The game of love… February 07, 2012 16:12
If life itself is a game, then so is love… but, yes, there is a lot of emotion and feelings involved in the game of love. And if you aspire to win in the game of love, not only you require a perfect partner, but you should also keep up that ‘love and happiness’ that blossoms your relationship, forever; Just be yourself at the cost of some small changes in your behavior that could make a major positive difference in your relationship… If you wake up beside him in the bed, snuggle next to him and put your head on his chest, and put his arm around you. He'll love that feeling of protecting you with his strong arm holding you close. If you are there when he arrives, take his brief case or bag and set it down. Immediately start massaging his shoulders while he is standing. Lead him over to a chair and sit him down, while you continue to relax him. You don't have to be an expert masseuse. This will help to ease the tension of a hard days work. As you are massaging him ask him how was his day. And really listen as he tells you. If you feel your massaging skills are a little rusty, no problem, just Google "massage techniques" for some ideas. Hey, it's his birthday. Don't order a cake from the bakery. Simply find an easy cake recipe on Google, and bake the cake yourself. If you feel you don't have the time to do this or just dont want do. It's still easy. Go to any grocery store: Buy 1 box of Betty Crocker, Pillsbury or other cake mix. Follow the easy baking instructions on the package, Add icing to the finished cake and put your special message on the icing using a different color icing or a tube of icing (which is easy to write with).The tube of icing is easily found in the cake mix isle at almost any grocery store. He'll love that you took the time out to bake it yourself. No matter what the disagreement or situation, wait until you both get alone to iron out the problem. This cannot be stressed enough. A man's male ego is a super powerful source of strength. If you knock his ego down in front of his friends or relatives, you may crush him so bad that it will be very hard for him to forgive you. He may want to forget about the incident but his friends may remind him, or just being around them can be a constant reminder of how you dissed him in their eyesight. If he initiates the conversation, be breif with your comments or answers to his questions. Don't add conversation about the kids and school problems, leaky faucet troubles, bill problems, etc. Treat his TV time just like you would if you were at the movie theatre, and quietly respect the relaxing and enjoyable atmosphere. It doesn't hurt to hear the words once in a while. When was the last time you told him? Just don't think that he is supposed to know you love him since you're still with him after all these years. Actually say the words "I Love You" to him daily or a few times a week. Watch the difference it makes in his love expressions to you. Let him take care of you physically, financially, and gallantly. This will keep your husband happy. Chivalry is alive and well.
Read MoreYou need to be beautiful February 07, 2012 12:05
To look beautiful, you need to be healthy. Though this is the age old statement, these days that actually has time to make all the effort to look healthy? Everything has become ‘instant’ these days. Even when it comes to our look, we prefer that quick make up that can cover all our negatives of us, and only elevate our beauty. But, frankly answer yourself, though your make up can cover all that has be unseen, it will for sure cannot hide certain like pimples, acne, dark circles and that life less skin. All these troubles could be overcome only by working for healthy you first, that can make your skin healthy and then give that ‘Queen’ like to you. So, here are some tips that can make you healthy and achieve your dream look; • Plan what to eat and what not. In fact, plan every meal of yours and make sure you follow the same no matter what. I suppose you are aware of what to eat and what not. • You know that our body requires, not only nutrition, but also some fats and carbohydrates and of course, good cholesterol. So, include all these in your diet plan, but make sure everything should be in moderate. • It’s not only about eating healthy. It is also about how good you are enjoying what you are eating. Losing weight is no more a punishment, but bliss. See, all these would make your result more fruitful. • Fruits and vegetables and also green leafy vegetables are no more boring, but are very colorful and yummy to eat. So, love them, only then you can accept the fact that you are away from all that junk food. • It is not only proteins all the time, but even calcium that is essential to transform yourself healthy. So, go for it. • Sugar and Salt are slow poisons for your health. So, do not take not much of either of them. This does not mean you can go for artificial sugar in take as well. It is just that the more you avoid all those unhealthy food, the more soon you would achieve health. • Dinner at 7.30 to 8 pm is a right option. Just think re, if you eat all those snacks and have a cup of tea or coffee at 7 pm, and dinner at 10 pm, this way you are eating more and your entire health cycle goes upside down. So, just stick to your timings well. • Who said juices are not good? Either you eat the fruit or make a juice of it and drink; it is one and the same. It is just that, do not include sugar, harmful eyes and unhealthy water in it. Rest all would be perfect. So, start transforming healthy you soon, to be beautiful you!
