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Have a healthy financial plan for a better life! May 30, 2012 13:30

Its not about how well paid you are to save a better amount... it can also be about how well you are planning your salary and dividing the difference of necessities, luxuries and simple those costs that are waste but nothing... at times, even on knowing these we live in a statement, 'Ignorance is a bliss'... if you want to live in reality and plan your finances better, then have a look at the following and analyze your situation to the best; The first step towards reducing common household expenses is to figure out what you are currently spending your money on, and to plan what you would like to do with your money. Yes, this means, a budget! Now, somewhere throughout time, the word "budget" has gotten a bad rap. That's silly! With so many options to fit your lifestyle, your budget should be personalized and effortless (after you get it started), making it number one on the list of easiest ways to save money. Got your budget together? Perfect. Now its time to talk about something altogether less pleasant in the strategies to save money world. Debt. That evil monster that haunts so many of us. Understand something right now: debt, all debt, is bad. I don't care if your debt is credit cards, student loans, a vehicle, or even a home (yep, I said a home). Debt is bad. And the following resources will help you get out of it. The largest expense most families have each month is housing. Whether you own or rent a home, this expense can be staggering. There are several money saving techniques to reduce your housing expenses, even in this economy. Some are rather out of the box ideas, but in this day and age, out of the box works! Here are the easiest ways to save money on housing. Every year or so, it's a good idea to take a few minutes to check out the competition when it comes to insurance. Obviously, if you are getting your health insurance from your husband's place of employment this might not apply to you, but for those who buy these services themselves, a 10 minute call can add up to hundreds in savings; some of the easiest ways to save money. Do you have all the insurance you need? This is an area that many young families neglect until it is too late. Make sure you have the coverage you need. Spending money on insurance might not seem like the best of the strategies to save money, but believe it or not, being protected is a very valuable money saving technique.Another large expense in most households is transportation. With the rising costs of gasoline, and the purchase, repairs and maintenance of a vehicle, this may be a big area where you can trim common household expenses. Following some of these money saving techniques can be some of the easiest ways to save money each month. giving and saving, These two topics are very often overlooked in our society. We do not learn much about them when we are young, and quite often fail to teach our children as well. Strangely, once you start to eliminate excess expenses, you will realize you have more than enough money to give and to save. Learn the easiest ways to save money...your own! above all, you yourself should posses an interest in saving some amount… if you say this is one life and we need to enjoy the fullest, I would also say, we need not end up in debts that would be a hudle for living that one single life of us!

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Criticism… at work/home… handle with ease! May 29, 2012 12:48

