The other side of the Coin! November 26, 2011 16:01
‘By chance either you or I get to know atleast a person known to us is in an extra marital affair, that’s it… this would be the topic of the day or sometimes even for a week. We end up talking about this, downsizing her character of being in another relationship despite being in a committed relationship, cheating on her committed partner, this kind of Woman being a black mark on the entire Woman hood, and finally we even decide to avoid that person how much ever possible. It is not that I am in favor of all those who are in an extra marital affair. But I ask how much we know about the reasons that made them get into such a relationship, despite of knowing the pros and corns? Chalo, let’s atleast try seeing this age old issue that has become most common amongst many people these days from the other side of the coin… Do not see Woman as Goddess yaar, after all she is also a human being. Just like a man opts for an affair out of home, particularly when he is not happy with his committed partner and can neither get out of the same, has no other choice but to live with the same, but when your heart does not listen to your mind and refuses to accept the reality, when you start looking for a emotional support, that starts as friendship and ends up with an affair, similarly, women might also experience the same. the only difference is just about that thought prevailing in our society, ‘Whatever a Man does is correct and Woman need to simple let go these, unseen’. Do you know why most of the people in relationship commit suicide? It is because of the basic tendency of our heart of not taking any kind of rejection. This is applicable in the scenario of committed relationship as well. The more you are ignored by your partner, the more you are under estimated by him, the more your self-respect is being hurt by him, the more your life becomes so very mechanical that your partner forgets to be a husband, the more are chances of getting involved with another person. Yes, there is definitely guilt in a Woman’s heart when she is cheating on her partner. But, in many cases the desire and the wants and also the need of a emotional support dominates the ethics and this is one of the main reason of more and more extra marital affairs prevailing in our society today. Not only the rejection from the partner, but, if there is a unhealthy atmosphere at home, nagging in – laws, partner being irresponsible in managing the family and Woman has to work for that family to survive, Woman not being treated as a human being, her interests not being valued, in the same of listening to what ever the partner and his family says, Woman being humiliated to the core, everything put together make Woman think nothing, but to get out of this atleast for some time and as a result this so called affairs outside home. There are some cases, in which everything is perfect in life and your partner is a darling. You have no financial crises and all your interests are valued, even then if you are thinking about seeing someone else, then either you don’t love your partner or you are just going wherever your heart takes because you have a lot of time to waste in life… so, buck up! Ekbaathtohhai.Whatever may be the reason, though your partner is the worst ever you can be, cheating on him is definitely unethical, forget about others, you are cheating your own self. If you are so very fed up with your committed relation, please have guts to let the people associated with you know the same and please get out of it, even before looking for a ‘Mr. Perfect’ in your life. if you want to maintain both relationships, then let me tell you, you are building the end of your happiness with your own hands. It’s about being valued in your own eyes and this can only happen when you value the ethics. So, you neither kill yourself nor do whatever your heart says, you be bold enough to do whatever is ‘correct’. This is because at the end of the day, you should feel happy being ‘correct’ with yourself and your life! SunayanaVinay Kumar
Read MoreAct Wise! November 25, 2011 13:07
‘kyazindagihaiyaar. I am working in my dream job, earning a decent amount every month. But, by the middle of the month, no clue where all my salary is going. I am left out with a very small amount in hand. Not understanding how to manage my salary and yet think about investing the same. God, feel so disgusting when I see my colleagues and friends planning their financial affectively. Now, if I ask them to help me out in sorting out my financial issues, this would be so very under estimating. What to do?’ If you are thinking the same as above, here are the measures that can remove your confusion and give an idea on how to plan your Salary; As soon as you receive your salary, first thing you do is pay off all your bills and other monthly payments. Well, there are many advantages by doing this. First of all, all your payments would be cleared and you need not request anyone for that ‘extra’ time. you would also have a clear idea as how much you salary lest after all the payments and adjustments. Now, plan for saving atleast some amount per month. I understand the tax filing and assessment would be at the end of the financial year, but rather than running last moment in order to get your full salary, wake up and plan for proper savings to be every month. Take some amount out for your transportation expenses, whatever is the mode of transportation. This is not only helpful for you to monitor how much you are spending on commuting from one place to another, to keep a check on the same. Almost every company has a policy of dividing its employee’s pay package into fixed and variable. The variable pay would be given away as a bonus that too in the months of October and November, so, just see that amount as a saving