Read MoreKnow the difference before ending up wrong… February 03, 2012 12:43
Or not only end up screwing your own life, but also the other’s life who is committed to you, thinking that even you love him… but, the fact is you only ‘like’ him and this would be known to you, only when you meet the person whom you ‘love’… the difference between ‘like’ and ‘love’ is not less than any riddle. But, the necessity knows the same and only getting in to a committed relationship with the love of your life. Otherwise, the rest of your relationship would be filled with ‘adjustments’ and making your partner happy… Then how do you find out if you like this ‘special’ person in your life or you ‘LOVE’ him? The following analysis that I have found out through a search might help you… well, this has helped me to actually analyzewhereI stand in my relationship; In front of the person you love, your heart beats fasterBut in front of the person you like , you get happy. In front of the person you love, winter seems like springBut in front of the person you like, winter is just a beautiful winter. If you look into the eyes of the one you love, you blushBut if you look into the eyes of the one you like, you smile. In front of the person you love, you can' t say everything on your mindBut in front of the person you like, you can. In front of the person you love, you tend to get shyBut in front of the person you like, you can show your ownself. Then person you love comes into your mind every 2 minutes.You can't look straight into the eyes of the one you loveBut you can always smile into the eyes of the one you like. When the one you love is crying, you cry with themBut when the one you like is crying, you end up comforting. The feeling of love starts from the eyeAnd the feeling of like starts from the ear. So if you stop liking a person you used to likeAll you need to do is cover your ears,But if you try to close your eyesLove turns into a drop of tear and remains in your heart forever after. One last advice for the day, you would be happy only by getting in a relationship with a person whom you are in ‘love’ completely…
Read MoreLet love blossom all the time… February 02, 2012 11:41
February is a month that is always been special for all those who are in love or want to make their love blossom… if not the entire month, let us talk about various phases of Love for the first 14 days of this month… so, let us start answering the most thought about aspect of love and that is sustaining this ‘LOVE’ in your relationship, which in another case is not possible for a longer time, as told to me… A great lover has certainly said: "The best way to love is to love like you have never been hurt."Never say goodbye when you still want to try.Never give up when you still feel you can take it.Never say you don't love a person when you can't let go. What a thought right? Let us give the same a proper and understandable picture. It seems creating and sustaining a loving relationship takes HARD WORK. It takes patience, consideration, humility, endurance, kindness, selflessness and truth. It takes believing that the one you have chosen to be your mate has your best interest at heart. It takes the willingness to be tolerant of the differences...And most of all, it takes a mutual commitment. There is nothing in life more rewarding than relating to another person in a caring, compassionate, and committed way. Today, people jump into relationships head first and break their neck. True love grows, it takes time. It takes nurturing, intimacy, and getting to know one another. A loving relationship is something to appreciate; it allows the sharing of experiences, likes and dislikes. Love grows when we begin appreciating the relationship itself and as we apply our physical connection and physical and psychological needs to each other, and as we begin to rely upon, care for, and trust each other. Certainly there needs to be an attraction to one another, but we are not attracted by our differences in what we eat, our taste in movies, television shows, home decor, clothes, cat or dog preference, pictures, or how we spend our time. The old adage "opposites attract" has a lot of truth to allows us to expand our horizons. It keeps life fun and interesting and helps complete us. We are attracted however, by another’s creativity, ambition, humor, spontaneity, and physical features, perhaps a giggle, a wiggle in her walk and her intelligence, or his height, physique, and wit. Well, let's look at the good things about having a relationship. A relationship provides companionship, affection, entertainment, support, and caring. It allows us to share responsibilities and combine our abilities and assets: mental, physical, emotional, and financial. Scripture says, Two are better than one, because they have a good [more satisfying] reward for their labor; For if they fall, the other can reach out and help. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up! People who are alone when they fall are in real trouble. And on a cold night, two lie down together under the same blanket can gain warmth from each other. But how can one be warm alone?" In order to create and sustain a loving relationship, we must put our fears aside. "For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and a sound mind. Be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another”. Never give up on love, for love is the light into our being. Put out the light of love, we put out the light of our soul. finally, for today, "Better to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all."
