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Loneliness? Answer before it turns into DEPRESSION.. May 14, 2012 14:50

The main cause for the feeling of loneliness is the lack of intimate relationships. Yes, you may know lots of people or have many friends but if your relationship with them is too superficial or if you never share your emotions with them then you will feel lonely. Sharing your emotions and secrets with people won't only help you in overcoming loneliness but it will also help you get closer to your friends. Another strong cause for the feelings of loneliness while being with other people is feeling that you are not welcomed. If you felt that people don’t like you then you wont be able to form intimate relationships with them and so you will feel lonely when being with them. In order to overcome loneliness you need to share your emotions and life experiences with other people. Try not to spend most of your time alone. If the nature of your work keeps you away from direct contact with people then try to do your best to see people on your weekends. By going to public places or social events you can increase your chances of meeting people and so reduce your loneliness. The following are some practices you should take to overcome loneliness: If you study a lot then try to study with someone else. The more time you spend alone the more the loneliness feelings will get reinforced. If you go for a daily walk, ask a close friend to join you. One of the most effective ways to overcome loneliness is getting into a relationship. When you get into a relationship each single aspect of your life will be shared with your partner and so the feelings of loneliness will disappear. The draw back to this solution is that you cannot control the time it happens as there are lots of other variables involved. Its pretty beneficial to know how to make someone fall in love with you so that you can use this information to attract others to you. Another good action that you could take to overcome loneliness is getting involved into some kind of a project that involves team work. When being involved into such projects you will be obligated to share your ideas, thoughts and even your fears with others. You may also have to attend regular meetings in order to discuss the project’s issues. All of the previous actions can totally remove your feelings of loneliness. One of the main facts about loneliness is that you become more attached to other people when you experience a problem or a downtime. On the other hand you may feel quite normal on your own if you had no current problems in your life and you may even enjoy your time alone, this is called the power of solitude. Finally, this makes me say, ‘Treat your loneliness before it turns out to be a DEPRESSION of your life..

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Kill your EGO, before it kills YOU... May 12, 2012 19:59

And by YOU in this context, I mean EGO killing your relationship and making you stand alone… we all know, there is a slight difference in EGO and self Respect and failing to understand the same and mixing both, many times we end up in a crises in our relationship… so, for the one last time again, know how to kill you EGO, before it starts showing its true colors; Resist The Temptation To Defend Yourself: Think about the number of times you’ve fought with a significant other, and whenever things get a little heated you start to defend yourself. All you hear is you being attacked, and you immediately go into “defending yourself” mode. Do you know that when you defend yourself in a fight, what’s really happening is your ego is defending itself. It also means that you’ve stopped listening to the other person.  If someone tells you that they don’t like the way you’ve been acting lately, why not hear them out instead of defending yourself? It will almost always create a MUCH better outcome. To Love Yourself And Someone Else Completely You Must Separate The Ego: In order to truly love someone, you must separate your ego from yourself. This is also true if you want to be able to totally love yourself. Now, I know that in a perfect world, we would never be ego-driven. This is not a perfect world of course, so let’s get real. We are all ego-driven to some extent or another, so let’s acknowledge it and embrace that we need to separate the ego to cultivate and maintain a truly amazing relationship with someone. Your Ego Can Ruin Any Conversation: The truth is that no matter how much you prepare, plan and hope for a good conversation with your significant other, your ego is the one thing that will consistently ruin any conversation you’re about to have if you let it. Let’s say your significant other is frustrated with you in one way or another and really needs to express something about that to you. How do you respond? If you let your ego get involved and you defend yourself, it means that you’re not listening to them. So the next time you see your ego getting involved in your relationship, get rid of it! If you find yourself defending yourself or not allowing you to really listen, then you need to take a step back. Listen carefully to what’s really being said, and use it to create the most amazing relationship.

