Not willing to work? Motivate yourself.. April 23, 2012 13:15
This is what happens at least once in a week and that necessarily need not be a Monday though… you get up, get ready and have a plan what all tasks you need to complete in that day, but ending up taking a leave and even if you are at the Office, doing absolutely nothing, for a simple reason, you don’t want to do it for the heck of doing it… this attitude of yours is acceptable once in a while, what if you end up feeling the same every day? Oh… let’s not take a chance and see what if we can do to motivate yourself to work ‘right’ for a better ‘YOU’; The saying goes that the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step and it’s definitely the truth. You’ll never finish responding to fifty e-mails if you can’t bother to respond to the first one. Tell yourself that you’ll answer just one or two of them. Most likely you’ll realize that it’s not as bad as you thought it was, and you’ll keep trudging through your in-box. Be realistic. If you have to tackle a huge project such as designing a new website, it’s going to take awhile. Create a chart or checklist that shows where you need to be each day until the project is complete, and cross though items as you finish them. Once you see that things are getting done, you’ll be motivated to keep going! Running your own business can be difficult at first because it means giving up a regular paycheck. Even though it’s easy to get lazy because you make your own schedule, if you don’t work you won’t receive any money. You have to work in order to pay your bills. It’s that simple. It’s usually a lot easier to focus on the negative aspects of life than the positive, so mix it up a bit. You’re in control of your own income, and that’s awesome! Not everyone can say that they are. Remind yourself of all that’s good in your life, and get back to work. Things could be a lot worse. When you’re feeling lazy, tell yourself that you’ll go out to dinner (or finally buy those new shoes you’ve been wanting or anything else that sounds appealing) as soon as you meet a milestone or achieve a goal. There’s a reason that kids receive stickers at school when they do a good job—rewards are exciting! Don’t worry about mistakes… actually they can be a great thing. You can always go back and revise things later. Don’t let the fear of “doing a bad job” keep you from starting the job. If your childhood dream was to be a writer but you’ve since lost that innocent confidence you once had, remind yourself that you’ll never get a novel published if you don’t start writing it. Making your own schedule is one of the best parts about self-employment. If you find yourself feeling lazy every single afternoon, give yourself the afternoons off and work in the evening instead. In most cases, it doesn’t matter when you work as long as you actually do it.
Read MoreTime to be naughty and bunk the work April 21, 2012 17:25
It is a Saturday and a party time today… but you are in a tiff as to how to just take another day off from work on Monday… with this thought in mind, you are not even able to spend your holidays properly… time to be naughty and to rub the creative side of yours for once in a wrong direction… here are some excuses to make if you want a day off from work… Of course, remember this naughtiness of yours could just wake up once in a while and not frequently, for your Job to sustain… Give a Reason While it is often not helpful (and sometimes counterproductive) to go into graphic detail when you are calling in sick to work, it’s actually almost required when you are asking for time away from work. Why is this? When asking for time off you’ll be doing it in person. When you call in sick, you are nothing but a disembodied voice on the other end of the line. This is why it’s important to come prepared with a reason. (notice that I didn’t say that it’s important to come prepared with the reason – the truth isn’t necessary!) Asking for time off without a reason prepared is like going to the golf course with a bunch of tennis balls. You aren’t shooting par today. But what should your reason be? Here are some good ones: • I’m going to be on vacation in (random cool-sounding location) • I’m getting my (body part) replaced. • I have a doctor/dental appointment (note: use this if you only need a few hours off) • I have an all-day business seminar to attend. (Note: if you use this reason, it better be true – there is a chance the boss could look this one up.) • My (family member) died and I’m going to the funeral (Note: this reason also should be true. You don’t want to say “my father passed away” more than once, or you’ll arouse suspicion, to say the least!) And, here are some bad reasons: • I’m going to be sick • My (family pet) died • I’m stressed and need a day off • I have an interview with another company You don’t need to tell the whole truth, but you should always give your boss a reason that you are taking time off, and you should be completely prepared to answer questions your boss might ask about that reason. He may be curious! Also, try to ask toward the end of the day. Psychologically, if your boss has the entire day of work in front of him, he’s not going to be feeling as good about losing one of his employees for x amount of time in the not-so-distant future. However, if you catch him on a Friday evening right as he is about to walk out the door, go home, and spend time baking cookies with his family and watching reruns of Miami Vice he might give you a breezy, “sure, no problem” when you ask. One more thing: don’t ask for time off when he is very busy. If he looks agitated or has been on the phone with angry customers all day, it’s best to wait.
