Secrecy at work place for your better life... June 13, 2012 10:53
Of course, we are street smart, but our boss is smarter to capture what are we as a person and how far our personality trait would prove to maintain peace in the work place... in this regard, many bosses want their employees to maintain secrecy at work place not letting any issue to be known by any other through them, that could lead to unnecessary miss understanding... I do understand even though we do not tend to reveal a secret about the work or what so ever to our colleagues, situations arise in such a way that many times without our senses we tend to ‘reveal' that top most secret to our colleagues... just imagine if the manager gets to know about this act of us, what would be our impact in his/her mind? To avoid all these learn how you can maintain secrecy at work place; When it comes to your working life, you need to be emotionally mature and able to act professionally in every situation so that you can be viewed in this light by your managers and bosses. If you act like an immature child, management will likely see you that way, and treat you accordingly. Unless you want to sit at the same desk for the rest of your life without any chance of promotion, you need to buck up, grow up, and prove that you are emotionally mature enough to handle moving up in the company to a better position. Keep in mind that emotional maturity isn’t all about behaving and acting professional. It’s also about controlling your anger and your personal feelings when something is work related, because you don’t want to get the two confused. You might have a disagreement with a coworker, but that doesn’t mean that you can get angry-or worse yet, physically harm them-because they shoved you out of their way. You simply need to let it go, relax, and focus on the task at hand, which is your work. It’s always nice to make friends and interact socially in the workplace, but the best work environments are those where there aren’t tangled webs of gossip and relationships that are keeping people from being productive. These things show signs of great immaturity on the entire company’s part. If you really want a professional job, you need a professional attitude and environment to work in. Dealing with people that are less than professional can become stressful, but you shouldn’t waste your time trying to deal with them or even paying attention to them. Instead, you should just let them go and try to do your job the best that you can. Work shouldn’t be boring and repetitive by any means, but it’s also called work for a reason. You can socialize and act silly with your friends after you are off the clock. Those who are the most emotionally mature (or appear to be so) will have the best odds of success in the workplace, after all.
Read MorePersonality traits of a ideal Man... June 12, 2012 10:55
I can sense not only women but even men would be interested to read this article... after all, who does not want to know ‘more'? Could be about them or the other... Well, for those ladies out there who are looking out for a guy or have sat down to analyze their Man, here are the ideal personality traits of a ‘perfect Man'... by ‘perfect' I mean, the characteristics of a Man that are accepted by wide range of women; 1. Understanding. Men fall in love a lot quicker with women who are more understanding about who they are why they do the things they do. If you lack the ability to understand the men you date then you will most certainly not have a large pool of men to select from. The more understanding and accepting you are of the man you are dating, the more he will love and accept you for who you are. 2. A good sense of humor. Men can be serious sometimes, but they also love to kick back and joke around with their woman as well. The more playful you are the more they will tend to want to being around you. 3. Directness. Men do not like women who play games or never say what is on their minds. The more direct you are and the less you man has to guess about what is on your man the better. 4. Confidence. Men like women who know what they want and are not afraid to go after it. The more comfortable you are with yourself the more attractive men will find you. 5. Dedication. Men want women who are dedicated to something, not flaky girls who have a lot of drama and switch boyfriends at the slightest whim. 6. Flexibility. The more adaptable you are to situations the more men will like you. Be spontaneous. Men will be more attracted to you if they know that you can get up and go at anytime without much notice. 7. Caring. This is one of the best personality traits men find attractive in a woman they want to marry. Men want you to show that you care about them and those around them -- their friends and family members. 8. Warmth. Like caring, men want a woman who is willing to show some emotion. The more affectionate and warm you are the more attractive they you become to men. 9. Intelligence. This is one of those very important qualities people do not talk about very much. Men frequently breakup relationships with beautiful women all the time because the women had only their beauty going for them. Men are attracted by women that are intelligent. So, all you women out there, if you sense your Man has got all or majority of these traits in him, then ‘yuppy'... and all those men, who rate two or three out of all these traits in them, go on in developing them in you!