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How to prevent heart break, the second time? May 10, 2012 13:04

My statements may seem to be offensive to you but let’s think from the other side of the coin... nothing is permanent in life and love does not necessarily start and end with the same person in your life.. that break up of yours might seem to be so tough for you to come out from... now, is it necessary to survive similar break up even for the second time? How many times? No, not again... if you feel similar, here are tips to prevent yourself from a break up or let’s say 'A Heart Break'; If you have ever experienced any of the following then you, along with many others, may have fallen victim to the neediness bug: Having all your own plans dictated by what your man feels like doing? Feeling unable to enjoy time away from your man? Feeling that you need constant emotional support? Getting all your validation from your man’s compliments or attention? To prevent a breakup it is important that a healthy, balanced relationship is maintained, and If you fall prey to the neediness bug then you will never be fulfilled by your relationship, as the bug will never be satisfied. No matter how many compliments you receive, you will only ever take from the relationship. From a man or a woman’s perspective this is real issue that often leads to breaking up. To prevent a breakup caused by neediness: Don't let relationships overtake your life Don't neglect your friends, hobbies or health Remember that a relationship can be an important component in your life, but never the only component. This can manifest itself in many negative ways within a relationship, including: Not caring about your appearance No more fun dates Taking each other for granted No more effort in your sex life No more "Just him and you time" Lack of affection – kissing / cuddling Even just having a proper conversation can be jettisoned through laziness, where time spent with each other is dominated by the everyday motions such as kids, work and logistics. This replaces the themes of dreams, books, politics, the world, aspirations etc, that were part of the reason behind your initial attraction to one another. To prevent a break up it is important that you don't both become victims of inertia, just going through them options because you both feel secure that your partner isn't going anywhere. This gradually takes its toll, as the variety and spice within a relationship can be lost. Ultimately this will lead to you or your partner associating... gud luck!

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Not able to handle your relationship? Leave it.. May 08, 2012 18:36

By saying 'leave it' here I mean, leave the situations and the status of the relationship as it is for a while.. when there is too much and too many things in your mind, it really becomes hard for you to choose what is right for you, after a point of time.. rather than applying your strained mind on solving these situations and making them even more worse.. I suggest it is better to take a break for a while in your relationship, re think each and every situation, analyze and then come to whatever decision it would be; Many times, one or both people in a relationship will lose themselves in some way or form and will begin to feel stress and resentment in the relationship, even though it may not be about their partner personally. In every relationship, couples will compromise their differences to keep things healthy and happy and in making these compromising and changes, you both have to let go of a part of yourselves in order to compromise your differences. Sometimes this happens so often, that one or both of you will feel like you have completely lost yourselves and will feel stressed and resentment towards each other, even though it has nothing to do with any of you in particular. Relationships can get so deep- and you both can connect as 'one' so intensely that you neglect yourselves as individuals, and in order to re-discover yourselves, there will need to be some time apart from each other. Remember, you need to be whole as an individual first in order to be whole together as a couple, and time apart is best if one or both of you feel like you need to get back in touch with your individuality. Before agreeing to take time off of your relationship, you may want to suggest seeing a counselor. A counselor can help you work through the issues that you are facing and can provide greater results than you can achieve by taking a break. You should also realize that if you and your partner have unresolved issues, taking a break from your relationship would not solve them. If you have been fighting frequently, and want to take a break, when you get back together your problems will still be there. This is another reason why seeing a counselor is more advantageous than taking a break. If your relationship is to grow stronger and thrive, it is better to take care of the issues that are causing strain and disagreement, rather than avoiding them. Some couples get so excited when they enter a relationship, that everything moves so fast, which can get stressful, pressuring and scary, in which a break is then a good idea as well. Taking time apart can help a relationship build a better bond because you will both replenish yourselves during the break and will then be able to give the relationship the efforts and attention needed to keep it healthy. If you are afraid that you will lose the relationship if you take a break, just remember that you would have broken up later anyway- not because of the break, but because you grew apart, had irreparable issues or maybe your partner (or you) just wanted to move on. So do not fear what is not in your control. Just stay calm and see what good a break can do for both of you and your relationship. Besides, you both owe it to yourselves to get back in touch with your individualities and learn more new things about yourself, so that you will be able to teach your partner more about you- and the more you know about each other, the more you will understand your differences and will be able to build the connection that works best for the both of you.