and invest wise. Do not jump on spending the amount. Generally, this amount would be huge and if invested proper, can earn good results in a longer run. Write down the entire amount that you are spending in detail, like what you are spending on what. This way you can monitor not only your salary but can also cut down on all those unwanted expenses. When you are planning for savings, try investing in small amounts. This way, you would not live in a thought that all your salary is either being a expenditure or a investment. Planning to invest in SIP’s is a good option anyways, but do not forget to analyze the fund’s performance. A bit of social work bhizarrorihai. Be it a small amount as 1,000 per month, but try giving the same to the needy. The amount of satisfaction that you get by doing the same can only be experienced. After going through the above, if you have thought ‘I know all these, what’s new about it?’, then I would ask you, ‘If you knew it, what are you doing reading this article? Why aren’t you implementing the same?’, I have a point! SunayanaVinay Kumar
Read MoreAttention Everyone! November 24, 2011 12:41
This is an amazing quote according to me. The moment I read this posted by one of our common friends in face book, I felt very positive. This is definitely what we call an inspiring thought. When we are depressed with life, nothing else is going good and seems as if one moment in our life has become stagnant. Aisemein, all these quotes and inspirational thoughts work not less than any medicine. Have you thought atleast after seeing the above, what makes you and me feel so down? So depressed? So out of the World? It is not that we are not aware of all these, neither we do not know about ourselves. It is because of our Basic Human tendency to forget all the knowledge in the process of learning the ‘new’. Seriously, just put a question to yourself… why do we compare ourselves and our life and yes, even our partners with others? Is begin self-sufficient with our life is so very difficult? Why are we wasting our time and every second of our life in thinking and acting like others or simply imitating them? Why don’t we instead are investing time to help the needy or enhance our knowledge? Why are we not thinking about developing our relations and instead our life for better? Why are we ignoring the fact that we are becoming a pain to our loved ones with our nagging behavior of being back of them to change? Well, once started this list of you asking questions to yourself would never end. Let’s not just ask but find the answers to all these un answered questions. Let’ live life in such a way seeing us many others would appreciate ‘what a person she is. With her own ideas, funda towards the life and her own self built personality’… let’s love ourselves and the life that we are leading. Yes, for sure let us work on the betterment, be it in relationships or life, but implementing our own thoughts… Cheers for Life! SunayanaVinay Kumar
Read MoreReflection Of Your Personality November 23, 2011 17:30
Trendy bags, especially designer bags, are something we all are tempted to buy, but often end up ourselves in buying which does not suit the body type. Keeping up with the latest trend is not just enough to keep you in limelight. Always remember, anything you carry must have some coordination and balance with your body and this goes for your handbag choices too. Says designer Riddhi Dhingra, "A handbag, purse or clutch is one of the most valuable part of a woman's wardrobe. Its shape, size and contents are the most accurate reflection of our personality. A handbag carries our world and also is a great way to express our individual style and mood. A well coordinated bag speaks volumes about your fashion sense, your status and can make any outfit shine." A fashion handbag is the embodiment of the feminine mystique. Lately, handbags have exploded in popularity. Their designs have been taken to new heights. They have become a sign of exuberance, a status symbol, a testament to the growing independence of women. As a style statement, what these real fashion handbags actually bring into the table is the capacity to reflect your own individual style through your selection of handbag. Reflection Of Your Personality Fashion designer Gautam Gupta is of the view, "A unique look is given to each fashion bag by mix and matching materials to metal latches, padlocks and heavy-duty chain straps etc. These include beach bags, sports bags, shopping bags, tote bags, travel bags, wine bags, jewellery bags, drawstring bags, shoulder bags, evening bags etc. These bags reflect a great variety of design, size and colour. The various designs of bags are inspired from the combination of art, fashion and the confluence of modern and traditional cultures." What a bag woman carries reflects her taste, attitude and personality as not only what you wear matters but the combination of accessory makes a huge difference. The bag you carry gives a finishing touch to your attire. In fact in some cases a simple dress with a stylish bag make a woman look so stylish. However, Sanjeev Jain, CEO, G Plus believes that today handbags are used for multiple purposes. They are not only use to carry various things but they also define what you are. Elaborating more on the trends he adds, "Simple delicate slim bags highlight your feminine quotient, while very much in vogue tote bags express your stylish side. Bags in colours like red, green define your experimental side and nude colours are an expression of your subtle attitude." To be in sync with trends, and keeping in mind that handbags reflect your persona, it is utmost important to choose the best handbags. Knowing the right size, pattern of bag for your personality should be the first thing to consider before buying, apart from considering the occasion.
