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Reduce stress in your life August 11, 2011 19:35

If you are feeling stressed out you are not alone.There are ways to reduce stressful situations in your life, but the first thing you need to do is - well, learn to relax! 1. Prioritize.It's hard to be relaxed when you feel overwhelmed.If you prioritize tasks at home and at work, you may find this simple task will help ease tension.Take the time to decide what has to be done today.Then decide what needs immediate attention. 2. Take action.Once you know what needs to be done, don't procrastinate.Do the immediate tasks first. If you make that call, dictate that letter, or take care of a nagging problem, it may give you a little peace of mind.Sometimes just getting the task out of the way makes you feel a whole lot better. 3. Breathe.Many of us have forgotten how to breathe. Okay, we take short breaths, the kind that make you anxious, but those long, deep, relaxing inhale/exhale routines they teach in yoga class - that's the kind of breathing that reduces stress.Just make an effort to do some deep breathing once in a while and it may work wonders.It may also be essential, especially after you find out your deadline has been changed to tomorrow or your teenager has gotten into a fender bender in the new car. 4. Take breaks.You will have more energy and feel more relaxed if you allow yourself time to unwind.Even five or ten minutes of sipping tea, closing your eyes, or just staring out at the clear blue sky can be beneficial. 5. Set boundaries.If you have a co-worker, boss, friend or husband who rants and raves routinely, you need to find a way to discourage them. This may take some creative thinking, but it is important to find ways to divert this behavior.Some people simply walk away or politely tell the offending party to come back when they are calm. However, if the ranting and raving continues despite your best efforts, you may have some hard decisions to make about the job or relationship. 6. Go out on a regular basis and enjoy yourself.Go to the movies, see a play or dance the night away.Hire a babysitter and enjoy a candlelit dinner with your loved one.Whatever the occasion, it is important to take time out for recreation. 7. Spend time with your family.If you are spending too much time at the office and neglecting your family, this is bound to cause tension and hurt feelings.Make some time to eat together, watch a video, play a game or take a walk.After all, they are the reason you are working so hard aren't they? 8. Laughter.You know the old saying - laughter is the best medicine.Some people swear it is a cure for almost anything, including disease.Whatever it does do, laughing makes us feel good.Why not enjoy a funny movie, cartoons, tell a joke and watch the tensions disappear? 9. Don't take on the world.You don't have to be superman or superwoman every minute of every day.There are others who are capable of shouldering responsibility, both at home and at the office.All you have to do is ask, but if you don't ask for help, they won't know you need it.The truth is most people like to be asked for help, they like to feel that they are needed. 10. Socialize.Call a friend.Go for coffee, talk about old times, reminisce, enjoy each other's success and commiserate about hard times.Making time for your friends can help to ease (and sometimes forget about) your worries. 11. Support groups. There's one for just about everything, from alcoholism to gambling.If you have any addictive tendencies, these groups can help you connect with others in a supportive environment. 12. Get some sleep.Believe it or not most of us are walking around sleep deprived a lot of the time. When you are tired it's difficult to deal with stress because your body isn't in top form.Try to find an extra half hour or fifteen minutes a day to snooze.If you can't get to bed earlier, try getting up later, or catch a nap in the afternoon.Even if you don't actually fall asleep, allowing your body to rest will be helpful. 13. Try something alternative.If yoga suits you, that's good.Or maybe you prefer soothing music, meditation, essential oils, herbal teas and chanting.There are many alternative ways to help reduce stress in your life. 14. Exercise.Just about any physical activity can be beneficial in getting rid of stress, whether it be aerobics, swimming, hiking, or taking a brisk walk.People who exercise burn off a lot more than just calories.Have you ever noticed how good you feel after a workout?Those feelings of well being can help in your defense against stress. 15. Finally, have patience.Be patient with yourself and other human beings.A little patience will go a long way with your children, boss, neighbors, pets, or just about anyone that crosses your path.Next time you find yourself getting impatient, why not let it roll off your back?Ask yourself - How important is this? You may find you are getting worked up about things that really aren't important

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‘Divorce – the only solution for any crises in Marriage?’ August 09, 2011 13:00