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Another reason to not to live in 'PAST'! May 07, 2012 15:07

I see almost all my friends, parents and even my siblings and colleagues cribbing about the mistakes done by them in the past and blaming themselves or even the situations or people who were responsible for them making these so called mistakes.. But, all the girls out there, just take a break and please accept life is the mixture of all emotions and situations, nothing being permanent, for the simple reason being, life itself is not permanent.. want some more reasons to let go off all the mistakes made by you in the past and move on in life? Here are they; They Make You Feel Miserable Feeling miserable is not a great state to be in. Our emotions affect how we think and act. When we start to feel miserable about ourselves, we get into a negative state. It can also cause others to shun from you, as it isn’t fun to hang around a negative person. Who wants to listen to complains all day long? When your mind is full of negative thoughts, you attract other negative thoughts and matters to you. That is why when you start your day in a negative state, nothing seems to go in your favor for the rest of the day. They Affect Your Performance Now It is not possible to be efficient and effective when you are in a negative state. When you dwell upon you past mistakes and failures, it affects your confidence. It can cause you to feel fearful and make your fear cast a bigger shadow than before. If you had suffered from criticism in your work, you may fear to express yourself more in your work due to the fear of criticism. Dwelling on this fear will affect your future work quality as boldness and creativity will be lacking because of the presence of fear. It Just Doesn’t Do You Any Good. Your past failures are great lessons for you and it only helps if you are approaching it using the right mindset. You should approach your past failures with the mindset of learning from it and moving on. It is not smart to be so faithful to a single mistake. Your past mistakes are only feedbacks that are there to help you alter your route direction to get you to your destination. You will not be doing yourself a favor if you are focusing on the negative aspect instead of the positive aspect Rather than forcing yourself to undergo all this pain, it is better to get rid of all that guilt of past that is troubling you and live your present to the fullest.. get started!

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Why only on Mother's day??? May 05, 2012 12:03

When I got up and realized today I Mother's Day... the first thought that came into my mind is 'what is a need to celebrate only on Mother's day??? Our mom has been living for us since we have born in her womb… then why there is any special day to celebrate her importance??? Each and every day of our life is incomplete without her…’, then I have remembered some of the unforgettable memories that I have edited from my mind... I remember  was some 14 years old at that time… for the first time, I was learning to drive a two wheeler… as usual, mein toh pehle paanch minute mein hi girgayi aur I realize two wheeler landing on me… God, I was worried for two reasons, in fact more than my injury, I was tensed what would my mom say… I went inside my house, and after a lot of suspense, revealed my mom about my stunt… she got panic, cleaned my wound along with her anger on me for not informing her prior about me learning a two wheeler, took me to the doctor, and yes, she took a lot of care of me… after a month, I was shocked when my mom got a two wheeler of her friend, asked me to drive, she actually made me learn driving by guiding me… Eight years after this incident I remember, I was tensed and worried again this time, I was almost shivering… I am in love with my colleague who also is from Media and we both want to take our relationship to the next level… we want to get married… my parents on the other hand are searching for some N.R.I for me… I want to actually tell my mom that I am in love with a guy and firm getting married to him… could not able tell this to my parents… after all she is my mom, she could within no time find out what is there in my heart, through my behavior and one day asked me to take this guy home as she wants to meet him before taking any decision… after meeting Dev (my Man) and indulging in a crisp chat with him, mom was okay with my decision… but my dad wanted me to get married to a Software Professional, who earns in some Dollors… but, mom took over, convinced my father and the other close relatives, stood by my decision and has been my support system… Recently, I had a heated argument with Dev and me being a short tempered person, left the house immediately, went to my parents house… mom is a genius… she found  out the situation without me and Dev not even telling a word… for three days I suppose she stood away from the issue and the fourth day, I get a call from my mom, asking me to come down to a coffee shop near my office… I was surprised but not in a mood to guess why my mom is doing this… and I see Dev along with my mom at the Coffee shop… after a cup of Coffee, my mom heard the issue from Dev and my end… she counseled both of us… it was more or less appeared as a matured friend of mine… me and Dev were out for a holiday together as all the issues were sort out… Today, I see my Mom being my teacher, guide, friend, counselor and even a sweet enemy, of course a critic… it is not just on a Mother’s day, in fact every day, I dedicate to my Mom… so this experience of mine, that I have shared with you… Sunayana Vinay Kumar