Read MoreSimple, but life spoilers if ignored! November 22, 2011 18:20
Yesterday itself, when we were talking about work life pressure and handling the same, I have reminded ‘Work is not life’. This would suit perfect in working out the marriage itself. Any relationship would require Love, Money and Time, as said by a popular T – Town Hero in a popular film. This is actually so true. If you are busy with your own work lives and restrict your relationship to weekends only, then forget about building that bond with your partner, that would not make you separate, despite of having a biggest issue, miss understanding or a quarrel. So, first devote time to your partner and sort out all the issues. ‘Woman and Man are no different. Both are equally talented and can lead a life of equality. Neither Husband nor wife would have a right to dominate each other’ – this is it. There is a very minor difference in being independent and being egoistic. Once your ego starts dominating your mind, this will have an adverse effect even in your relationship with your partner. Whatever your partner would say, would appear as he/she is restricting you and you would not like the same at all. Why can’t we think, there is a dependency in any emotional relationship on one another, and that is the Mantra that would work on sustaining the relationship? What if your partner says you to come home earlier, wear certain clothes, monitors your career and thoughts some times? Instead you can also take the initiative and guide him. It is all about living together and not leading your own life without your partner’s interference. Why Money does rules all the relationships? Simple, you let Money rule your life. Remember, your job, income, career and work should help in developing the family and to ensure the family run smooth and should not be the main aspect to destroy your family. Never compare your salary with your partner, neither his salary with others. Income always depends upon the amount of Job experience and many other things that have their own reasons. Be it a love or arranged marriage, history says one of the main reason between the spilt of many married couples is their in – laws, be it your parents or his parents. There is no necessary to let the parents know any issue or disturbance between you and your partner. Just keep it to both of you. Just remember on working on your relationship and nothing else. Give your in – laws a left ear, if they say anything that hurts you. Learn to be intelligent yaa! You are happy, frustrated, angry, pissed off with your work, want to relax and do nothing, and want to go out with your partner, buy something, fulfill a long term wish, not keen in planning for a baby right now, whatever it could be, just communicate the same to your partner. And pleaseee! Do not expect your partner to read your mind even before you not saying anything. Dude, yehsirffilmomeinhotahai! Last but dhamaakedaar point. Dishonesty to your partner, be it whatever reason, could lead to a strained relationship. If you are dis honest to your partner, the same would be known by him at some day or the other and in many cases this is the end of the relationship, if not you will end up living in that guilt through your entire life that you are not loyal to your partner somewhere in your mind and this would fetch nothing to you or your partner. And yes, if you have learnt your mistake and want to be honest to your partner, please don’t even be so very honest to go and let him know about the past. Just delete everything in past and write a fresh true love story with your partner. After all, ALL IS FAIR IN LOVE! SunayanaVinay Kumar
Read MoreWant to Quit Working? November 21, 2011 19:57
From past some days or even months, your life is just not moving ahead. You feel someone has just paused your life. You are so very frustrated with routine that you want to quit everything and just sit at home. Before you take any decision, read this article, that is about you and me and how to make our work and work place for that matter our life, BETTER! No matter how passionate you are about your job, there would be one point or the other, when you would lose the interest in work. This indicates you need a break. Based on a analyses no person can work continuously, more than 6 months and this is inclusive of all those Saturdays and Sundays were most of us would be thinking about our word somewhere in the corner of our mind. So, this time it should only be you and if you wish your loved ones to just run from your present place to some other, spend a week if you can and come back. Trust me, this really works as a mantra that can make you better person at work. Do not ever compare your work with your colleague, for a simple yet affective reason that no two persons are alike, so as their mindset. You self-check your capability and analyze your work also where you want to reach. Feel you job has become routine, you are stagnant at one place, there is nothing more to learn or do at this profile of yours? Just sit with your boss and let out the same. be prepared to take some additional responsibilities. This attitude of yours would definitely be considered at the appraisal time. Though Money is the Ultimate motivating factor, all these could be a path to achieve the same. Gossip? Yes, it is interesting, we love to participate in the same and a best time pass. But, not at work place atleast.All these act of Gossiping, talking about others would create a Negative