Read MoreIs your partner no more interested in you? Find out... June 11, 2012 11:25
I know not many people would agree to me, but it is better to call of a relationship even though one out of two involved in it are not happy, rather than surviving in it and making the other person’s situation even more worst... Even if you agree to this, the point is how can you find out your partner is no more interested in you??? Here are some common behavioral traits your partner would possess if he is no more interested in you... don’t ask me why I am not writing about your mindset on the relationship, as you are the better judge of your mind; Many men like to use the pressure of work as an excuse for not being at home but when there is something exciting to go home for, work will give way to desire more often than not. If one is going home to boredom, nothingness, doom and gloom, blame, no affection or no sex, what's the point in rushing home at all? Many men tend to either become workaholics or use work as an excuse to escape the drabness of their lives and to mask the feelings they no longer experience. That is why it then becomes easier to begin an affair at work without it being noticed initially. When did your husband last pay you a compliment or appreciate something you have done? Once a man starts taking things for granted and stops valuing what his partner does, the writing is on the wall. People become mean with praise when they think the other person does not deserve it, especially where there is resentment and bitterness in place. Once a man begins to believe his partner is undeserving, the interest has clearly gone. This is the biggest tell-tale sign of disinterest in a relationship. Blames take the place of compliments and loving acts. Gradually one party finds that she can do no right, which gets worse if the husband is having an affair too. He will be constantly comparing the two women in his life and the wife will always be found wanting. She won't be able to please him anymore because someone is already doing that, hence she becomes a scapegoat instead, primarily to ease his guilt and discomfort! When last were you wined and dined? Taken for a romantic weekend together? Did anything exciting to affirm the love between you? This key aspect is one of the first to stop when the husband has lost interest. He no longer finds it exciting or enjoyable doing anything with his wife and so the excuses begin. In the heady days of courtship people cannot bear to be apart from each other, they want to spend as much time together as possible, to share times and activities. If that has stopped, that's a very bad sign of interest on the wane. It could be that he is already doing those activities with someone else too. When people cease to be interested in one another one of the worst tasks is to talk to each other. They find that really difficult because there is nothing they really want to say which is positive or endearing. They stop Seeing Eye to eye, which turns everything into a conflict, and they cease to enjoy connecting with one another. When men have lost interest in their wives they become perfunctory in conversation, which becomes functional than enhancing. Conversing loses its excitement and purpose so there is as little of it as possible. This is the biggest tell-tale sign of a husband not desiring his partner. There is very little affection and virtually no sex. Once again, if a wife wants to tell the difference, she only has to think back to the courtship days. Sexual activities might decline somewhat as people live together longer, but affection usually increases as the relationship becomes deeper. It doesn't get less because people tend to grow towards each other in even more loving ways, once they are living together. If there is hardly any affection and even less sex, especially if the wife desires it and isn't getting much, then the husband is in avoidance. It will be a matter of time before he seeks it elsewhere. A relationship consists of four essential things: loving, affirming, conversing and sharing. When they are no longer there, especially when a husband stops doing them, he clearly has lost interest.
Read MoreFilled up with thoughts of 'Past'? June 09, 2012 10:33
What more worst it could be you ending up living with 'PAST', do not bothering about your present, forget about your future??? Who does not has a 'PAST' that is bitter or better... all you can do is to just capture only those beautiful moments and delete any bitter moments when you think would only give you pain... Many times, you want to get out of all those thoughts about anything that bothers you, but have no clue as to how to do so... let me help you out with some; Examine the actual culprit within the whole event and begin there. It may not be much fun to dig so deep within but it is an important part of the process. It's imperative that you find the core feeling of what causes your thoughts to go to your past. Once you have found this, admit to yourself what you feel you have learned from the situation. Maybe you recognize that you should have listened to your inner voice; the one that told you not to go in the particular direction that led to the "mistake". Or perhaps you just need to forgive yourself for something that is truly long gone. You see, when you have a past that continually revisits you, you might be feeling that you have let yourself down or have let others down, but dwelling on those feelings and thoughts are only going to make you miserable and make you feel inadequate and bring you more of the same. If you can't find a solution, if there isn't a closure, then begin to focus on a solution; one that is resolved and in your favor. When the past thought and feeling comes to you shift your focus to resolution in your favor. That will trigger the positive vibrations to emit from you and the Universe will bring you a solution. No more focusing on how whatever the events may have been hurt you or others, just focus on a solution and expect resolve that is comfortable for you. If you have a past filled with hurt, one where others have hurt you, start with forgiveness. It's funny about forgiveness. Forgiving someone actually helps you more than it could ever help the person who needs to be forgiven. You see, when you forgive someone you are letting all the feelings of anger, frustration, and sadness go. You can then move forward. Hanging onto those feelings will only attract more of the same. Forgiveness is an incredible release and provides freedom for you. If the 'action' of another is the thing you can't seem to forgive, then just begin by forgiving the person and not the act. This is a way to release what you are holding on to and begin getting on with your life. If you are a person who just loves to live in the past, we suggest you pick the past that you love and not the one that caused you pain. Shift your focus to the positive and realize you can move forward in your life. You are not defined as a person by your past mistakes. They were events that were a tiny part of your life and do not sum up who you are. There really are no mistakes, just decisions you made based upon the perceptions you had at the time. Learn from them; don't focus on worrying that they will happen again, and begin to move forward. And if you do have someone in your life who is trying to keep you from forgetting and moving on, realize that this is their own world they are creating and that they may enjoy holding those feelings and thoughts of past mistakes over you. You don't have to be a part of this. If someone feels badly about you because of a past event or "mistake" and you have done all that you can to rectify the past to no avail, you must decide to move on. If others need to keep feeling bad about something that is already over, that is their world and their choice, but you don't have to participate. You can choose to let it be a part of your life now, just like they do, or brush off your shoulders and keep moving forward toward what you really want in life. Our past is an important part of who we are. It teaches us what we want and don't want and helps us with our future decisions in life. But that's all it is. Get over it and live the life you want. You'll be glad you did.
