever confine the flow of thought by an insufficient amount of communication. Do not send across a message that whatever the opposite person says or believes will be judged and criticized. •    Think of the perfect medium for sending across the message to the employees. A way in which the message reaches all and is understood by all is the best. Find out what medium suits your company most - Conference? Meeting? A generic mail? Or appointing a contact person who has a great rapport with employees and hence is good at communicating things? Once you have the ideal medium, there will be less chances of misunderstandings. •    Always stick to the point. Do not beat around the bush and discuss topics that are not important. The message should be brief and clear. Not sticking to the point will create lot of confusion and thus will lead to miscommunication in the workplace.

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When ‘life’ is stagnant! February 17, 2012 12:17

‘Move on’. One of our favorite words and quotes we use. And no matter what, life has to just ‘Move on’, so do we. But, there would be a time in our life, is it professionally or even at a personal front, we would just feel that our ‘life’ has stopped for a while. Whatever we plan, however we try to execute the same, nothing takes a action phase, each day  we get up, would become busy with our routine and at the end of the day, the last minute before we sleep, we feel that day of us is just ‘stagnant’. You and me and for that matter everyone have been through or still facing this situation. Rather than waiting for the situation to take an action phase or the problem to be solved by itself, let us try and screw up this problem itself to make our life ‘Move on’. Letting go is not something most of us are taught to do. We hear expressions about ‘holding on’ all the time. We are told that we should ‘hold on for dear life,’ ‘keep a grip on reality,’ ‘hang on to the bitter end,’ and so on. Phrases like these don’t encourage us to let go, but this is what we really need to do if we want to experience happiness and emotional freedom. Trying to hang in there while it feels life is buffeting you around is exhausting. Maybe it is time to hang on less, and to learn to relax more into the knowing that all is well. Holding on too tight can only cause pain and frustration. Everything in life is temporary, we will have to let go of everything eventually- even life itself. Trying to hold on to our hopes and expectations of how things ‘should’ be is a sure recipe for dissatisfaction. The biggest cause of frustration in life is a gap between how we want things to be and how they really are. To be happy, no matter what, we have to give up trying to force things to be different from how they are. This doesn’t mean that we should accept everything as it is and stop trying to make positive changes in our lives and our circumstances, but it means we should stop trying to ‘will’ reality to conform to our wishes. There are some things that we have control over, and there are many things we don’t. The only thing that we can always have total control over is the way we respond or react to circumstances. In situations that cause us pain, holding onto the belief that reality 'should' be different from how it actually is will only cause us to experience suffering as well as pain. Negative energy is created by suppressed or unexamined thoughts and feelings, and unless this energy is released it creates blockages. Releasing negative energy allows us, at least eventually, to return to our natural state of being; one of peace, joy, and harmony. Letting go of the belief that there is only one way that things should work out, and only one outcome that will make us happy frees us to go with the twists and turns that are inevitable in life. To go with the flow of life frees us from the pressure of trying to control things which are beyond our control. Taking this one step further, to let it flow means to step back enough from trying to force things into being so that the natural momentum of life can create results that no amount of pushing and shoving are likely to achieve. Slowing down is also essential in creating a balanced life. Letting go of the need for constant action can be a vital key to avoiding burnout. By all means, set your goals, make your plans, and work towards what you want, but to greatly increase your chances of being happy and satisfied, let go of the outcome. So, no matter what, just move on in ‘life’!

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Power of ‘Reality’! February 16, 2012 15:56

‘Real’ be it in life or various situations we face in our life as such, has many times been not so easy to accept. But the funda for a peaceful life is to accept whatever the reality is, be it in any situation you encounter in your life or with your life as such. The challenge lies here… how do we train our mind, body and soul to accept no matter what and how the situation is, the way it is… this is definitely not a single day’s process. We need to alter our thought process, before we actually accept the situations as they are… and for that, here are some suggestions that could help you out in taking reality on a lighter note; It's one of the hardest things to follow through on, but it's definitely most rewarding. It's so easy to look in the mirror and point out most of your insecurities. But, instead of counting all the things you wish you could be, try counting all the things that you are thankful for that bring out your natural beauty. Understand everyone has beauty, whether it be their eyes, their plumped lips, or their rosy cheeks. Make a list of all of these things, and hang it up somewhere by a mirror, and before you leave, look in the mirror and tell yourself you look good. Remember that it's your own opinion that really counts. Are you too bossy? Are you too critical of yourself? You're lazy, right? You don't have a lot of friends because your shy? This could go on and on, but the point is is that you need to find out what you aren't so good at, maybe what you don't have, and then let go of it. This is one of the most key steps to accept who you are. This is one of the hardest things for many of us to do. In many of todays societies that focus on the individual, we are encouraged to strive for success, and often we look for praise as the acknowledgment of that success. We take any criticism as a negative thing, so we shy away from seeing anything about ourselves that elicits that reaction. Remember that you can't fix it until you can admit there is a problem. Once you have accepted yourself, with all your imperfections, you can change some things about yourself. Write out a list about what you want to achieve, what you can achieve, and how you will achieve it. Although, understand that no one is perfect, and sometimes you just can't change who you are. Once you have your list, prioritize it. Decide what you need to work on in order of importance. Often changing one thing will cause other things to fall in line, like knocking over dominoes. What happened in the past, happened in the past. You just can't change history. So avoid doing it over again because you feel like it's "in your comfort zone" and "you've been through it once, why not one more time?" type of excuse. The above mentioned are not just good to read, but as well as the best to follow too!