Handling Criticism at work or home, especially when you are surrounded with people and some one or a loved one criticizing you for no matter what, is definitely a difficult task and requires lots of positivity in your min... these guidelines could actually help you to handle the situation, if you are actually facing the same; "Who are you to judge?" should help you work out in your mind whether the person is qualified to critique you. If they are someone who has consistently treated you with care, trust, and respect, or a customer, or you know there’s a genuine basis for the criticism, hear them out.If they are someone who claims to be trying to help you and being ‘honest’, while being dishonest about their own part or even deluded about who they are, they are not qualified to be telling you who you are or giving you improvements tips. Accept that you cannot like or love 'everything', just like you cannot be liked and loved by 'everyone'. If you have this burning desire to gain someone’s approval, question it. What do you think you’re going to experience? Even when you do express actual disapproval or they do, it's not the end of life as you know it. Whatever the disapproval is, it doesn’t put a final judgement on someone. What it may do is show a difference in values, which means you’re incompatible. Buh-bye!When you refuse to accept feedback and yes, at times, criticism, you're saying "I have nothing to learn" and "You cannot say anything that I don't like because you’ll upset me." No relationship of any kind, romantic or otherwise, can progress even an inch without the room for respectful feedback and at times, yes, criticism. When you accept that you can and will experience it, you can prepare positively for it, by having the self-esteem and perspective to take it.Don’t react immediately. One of the first things you’ll learn by not having an instant reaction and running with it, is that the sky doesn’t fall down and whatever you think that the worst is, isn’t happening. Don’t reply (if you’re face to face) until you’ve taken a few breaths, relaxed into yourself and feel a bit more balanced. Definitely don’t fire off texts or emails in anger. If you immediately react angrily or defensively, you'll likely end up feeling regretful and then believing that the criticism or manner of conflict was justified even if it wasn’t. You’ll then focus on your reaction and making amends for that, instead of the issue at hand. Someone who adds value to your life, will bite the bullet and say the necessary and the uncomfortable because they want to see you succeed. You’ll also find that someone who is genuinely offering you feedback, isn’t basing the need to or desired outcome on something to do with them.When you deem that someone disapproves of you, whether it’s because they’re not interested, or they make a criticism, or they don’t want the relationship that you want, that doesn’t mean that you are unacceptable. They’re just one person, who I must point out again, are just not that special. Sometimes criticism really isn't about you, which of course is weird to hear when it appears to be directed at you. Sometimes when people lash out, it's also about their own circumstances, especially when you realise that their reaction is so disproportionate to the matter at hand, it sure as hell isn’t all about you. Is there any truth in the criticism? What is it that you don't like about it? You don't have to accept a criticism in its entirety, but if you do recognise the truth, don't ignore it. It's OK to compromise, which is finding a solution that you can both live with, but this is very different to compromising yourself by sacrificing your boundaries and values. Make sure that you recognise the difference. You’re not a child anymore, so make sure that you look at criticism and conflict through adult eyes and adjust your perspective. Now that you're an adult, how would you teach a child how to cope with not always hearing what they want to or dealing with conflict? Now pass some of that advice on to you. Own your right to express disapproval and to deal with or even instigate conflict, and you will respect the right of people to express their disapproval or to instigate their own conflict. You don’t have to like it and neither do they, but this is better than feeling victimised when you silence yourself or go against you.

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The art of being content with life... May 28, 2012 11:43

I would say 'Stress' is the mother of all the problems that first rule our mind and soon pass on to body as well... many times, in fact very often on a holiday or on a weekend when you get a break from your daily routine, you start feeling there is ‘something’ missing in your life, despite of having everything 'perfect' in your life, according to your will... Just as we design our favorite outfit, so as life is an art of designing and living to be happy… let us learn to be ‘content’ and 'fulfilled' with life; Keep life simple Far too many of us are always over analyzing and looking for the most complicated way of doing things in life. Sometimes life was meant to be simple – a walk through the park, a simple yes or no answer, or a quiet evening with the family. Don’t try and clutter your life with unnecessary decisions by making everything complicated and complex. Keep it simple! Practice being satisfied How many times have you heard someone say, “If only I had a few more money, I’d…” or “If I just had another day off I could….”? Many people don’t know how to be satisfied with what life gives them. They are so busy wanting more that they squander what life has already given them. Beware of indecision Nobody said life is easy, and sometimes you have to make the tough choices. Never put off a decision that you can make today. You may miss some of the best and most exciting opportunities in the world because you were indecisive. Successful people didn’t get where they were at by prolonging or going back and forth on decisions! Practice cheerfulness You’ve heard it before, and you’ll hear it here again – it only takes a few muscles to smile! You would be surprised at how well being cheerful to others can spread like wildfire. We live in a society where it seems that glumness is the rule of order. A simple smile or kind word can spread through our culture like wildfire – not only will you feel better, but those who interact with you will feel better! Learn to like people You don’t have to love everyone you encounter, so learn to like people – especially those who are different than yourself. Often you won’t agree with everything they do, or maybe all of their beliefs, but by learning to get along with them you will open your mind up to change – a critical trait that is absolutely necessary in today’s world. Don’t take yourself so seriously Here is a secret: it’s ok to be a little goofy now and then! You only get one shot at this life, so make the most of it. Have some fun and show those around you that you know how to have fun. You aren’t the greatest gift to mankind this world has ever had – so don’t act like it! You may find you add years to your life, not to mention a ton of laughter! Have a sense of humor Laugh, joke, and now and then pick up a cream pie and throw it! Laughter has been shown to help people live longer, reduce their blood pressure, and help them relate to people from around the world. Practice objectivity Be objective in your decision-making and risk-taking. Know the facts and avoid letting racial, social, or any other type of bias influence your decisions. Great leaders perform their best when they act based on facts, not on emotion or prejudices. Become a great leader in your life. Tolerate your own mistakes You will make mistakes – in fact, you will make so many mistakes you will never be able to list them all. Learn that mistakes happen and the best thing you can do is to learn from them. Don’t spend your entire life dwelling on a mistake you made years ago – learn from it and move on. The world isn’t going to wait while you live in the past. It’s just one life, just doesn’t end up learning, but live your life to the fullest…