energy that would play a negative impact on your mind, followed by all that negative impression others would get on you at work and someday even you becoming a target about whom the same people would gossip. Learn to get detached from your work and people at office. Please, it is just a work place and not your home, keep this in mind and be professional also a bit reserved. Any strained relationship at work place could affect you job and disturb your mind as well. So, this is a precautionary measure of being reserved. Of course, at times you need to know how to break the ice and enthrall others with your sense of humor and spontaneity as well. It is just that you need to know how to draw a line. Why don’t you think on updating your knowledge? It could be expertising on the Job that you are doing or learning some course related to a hike on your present profile, any of these would help you not only gaining the knowledge and a Degree added to the present after your name, but you would be the one amongst the other employees, to be considered at a higher level job at your Organization. After all, this is a Job and you are spending you 9 hours at work place each day. Just don’t make your Job to be your life. Even if you are taking additional responsibilities make sure you finish off in those office hours only. Do something more in your life. Join a Yoga/meditation/dance/aerobics class, learn music if you are passionate about it, you can also try learning any music instrument, an art like glass painting or sari painting, a short term course of fashion or interior designing, it could be anything, all these could serve as your passion in life, if you wish help you earning some extra income and much important, would help you in re – inventing yourself. SunayanaVinay Kumar
Read MoreStay young and Beautiful November 19, 2011 12:11
I feel your life style is related to You’re look and vice versa, when I relate many situations. Just like You’re confidence is related to your beauty, strong mind set is related to the success you achieve in your life, similarly, you being fit is related to how do you motivate yourself to get up and go for an exercise and to be fit. Now, the challenge is how do we motivate ourselves, as we know are strengths and most important the weakness of us as well. So, how do we get rid of the same and make up our mind and in return our body to do something? Well, this is not difficult as much as we think as the root cause to get motivated would again depend upon how we tune our mind. Okay, let’s do this, let’s follow this suggestions given below as to how to get motivated to shed that laziness and gear up for an exercise each day… as only we are fit, we appear more young and beautiful. See, life style and look and interrelated. Don’t think, just do it.As hard as it is to get yourself to start, you will be happy to know that things get much better as you keep going. The steepest hill to climb over is to start. Once you start, you have conquered the biggest obstacle. This is something that you should be proud of, in and of itself. Once you start, you put the wheels in motion to create momentum, and this momentum is crucial to bring you towards the finish line. But for that to happen, you need to start. So stop finding excuses and ways to delay your start. Choose to start exercising today, and never look back. You will be thankful that you did. Gear up now! It is not you want, YOU SHOULD. The first thing you need to do is to categorically include exercise into your lifestyle without any maybe’s or but’s. Exercising should be a must within your daily routine. Within your time management, there should always be time allocated to exercising. I can’t stress enough how important this is. For example, a few years ago I decided to go for a coffee shop every day and allocated half an hour of my time to it per day. Before I did that, I was always putting everything else before it, and I never could find the time for it. So instead of trying to fit exercise into your tight schedule, make it a permanent part of it which is non-negotiable, and make other non-productive activities such as watching television secondary to it. Fitness Freaks, they are for you. If you want to be successful at not only starting but staying active over time, you definitely need to have friends that share this same goal with you. Having a training partner is one of the best ways to get yourself the proper motivation to keep at it day in and day out. Someone with whom you can discuss the good and the bad, the positive and the negative, and that understands you fully is extremely important to your success at staying active. The bottom line is, if you are trying to be active, your non-active friends will never understand what you are going through and they are certainly not the right people that will motivate you to keep going. See yourself in the Mirror. I have found that most people will pretty much do anything to become more attractive and more desirable. The good news is that you do not have to subject yourself to grueling & potentially dangerous plastic surgery to get the job done. With a little patience and a strong will, you can literally reshape your entire body via exercise. Use this desire of seeking to be more attractive to your advantage and turn it into pure motivation to exercise. Sure, there are tons of reasons why people exercise, but I am certain that 100% do it partly to be more attractive. Looks matter in our current society, and we associate looks with success. Play that card to your own benefit and you will see that you will possess plenty of motivation to keep exercising over time. To motivate you even more, take pictures of yourself on a weekly basis. I guarantee you that the change you will notice in the pictures over a few months will make you want to keep exercising for the rest of your life! Ab, motivation more than this? Oh! Let’s try these work positive on we gearing up for an exercise first! SunayanaVinay Kumar