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Stepping in and out in relationships! May 03, 2012 13:05

Stepping in and out in relationships is a common aspect of our lives at least with the kind of World and the life style we are living in… even then, almost every time when we are surviving a break up, we are welcoming, all those sorrow, depression, or hating ourselves for our state of mind. Instead, try getting out of it, to find a better person in your life, with a proper mindset; It's ok to hold on to friendships with an ex's friends and family, but it would behoove you to avoid seeing these friends for a while. It's all too easy to ask a mutual friend what your ex is up to. I've found myself "hanging out" more with mutual friends after breakups just to check up on my ex. Not healthy. Solution: Avoid mutual friends, as painful and rude as it seems. And if you see them, you should not ask about your ex-limit conversation subjects to future and present, not the past....and an Internet Network My friend Jess has a terrible habit of continuing to follow her exes on Facebook after a breakup. This does nothing but infuriate her. She'll inform me that her ex is "happier than he's ever been," or seeing an annoying girl she knows. Solution: De-friend them on Facebook so you can't see what they are up to. Even if you think you can avoid looking, the temptation will be there. Be diligent about cutting off contact across the internet. It's So Easy To Jump In So Fast How many times have you had to end a relationship because you couldn't stop thinking about your ex? If you're not over him, and you can't have him, you might get into another relationship in order to replace him. Eventually, it's going to come back to haunt you because you'll eventually realize there are things you haven't dealt with. Solution: You should wait until you're over your ex before getting into another serious relationship. But it's tough to wait. It's not like you want to give up a chance just because you're not over your ex. Also, sometimes you think you're over your ex even though you're not. Hey, I never said these solutions would be easy! It's Tough To Stay Motivated When you're down in the dumps over losing someone, it's easy to turn inward and avoid going out, meeting people, even working. But the more unmotivated you are, the easier it is to obsess over the person you're trying to let go of. Solution: You literally have to force yourself to stay busy and distracted. Not only will you meet people and remain productive, but you will find that you're not thinking about that person too much...which will help you let go. In order to turn away from someone mentally, spiritually and physically, it takes power, motivation, force, and faith. You can do it because, in most cases, you were happy without this person before you met them-so you can be happy again. You have tried all these and yet on able to get over the thoughts about your ex? Try knowing the same in the next article…

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Is it so hard to Sense Common? May 02, 2012 15:35

Wow! Good yaar. Looks like round the clock, 365 days, every day there would be important for some or the other. After celebrating 'House Wives day’ yesterday, it seems today is 'Use Your Commonsense' day. I was almost shocked to know this. As far as I know, common sense is something that is very common in all of us, irrespective of our brought up and Education. It is so inculcated in our mind that using the same, day in and day out us do n number of things. From were to travel, to how to travel, what is hygienic to eat and what not, how to react to each situation, how to plan our day, what dress would be suited to us and what not, how to behave as per the atmosphere, in short ‘Common Sense’ has been referred to our basic ability of analyzing what is suited to us, what is good to us and what not. But, at times, thanks to all those situations we are stuck in, it would be so hard for us to find out the actual fact by using our 'Common Sense'… and this made some people say, 'Common Sense' is no more common in many people. Let’s take an example of certain quick situations; A universal problem that almost all our Woman would end up experiencing a Bad relationship any time in our life.It is not that we do not have an ability to judge the people or it is also not because we are innocent. It is only that, we would be so very involved and starts believing the other person, as a result we do not bother to use our common sense in experiencing the situations and finding out what is true and what not. The other example would be again very common. Many of us are working in such a job that we are not at all passionate. It is just because we have chosen that domain initially, and now continuing the same. We have studied and ended up doing a job in a domain, just for the heck of doing it. Have we used our Common Sense of sitting down and analyzing what we actually want out of our career, the situation would be entirely different. These were two quick examples that I could put in. if I and you can sit and think, we can find out infinite number of examples that can point out the acts we have done, irrespective of using our Common Sense. So, this means, Common Sense is not just limited to our day to day routine. It can be as simple and switching on the gas before making a tea to as complicated as choosing a live partner. It is all about keeping our thoughts open and amending our knowledge about the society atleast from time to time. Rather than blindly going ahead to where our thought takes us, stop and think for a while, if it is really necessary for us to do or not to do anything. On this day, let us give the new definition to 'Common Sense', and that would be 'Sensing all those Common situations that can give uncommon results if taken an improper step'! (SunayanaVinay Kumar)