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Transparency in relationships... always good? May 26, 2012 10:43

Just like not letting your partner know everything about you, just being an open book could also cause problems in your relationship in long run... but, there should be an idea of what to tell and what not to your partner... here is an attempt to make you have an idea about what could be the aspects that your partner has to know about you; Marriage is a lot different than when you two were dating. The "honeymoon" phase is over and life may seem to have gotten a bit on the monotonous side. You may face the same routines over and over again and feel a bit on the trapped side. It's OK to have these feelings. I'm sure all married couples go through the rut of monotony at a point or two in their marriages. But if you really want the marriage to work you have to open up. Again I point out the communication skills you were born with. Your spouse will never know how unhappy you really are unless you open up and tell him. There is nothing wrong with being open and honest about your feelings. Opening up about being unhappy is a good way to express what you want, and where you want your marriage to go from here on out. And the man who vowed to love you through anything will respect you more for coming clean. So talk about it before the distance separates the two of you. The key is to bring up the touchy subjects like boredom and resentment before the damage is done. And act quickly, no matter how much the subject hurts. It could resolve a lot of issues for the both of you. If the topic of sex is iffy with you, then move on to the next segment. But ladies lets be a little bit honest here. Faking it at times is OK. Faking it ALL the time is not. We have all done it at one point or another in our lives and even, I'm sure, with our spouses. But if your sex life is so unsatisfying that you are faking it all the time just to "get it over with" then you need to sit down with your spouse and talk about it. The topic of sex isn't something we want to sit down and discuss, especially if it is unsatisfying. But the issues should be addressed if you are not being satisfied by your partner. Don't feel like it's your fault that you can't climax, or that it might embarrass or hurt your husbands feelings. Talk with your spouse about the possibility of introducing new techniques or positions to spice it up a bit and help you out in return. Events that are traumatic, be it in childhood, college, or life before your husband, don't always affect us at the exact moment they happen. The trauma of an event could come when you least expect it. So hiding something that happened to you in the past from your spouse could come back to tear you apart later in your marriage if you don't open up about it now. I know things like sexual traumas aren't something most women are ready to tell their respective spouses about the minute the engagement ring is on the finger. These topics are very touchy and sensitive. Often enough, the only thing keeping a woman from telling their spouse about a past abuse or rape is fear. Don't feel embarrassed about opening up to your spouse. And don't feel like you'll be judged either. Your husband is your teammate and should be in your corner no matter what. Ultimately hiding these kinds of secrets can cause undo stress on your marriage and drive the two of you apart. Just give your 100% in your relationship… if works, nothing like it and if not, then please remember nothing of these is the end of your life…

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Are you a back biter? Know yourself... May 25, 2012 15:04

Many times, it so happens that we do not know what is our personality trait exactly, and with the love towards us, we start estimating ourselves at a major extent that is even beyond a reality... here are some examples that make you understand your personality trait of you being a back biter or not... this trait being a major hurdle for your growth as a individual; What you might be saying may be the truth, but never speak of things that you are not authorized to speak about others.  Difference between backbiting and slander is that, backbiting can be true information whereas slander is publishing false information about a person. Even though the information is true, keep yourself off the shelf where people involve in loose talk about another individual. If your word of truth, is like a drop of poison that can contaminate the whole sea, then hold your tongue. When you have an issue with someone, confront the problem, talk to the person concerned about the issue in kind and sincere manner rather than poking and showing fury from behind the back. Whenever you say things about another person and adds that "I will talk about it to the person later on; I don't care doing it" etc.  you are developing a negative relationship. Think about it once again. If you have a problem with someone talks about it within two of you first, before disclosing it to a third person. Confronting helps more than backbiting. It is the natural instinct of human beings to give advices to others and to warn others about the possible harm they might encounter in future. But when this natural talk is about warning a person about the faults and mistakes done by another person, then you are definitely doing the act of backbiting. Speak of the situation, speck of the characteristics that can lead to a worse situation, but when you point out the mistakes of another, you are not warning or advising, you are literally backbiting. When you mention things about another person by stating that the world already knows about it and you are simply repeating what you have heard, remember that you are following the footsteps of hypocrites. Never spread the gist of rumors even though you feel/know that everyone else in world knows "something" about somebody. You are ‘no-one’ to spread the word carried by wind. Whenever you do it, you becoming a part of the clan who judge others without knowing the truth behind the story. Talking 'things' about another person is not a walk in the park. It is one of the most disgusting acts one could ever commit, according to most religious teachings. When you "say" things and comments about another person’s acts or attitudes, behind his back, you are infact ripping off another person’s identity, judging him/her with your own perceptions and enjoying it while you share the poison with others. So, mind your words, when you speak about others. Get rid of this personality trait, before it bites your personality as such!