Read MoreLife Partner or Partner for Life? November 17, 2011 15:50
My friend Bhavya… and intelligent, independent and self-sufficient Woman. She was bold enough to let her decision become a reality, and made her parents agree for her, staying away from her home town in a hostel, work in an MNC. Bhavya is 26 now and unlike many others, she has left the responsibility of choosing suitable partner for her on her parents. And now, Bhavya has to meet a guy, chose by her parents. Like any other girl, Bhavya is in a dilemma now. It is all about how to know if that guy is suitable for her or not, if she could match to his thoughts, life style, way of handling issues, and his overall personality. It is next to impossible to choose a life partner within in an month or some time in a day, but, seeing the successful marriages around us, we need to believe, be it love or arranged, marriage is all about compatibility, respecting each other as they are and most important the intense desire of making their marriage work. Keeping this in mind, Bhavya chose her partner, based on the following as well, and they are; Just observe how balance is your partner’s life, if they can combine working, leisure and learning effectively then he or she will make a good life partner. Someone who has a balance life will live a better life and longer. He or she is whom you want to spend the rest of your life with. Although there are more factors in determining whether a person can be a good life partner but you can use the above factors as a hint when committing to a more serious relationship. Choose a partner who is affectionate towards you and your family. Affectionate person is someone you feel nice and loved when you are with him or her. This will ensure that your relationship will last a very long period. Someone who has a positive or optimistic outlook towards life makes a better partner as compared to one who is negative or pessimistic. Emotions are contagious and optimism is what you look or want if your life. The behavior of a person speaks a lot when it comes to choosing a life partner. Choosing a partner who is polite, patience, caring and understanding will have a good impact towards your romantic relationship. A partner who can communicate well is someone who can tell you all about his or her feeling openly. At the same time he or she is able to listen and understand your feeling effectively. This type of person will make a good life partner as you can openly express anything without any fear. Regardless how you love your partner, your instinct plays a very important role in determining whether your partner is suitable or not. If you feel that your partner is not reliable or not trustable in the first few dating, you can forget seeing him or her. On the other hand, if you feel comfortable with someone right from the start, there is a bright chance that he or she will be a good partner. Keeping all these and your basic list of idealistic partner, go ahead to choose a perfect start for the most important phase in life!
Read MoreStress V/S Tension! November 16, 2011 15:20
There are n numbers of reasons to get stressed out. Right from work load at office to your kid’s home work to taking care of your husband and in – laws, it is just that the more you stop thinking about your peace and go ahead doing multi-tasking, the more stressed out you would be. Well, there are many techniques that we use to control our stress levels as well. But, have we ever thought that are we really stressed out or we are tensed that we would are stressed out and take all that unnecessary stress over our mind. Lot of confusion, isn’t it? abtaktho, we have been thinking that we are stressed out, whenever we are tired and what is this ‘tension’ business that is working on our mind? When you think the other side, yes, there is a possibility of taking tension when you are not able to handle various issues at a time and this would lead to stress, after all you would be tired of working all day long and putting your mind on various other things. So, abyehthopathachalaki‘Tension’ is the mother of invention of ‘Stress’. So, let’s work on reducing ‘Tension’ as such; Get up 15 minutes earlier each morning. That gives you a little more time to eat something, run back to get something you forgot, or enjoy a cup of coffee before heading out the door. If you drive to work, a 15 or 20 minute head start may decrease some of the traffic you face, and make the commute less stressful. Yes, this works. Write it down. There is an old Chinese proverb that goes, "The palest ink is better than the most retentive memory." All those "Seven Secrets" tips are based on writing things down. Write down goals, errands, chores, due dates for projects and library books… Instead of just a "To Do" list, keep a "Have Done" list too. Move things over to that list after having completed them. At the end of the day, review how productive you were. Buy flowers for your partner unexpectedly. Sneak a small