Read MoreProper sleep is nothing but a waste of time? April 20, 2012 12:02
Are you from this lot who thinks work is worship, wants to take n number of steps at a time in order to grow in the career, and not want to waste even a single minute on spending time for your self, chilling out with friends? Holiday is a bad word for you and just for the heck of it you sleep for 3 to 4 hours a day? Then wait, here are some reasons for you, that could tell you why actually a sufficient sleep alone is needed for your health; Lack of sleep has been linked with high blood pressure and high cholesterol, which are possible risk factors for heart disease and stroke. So our hearts will be healthier if we can get between 7 and 9 hours of sleep each and every night. Studies have shown that those who work a late shift have a higher risk of breast and colon cancer. It is thought that this is because night shift works have different levels of melatonin when they are exposed to light at night. Melatonin is the hormone that makes us sleepy in the first place and it is also considered to be a protection against cancer by suppressing the growth of tumors. When shift workers work at night, obviously in artificial light, this light exposure at night reduces the levels of melatonin in their systems. This is why those who sleep at night, whatever their age should be in a darkened room to ensure the production of this vital melatonin. If our bodies are sleeping deprived, this causes stress so that all our body’s functions are on high alert. Such a state can increase blood pressure and the production of stress hormones adding to risk factors for heart attacks and strokes. Sleep reduces inflammation in our bodies. This is important as inflammation is thought to be one of the causes of deterioration in the health of our bodies as we age. Any increase in our stress hormones because lack of sleep can raise the level of inflammation. As well as heart-related conditions, this can also be a risk factor for cancer and diabetes. A good night's sleep means you start the new day feeling more energized and ready to go. If you are busy and active all day long, you will sleep well the next night too. It has a domino effect. When we sleep and dream, a process called memory consolidation occurs, so if we can get a night of good quality sleep, this will help us to remember and process things better the next day. Sleep can even help us to lose weight. This is good news for many of us because researchers have found that people who sleep less than seven hours per night are more likely to be overweight or obese. The reason is probably that the lack of sleep impacts the balance of hormones in our body, affecting our appetite. Don’t be embarrassed if you feel the need to have a nap during the day as this can be an effective and refreshing alternative to caffeine, while protecting our health and making us more productive. In addition, napping can improve our memory, cognitive function and mood. Sleep may reduce our risk for depression. This is because sleep impacts many of the chemicals in our bodies such as serotonin. If we have a deficiency in serotonin we are more likely to suffer from depression. During sleep, our bodies repair the damage caused by stress, ultraviolet rays and any other harmful exposures. This is because our cells produce more protein when we sleep, forming the building blocks for cells, allowing them to repair damage. Forget about any other measures of relaxing yourself… at least a proper and complete sleep in enough…
Read MoreAngry? Don't let it out! April 19, 2012 12:20
Be at office or at home, there would be hundred other reasons for you to lose your temper and your way of letting out your anger. Be it yelling, crying your heart out, just absconding from the rest of the World or breaking every possible thing that you find, that later costs you oodles later… Instead of all these, let us do one thing… try controlling our anger itself… have you been thinking this is impossible? Then try following these tips; Counting to 10 isn't just for kids. Before reacting to a tense situation, take a few moments to breathe deeply and count to 10. Slowing down can help defuse your temper. If necessary, take a break from the person or situation until your frustration subsides a bit. As soon as you're thinking clearly, express your frustration in an assertive but non-confrontational way. State your concerns and needs clearly and directly, without hurting others or trying to control them. Physical activity can provide an outlet for your emotions, especially if you're about to erupt. If you feel your anger escalating, go for a brisk walk or run, or spend some time doing other favorite physical activities. Physical activity stimulates various brain chemicals that can leave you feeling happier and more relaxed than you were before you worked out. Instead of focusing on what made you mad, work on resolving the issue at hand. Does your child's messy room drive you crazy? Close the door. Is your partner late for dinner every night? Schedule meals later in the evening — or agree to eat on your own a few times a week. Remind yourself that anger won't fix anything, and might only make it worse. To avoid criticizing or placing blame — which might only increase tension — use "I" statements to describe the problem. Be respectful and specific. For example, say, "I'm upset that you left the table without offering to help with the dishes," instead of, "You never do any housework." Forgiveness is a powerful tool. If you allow anger and other negative feelings to crowd out positive feelings, you might find yourself swallowed up by your own bitterness or sense of injustice. But if you can forgive someone who angered you, you might both learn from the situation. It's unrealistic to expect everyone to behave exactly as you want at all times. Lightening up can help diffuse tension. Don't use sarcasm, though — it can hurt feelings and make things worse.