Read MoreSigns of 'all not well’'in your relationship... June 08, 2012 11:22
Time changes a lot… even that spark in your relationships tends to give a miss with time, if you don't tend to work on keeping it up... and then what, each and every small issue turns out to be a main reason for that biggest argument, that can also lead to a break up, even in a committed relationship... Even to work on your relationship, you need to know your argument is leading to a crises or what's with it... let's have a look at these possible situations, if answered on time, could avoid your relationship ending up in crises; There is any type of abuse. No abuse of any kind should be tolerated in a relationship. Too often, women don't want to believe that it's abuse if there isnt any physical abuse such as hitting. They fail to either recognize or acknowledge that psychological abuse such as intimidation, threats, verbal abuse and emotional abuse is happening. Sadly, even sexual abuse is tolerated or just denied. Any type of abuse should be viewed in the same way: This is a serious, and potentially dangerous relationship crisis! There is a significant amount of unresolved conflict. Open communication is one of the best ways to keep a healthy relationship or to start rebuilding it. Conflicts are going to happen. They are not unhealthy, but they need to be addressed in the open and resolved before they become unhealthy. Allowing conflicts to remain unaddressed will allow the negative feelings to begin to fester. Over time, this can tear a relationship apart because those negative feelings will end up coming out in one form or another. Sex has either stopped or become a rarity. Sexual intimacy is one of the major differences in any committed relationship from other relationships. Especially for women, sexual intimacy, not just sex makes them feel loved and desired. For men, sex is often how they express their love for their partner. When sex is either rare or totally absent, it is almost always a sure sign a relationship in crisis. You’re living parallel but separate lives. This occurs much more often than people realize, particularly when two people have been married or living together for several years. You share a home and a bed, but little else. Instead of truly living as a couple, you both do your own thing. You live more like roommates than a loving couple, with your own activities, hobbies, and friends. While it may appear to be "working" on the surface, it is often a red flag of a serious relationship crisis. One or both of you is playing the blame game. Part of being an adult involves taking responsibility for one's role in any type of relationship problem. None of us are perfect human beings and relationship problems are never one-sided. If nothing else, at least one person is allowing the other to be disrespectful. Blame is destructive and accomplishes nothing. If one or both of you is blaming the other for any problems in your relationship, you re already in or heading towards a relationship crisis. Nothing will get resolved until the blame stops. Infidelity always affects relationships, regardless of whether the non-affending partner is aware of it or not. When people are in a healthy, happy relationship they seldom cheat on their partners. When people do have an affair, it is usually done to meet a particular need (whether physical or emotional). While infidelity is often a symptom of an existing crisis within the relationship, it can also create a serious crisis as well. A committed relationship only lasts lifelong, if you want to and work on holding the relationship…
Read MoreSLIDESHOW: Gulshan Sharma goes nude for French magazine June 07, 2012 10:40
Read More'Harassment' at work??? Don't run away but deal with it... June 07, 2012 10:53
Not every situation in life appears to be as simple and good as it seems... one among them is harassment at work place... one of the most weaker situation of our's could become the strength of our colleague or boss and he could harass you to fulfill his desire, at the cost of your job/promotion/any secret if revealed might cost your job or even your committed relationship... Whatever might be the reason, rather than letting yourself being harassed and being guilty for the situation, it is far better to do your bit to come out of it... after all, 'nothing' is important than your peace and satisfaction on leading your life; You might be able to resolve the situation quickly yourself by explaining to the person who is harassing you that their behaviour is unwanted. Make sure you're informed - find out what the organisation's policies and procedures are for preventing and handling sexual harassment. Keep a diary documenting everything that happens, including what you've done to try stopping it. This can help if you make a complaint. Get external information and advice, e.g. Lawstuff, the union representing your industry, the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (see below and links). These organisations can give you advice on your options and your rights. You can also ask them to act on your behalf if you don't feel comfortable doing so. They should also respect your confidentiality, though if you are concerned about this, ask them what their responsibilities are. Tell someone. The person to talk to might be a Human Resource Manager, but if there isn't one you should report it directly to your employer, a supervisor/manager or health and safety representative (if your work has one). This situation might be able to be resolved informally, without any official complaint being made. If the situation continues or is serious, you might need to make a formal (written) complaint that follows company policy. The person sexually harassing you might be officially warned, and be required to have counselling. If the sexual harassment continues, there might be a mediation process and, if all else fails, the person sexually harassing you might be fired. If you end up having to leave, you might be eligible for outstanding wages and entitlements. If the person doing the sexual harassing is your employer or they do not do anything to stop it, it's important you get outside support and advice. One last advice, whatever the situation you are in, let you yourself be responsible for it and do not ever let others to rule either the situation or your life, no matter whatever might be the reason...