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Just a House Wife or a 'Home Maker'? April 30, 2012 17:34

'What is the difference? Both are one and the same? However these days, people prefer to address them as Home Makers'.. Any one of us would be thinking the same, if you are asked to describe the difference between a House Wife and Home Maker.. Do you remember reading between the lines? All the words that appear to be similar have their own meanings hidden… so as 'Home Maker'. This article that speaks about the advantages of being a Home Maker, is completely dedicated to all those Home Makers, who have succeeded in holding up the family values and raising their kids as bright as Chess Champion KoneruHampi or Badminton ChampoinSainaNehwal; For all those who think being a home maker is more 'cool' as you need not worry about your career or earning, the answer is 'No'. Just like each individual irrespective of his/her financial status have 100 other issues, similarly, be a Home Maker or a Working Mother/Woman, we all have our own challenges to face each day. It is just that for Workign Woman they have to devote some extra time to their career and job and this refers to they have some extra time to think about themselves, but for Home makers they are full time available to family only. What they think, what they do, how they take care of the rest of the family members, cook various dishes as per the wish of the rest of the family members, right from getting up from bed in the early morning to going back to bed somewhere around late night, home makers are expected to work and think about their family members, spouse and kids. Despite of all these, if something goes wrong in managing the house or forgetting to do something, if the kids make a mistake or spouse’s attitude is changed, including the rest of the family members and 'Bin BulaayaMehmaan' our society would not leave any single opportunity to blame this Home maker, by saying ‘what you will do all the day without even keeping an eye on your kid/spouse? You neither have a job nor any other task to think about, so why did you forget to complete this work? and what not. The sad part is, even in today's world when we are talking and following the so called broad thinking, the role and the meaning of a 'Home Maker' is just limited to kitchen and taking care of family. Time to think, time to take a pledge on this House Wives day; you would live for yourself as well. After all, it is your life dude.. so what if you are a home maker? Even you have a right to give the basic grooming that you require, you need to get some rest, you can always take some time and pursue your passion be it glass painting or writing or sari designing or any other and you can definitely make a smart income out of it that is completely your decision to either spend it to your family or to yourself. And these days, where you can find n number of work from home options that includes taking online classes to some process associate jobs, you can take up one. It is always a good option to be independent, because before expecting others to take care of you, you take care of yourself. And do not let any other family member to interfere and point out your negatives, the next time they do, just tell them 'even I am a human being and don't be surprised if I make any mistake' And yes, be a Home Maker or a Working Woman, managing a family refers to making certain set of people of different mid set to live in a same pace, concentrate on this and of course on yourself. SunayanaVinay Kumar

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Love, care and affection... time to showcase! April 28, 2012 10:35