Read MorePersonalized medicine with customized health care well balanced at LivLife April 18, 2012 17:32
Have you realized that obesity is itself a fatal disease on the long run, it could lead to dreaded diseases like increased risk of developing heart disease, diabetes, psychosocial problem as well as some forms of cancer. Being obese makes one socially shy. If you are on a look out for a place where you would be handled by the experts in the field? Then the only answer across south is the LivLIfe Hospital in Hyderabad. The hospital is unique in many ways and is headed by the city’s leading bariatric surgeon Dr. Nandakishore Dukkipati. As one walks in to the aesthetic ambience of the hospital, the patient is enthralled with a front office which is groomed with well trained care takers. These caretakers guide the patient about the various formalities. Once you cross the initial corridor slowly the word `hospital’ fades from your memory and the world of Personalized Medicine lingers on your minds. The whole set of services are designed based on patient comfort, timely and effective delivery of care. Most of the designated medical fraternity who work as team are well educated and have rich global expertise behind them. Bariatric Surgery, Laparoscopic Surgery, Plastic Surgery, Endocrinology, Diabetology, Orthopedics, Cardiology, Neurology, Pain management, Dental services, ENT, Cosmetic and Clinical Dermatology services equipped with latest Laser technology, Hair transplantation are some of the services offered. In fact this is the only `centre of excellence’ in South India in Bariatric (Obesity) Surgery. LivLife Hospitals has achieved phenomenal results with substantial weight loss in many patients along with resolution of conditions like Diabetes, Hypertension, joint pains etc. The boutique hospital concept focused on group specialties is the mantra for financial viability and success for next two decades. LivLIfe is all set to make the services available across the state, with the sole concept that quality medical care must be within the reach of everyone in the society. At LivLife all steps necessary to ensure that the patient care and comfort takes precedence over everything else.(AarKay)
Read MoreJudgment… right or wrong… but why? April 18, 2012 11:17
'Oh… don't ask me… this is the nth time and even now I end up judging people in one or two meetings and in the process of knowing them, within a span of couple of months my judgment about them tends to go completely wrong. It’s not about the maturity factor we possess while analyzing things and people around us. It is all about the mistake we make in doing so, of beingso quick in jumping to conclusion on people and situations around us… Know more as to why we actually analyze or judge others; Although we had experienced lot of change in our life style, our nature has stayed with us, and that is why everyone we meet we will judge to the best of our abilities based on our knowledge and experience. There is nothing wrong with judging someone, but get to know the person after you judge them to find out how accurate you were. The more you do this, the better you will become at reading someone you meet the first time. Based on looks alone, it seems men are much more prone to judge the opposite sex than women.The moment a man sees a woman he analyzes her in terms of beauty, face, body and smile and thus decides what kind of interaction he wants with her. I do not think this is wrong, because the idea is trying to find someone you are going to spend the rest of your life with, and if you are not 100% absolutely crazy about the way she looks, and she is really attractive to you (forget about being attractive to others) then it probably will not be what you are looking for and thus not as strong a connection as it could be with someone else. The physical appearance is what you see all the time so it must be what you are satisfied with. Women also judge men based on looks alone, and sometimes looks are enough to make her want to talk to you, but generally women judge men based on other criteria. Body language is something like 90% of all communication. How a man carries himself, how he walks, is he confident, can he keep strong eye contact, does it look like he can lead, or does he let others push him around, does he go for what he wants, are the words that come out of his mouth sincere and genuine, is he comfortable in his own skin? These things matter way more to a girl than how he looks, even if he is a little chubby and not so good-looking, it doesnot matter that much, he can still get a girl who is a super-model. The thing about judging someone is that you should not just follow general opinion. When it comes to people, bear in mind that people have defines up initially, and this can make them come across as rude, or arrogant, or selfish or nasty while when you break through that barrier, they become the nicest people you have ever met. The more people are good and try and be nice to others and are then taken advantage of, the more careful they become and the more hesitant they become to initially be nice to strangers. This is the defense system I’m talking about.