Read MoreIs your guy in 'love' with you??? June 06, 2012 11:13
Just by saying 'I LOVE YOU', does not mean the words in many cases... if not so, every relationship would have last for life long... being a Woman, our basic instinct is to know our man really is in ‘love’ with us or we are just an option in his life... These are the 5 popular sings when applied, might help you to analyze if your Guy is really in 'love' with you or not... of course, these may differ from person to person though; He's seems to be into you. He always smiles when he's around you. He loves sharing anything under the sun with you. And you're now falling in love with him! Telling him straight into face about your feelings could lead to a romantic long-term relationship or a STINGING rejection. Worry no more. I'll be laying down 5 easy-to-see signs that he is in love with you that would tell you if he also feels the same way eve before he speaks: Signs He Is In Love No. 1: His other priorities are taking a backseat. Did he skip a day at the gym or a night-out with his best buddies just to be with you? That's great news for you! Guys rarely push their appointments to the side just to be with a girl, and when they do-you know he's falling for you. Signs He Is In Love No. 2: He communicates. By that I mean he talks and listens - it's not a one-way traffic. He looks straight into your eye; listens closely to whatever you say; he's open and honest (a lot of men aren't). When he communicates, that's because he cares. Signs He Is In Love No. 3: He plans ahead and you're a part of it. Men love talking about what they want to do next week,their plans next month, even for the YEARS to come. And if you're a part of his plans, and most especially if he asks you what are your thoughts about it, that's because you matter to him A LOT. Signs He Is In Love No. 4: He's not noticing other women that much. Men are visual creatures in general. And when they see even someone a gorgeous blonde, even at the corner of their eye, their eyes automatically rolls and sticks to her. If you're man doesn't seem to notice that blonde, probably he just didn't! And that's because he thinks no other woman is worthy of his attention but you. Signs He Is In Love No. 5: This one is BIG: He introduces you to the family. Why on earth would a guy set you, just YOU, for a dinner with his family and relatives? That's because he thinks these very important people to him deserve to know someone who's extremely important to him too-it's you. Ok. So before you dive in and confess, keep your eyes wide open for the 5 signs he is in love with you. And if they start popping up, one after the other, you're onto a winner!
