Rest all aspects as to how to manage work and baby, if elders not living with you who would take care of child while you are working out of home or how to alter your work schedules and manage your home, child and profession, you are aware of all these… but, just let us also know much deep about how to build that bonding with your new born baby… I hope a lot of myths would be solved with the following analysis, about mother’s relationship with her new born;
Develop your Bond
Developing a strong bond with your baby is so important (for both mums and dads). The bond you develop as you get to know each other in the first few days, weeks and months will affect your child's psychological health throughout his life.
The two main ways of creating a strong bond are to have:
1. Plenty of Skin to Skin Contact
2. Lots of Eye Contact
When you first gave birth to your baby s/he would normally be put on your tummy so that you are skin to skin - this is because skin to skin contact is so vitally important.
In the morning or at bedtime, keep your top half naked and let your baby be naked (apart from a nappy if you choose) - and cuddle! Wrap a blanket around you both if it's chilly.
Another good time for skin to skin contact is bath time but getting into a bath with a newborn on your own is tricky! If you have a partner or relative around ask them to help. You get into the bath first and then ask your relative to pass you the baby. They will need to take baby from you before you get out as well. If your breast feeding you will generally have more skin to skin contact just through the act of feeding, so this is especially important for bottle feeding mums and babies.
Your baby will love looking into your eyes and getting to know you by doing this. Feeding time whether you're breast or bottle feeding, is a great time to share some quality eye contact and strengthen the bond between you.
Every new mum longs for sleep and you can start teaching your baby good sleep habits right from the beginning. Put your baby down to sleep when he/she is still awake - ideally you want your baby to learn right form the start to fall asleep on his own. If you make the effort to do this, you will save yourself lots of pain later.
Babies that learn to fall asleep while feeding or being rocked will need this every time they want a sleep. It may not bother you at the beginning but 10 months down the line you will find it rather wearing when they are waking 8 times a night needing to be rocked!
If you teach your newborn to sleep well, you will sleep well, and when you're getting enough sleep you will be able to handle the other challenges of parenting a lot more easily.
Teaching your baby that night time is for sleeping is a good lesson for her to learn straight away. You'll do this by creating a beditme routine which could consist of bath, PJ's, feed and quiet cuddle. Rather than come back into the noisy living room, it's a good idea to take your baby to the bedroom for his bedtime feed. Have the lights low and don't have your tv on. If you need to do something read a book or magazine instead. Keep outside noise and stimulation as minimal as possible. You might want to use a blackout blind or heavy curtains so that the room is dark in the summer months.
When your newborn wakes in the night, again, keep it quiet and dark. Talk in whispers if you need to speak - after a little while your baby will learn that this is quiet time, not play time, and it will help him learn to sleep through the night.
Have Fun
Look after yourself and make sure you still have fun! It's hard to find time for yourself with a new baby to look after but do try to set aside half an hour to do something you enjoy every day. Remember to treat yourself to new things, as well as look after yourself emotionally - if you're having a bad day talk to someone and have a cry if you need to. If you've not been able to get back into your old clothes buy yourself something new. Look after yourself physically - get as much sleep as you can and eat a heathy diet.
If you neglect your needs you could start to resent your baby.
At first a lot of new mums don't want to go out much because they are happy at home with their babies and there are lots of visitors coming to see you and your baby. Unfortunately, the visitors will slowly drop off and you might find yourself isolated and bored. Make an effort to socialise with friends, other new mums and family either by going out or inviting people to visit you at home. Isolation can bring on feelings of depression and this will not help you or your baby.
I hope you've found these 10 tips for first time parents help you and your newborn! Newborns can be a bit of a mystery until we get into our stride and get to know the new little person in our lives - but a little bit of knowledge about their needs can go a long way to make your time together as stress free and as enjoyable as possible.