Read More'Time' it right! April 17, 2012 10:56
Watches are one such accessories that apart from being a all time favorite and suitable for any type of dresses, they also reflect our personality to the World… it is like even we don't utter a word about what we are, our likes, dislikes, interests and what is our nature for that matter, the kind of a Watch we put on talks most about this. Ladies watches are among the most important accessories women love to own. It is a fact that a lot of women love to own jewelries and different types of accessories to enhance their beauty and complement the types of dresses they wear. Some of the most important accessories a lady keeps in her jewelry box are luxury watches. These are either acquired through personal purchase or as precious gifts from loved ones. Ladies watches are often paired with other important jeweler including earrings, necklaces and rings. There are different types of ladies watches to choose from. You can match these different types of watches with your mood or activity. Some of the most common types of watches available for ladies include formal, sports, casual, dress, and jewelry watches among others. Are you going out for a formal dinner with a loved one? Grab that formal and luxurious ladies watch to complement your elegant evening wear. When you are feeling sporty and heading out to the gym, it's just right to wear the right accessory to enhance your mood. Wearing a sports ladies watch will complete your get up and you can even match the color of your tops with your watch leather band. No wonder women who love sports also collect sports ladies watches which go well with their kind of lifestyle. Dress watches are often ideal parts of a woman’s wardrobe. These often come in classic designs which women love to mix and match with their favorite dress either for formal occasion or even for work. Jewelry ladies watches are among the most expensive accessories any woman can have in her possession. These are the types of watches which take even a year to manufacture and come with creative and flawless designs. These also reflect great craftsmanship and created with high end technology. Most often these types of ladies watches are considered collectors items which any woman would really love to own. Ladies watches are designed specifically to meet every woman's needs, taste, requirements, and lifestyle. Many watch designs are embellished with stones like diamonds and have either gold or silver. A lot of times, watches are favorite gift items. Whether it is a woman's birthday, an anniversary celebration, or just an ordinary day in which a man wants to turn into extra special for his woman. More than a timepiece, ladies watches can also be good conversation pieces. Everyone loves a beautiful watch. Your friends might be interested to talk about where you bought your gorgeous looking watch or the brand of watch of have A lot of different topics can be made out of one small piece of accessory. And you know what, if you are keen on putting a Watch on your right hand, it seems this indicates you are'Bold' Women… What type of watch would you like to have? Do you have an affinity for a particular brand of ladies watches? How about the style or design? Some are very particular about the face of the watch whether this uses roman numerals or not. Bands also make an important role in making a watch exciting, attractive, and beautiful. Would you like to have a gold or silver watch band? Some prefer leather, plastic, or even recycled materials. The choices are endless. Choose the one which suits your taste, needs, and lifestyle.
Read MoreBeat the heat with 'holidays'! April 16, 2012 15:50
Summer is 'in' for sure. What not we do to beat this heat? And most important is this is a 'holiday' time as well. Unless you are working, you might be having a bit more time to spend with your family and yourself. While all your family members might have their own activity, apart from devoting your entire life to them, just take some time out for yourself and spend these holidays. Well, I ahev some options for you; Your children deserve their celebrations even if you feel cheated out of yours. Encourage them to have a blast with their other parent, even if you can't stand the prospect of being alone. Enjoy the spirit of the season. Forget everything else. You are up to spending the holidays along with yourself, and your loved ones. And this is also a good time to understand yourself and re-invent the real you. So, just go ahead. Your time, attention, and emotional presence are much more important to your children than lavish gifts. You may be short on money but you can be long on love. Another advantage of holidays is having a lot of time. all you have to do is just have a thought of spending your free time. always it is better to plan for a re union with your old friends, family, cousins, have a hobby yourself, if interested you can also do your bit to the society and the needy. Cleaning your home is not at all a bad option. In fact, you are not in a hurry during the holidays so you can clean your home completely right from hall to the kitchen avoiding all