greeting card that says "I love you" into your child's lunch box. Bring donuts, bagels, or muffins to the office for others one morning. You get the picture. Someone else's smile and "Thanks" can sometimes make a bad day better and best. Stop thinking about all those bad moments that you faced in your life and all those people who were the whole and sole reason for you being upset. Nothing can be changed so as those unhealthy moments. So, wake up and give up, see how good it feels. Allowing others the right to make a mistake goes a long way toward forgiving yourself for mistakes. Assume that others are doing the best they can. Mark Twain once said, "Never attribute to malice what can easily be attributed to stupidity." This goes a long way toward doing the best you can as well. Try doing your routine and simple work with a difference. Say for instance, you have made parataas for breakfast. Why don’t you leave your mark in garnishing the same and serving the same with a difference? Why don’t you plan a candle light dinner at your home itself? Why don’t you surprise your partner with a surprise visit to his office by grooming yourself perfect? Make him happy by getting tickets for you and him, for the movie that he actually want to watch from a long time now? It’s all in you… if you want to be stress and tension free, then work on it and forget everything else! SunayanaVinay Kumar
Read MoreWhen will we think? November 15, 2011 19:22
On the eve of Children’s day yesterday, kids were busy with their own agendas. They have to wear a colorful dress, celebrate their festival; have their set of participation in the events held at school and also in the apartments that we live, come first in whatever competition they participated and what not. Adding to this, a week long International film festival has begun yesterday, and kids get to watch n number of children films each day. Even I was living in a same impression about Children and their specific days of celebration till yesterday. My thought process would not have changed if I would not have met, ‘BALASAHYOGA’s team. Yesterday, roundabout at evening 6.30 pm, there was a walk from Necklace road people’s plaza to the Railway Station. Close to 1,000 kids have participated in this walk, holding candles and some banners. I was on my way home, seeing all this I got attracted and was enthusiastic to know why this ‘walk’ and all. With one of the Organizer of ‘BALASAHYOGA’ that organized this walk as well, I have come to know all these kids are affected with HIV/AIDS and are making their protest against the same through the walk. I was shocked. It is not that I am not aware how much of population of our country is affected with HIV and how this gets transplanted from parents to kids, if proper vaccination is not given to the baby, right when in Mother’s womb. It is that, for the first time, I have actually experienced the emotions of these Children. Trust me, I have spoken many of these kids and everybody is aware of their problem. Just like any other matured human, these kids have accepted the same, and tuned up their mind to live with it. they were bold enough to come forward and let the World know their pain and to inculcate the awareness on HIV/AIDS. Watching these kids carrying the banners about the event that refers to ‘Kerinthalu’ – MaaAAshalu, Maahakkulu, MaaJeevitham (our wishes, rights and our life), made me feel as if they are demanding their life from us and all those elders who were affected by HIV/AIDS, just because the mistake of unprotected Sex, made by them. They, being kids are doing their bit to protest against HIV. Hats off to them and also to ‘BALASAHYOGA’ Organization supported this walk by the name ‘Kerinthalu’, supported by fhi, CLINTON FOUNDATION, care, THE CHILDREN’S INVESTMENT FUND FOUNDATION, Elton John AIDS Foundation and A.P. State AIDS Control Society Hyderabad. This makes me ask the Society, ‘why we are thinking and living more or less like Animals, being Human beings? Why our desires are dominating and ruining our lives and our kids lives as well, who are not at all responsible for our deeds and neither asked us to give them birth? Why are we looking to get into a physical relationship with one or more partner? Are we so desperate, without using a safety, we end up having a physical relationship with more than one and get affected by HIV/AIDS? Irrespective of the social status, education and life style, our Country is second largest in terms of the population affected by HIV/AIDS. We otherwise, abuse all those who can’t think and act as wise as us, tagging them as ‘illiterates’. Then what is our set of so called ‘literates’ doing? Why are we going where ever our thought takes us?Enough now! Just stop and let’s think. With one mistake made by us, our entire life will get ruined up and also our kids life, who suffer with HIV/AIDS. Let’s fulfill the basic responsibility of being Human beings, the major difference between Animals and us that we can think. So, think/ think proper. Think about what is right and what not, what to do and what not, how to control all those baseless desires, and how to lead a healthy and peaceful life, transform our kids as a good human beings as well. Fight against HIV/AIDS and talk more about it and the reasons behind being affected by it. Only then, we realizehow to save our and our kids’ lives from it as well!SunayanaVinay Kumar
Read MoreDiabetes, no more a Problem! November 14, 2011 16:59