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All we need is a 'Spark'... May 24, 2012 16:06

We watch our favorite show even after years of it started being aired in the Television… if you question yourself for reason behind this… could be the ‘spark’ in the show, that is alive even after these many years. The favorite of your's bought with a lot of enthusiasm, still remains to be your favorite… this could be because of the ‘spark’ in your eyes, when you see that dress. If the so called 'spark' is so very important that makes you not lose your interest when it comes to your favorite T.V. Show or a dress, it is understood, even after many years of your relationship, ‘spark’ could keep the love and belongingness in your relationship to be alive. If you agree that 'spark' is missing in your relationship, then here are some quick tips you can work on re – creating that ‘spark’; Along with the routines and pressures of everyday life, things have probably become a tad serious. It’s about time you loosened up and had some fun. And that includes the time when you're in and out of bed. So if you think sex has become a duty or a chore to be performed just like any other, then you really need to make it more exciting and fun. Find ways to giggle together and things to laugh about even when you’re in bed. Sharing a naughty joke, tickling each other silly or even staging your personal WWF show to only make things livelier. And to add a twist to it, try playing strip poker – you won’t mind losing at this game! If you're bored with the turn your sex life has taken, it’s probably about time you relooked at things and tried something new. If you’re always doing it with the lights off, why not try diffused lighting, or even better, candlelight or by the fireplace. The play of shadows lends an erotic feel to the experience. Mirrors are a great sexual mood enhancer too. It can be a huge turn-on to watch your reflections and see as well as feel what your partner is doing to you. Expand your knowledge and brush up on your technique by reading up extensively from sex guides. While you may think that practice makes perfect, a little extra education goes a long way! You can always benefit from learning something new. If your partner has gotten used to quickies and doesn’t spend much time on foreplay, don’t fret. Take the initiative to prime yourself beforehand. Gorge on some aphrodisiacs like chocolate or caviar. If you find that reading erotica or watching some steamy movies or porn videos does it for you, go ahead and set the mood. All’s fair in love and lust! If you’ve secretly harbored fantasies of harem girls and been turned on at the thought of being the object of slavish adoration, go ahead and ask your spouse if she will oblige. Or if you’d like him to do a ‘full Monty’ or her to dress up as a French maid, share your secret desires and wishes. As long as it's not too over-the-top you might be surprised how willing your partner is to fulfill your desires and spice up your intimate moments. If you feel inhibited or silly about sharing a fantasy, write it down and ask your partner to do the same. Plan a fantasy-filled weekend when you will both cater to the other’s innermost longings. It's important not to save kissing, hugging and demonstrative shows of affection for when you’re in bed. Pull your partner aside any time through the day, for a hug or a full-on smooch. Don't … lazy and postpone doing something special to make your spouse feel a little happy. selfish and only be a taker…give as much and more than the measure in which you receive. ....assume too much – that you know exactly what turns your partner on, ask occasionally if you can do something different and you might be surprised by the answer. ....feel guilty or be prudish or have preconceived notions of what’s right or wrong. If you are okay with it, do it. ....wait till the end of the day when you’re too tired and all you can think of is sleep. It's also time for a little self-gratification. And doing things together. Give each other a massage or go together for one. This will leave you feeling relaxed, just what you need to get into the mood for a little loving. When she’s sick, take care of her just like she treats you like a little boy and mothers you when you’re sick. Take over the household tasks and don't let her get out of bed if you can help it. Rejuvenate your mind by joining yoga classes or dance to each other’s tune by enrolling in a salsa or ballroom dancing class.