those not required items out of your home. Try giving your home a new look. You need not spend much on this. changing the curtains and a bit of furniture, decorating your home and things to be more organized can add on to the better home and in turn a better you. Why don't you involve yourself in cooking? This does not mean you are not aware of cooking. But there is always more to learn. You can put your heart out in learning how to prepare the dishes of various cultures, be it thai, Chinese, Italian and the list os on and on… Chocolate making, cake making are fun and at the same time easy, interesting to learn. Just join these month long classes. Apart from having a activity for yourself, you would also have something new to learn. You never know, when these hobbies of yours might turn into earnings. And please try having a minimal makeover of your look at least once in Six months. It could be going for a new haircut, changing your dressing style, or could be changing your accessories for that matter. This might cost you not more than minimal, but could make a noticeable difference in your look and give you the much needed boost. (Sunayana Vinay Kumar)
Read MoreFor the last time… yet again, handle ‘Stress’… April 14, 2012 18:03
There is no last time to get stressed out. Every time you encounter any situation that bothers you and start ruling your mind and above all that situation being ‘worst’ or ‘not acceptable’ by your mind and heart, you end up thinking about the same and in turn living in a ‘stress’. And yes, many times we don’t even know that what ruling our mind is ‘stress’ and we end up blaming the people or situations around us… I suppose many of us know ‘stress’ if not controlled can cause many health issues such as psoriasis or even astama? Ohh… now don’t get stressed again and start imagining as if you are surviving with these diseases. Instead, just brush up your mind as to how to put a ‘No Entry’ board for stress and opt it out of your life; How to find out that you are stresses out? Observe your muscles and insides. Are your muscles tight/sore? Is your stomach tight or sore? Are your hands clenched? Observe your breath. Is your breath shallow? Place one hand on your belly, the other on your chest. Watch your hands rise and fall with each breath. Notice when you breathe fully or when you "forget" to breathe. And you can try out these quick stress reliefs; There are countless techniques for preventing stress. Yoga and meditation work wonders for improving our coping skills. But who can take a moment to chant or meditate during a job interview or a disagreement with your spouse? For these situations, you need something more immediate and accessible. That’s when quick stress relief comes to the rescue. The speediest way to stamp out stress is by engaging one or more of your senses—your sense of sight, sound, taste, smell, touch, or movement—to rapidly calm and energize yourself. The key to practicing quick stress relief is learning what kind of sensory input helps your particular nervous system find calm and focus quickly. Everyone responds to sensory input a little differently, so an awareness of your preferences is essential for reducing stress. You can also practice; Doing one thing at a time Just ignore all those hurting comments and situations even created by your loved ones. It is just you first and all the others are ‘rest’ in your life. and why do you even want to bother about all those who does not respect you, consider you and are always high on discriminating you with their actions? So chill… If you are not able to address any deadlines be it in your professional or even personal life, that’s absolutely fine. Nothing is the end of your life. Instead plan accordingly and give your best in that given situation. Most important, have a passion in life or at least practice some hobby. It is an amazing stress relief.
Read MoreWalking-a best medicine for depression April 14, 2012 17:37
Do you enjoy walking and loafing around alone whenever you get stressed? If yes, then you are on the right track. A recent study in the Mental Health and Physical Activity journal has indicated that walking would be the best thing to come out of depression and depressed state. It is known that exercise has already proved to be effective for depression. But then it needs complete devotion and punctuality, which cannot be expected from a depressed person and the recent study states walking is not only easy but more effective compared to strenuous exercises besides it incurs no cost. Also, people at an early stage of depression can avoid anti-depressants and go ahead with regular walking. The journal states that the researchers of the University of Stirling conducted the experiments on 341 patients and they showed less depressed state after walking. However, the time of the walk and the type of the walk—in door or outdoor is yet to be found out by the researchers. It may be noted that walking is being prescribed so far to those suffering from obesity, diabetes and cardiac related diseases and if the study comes out with more details then walking would be advised by even psychologists.