Every year, 13th November has been declared as World Diabetes Day. And this I was known when I was browsing through the news. All these years, we have been listening to our taste glands and have been eating and living the lifestyle as per our wish. Well, this is definitely a healthy way of leading a life style. But, it is also very important to lead a proper life style that can make your life healthier. So, let’s take a pledge on the eve of World Diabetes day, to prevent ourselves from Diabetes, because as far as I know, once we are affected with diabetes, there is no cure, it is all about Control. And this reminds me of, ‘Prevention is better than Control’; Not only in the case of diabetes, for getting rid from any health related issue for that matter to lead a healthy life style, Physical fitness that leads to a strong emotional thought process is essential. So, this has to be your single point agenda; • Lose weight • Lower your blood sugar • Boosts your sensitivity to insulin — which helps keep your blood sugar within a normal range Research shows that both aerobic exercise and resistance training can help control diabetes, but the greatest benefit comes from a fitness program that includes both. Corn flakes as a breast fast option every day, may sound a bit boring to you. But the more corn flakes along with milk you have the more fiber intake would increase in your body. So, let’s; • Reduce your risk of diabetes by improving your blood sugar control • Lower your risk of heart disease • Promote weight loss by helping you feel full Foods high in fiber include fruits, vegetables, beans, whole grains, nuts and seeds. Yes, of course, Rice is our staple food. But, Whole grains and more of wheat intake would keep our body and heart healthy. Although it's not clear why, whole grains may reduce your risk of diabetes and help maintain blood sugar levels. Try to make at least half your grains whole grains. Many foods made from whole grains come ready to eat, including various breads, pasta products and many cereals. Along with this, intake of fresh fruits, vegetables and particularly green leafy vegetables, would increase the overall metabolism of your body. And yes, please don not let the stress affect your mind. Stress is the Mother of almost all the health related issues that we face. Please understand, being a Woman if we are healthy, only then our family and life would be healthier. And all those who are living with diabetes, please understand that it is just a problem that we are treating and as far as it is in control, nothing can affect our happiness. SunayanaVinay Kumar
Read MoreIs it so hard to Sense Common? November 04, 2011 15:25
Wow! Good yaar. Looks like round the clock, 365 days, every day there would be important for some or the other. After celebrating ‘House Wives day’ yesterday, it seems today is ‘Use Your Commonsense’ day. I was almost shocked to know this. As far as I know, common sense is something that is very common in all of us, irrespective of our brought up and Education. It is so inculcated in our mind that using the same, day in and day out us do n number of things. From were to travel, to how to travel, what is hygienic to eat and what not, how to react to each situation, how to plan our day, what dress would be suited to us and what not, how to behave as per the atmosphere, in short ‘Common Sense’ has been referred to our basic ability of analyzing what is suited to us, what is good to us and what not. But, at times, thanks to all those situations we are stuck in, it would be so hard for us to find out the actual fact by using our ‘Common Sense’… and this made some people say, ‘Common Sense’ is no more common in many people. Let’s take an example of certain quick situations; A universal problem that almost all our Woman would end up experiencing a Bad relationship any time in our life.It is not that we do not have an ability to judge the people or it is also not because we are innocent. It is only that, we would be so very involved and starts believing the other person, as a result we do not bother to use our common sense in experiencing the situations and finding out what is true and what not. The other example would be again very common. Many of us are working in such a job that we are not at all passionate. It is just because we have chosen that domain initially, and now continuing the same. We have studied and ended up doing a job in a domain, just for the heck of doing it. Have we used our Common Sense of sitting down and analyzing what we actually want out of our career, the situation would be entirely different. These were two quick examples that I could put in. if I and you can sit and think, we can find out infinite number of examples that can point out the acts we have done, irrespective of using our Common Sense. So, this means, Common Sense is not just limited to our day to day routine. It can be as simple and switching on the gas before making a tea to as complicated as choosing a live partner. It is all about keeping our thoughts open and amending our knowledge about the society atleast from time to time. Rather than blindly going ahead to where our thought takes us, stop and think for a while, if it is really necessary for us to do or not to do anything. On this day, let us give the new definition to ‘Common Sense’, and that would be ‘Sensing all those Common situations that can give uncommon results if taken an improper step’! SunayanaVinay Kumar
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