Life is all about managing and increasing our relationships with the rest of the World, no matter to what genre the relationships are. Apart from our family, relatives, we always possess a positive sign in widening the names in our friends list, people whom we maintain a cordial relation, with whom we can trust on certain major aspects in life and most important our soul mate.
But, at times, we end up living such a situation where detaching our thoughts and ourselves emotionally and physically from those whom we love the most and want to be together the most, would be mandatory, for whatever reason known to you. If you have decided to just let this phase of ‘emotional’ detachment go on, with a minimal mess, here are certain guidelines that can help you;
spend some time apart; even if just a day or two to collect your thoughts on every other part of your life, and try to see how this other person is just a part of it. This will be hard to do if you're still in close contact.
work on loving yourself more. What activities do you enjoy that are just yours? Get into them again. spend some time with other friends or family to broaden your horizons, and remind you there are other people you may love, in different ways
spend some time reflecting on WHY you are so attached to this person. Could it be romantic? Do you need their validation to be happy? If so, why? Could that validation come from within somehow? There may be a root issue here that you may need to address; growing up in broken home, abusive relationships, even depression.
If this level of obsession continues after trying some of these things, you might want to contact a professional who can help you get to the bottom of things and offer perspective.
Please remember, rather than ending up a used piece in a relationship where you see neither emotional nor any support from your partner, or being a ‘no one’ when your partner is least bothered about your interests, desire to talk to or spend some time with him and he instead tags all these as mere ‘nonsense’ and nothing more, also makes a fun out of your emotions towards him stating that you have a lot of free time and he is being used as a time pass, and most important, you need to kill your thoughts, mindset, and you as a person completely in order to just make the relationship work, all that understanding, sacrifice and adjustment is only from your end all the time and your partner never cares even to contribute to understand the importance of the same, it is better for you to just call your relationship quits or either take a break for a while. Still, things do not end up working; detach your ex from your mind…
Once you are out of that rigid thought of making your relationship work, no matter the other person contributes ‘nil’ in working out the relation and you understand there is much more for you in life, once you completely know and accept for you to work this relation, you need to lose yourself as a person, the next level of ‘emotional’ detachment is not big issue…
This can be followed in any form of a relationship…
End of the day, nothing is more important than yourself respect, peace and you as a person, right?