Read MoreLong ‘distance’ relationship… really works? April 12, 2012 13:38
With the careers, aims and ambitions, individual goals in a relationship taking a front seat these days, we get to see more and more long distance relationships around us… this idea of being in love with a person who is physically away from you and sharing your emotions seems to be a exciting idea… but this is really exciting in practicality? With the ‘communication’ taking a major seat in a relationship, will we would be able to manage to sustain with this affective ‘communication’ in a long distance relationship? For that matter, do long distance relationships really work? There is a possibility of meeting your partner at least once in a week even though you are in a long distance relationship. On the other end, if you both are staying in two different countries all together, meeting each other would be possible once in six months or even once in an year… when you meet everything might seem just fine or you might be in a thought that you are in a relationship, just for the sake of being in… The only way you can really get to know somebody, though, is to see them every single day. You need to see what they’re like after a long day of work. You need to see how they are in the middle of a regular work day. Relationships are difficult to begin with, but long distance relationships tend to be fantasy-driven. Now, there are long distance relationships that are successful. Most of the ones that I’ve known about or seen, however, do not end up lasting long-term. When the people finally are together in the same place, they are often broken up within a month because they finally start to experience what each other is like and how each other behaves on a daily basis. Remember, when you’re in a long distance relationship, you are just seeing each other on the weekends. You really are always on your best behavior every time you’re together. It’s hot and passionate every time you meet. You look forward to seeing that person every time. In fact, you usually can’t wait to see that person. It’s sexy. You think about them on the airplane. At the end of every weekend when you leave each other, you spend the next week thinking about how amazing the prior weekend was. You spend all week thinking about how you can’t wait until the next weekend. The problem with this is that you never get to see the “nitty gritty” daily stuff. You don’t get to see the bras and panties hanging on the shower curtain rod. You don’t get to see his dirty underwear thrown on the floor. You don’t realize that neither one of you actually never clean up when you’re alone. That is why long distance relationships are tough. I always truly believed that you are better off hunting in your own neighborhood. It depends on the level of love and trust i KittySolntsova@xanga805 points, Level 9 It's all on the you and your SO. Are you guys willing to make it work? Is there enough trust? It's hard enough to have someone go and travel but then there's that matter of the people that linger on the sidelines. Temptation can get to someone. For me, I was at this point where this guy was so far from me but even when I was partying or doing something it wasn't in my head but subconsciously I would watch what I was doing and tone everything I did down a few notches. I think that's how you know if it'll work, if you both feel that way, (the you aren't here but I consider your feelings as if you were thing) because too often people have that "OUT OF SIGHT, OUT OF MIND." Thing going on...
Read MoreJob change? Ask why to you… April 11, 2012 17:52
Because for more than anyone else involved in your life, it is important you should be satisfied with every bit of your life, keeping aside the so called statistics of what is right and what is wrong… apply this when you are actually thinking to change your Job, for a simple reason being no one wants to retire in the organization they have joined at least a decade back even… just answer to you… but, on what basis… let us know; You know you aren't performing to the best of your ability we all go through slumps, bad days, even bad weeks when we just don't care, don't give it our best... but what if that week turns into months? If you just don't have what it takes to give it your best, something needs to change. This is a common sign of burnout or of being overworked, under-worked, under-challenged or out of your depth. If lack of motivation is the only issue, it may be possible to effect change within your current company by requesting different responsibilities, more training or another position. But if none of these options is available, it's time to update your resume. You start gravitating toward co-workers you can be disgruntled with Think about the people with whom you choose to socialise at work. Whose company do you seek out? Are you drawn toward the malcontents, the people who derive pleasure from complaining about their boss, the declining benefits and the unreasonable overtime? When people ask you what you like about your job, is it rather like when your uncle asked, "What's your favorite subject at school?", and all you could think of was break-time? You can't picture your future with your current employer Do you remember those irritating questions the last time you were interviewed: "Where do you see yourself in three years? Five years? Ten?" Perhaps it's time to ask yourself those questions again. But this time ask, "Do I see myself HERE in three years? Five years? Ten?" If the answer to any of these questions is no, what is your plan? Where do you want to go? When were you planning to make your move? As much as we'd all like to simply wake up one day to find ourselves in the perfect job, the chance of it happening is probably slightly slimmer than a one-eyed, polka-dotted aardvark materializing in your kitchen sink. If you know that you want to be working somewhere else at some point in the future, it's never too soon to make a plan. You look for ways to improve your current situation but you can't turn it into what you really wantAnother useful exercise is to take your list of pros from the previous exercise and expand upon it. Elaborate on the items already on the list and add other items you wish you could claim about your current position. When you're finished, review the list for items you may be able to make happen at your current company. If you want more responsibility or more flexible hours, you might be able to work that out, whereas if you work for a missile manufacturer and happen to have developed pacifist beliefs since accepting the position… Just analyse your current situation with the above and take a good decision ahead in your career!
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