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On the ‘D’ Day! February 14, 2012 10:55

We have been talking about various phases of love and relationships from quite a sometime now. Finally, the ‘D’ Day has come. On the eve of Valentine’s Day today, let us try finding out some unique ideas to celebrate Valentine’s Day today; Make up a batch of heart-shaped pancakes for a yummy Valentine's breakfast or brunch. Just pour the batter in the frying pan in a free-form heart shape and serve with strawberries and whipped cream. Insert candy surprises into balloons before inflating them - add a folded-up Valentine's message then inflate each balloon. Tie with a red ribbon and attach to your loved one's chair for themto find Valentine's morning. Give a hand-made coupon for some work you can do to free-up some time for your spouse or parent. For example, a coupon good for cleaning Dad's garage or for a full-house vacuuming for your wife. How about a coupon for your best friend - you can walk her dog or baby sit one evening. Each of you can create individual notes, say 4 or 6 each, to describe a special surprise - a back rub, a bubble bath, kisses from head to toe, a special meal - fold up the notes and toss them into a jar. You can take turns having fun plucking a coupon from the jar and doing what it says. You can prepare this one for your spouse or for your children to enjoy. Write up little notes about how you feel and what they mean to you and place them around the house along with a candyheart or other treat. Add a riddle at the end of each note about where to find the next note. At the last note, have something special waiting there. For example, you can be waiting for yourhubby in a candle-lit bubble bath with two glasses of wine. For your children, then can find a teddy bear or other toy or treat. And if no one special in your life this valentine’s day, then… No one special to share Valentine's Day with? Sure you have! You! Why not pamper yourself with a candlelit bubble bath, then prepare your favorite gourmet meal and rent the latest comedyvideo. Or treat yourself to a day at the spa, or a day at the gym with a step or aerobics class. Plan for Valentine's Day at least a week in advance - you'll find yourself looking forward to your special treats and your quality time with yourself, by choice. Place a blanket on the floor near the lit fireplace with candles on the mantle and have your Valentine's meal as a candle-lit picnic with a bottle of your favorite bubbly. Sneak in love notes and chocolate kisses in your sweetheart's or children's cereal.Little notes in their lunch boxes, on the bathroom mirror, in his briefcase, stuck on the car windshields, in his underwear drawer. So, love is in the air and Valentine’s Day is all about pouring your love on your loved ones!

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‘Reality’ in relationship! February 13, 2012 15:21

Despite we have that guts to accept the truth or not, we always strive to find ‘truth’ in almost every situation, be it in our personal or professional life and even in our relationship. And when it comes to searching the purity in love, we always want to know what is ‘true’ love… we all have our own reasons of doing or not doing, thinking or not thinking anything, so as finding that ‘truth’ in love as well. Now, what is true love? The true love is something that everyone wants to feel, but it is a fact that only a little part of the people has the luck to meet her. What is actually the true love? That is the most beautiful thing that can happen to someone, because that is one shared feeling. When you meet someone and fall in love with him that is not the true love still. If this person shares your feelings that still is not the true love. But it is true that this is the first step to that amazing feeling. The true love is something more then falling in love. She is at the first place trust, because without him every relationship is fated and can’t survive a long time. When you have trust in your partner you are anxiety-free. That must be shared because when the one person in the relationship believes in the other, but the other don’t do this, this leads to problems and probably to broke up. The true love is a friendship. You must to can be not only lover to your partner, you must be his friend. Your partner must be the man from who you can ask for advice and who you can say your secrets, because he will not say to no one else this things, he wouldn’t be betrayed you. It is a true love when you can talk about everything with the person who you are in love with. Exactly the talking is the most important thing for the true love, because when the partners talk, they can find a decision to every problem, which they have. One big part of the couples breaking up, because they can’t or don’t want to talk. When the love is a true love, she can survive everything. Every problem is a test for the feelings and strength of one relationship. The true love is help. When you really love someone you are ready to help him right away and to do everything for him. Of course this must be shared. The true love is care, because when you are in love with someone you make everything that your partner can feel fine and loved. When the love is a true love this fact automatically eliminates the egoism, because now you are not alone and you must thing about the wishes, which have the person with who you are. When you love someone you want to make him happy. The true love means support too. The feeling when you know that by you stands someone who loves you and every time will support you, is really great. One love is true when the two in the relationship are frank and honest. When the love is shared, she is a true love and makes you one better person and the world look like a better place for a living. When you and your partner have the same thinking and the same conception for the life, you can be together a very long time. The true love is when two people want to spend their time together in loving each other and when their love survives all of the obstacles, which they meet during their life together. Furthermore, if the people are able to keep their love the same as it was in the beginning through out the years, you can say that this is true love. Remember that finding the true love of your life is really hard and you may need more than one lifetime to make that happen, but in the end it will be