Read MoreShort temper… a hurdle for our future… February 01, 2012 10:51
Of course, it is proven the calmer and composed we are the more chances for us to grow in our lives… but, despite of knowing all these, we just loose our temper when anything un expected happens with us… how to stop reacting in these kind of situations is a biggest challenge. Well, let us know how to manage our short temper; Counting to 10 isn't just for kids. Before reacting to a tense situation, take a few moments to breathe deeply and count to 10. Slowing down can help defuse your temper. If necessary, take a break from the person or situation until your frustration subsides a bit. As soon as you're thinking clearly, express your frustration in an assertive but no confrontational way. State your concerns and needs clearly and directly, without hurting others or trying to control them. Physical activity can provide an outlet for your emotions, especially if you're about to erupt. If you feel your anger escalating, go for a brisk walk or run, or spend some time doing other favorite physical activities. Physical activity stimulates various brain chemicals that can leave you feeling happier and more relaxed than you were before you worked out. In the heat of the moment, it's easy to say something you'll later regret. Take a few moments to collect your thoughts before saying anything — and allow others involved in the situation to do the same. Instead of focusing on what made you mad, work on resolving the issue at hand. Does your child's messy room drive you crazy? Close the door. Is your partner late for dinner every night? Schedule meals later in the evening — or agree to eat on your own a few times a week. Remind yourself that anger won't fix anything, and might only make it worse. Managing your anger is not only necessary for your professional, but also to run your personal life on a smoother note. So, stop getting angry and losing your temper for all those un important things in life and start managing the same similar to all the other aspects in life you have been managing…
Read MoreIs your Partner Insecure? January 31, 2012 15:06
Everything would be good in initial stages of relationship… once you would get to know your Partner for certain time, you would be knowing the reality about him as well… when you have known he is the most ‘insecure’ person and in turn has become a hurdle to your peace with his insecurity, rather than thinking about your relationship, think to deal with his mentality first. Even then things don’t work out, and then your life is definitely in your hands; The reasons for insecurity differ from person to person. If the person is your partner/spouse, he/she might have had a problematic relationship in the past, which might have left scars. As a result, he /she may be lacking confidence in the present relationship with you. He/she may project the insecurity in different ways, which might seem to be beyond your limit of tolerance. In such a situation, it is better to explore the root cause for their insecurity, uproot it (if possible) and deal with the person with love and a lot of patience. People often become insecure if they are not given the importance they deserve. For instance, if you ignore a person or give less importance to him/her in front of others, it might leave him/her edgy, wanting to control you more, especially when you are with a group of friends. Hence, show due importance to the person so that he/she doesn’t feel insecure when you mingle with others. It is very important to spend quality time with an insecure person. This is because lack of effective communication may make him/her think that you do not care about him/her. Consequently, he/she may lack confidence in the relationship with you. Increase the number of outings or dates with him/her and secure him/her with your presence. This will help the person open up and have faith in the relationship. He/she may even tell you the reason for being insecure. If the person has done something nice for you, be considerate to acknowledge it. Lack of appreciation may hurt the person and the relationship that you share with him/her may get affected badly. Do not miss out on an opportunity to appreciate him/her for whatever good he/she has done to you. Whether small or big, his/her achievements or good deeds should be given the due respect and appreciations, making him feel secure. One of the most apparent reasons for insecurity in people is ego clashes. Ego should not pose as a hurdle in maintaining or developing a good relationship, be it with your spouse, colleagues or friends. People often feel insecure in relationships where the other person is more successful than they are. The best way to deal with an insecure person would be to avoid ego clashes. This can be done by appreciating the person for his/her own achievements. He/she won’t mind if you are climbing the ladder of success faster, provided you appreciate and spend time with him/her as well. There is always your effort to be put on, before taking any decision of quitting or accepting anything, be it in a relationship or on a professional front…
Read More‘Stress’… not so bad? January 30, 2012 11:44