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Is life really beautiful??? May 22, 2012 13:07

I have come across n number of people, who just smile even during their tough times and say, 'Life is full of surprises... life is beautiful'... I was not able to understand how could they be so diplomatic? But, once I have seen their mind set from the other side of coin, I have started believing they are not being 'Diplomatic' but really 'loving their life'.. I have started practicing the same and really finding a remarkable change... do you want to? Then find out the Mantras of living your each day, moment and second, happy; Life is full of surprises. You never know what is going to come next. So, accept the surprises and enjoy each moment. Each day is special and will never come back. Life becomes exciting if it is full of adventures. Be brave and take challenges. Face all the problems and come out as a winner. This will make you happy and satisfied in life. The world is full of many types of people. Not everyone can behave the way you want. So, accept their differences and learn to respect it. You cannot change the world, so it is better to accept the reality and be happy. This way everyone will be free to display their own identity. It is true that the world today is full of greed and selfishness, but this should never affect you. Think about the need of others. Try to do something that will give pleasure to the people around you. Be kind and honest. This will give you peace of mind and immense joy and content. Our thoughts can determine our happiness. A good thought and positive approach toward life can make us happy. There is no use of worrying  about the unknown future. Nobody has the power to predict the future, so it is better to hope for the best and enjoy our life. Never let people rule over your life. Take your own decisions. It is good to ask for advice, but the final decision has to be yours. This will give you confidence and will make you independent. Nothing can relieve you more than a good laughter. Forget the worries of life and laugh at the smallest joys of life. It will make you happy and help you stay healthy. It has been found that laughter produces endorphins that increase life span. Happiness always comes from within. If you are healthy and fit, it is sure to be reflected in your life. Eat right and lead a good life. Our body is precious and we should take care to maintain it in all circumstances. Light yoga, walking, meditation, and various other exercises help to keep away different types of diseases. A sound body and a healthy mind is a perfect combination for a happy life. Talk to your friends and families about different topics. Share your joys as well as sadness with them. They will provide you the love and support you need, and help to make your life more meaningful and secured. Try finding the 'new' you, each day!

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How to act Positive? May 19, 2012 11:09

Each day, at least in one or the other situation, we talk about the power of thinking and being positive… but, of course when it comes to putting these so called thoughts of us in practice, we would fail to do so… at this point of time, I suppose going through this article is necessary for you to reinvent that power of positive thoughts in you; Accept that you are here to grow and evolve. Life doesn't always go smoothly. Not everything is meant to be a joyride or exercise in pleasure. Life's lessons can be difficult, but are more so if you approach them with avoidance and apprehension. If you see them as opportunities to become stronger, wiser and more resilient, you are thinking positively and productively. Learn to turn lemons into lemonade. Look for the lessons to be learned in every situation. Instead of feeling sorry for yourself when things don't go your way, do what you can to make the best of it. You can learn to avoid falling in the same traps, making the same mistakes and by doing so, be the better for it. "A man's errors are his portals of discovery." Believe in yourself. Know that you have what it takes to succeed. Your dreams and goals are an indication where your talents lie and where your true potential is. Needless to say, you must develop your inherent gifts; however, recognize that you have a unique contribution to make. You're one of a kind. Acquire perseverance. When you possess a positive thinking mindset you never give up. You pursue your dreams, your goals and objectives with everything you've got and you don't settle for anything less. That's not to say you won't have roadblocks and various setbacks along the way. It just means that you won't let them stop you! "Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail." Look for inspiration and support. Read about and study the triumphs of others. Many successful people have gone through challenging circumstances to get where they are. Learning about their trials and tribulations can motivate and inspire you to achieve what you desire to achieve. To help you stay positive and focused, garner support from family and friends. "Most of us, swimming against the tides of trouble the world knows nothing about, need only a bit of praise or encouragement - and we will make the goal."  Benefits of Thinking Positively•    Better overall psychological health•    Lower rates of depression•    Longer life expectancy •    Lower stress levels•    Increased resistance to the common cold•    Better stress management and coping skills•    Lower risk of heart disease and related death•    Increased physical well-being So the next time a well-meaning person tells you to think positively, just smile back confidently and let them know that it's part of your everyday, productive mindset.