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It’s patch up time in ‘love’! February 11, 2012 11:42

If love is in the air so are fights and miss understandings… some resolve within no time and some might take all your patience. But, whatever might be the issue, if you have decided to sustain the relationship and then find out ways to patch up with your partner, no matter how big or serious your fight might be. And for re-inventing your love, you might try some of the following; One of you has to make the first move. Keep a track of who made the last first move, and automatically know that in your current fight, it's the turn of the other to initiate the peace move. If the showdown the two of you've had is over something trivial, then see if you can lighten up things by laughing out loud over how silly the two of you have been. Nothing like a hysterical, uninhibited laughter to defuse the situation. If the fight's been over something major like finances or bringing up the child, then figure out in your head as to why it turned out to be a slang-fest. If you lost it because he's run through the month's budget in less than 10 days, or she's been tight-fisted, get real. Spell out your penalties, and get done with it. If he's been too busy watching cricket and not paid you much attention, and that led to a full-fledged war, then hide the remote, but assist him wholeheartedly in looking for it. He'll wonder what has come over you, but instead of cricket, he'd want to score with you! You both have had a field day calling each other names and biting each other's heads off, how about saying 'even stevens' and go back to ground zero? No-talking mode is disruptive. And going into the long night without resolving your differences will give you both a fitful sleep. So, do an IOU, and keep the next instalment of the fight for the next day. For now, cuddle up and snuggle up. Write off sorry notes... you can pour out more venom and breathe more fire into it, but say sorry at the end, and seal it with a kiss before handing it over to your spouse. A night cap for the two can do wonders. You can fix your drinks on your own if you don't want to do it for the other. A few swigs and the alcohol will make you wonder what on earth you were fighting like cats and dogs! If none of the above works, then sleep on two extreme ends, but inch away closer during the night. The rest, need we say more? The fight's been all verbal, time you got physical!! Talk of taking it to the next level. Make love, not war can be your peace or truce cry! And remember one basic funda for being happy… never carry the tiff to next day… each day, at any cost should begin with lots of happiness and of course, Love!

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Relationship and commitment – make these walk together! February 10, 2012 12:32

Falling in and out of love has become more common than anything these days. not many are able to sustain their romantic relationship to a committed one… for a change let us try working on our romantic relationship to sustain in the longer run as well… let us know how can we bring commitment work in our relationship; What makes a healthy love relationship? Staying involved with each other. Some relationships get stuck in peaceful coexistence, but without truly relating to each other and working together. While it may seem stable on the surface, lack of involvement and communication increases distance. When you need to talk about something important, the connection and understanding may no longer be there. Keeping outside relationships and interests alive.No one person can meet all of our needs, and expecting too much from someone can put a lot of unhealthy pressure on a relationship. Having friends and outside interests not only strengthens your social network, but brings new insights and stimulation to the relationship, too. Communicating.Honest, direct communication is a key part of any relationship. When both people feel comfortable expressing their needs, fears and desires, trust and bonds are strengthened. Critical to communication are nonverbal cues—body language like eye contact, leaning forward or away, or touching someone’s arm. How to keep ‘commitment’ alive in relationship? Be sensitive to what your partner likes. While touch is a key part of a healthy relationship, it’s important to take some time to find out what your partner really likes. Unwanted touching or inappropriate overtures can make the other person tense up and retreat—exactly what you don’t want. Think about playful ways to surprise your partner, like bringing flowers or a favorite movie home unexpectedly. Learn from the “play experts” together. Playing with pets or small children can really help you reconnect with your playful side. If it’s something you do together, you also learn more about your partner and how he or she likes to have fun. Make a habit of laughing together whenever you can. Most situations are not as bleak as they appear to be when you approach them with humor. Relationship advice for getting through life’s ups and downs Don’t take out your problems on your partner. Life stresses can make us short tempered. If you are coping with a lot of stress, it might seem easier to vent with your partner, and even feel safer to snap at him or her. Fighting like this might initially feel like a release, but it slowly poisons your relationship. Find other ways to vent your anger and frustration. Be open to change. Change is inevitable in life, and it will happen whether you go with it or fight it. Flexibility is essential to adapt to the change that is always taking place in any relationship, and it allows you to grow together through both the good times and the bad. Don’t ignore problems. Whatever problems arise in a romantic relationship, it’s important to face them together as a couple. If an aspect of the relationship stops working, don’t simply ignore it but address it with your partner. Things change, so respond to them together as they do.