Even you have told this the nth time, you would again want to tell it now to your partner and prove how much you care and love him... of course, your emotions are no less than any gifts for him… but, you can take a step ahead and plan this weekend with your partner; MAKE HIM DINNER- Call it 'old fashioned' but every man loves a home cooked meal - especially when it’s handmade by the woman he loves. I understand that you may be busy with work during the week ... so this may be a good weekend project. PLAN A DAY TIME HIKE/ PICNIC: After a long week of work, you probably want to spend some time outside. And by going outside I don’t mean – hitting up the mall to go shopping. Spend some quality time with your boyfriend… take a hike. •    Plan ahead: Find a local trail, or if you have a favorite spot (beach, mountain) you can go there! Try to plan the hike when it’s not too hot…. SUNSET time is always ideal.•    Pack for the trip: Surprise him with some snacks, maybe a blanket, a camera, and definitely WINE.•    Tell him that you want to do something outdoorsy and you have it all planned: Trust me, if you are a girly girl and initiate an outdoor hike to your outdoorsy boyfriend he will be IMPRESSED.•    While on your hike: Take time to appreciate it. Don’t rush to the end of the trail, so that you can get it over with. Enjoy the special time together- this is a great time without other distractions (such as cellphones- leave them in your car)… just you, him, and nature. MAKE A MEANINGFUL CD / PLAYLIST – it actually showers how much you love your partner and showcasing all your feelings through your voice and he being at a listening end, is not at all a bad option… •    If you want to STEP IT UP: accompany your CD with a handwritten book of why you picked the songs, what lyrics you liked, and decorate it.•    This is one of those sentimental gifts that you never really expect.•    Couples usually have "special" songs- This is a great way to remind him of those "special" songs. TRY TO HANG OUT WITH HIS BUDDIES- Just like you want your friends to like him, he wants his friends to like you. So initiate hanging out with them. This is a great way to win points with his buddies too. •    Suggest going to a sporting event, or maybe set up a poker night•    Show your boyfriend that you don’t have to always be the lovey-dovey couple, and you can be the ‘guys’ girl.•    The more approval you get from his buddies, the more he’ll appreciate you•    PLEASE HIM – Maybe your boyfriend has expressed an intimate fantasy, or you know what gets him going. DO IT. This doesn’t mean – be a porn star- but if you know he enjoys massages – suck it up and give him a massage (and don’t expect or accept one in return). Raise the bar and do something different, something special. LOOK GOOD FOR HIM – GO ALL OUT: Remember when you first started dating… he couldn’t keep his hands off you? Remember when you cared what you looked like around him? Take off your lounge pants, and your sweatshirt. Put on a sexy dress, do your make up, and go out for a drink. Sometimes we let ‘comfort’ turn into ‘laziness’… so put in a little effort and WOW him. He’ll appreciate it. BUY HIM A RANDOM, PERSONALIZED CARD: There are cards for every occasion. Maybe things are perfect and you want to thank him for loving you. Or maybe he’s been having a tough time at work and you want to let him know that you believe in him. Or maybe you two have been fighting and you want to make amends. Whatever the situation, you can find a card for it. Even if you think there isn’t a situation – a card can put a smile on his face. Getting him a meaningful card will show that you are thinking about him. LISTEN TO HIM TALK- and keep your yapping to yourself. Ever realize the dynamics of your conversations with your boyfriend? If you are anything like me, it’s probably 70% me, 30% boyfriend (or worse). Guys may not like to gossip as much, but they do like to talk. So, let him talk- and take it in. Listen to him for once. Trust me, he’ll feel better after he is able to vent about work, friends, money, etc. Our heart is as uncertain and fickle so as our life… even though we have done a lot to prove to our loved ones so did they, it is very necessary for us to shower our love, affection and care to them, for a simple reason being, YOU are in LOVE with your LOVED ONES…

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Are YOU a Human being or a SUPER WOMAN? April 25, 2012 12:55