Read MoreFeel 'up' throughout the day... June 05, 2012 11:30
'Very nice to listen and read, but difficult to put in practice... is this a ad or something to feel 'up' all the day?' if you have thought something similar as soon as you had a glance at the title, here are some quick tips that can be tried out to keep up your energy levels throughout the day, irrespective of the situation you are in; The secret to feeling more energized is to be active and get going. Incorporate exercise regimen into your daily schedule. Walking, swimming or just about any form of exercise that can keep you moving. In fact, jogging is an amazing way of burning calories and staying fit. If not any of these, just try and hit the gym or try biking. Most importantly any form of exercise is a must. You need to check out your iron levels before you learn to feel more energized. Most of the times, it’s the low level of iron that decreases your energy levels. Fish, chicken, beans and eggs are certain foods that are rich in iron. You can also take iron supplement. Aromatherapy is another way to feel more energized. Jasmine or peppermint essential oils are incredibly energizing. One of the best ways to use them is to add a few drops of any of these essential oils in your bathing water or you can just add a few drops in a bowl of warm water and leave it in your room. You can smell a hanky which is scented with these essential oils and try taking a whiff all through the day. Your body needs complex carbohydrates in order to stay energized all through the day. So just eat complex carbohydrates like bagels, granola bars, pastas and whole wheat bread, which have complex carbohydrates. Your body breaks down these foods slowly and keeps you feeling energized throughout the day. Dehydration is one of the main causes of fatigue. Drinking lots and lots of water can keep you energized all through the day. Cut down on tea, coffee, sodas etc. You will not only notice huge difference in your energy levels but also on your overall performance. So drink and drink lots of water and keep your body well hydrated. If you feel exhausted and drained out, reduce the amount of sugar intake from your diet. Candy, processed foods, chocolates are no good in boosting your energy levels. Your blood sugar level might increase temporarily but will soon get converted into insulin when your body breaks it down. As a result, you will feel more tired and exhausted like before. While following healthy lifestyle and regular workouts isn’t helping much, you need to look into the root cause of the problem by consulting a doctor and deal with it accordingly. Getting good sleep, eating healthy, following regular workouts and staying active is the secret behind staying energized all through the day. Nonetheless, you can try these tips to keep you feeling more energized. These simple amendments in your life style and food intake could keep ‘up’ your energy levels throughout the day…
Read MoreGet geared up for a perfect week... June 04, 2012 10:55
Why only weekends have to be perfect and loving to life??? If we accept and let go off certain phases, situations and people in life, even weekdays are not a bad idea to live, work, njoy, relax and be happy… all you require to add up to the existing is a bit more planning… find out how to plan your week for it to be perfect for you; What does the start of your day look like? Do you come to the office, sit down at your desk, and have no idea where to begin? Or perhaps you simply grab the first to-do on the top of the pile, regardless of its urgency or importance? Neither is a particularly effective way to get the day rolling. Investing just a few minutes to plan your daily schedule – reviewing your meetings and appointments, figuring out which tasks are your top priorities, and actually plugging them into your calendar so you know the important chores aren’t going to fall through the cracks – makes all the difference in how much you have accomplished come the close of business. Many people waste the first hour or two of their day on “busy work” (checking email, surfing the web, opening mail, etc.) instead of creating a daily schedule. It’s easy for these kinds of “easy” to activities suck up your time, leaving you feeling as though you’ve wasted the entire morning. Pick one big task to tackle as soon as you get to the office. It should be something that you've been procrastinating on, that has an approaching deadline, or that has simply been hanging over your head. Get it out of the way first thing, before you do anything else and even if you don’t accomplish anything else, you will still have had a productive day! In today’s fast and furious business world, multi-tasking has become the norm – people often feel that they aren’t being productive unless they are doing 15 tasks at the same time. But you will actually accomplish more if you can devote a chunk of time to a single activity, give it your full attention and actually finish it before moving on to the next task. Figure out how much time you need to complete a to-do, and block it off in your calendar. Then try to schedule any other meetings or activities that might interrupt your work for a different time during the day. If you have an appointment with yourself, you need to respect that as much as any other commitment in your calendar. When the whistle blows at 5PM, it’s natural for you to want to jump in your car like Fred Flintstone and tear off for home. But taking just a few minutes to plan your daily schedule the night before can mean the difference between organization and chaos the next morning. Stop work about 15 minutes early, tidy up your desk, and put away any loose items. Review your to-do’s and go over your daily schedule for the next day to decide which project you plan to tackle first thing. Place the materials for that task on your desk. You will be able to hit the ground running as soon as you arrive, with no time wasted asking yourself, “Now what do I need to get done today?” Of course, life is instant and all about living that moment to the fullest… but, day in and day out, considering our life style and work routine, it’s all in us how we plan our daily routine to appear no more routine for us… if you believe in living the moment, live it to the fullest with an affective plan of your daily schedules…
Read MoreReality that rules out the Myths about 'Work From Home'... June 02, 2012 10:31