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Spend your weekend to the fullest! May 18, 2012 16:30

Who does not want to spend a holiday, get rid of all that previous week's stress and get ready for a mind blowing Monday? But, considering this being a mid of the month and budget availability as well, we just don't even think on spending a weekend at all… we end up watching T.V, visiting relatives or friends, who live nearby and more than this, we can’t think anything else… what if I suggest ways to spend your weekend, without spending much of money? Find out how; Go camping but make a rule that you can only take the items at home with you. This puts a bit more challenge on the process. If there is not a free campground locally, camp in the backyard. You can only buy and cook what you have at home. Take games with you to play, too. Take a good look around your house. What do you have sitting around that you have never gotten to take advantage of because you have not had time? Have you slept in that hammock you got for Father’s Day? Have you played that role-playing game with the kids you got over the holidays? How about those bikes hanging in the garage, can you take them down and ride them? What is sitting around that you could do? Take the time to break out the pictures and just relax with the family scrapbooking. Put on a few good movies on television, sit around, and talk about all the memories you have from the pictures you’ve found. You can often make this an event for friends and family, too, not just you. Find out what is going on in your local community that may be free. Is there a concert in the park this weekend? Does the local recreation center have fun activities planned for the kids this weekend? You may find a few activities through churches or charities, too. Participate in a fundraising event so that when the weekend is over, you feel good about yourself. Hang out with a group of friends. This is a fun way to spend the weekend, without spending money. Each family can bring a snack or a covered dish. Play cards with the guys or hang out and chat. You can also spend this time talking with your loved one about your goals or just relaxing without doing anything. All you need to have is zeal to enjoy your life and find a reason to live everyday… life will show you the path!

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Feeling lazy?? Try these to overcome your laziness.. May 17, 2012 18:35

Could be because of the climatic conditions, your food and sleep routine, your mindset and the list goes on and on… there are n number of reasons for you to feel lazy… rather than living a lazy life, let us know how to overcome them with the following measures; We often avoid tasks because we find them too big, too overwhelming, too tiring or taking too much of our time. Breaking a task into several smaller tasks can solve this problem. Then each one will not seem so difficult or intimidating. Instead of having one big task, we will have a series of small tasks, which do not require too much effort. This approach can be applied not only to tasks, but also to goals and everything else we have or need to do. This will tend to melt much of the laziness and inner resistance we often experience. In some cases, laziness is due to being tired and lacking energy. If this is true in your case, you need to give yourself the rest and sleep you need, and also give your body enough exercise and fresh air. In some cases, the reason for laziness is due to lack of motivation. You can strengthen your motivation through affirmations, visualization and thinking about the importance of performing your task or chore or achieving your goal. Frequently reflecting on the person we want to be, the goals we want to achieve, and the life we want to live, can motivate us to act. Focus on doing one thing at a time. If you feel you have a lot to do, you will probably feel overwhelmed and let laziness overcome you, instead of you overcoming laziness. Your imagination has a great influence on your mind, habits and action. Visualize yourself performing the task easily, energetically and enthusiastically. Do so before starting with a task or goal, and also when you feel lazy, or when your mind whispers to you to abandon what you are doing. Tell yourself: "I can accomplish my goal." "I have the energy and motivation to act and do whatever I want or have to do." "Doing things makes me stronger." "Doing things makes things happen." Consider each task as an exercise to make you stronger, more decisive and more assertive. Watch successful people, and how they do not let laziness win. Learn from them, talk with them and associate with them. Overcoming the habit of laziness is achieved through a series of daily actions and activities, when you choose to act, instead of remaining passive. Every time you overcome your laziness you get stronger. Every time you choose to act, you increase your ability to win, achieve goals and improve your life.