Are you considering yourself to be a Super Woman managing the household work, family, kids, and work place responsibilities? Despite of all these you are expected to be more responsible and multi-tasking both at home and even at work place? And every minute you are striving to satisfy these expectations of people around you? Okay, let your thoughts flow… along with them, read further as well; Divide your household work accordingly. Say, if you take care of cooking, delegate groceries purchase to your partner or any other member of your family. So, as one way picking or dropping of kids to school, bill payments, and a check on day to day activities at home… this does not mean you are only devoted to work at office and cooking at home, you need to spend time with your family as well, if time permits, you can share the work allotted to other family members concentrate better on keeping the house clean and what not… Try applying the same idea at work place even. May be because of lack of confidence on our work abilities and do not having a plan at all about what if you are not a part of this current company tomorrow or even the responsibilities at home to be required an timely answer, all these and even more put together make you accept and do whatever boss says, even the work delegated to you does not have anything to do with the work profile of yours. Don’t you think you are inviting even more problems and frustration because of your nature of not being able to voice out against the things and stuff? Time to sit and sort out what are you working how much are you working and why are you only working… there is no harm in saying ‘no’ if you strongly feel that you are humiliated by any means at work place and even at home. you are an individual first and you know your ability. Don’t under estimate yourself and give others the chance to rule you. So, the next time you are asked to stay back and complete a task that is absolutely not yours and others enjoying the fruit you can simply say ‘no’. And for a second let us assume that you are removed out of the Job by voicing out in a worst scenario. Don’t you think it is better to end up being Job less rather than cursing your life in working in a Bad Job? And if you feel you is the only and complete source to take care of your family financially, and then time to make other family members to know their responsibility as well. Be it your partner, neice, in – laws or whom so ever, everyone need to contribute for a smooth and decent flow of your family, because it is their family as well. When they feel they have a right to enjoy your earnings without a single thought and make you remember every minute that you need to work and earn for the family, it is your responsibility to make them understand even they have to work their bit and contribute both morally and financially for the flow of the family… do not even hesitate to follow all the possible options to make them understand this fact… Just remember YOU have to be HAPPY first… only then YOU can make the PEOPLE around YOU HAPPY! So, for more than anything else strive for YOUR individual HAPPINESS first.. (Sunayana Vinay Kumar)

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Let the right 'gold' pour in this Akshaya Tritiya! April 24, 2012 12:46

Irrespective of your budget and even within your budget you are on a shopping spree at least today, on the occasion of Akshaya Tritiya, another major and fantastic reason to buy gold. Before heading to buy gold/diamond Jwelley, here are some tips that can help you to buy the best and with a minimal loss of your money in the name of ‘wastage’; Searching around for the best price is important as the prices can vary. The smaller amount of gold you buy, for example, means the higher cost per ounce or gram. Due to fabrication costs and other factors, a one or half ounce bar (or biscuit as it is known) can cost twice as much as the value of the gold. Yet a larger bar will have a more acceptable cost attached to the value of the gold. The price you see in the news is not the actual price of gold. It is the price of gold futures . To see the actual price of gold you have to look at what dealers are charging. You can also get a very good idea from auction sites such as eBay which will show the current value people are placing on gold. Here you would not look at what people are asking but what people are paying. Choose a reputable jeweler; if you don't have someone in mind, ask family, friends, and colleagues for recommendations, or consult a professional in the jewelry industry. Find out what type of paper certification should accompany the piece you're considering, and make sure it comes with the jewelry. Make sure the jewelry you buy is marked with the manufacturer's trademark. Remember the four Cs - color, cut, clarity, and carats - when purchasing diamonds. These characteristics might not be the main reason you choose one piece over another, but they are good guidelines when assessing overall quality. Keep in mind that the carat weight of diamonds refers to the amount in the entire piece. A one-carat diamond solitaire ring or pendant is much rarer, and much more expensive, than a one-carat total weight necklace or tennis bracelet. When you evaluate the price of a jewelry piece, consider design and construction as well as the above factors. The more handwork there is, the more unique the piece and the higher the price. Intricate, lightweight pieces are usually machine-made; they are also quite beautiful and are more affordable than handcrafted jewelry. Whether the piece is delicate or heavy, make sure the clasps are secure and that there is a safety catch so you don't lose your jewelry. The best way to save gold is to accumulate some at regular intervals. This is regardless of the gold price. Each month or each regular period, just buy some gold. The price may be up one month or down the next. It does not matter. It is the consistency that counts. The value of your gold will even out and tend to rise in the long term as the value of gold goes up against the value of currency.

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