Nothing is bad… not even ‘Stress’… be it vague or known more about the same, we have been hearing Stress is not so bad as it sounds… certain amount of stress is good for our health and mental stability as well. to know more, read further; In the past several years, a lot of us have convinced ourselves that stress is unequivocally negative for everyone, all the time. We've blamed stress for a wide variety of problems, from slight memory lapses to full-on dementia—and that's just in the brain. We've even come up with a derisive nickname for people who voluntarily plunge into stressful situations: they're "adrenaline junkies." Sure, stress can be bad for you, especially if you react to it with anger or depression or by downing five glasses of Scotch. But what's often overlooked is a common-sense counterpoint: in some circumstances, it can be good for you, too. It's right there in basic-psychology textbooks. As some psychologists say, “some stress is healthy and necessary to keep us alert and occupied." Yet that's not the theme that's been coming out of science for the past few years. "The public has gotten such a uniform message that stress is always harmful”, a developmental psychologist at Johns Hopkins University. "And that's too bad, because most people do their best under mild to moderate stress." Many have their own views about Stress or ‘Good Stress… out of them, some say, "We never tell people stress is good for them," one said. Another allowed that it might be, but only in small ways, in the short term, in rats. What about people who thrive on stress, I asked—people who become policemen or ER docs or air-traffic controllers because they like seeking out chaos and putting things back in order? Aren't they using stress to their advantage? No, the researchers said, those people are unhealthy. "This business of people saying they 'thrive on stress'?It's nuts," Bruce Rabin, a distinguished psychoneuroimmunology’s, pathologist and psychiatrist at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, told me. Some adults who seek out stress and believe they flourish under it may have been abused as children or permanently affected in the womb after exposure to high levels of adrenaline and cortisol, he said. Even if they weren't, he added, they're "trying to satisfy" some psychological need. Was he calling this a pathological state, I asked—saying that people who feel they perform best under pressure actually have a disease? He thought for a minute, and then: "You can absolutely say that. Yes, you can say that." If not all these analysis, let us think from the basic. What is life if it is with no tensions, deadlines, issues or down falls? If we do not experience all the negative phase of our lives, then how can we enjoy the happiness of success? So, just as life is a circle so as all that stress and happiness that comes after undergoing a lot of tension. The only thing is, nothing is permanent and we need to tune our mindset into the same… this makes us tougher, our mind set to be open to take any kind of challenges, and in turn makes us a complete individual... The next time you are stressed out, just think even ‘Stress is a Bliss’!
Read MoreYou’re Idea of a Crazy weekend! January 28, 2012 10:04
Weekends are most of the time special and beautiful… what if you plan this weekend that would make you go crazy, completely? There would be a desire in us to just go crazy, live life the way we want to… if not all though our life, just practice the same at least for 2 long days and get back to a proper start of a good week. And for that, apart from going crazy, you can; If you don't have a specific place or destination in mind, this will free up more options about where you can enjoy your weekend. While your usual favorite vacation spot might be booked to the hilt, treat this as an opportunity to discover somewhere new. As such, when searching for places to visit and stay, be prepared to say yes to destinations that are showing up as "available". Just be flexible enough to adapt any last moment changes. It can be very disappointing and frustrating to realize that you've left long weekend vacation planning to the last minute. Fuming over it won't change it though, and it's best to just expect to get the most out of the weekend and to enjoy the choices you are able to make. Whether it's a flight to Acapulco, a trip to an unknown US destination, or simply a leisurely daily amble down to your local festive park, make the most of it and remember the purpose behind the weekend. Think laterally when choosing a destination on an already-crowded and busy weekend. This could be a great time to open up a family cabin for summer use, or it could be a good weekend to do gardening at your vacation cottage. If you have stressed studying teens and young adults around the house, this can also be a great chance to let them have the weekend at home to study while you simply get on with going out a lot or catching up with friends. See the silver lining in whatever choices you make at the last minute. Any plans to travel, don’t take too much baggage. This can ensure that you get better flight deals if you only have on-board baggage. The more people involved in planning a last-minute trip, the more complaints you're likely to hear and the less likely you will be to get anything decided. Listen to what others have to say but make a firm decision that actually sees you all doing something rather than nothing. The price of fuel, dining, hotel charges, and events might be more over the weekend. You will need to budget for these possible increases or find ways to work around them. You can also simply do nothing, just follow your instinct, do not even think a bit and let your heart rule this weekend, go and surprise any old friend of yours and even your loved ones, watch all those hilarious comedy movies and go crazy watching them and bursting out in laughter, eat and eat until the week start, dance to your best loved tunes, shop for yourself whatever you like and the list goes on and on and on…