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Pressure in life? Know how to handle... May 16, 2012 10:20

Till date you might have heard a lot about how to handle pressure at work, with colleagues and yet manage your tasks affectively... by yourself learned experiences, you might have solved n number of tensions and issues that are a cause of a pain in your life… here are some more guidelines for you to handle pressure in your life;Take time before you react. Study any give situation carefully, think about it and come up with a plan. This is better way to respond than being hasty.Learn how to deal with different kinds of people at work - complainers, aggressive people etc. Develop your listening skills in order to interact better with people and pay attention to improving your communication skills. Here is a useful article - How to be coolStop looking at the clock. When you have to meet a tight deadline, then instead of constantly looking at the clock, focus on the task at hand. Do the task with full concentration. Break bigger tasks down into smaller ones, try to finish the most urgent tasks first and then the low-priority ones. Assign time frames dedicated solely for each particular task.Keep Your Mind In The Present. Winners maintain mental focus in the present. The here and now is where you perform, not the regrets of the past or the uncertainty of the future. Focus on what you are doing, when you do it.You can keep your mind in the present by concentrating fully on the task at hand while you are performing it. In order to improve your concentration while performing tasks, check out my articles:a) Improve concentrationb) How to produce excellent workIf you are focused on the present, you can avoid fears and doubts.Focus on the task and not the outcome. Achievers keep their eye on the journey and not the goal. Having objectives is helpful, but when you execute, stay focused on the process. You cannot completely control the outcome as it can depend on many other factors, some of which may not be in your hands. Enjoy yourself: Relaxation is important if you want to perform any task well. If you are stressed out, then you may not be able to give your 100%. So enjoy the task you are doing, and you will feel relaxed and enthusiastic about it. See my article: How to produce excellent work, for more information on how relaxation can improve quality of work.Tea. The most consumed beverage in the world, tea can increase energy, stimulate brain activity and increase information retention.Healthy snacks. Keep some healthy food at your desk for days when you can’t dash out for lunch. Some good snacks include: cereal bars, dried fruit, and pudding.

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Rejected? Handle it, instead blaming you... May 15, 2012 10:44

A heart break could happen by number of reasons… one of the most known reasons, is being rejected by the person you love the most, and to whom you have kind of dedicated your heart... it is definitely not easy to handle being rejected by that one person... but, it is better to get out of this emotion, before you start feeling guilty and blaming yourself for not living up to the expectation of the other person; Don’t be too proud try and work things out. If you’ve invested years of your life into a person and share a positive history with them, then your a fool if you let pride or the the opinion of others, get in the way of you trying to work things through. However, the desire to do this has to swing both ways, and if one partner is willing to work on the relationship whilst the other is not -  it won’t work. You have to both want to fix what has gone wrong. Tell them exactly how you feel, don’t hold anything back. Why should you? Say what your thinking, how they’ve made you feel, why you feel like you have been treated badly. Let them have it, even if you hurt their feelings with a few home truths. But don’t scream and act like a banshee as this is counterproductive to them actually LISTENING to you, simply speak your truth. If you can’t verbally articulate it, then write it in a letter; but say what needs to be said. Then if you forgot anything, go back and say what you missed, express yourself until you’re empty there is a difference between expressing yourself and stalking, don’t cross that line… But you should bare in mind that you may not get the sort of response you would like, if you get any response at all!  Emptying your heart on their door-step is not about them, it’s about you. Many will tell you, to “say nothing, and act as if you don’t care”. I disagree. If you were so indifferent to the relationship continuing or ending, then why the hell were you in it in the first place? Have some self-respect and sense of perspective. When a person you love rejects you, it can be so easy to assume all of  the blame – for everything. “I failed them, I wasn’t good enough, If I’d done x,y,z, they would still be here”. Ra ra ra…. There is nothing further from the truth. When what is clearly a committed relationship comes to an abrupt end, if there have not been several joint attempts to get the relationship back on track, more often than not, this is about the other person and their ‘stuff’ and not about you. Remember that! A person’s failure to communicate their wants, needs, desires and/or feelings of unhappiness -is not your fault. You are not responsible for another persons happiness, ever! And if they feel that YOU are the direct cause of their unhappiness and want to leave, then you need to accept that and let this confused person go. Finally, remember you cannot be liked by one and all and would definitely not left out by those who believe you are their reason to live…

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