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Love and Marriage – Two separate entities? February 09, 2012 13:35

The popular notion about marriage and love is that they are synonymous, that they spring from the same motives, and cover the same human needs. Like most popular notions this also rests not on actual facts, but on superstition. Marriage and love have nothing in common; they are as far apart as the poles; are, in fact, antagonistic to each other. No doubt some marriages have been the result of love. Not, however, because love could assert itself only in marriage; much rather is it because few people can completely outgrow a convention. There are to-day large numbers of men and women to whom marriage is naught but a farce, but who submit to it for the sake of public opinion. At any rate, while it is true that some marriages are based on love, and while it is equally true that in some cases love continues in married life, I maintain that it does so regardless of marriage, and not because of it. On the other hand, it is utterly false that love results from marriage. On rare occasions one does hear of a miraculous case of a married couple falling in love after marriage, but on close examination it will be found that it is a mere adjustment to the inevitable. Certainly the growing-used to each other is far away from the spontaneity, the intensity, and beauty of love, without which the intimacy of marriage must prove degrading to both the woman and the man. From infancy, almost, the average girl is told that marriage is her ultimate goal; therefore her training and education must be directed towards that end. Like the mute beast fattened for slaughter, she is prepared for that. Yet, strange to say, she is allowed to know much less about her function as wife and mother than the ordinary artisan of his trade. It is indecent and filthy for a respectable girl to know anything of the marital relation. Oh, for the inconsistency of respectability, that needs the marriage vow to turn something which is filthy into the purest and most sacred arrangement that none dare question or criticize. Yet that is exactly the attitude of the average upholder of marriage. The prospective wife and mother is kept in complete ignorance of her only asset in the competitive field---sex. Thus she enters into life-long relations with a man only to find herself shocked, repelled, outraged beyond measure by the most natural and healthy instinct, sex. It is safe to say that a large percentage of the unhappiness, misery, distress, and physical suffering of matrimony is due to the criminal ignorance in sex matters that is being extolled as a great virtue. Nor is it at all an exaggeration when I say that more than one home has been broken up because of this deplorable fact. Of course, marriage is not as practical and mechanical it appears though. If we believe for any relationship there should be a bonding, love and understanding, a bit of adjustment, the nature of forgiving and the mind set of accepting the other person for what he is, even all these are applicable to the relationship of marriage as well. So, be it a love or arranged marriage, it is up to the couple to how to take it further. And though love and marriage can be considered as two separate entities, they can be always bought together, for a more meaningful and happy life…

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Love is lost? Gain back… February 08, 2012 11:38

Break up and make up are part and parcel of any relationships and romantic relationships in particular. But, some break ups bring your romantic relationship itself to an end. However, the actual end for any relationship is in you… It is your relationship after all. If you still cannot get over your ex and feel the reason for your break up is due to complete misunderstanding that can be solved, all you need is a last ‘try’, then here are few suggestions for you, that can help you to get back to your ‘ex’; After a breakup people make the biggest mistake of begging their ex to take them back. I know it seems like the right thing to do right after a breakup BUT IT’S NOT. In fact, it is the worst thing you can do at this moment. Nobody wants to be with a needy person. Pleading and being needy is unattractive and is only going to push your ex further away from you. It will only make them think that they made the right decision by breaking up with you. The Doormat Syndrome in relationships is going out of your way, sacrificing your own happiness to please your partner. It means accepting everything that your partner wants you to do without having any demands of your own just to get back with them. If you find yourself saying things like, “Please stay, I will do anything for you” then you may be suffering from the doormat syndrome. People go out to have a few drinks trying to have a good time and the next thing they know they are calling their ex and making a fool out of themselves. Avoid this at all cost. You have to make yourself scarce if you want to get your ex back (explained in STEP 2 of this plan). Texting them all the time and calling them just shows that you are too needy and don’t have anything else to do. As I said before, being needy is unattractive and you want to avoid this at all cost. The logical approach to get your ex back seems that you should tell them how much you care for them and how much you love them as soon as possible before it’s too late. But trust me it’s not a good idea. Well, chances are your ex knows that you love them and they know how much you care for them. In fact, if they were in a relationship with you, then they care for you too. But they decided to breakup anyways, didn’t they? “I love you” and “I really really care for you” isn’t what your ex needs to hear right now. Smothering them with affection may even push them further away. Getting back your ex is a technique. You need to work on letting him know how important you are to him, without losing yourself respect…

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