With more and more opportunities popping in each day, we necessarily not step out of the house to make some money and even our career in some cases... if we chose to work in some creative domain, software or any other field, ‘Work From Home’ option is standing out to be a bliss as we could manage our home and work from our home itself... But, not many people who 'Work from home' seem to be okay with this option.... in fact I have come across many women who say their family life takes a front seat if they Work from home and the only option would be left is to either chose their work or home making... Is it so??? Then this ‘Work from Home’ option would not have been come into picture at all right??? Let's think and act from the other end... instead of thinking to leave our income and identity that’s coming to us without stepping from house, let’s follow these affective tips, when followed, help us managing ‘work’ and ‘home’, simultaneously; Setting up a functional workspace is critical to the success from a work from home employee. Try setting up your space so that it contains all of the necessary equipment that you need. You may decorate your workspace so that it is aesthetically appealing but try to keep distractions to a minimum. Being able to motivate yourself is critical for the work at home employee. In an office situation, you have a supervisor and co-workers who motivate you to complete your work but when you are working at home, you only have yourself to push you to succeed. Maintaining a professional attitude is also important for the work from home employee. If you have frequent client interactions, be careful to answer the phone or respond to their emails in a professional way. A home office may be an informal environment that affords you the luxury of dressing casually but client interactions should always follow certain decorum. Keeping your interactions businesslike will ensure that the client does not begin to doubt the amount or quality of work that is being put into their projects. Considering hiring a day care provider is another tip for working from home. Those who have young children may find it difficult to attend to the needs of their children while fulfilling their job obligations. For this reason it may be worthwhile to have a day care provider care for your child during your working hours. Establishing a working schedule is also important. Having regularly scheduled hours when you work will help you to be more efficient during these times. Be sure to schedule work time as well as break times so that you will not become overwhelmed. One of the pitfalls that some work from home employees fall into is working too many hours. In an office there is a clear signal to the end of the day as other employees start to leave the office for the day but at home employees sometimes have difficulty ending their day. Avoid volunteering for too many activities. Many people will assume that because you work at home you are free to help them run errands, pick up their children from school or be an emergency babysitter if their child has a cold. While you may want to help your friends and family members, it is important to make it clear that your work is just as important as theirs and that you have obligations to take care of each day.
Read MoreFriends with boss??? To what extent? May 31, 2012 15:39
Finally, we have thinking beyond just hating our boss, cribbing on him/her and started being more matured to separate work and personal life... apart from this, we have also learnt how to socialize with boss, work in a healthy atmosphere and even we are not comfortable with anything at goes wrong at work, how to grab the technique of handling the same, without a major dispute... now, that we are friends with boss, let’s analyze where we should put a line... after all, ‘Boss’ can be a friend but end of the day, the base of the friendship is definitely that boss-colleague relationship of yours; When compared to time spent with relatives, children, customers, colleagues, or bosses, time spent with friends is rated as being the most enjoyable, according to a recent study. On average, time spent with a friend ranks even higher than time spent with your spouse. How could that be? The Princeton researchers who conducted this study used a novel technique: Participants were asked to reconstruct their day, allowing researchers to pinpoint specific moments. Participants also reported their overall enjoyment at each moment. For example, if you were in the midst of rushing your daughter to school or changing your son's dirty diaper, you might have been asked to report how happy you were at that moment. In contrast, you might have been asked to recall a moment with a friend when you were relaxing or having a drink together. Undoubtedly, there are thousands of managers in the workplace who have no business bearing the responsibility for developing other people. Most of us have had a boss like this at one point or another. They make you miserable, less productive, and even diminish your physical health. But we have also found thousands of exceptional managers who have the opposite effect, and they have something in common: These great managers care about each of their employees as a real human being, not just a means to an end. When I spoke with employees who reported to Sandra, one of the highest rated managers we have ever studied, what amazed me was the variety in their descriptions of what she did best. It sounded as if they were talking about different people. One of Sandra's employees who did not need or want to be micromanaged told me that Sandra was the first manager who had given him "room to roam." Sandra was there for him, but she never looked over his shoulder on a daily basis. In direct contrast, another one of Sandra's employees described how much she appreciated the way her boss "stopped in all the time to see how I was doing." She said, "I loved having a boss who cared about my family and was interested in me." This enabled her to get more done on the job. Apparently, this employee wanted and received regular attention. If you're fortunate enough to have had a manager who treated you like a friend and cared about your personal life, you probably understand the difference this type of genuine friendship can make. The best managers in the world are not only experts in systems, processes, and technical competencies-they are experts in your life. And, because of this, they increase your engagement and productivity at work. All employees deserve a manager whom they can truly call a friend, or at least a manager who cares about their general wellbeing. The bottom line is that we spend roughly 50% more time with our customers, coworkers, and bosses than we do with our friends, significant others, children, and other relatives combined. If you want to be happier and more engaged at work, consider developing a few strong friendships at the office, maybe even one with your boss. Though this is an observation about Boss-employee relationship, you can always analyze your present situation before taking any inputs...
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