Read MoreThe Art of ‘letting go off’… January 27, 2012 12:16
It is not so very easy to ‘let go off things’ when it comes to handling any real time situation.. because, life is not just all those that is in books or some gyaan sessions, but it involves lot more emotions and each individual thought process to get on certain situation… even though, the mind set of letting go off certain things in your live and even in your past would be a better way of living your future… and for that, you can; When others around you see you COMPLETELY lose it over the dent in your car door, they aren’t feeling sorry for you and wondering how they can help. They are subconsciously judging you and coming to one inescapable conclusion: you aren’t in control of your life. If something this small throws you off, imagine how you’d react to a REAL problem in life. Overreacting tells the people around you that you can’t be trusted to deal with important issues. You’re not the goto guy (or gal) when they’re in need, because you can’t even take care of yourself. Did you ever realize that when you get upset at someone who cuts you off in traffic, they generally never even know? Usually they speed off never the wiser to your insults and gestures. By getting angry, you’re doing zero harm to them while simultaneously hurting yourself even more. That doesn’t make much sense, and is a waste of your precious time and energy. So you’re sitting there in rush hour traffic about ready to tear your hair out. Train yourself to go right into gratitude, and start listing what you’re grateful for and what good can come from this situation. Maybe its the perfect time to make a phone call to a loved one you’ve been putting off. Maybe you can get some “reading” done on that audio book you’re listening to and be grateful for the chance to learn something new. Maybe its just a chance to put things in perspective and marvel at how far technology has come. After all, primitive mankind would have had to walk this distance. You get to SIT in an air conditioned chair barely pushing the accelerator. Unsuccessful people are REACTIVE. They are a leaf blowing in the wind, the world is happening around them, and they are just trying to stay alive. When something bad happens, someone did it TO them and they take it personally. They get caught up in the victim mentality and take every opportunity to let people know it. Successful people, on the other hand, are PROACTIVE. They make things happen in life and are on a mission. And by golly, they aren’t going to let some silly parking ticket take them off their mission. Instead, they say to themselves “these things happen” and move on to more important tasks. Now, it is completely up to you, how do you want to transform yourself, as a Successful or a Unsuccessful person…
Read More26th January… any other holiday? January 26, 2012 13:17
Just like all those festivals and week offs, is 26th January just any other holiday? Or there is something more than this? let us try to know about the same, first; Although India obtained its independence on 15 August 1947, it did not yet have a permanent constitution; instead its laws were based on the modified colonial Government of India Act 1935, and the country was a Dominion, with George VI as head of state and Earl Mountbatten as Governor General. On 28 August 1947, the Drafting Committee was appointed to draft a permanent constitution, with Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar as chairman. While India's Independence Day celebrates its freedom from British Rule, the Republic Day celebrates the coming into force of its constitution. A draft constitution was prepared by the committee and submitted to the Assembly on 4 November 1947. The Assembly met, in sessions open to public, for 166 days, spread over a period of 2 years, 11 months and 18 days before adopting the Constitution. After many deliberations and some modifications, the 308 members of the Assembly signed two hand-written copies of the document (one each in Hindi and English) on 24 January 1950. Two days later, the Constitution of India became the law of all the Indian lands. The Constitution of India was passed on 26 November 1949, 10.18 AM IST, but it came into effect completely only on 26 January 1950. Following elections on 21 January 1950, Rajendra Prasad was elected as the president of India. The Indian National Congress and other parties had been celebrating 26 January as a symbol of Independence, even before India actually became independent. Thus, applying the constitution on 26 January, to mark and respect 26 January and the freedom struggle and the freedom fighters. So, it is a basic idea of us to remember and know about all those freedom fighters who have contributed to the peace of our country. And also to know about all those legends who are protecting our peace by risking and letting go off their lives at border… When all these people are doing so much to our country and us, in the name of love for the nation, why cannot we by recollecting them at least today? Be it watching all those movies on freedom fighters, army people, spending some time in sharing whatever your knowledge about the same is with youngsters among your neighborhood or some other thing about memorizing them, just let us contribute the same today…
Read MoreBreak in ‘Relationship’? For better or worst… January 25, 2012 12:46
This could be one of the reasons why ‘Break KeBaad’ was a successful film… in films, anything and everything can be accepted, but can we apply the same logic in life as well? is it really necessary to take a break in a ‘relationship’? is this possible in any way? Does taking a break in ‘relationship’ will help for better or would create more problems? Let’s have an idea; Many times, one or both people in a relationship will lose themselves in some way or form and will begin to feel stress and resentment in the relationship, even though it may not be about their partner personally. In every relationship, couples will compromise their differences to keep things healthy and happy and in making these compromising and changes, you both have to let go of a part of yourselves in order to compromise your differences. Sometimes this happens so often, that one or both of you will feel like you have completely lost yourselves and will feel stressed and resentment towards each other, even though it has nothing to do with any of you in particular. Relationships can get so deep- and you both can connect as ' one ' so intensely that you neglect yourselves as individuals, and in order to re-discover yourselves, there will need to be some time apart from each other. Remember, you need to be whole as an individual first in order to be whole together as a couple, and time apart is best if one or both of you feel like you need to get back in touch with your individuality. Some couples get so excited when they enter a relationship, that everything moves so fast, which can get stressful, pressuring and scary, in which a break is then a good idea as well. Taking time apart can help a relationship build a better bond because you will both replenish yourselves during the break and will then be able to give the relationship the efforts and attention needed to keep it healthy? If you are afraid that you will lose the relationship if you take a break, just remember that you would have broken up later anyway- not because of the break, but because you grew apart, had irreparable issues or maybe your partner (or you) just wanted to move on. So do not fear what is not in your control. Just stay calm and see what good a break can do for both of you and your relationship. Besides, you both owe it to yourselves to get back in touch with your individualities and learn more new things about yourself, so that you will be able to teach your partner more about you- and the more you know about each other, the more you will understand your differences and will be able to build the connection that works best for the both of you. Suggestions or ideas stay at their place… but, it is up to you the situations that you have been facing with your partner in your relationship… if you are really confused and not able to take any decision, then take a ‘break’!
Read MoreWork load? Take a break… January 24, 2012 11:54
You get stressed out, irritated and loose interest in your daily routine when your life becomes too routine to enjoy… be it work or you are a home maker, you taking a break from your routine is necessary for your peace… Find some more reasons for you to take a break from routine, relating to various examples of ‘me’; My vacation allowed me to take a break and rejuvenate. I was stress free for the first time in 30 years. I didn’t have any deadlines or have to worry about being home to take a phone call. I could step away from my desk for a few hours without worrying about whether or not a client or “boss” will be upset with me for my absence. Of course, making money is very important, especially if we don’t want to dumpster dive for sustenance. Howeverspending every, afternoon in the pool with my son reminded me of something even more important than money. How many of us work at home to spend time with our kids, but spend more time hunched over our laptops than playing Monopoly? I’ve especially been working on getting the junk out of my trunk. It’s happening slowly but I’m working out and eating right and it feels real good. It’s time to step away from the roly chairs, people. Take a the dog for a walk or enroll in a spinning class. Maybe it’ll take 30 minutes or 60 minutes out of your day but you’re no good to anyone when you’re unhealthy. About ten years ago, when I worked in the accounting department of an upscale retail chain, I remember staring out the window on a beautiful summer day. I told myself if I was ever in a position to not have to go into an office every day, I’d enjoy every bit of every beautiful day. Well, freelancing kept me inside too. Not this year though. I really did stop and smell the roses. Instead of telling friends and family I was busy, I enjoyed my time with them. If I bumped into a neighbor at the supermarket I didn’t rush off saying I had to get back to work. I went out to dinner with friends and enjoyed family picnics. The old sociable Deb came back in full force and workaholic Deb gladly hung out on the back burner. All of this time spent away from other people’s projects, allowed me to focus on my own. I have so many new ideas. Not just for FWJ but for many different projects. Stepping back allowed those creative juices to start flowing again. Freelance writers spend all their time catering to others. If we’re not trying our hardest to please clients, we’re working at pleasing our families. Sometimes we need to make it about us. If there’s one thing I learned this summer, it’s that I’m not selfish for wanting to do a few things for me. I suppose these reasons are enough for you to take a break from routine… so, go for it!
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