I have been hearing and seeing this from a while now. My Close friend Swetha ended up 8 years of her marriage life, by taking a Divorce from her Husband, Well; she has her own reasons; Swetha had a happy married life all these years. Both she and her husband were I.T. Professionals. 5 figure pay package, 5 day week work, similar work timings, in – laws staying in a Village (this means no Saas – Bahu, Jhagda), weekend parties, outings, shopping, and most important a 5 year old beautiful, cute, naughty and yet understanding daughter, who is matured enough to act according to the situation and at that age, Okay with her mom not being all the time with her. Seems more than fine right, but if everything is going so good, with no problems and issues, then what made both Swetha and her Husband Prateik get separated? What made them take a decision of let their Child grow, under a Single Parent? I was shocked to hear to Swetha, when she explained the reason. ‘Yes, I do agree that our life together is happy, with no financial problems and crises. But, as years passed by that ‘Charm’ in our relationship, between us, that was quite prevailing in the initial stages after our marriage, that ‘Magic’ that used to keep us bound together. It is not that we both never used to fight. Even we have and had issues in understanding each other’s habits, families, likes and dislikes and priorities and mind sets too. But, initially, even we used to fight; somehow, either I or Prateik would take a first step to patch up. But, as time passed by, neither me nor him is motivated to work on our relationship. That, ‘Togetherness’ factor is missing. We have a own flat today, a daughter, our own careers, but even our lives have become separate. I feel we are in a live in relationship, meeting in the evenings in weekdays, and in parties in weekends. There is no point to be together, so it is better to get separated, moving ahead in life, before things becoming even more worst.’ After listening to her thoughts, I started thinking about what is the actual meaning of the ‘Institution of Marriage’ that makes all the other Countries look upto India. And yes, I found the Answer; ‘Marriage is all about commitment that binds two people with a complete different life styles, thought processes for a life time and working on being together for a life time.’ now, you would say, when Human life itself is uncertain, then from where this ‘Being together life time’ has come? I would inturn say, ‘You believe life is uncertain, even if our parents believed the same, and had not bought us into this world, then today you and me would not be together, asking and answering the questions.’ If you believe your relationship with your parents is for life time, accept them as they are, bear with their nagging nature, still love them un conditional, that you should also apply the same believe in ‘Working your Marriage’ too. •  Even a single thing goes wrong, or every time your partner makes a simple mistake, don’t make a issue out of it. Understand that just like you even your partner is a Human Being, making mistakes is a more common tendency, accept him/ her with all the negatives, and appreciate the positive and good factors of them. • Marriage is not all about, ‘Magic and Charm’, it’s all about keeping that so called ‘Togetherness, Love and Charm’, alive all the time. infact, the more older your relationship grows, the more bound you should grow to each other. Think in this way and see. •  Rather than, poking your partner, that he/she does not give you that attention, that time, the importance to you, sit back and think what are you giving to him/her? All the time complaining about your partner, discussing your personal life, with your friends, applying the suggestions given by them, in your personal life, cursing your partner and what not. Just believe that what you give to your partner comes back to you. Now, you decide what do you want to give Love or Hatred? • Never ever hide anything with your partner. Even if you have done a crime or a mistake, just have guts to tell your partner the same. Truth is one such element that binds any relationship for a life time. Now, it is also your responsibility to make your partner understand your truthfulness. Try and try until you succeed. • Having a Baby changes your life for a better. This makes you think about your family, responsibilities and yet giving time to your partner. Do not ever consider, inviting this third person, makes the differences arise between you and your partner. •  I do agree that, be it a Man or a Woman, career for every individual is definitely a priority, but, not at the cost of your relationship and peace. Work on keeping your work timings restricted and devote good amount of time to your family, no matter what. • Most important, as and when you fight with your partner, or you feel when things are no going well between you both, give some time, let the anger come down, then sit, talk and sort out. It is in you, how you make your partner understand. • Stop looking out for another option. Your partner is among your soul and not a spare part of a vehicle that you can replace with a new one.Just understand one thing; nothing makes your life complete rather than a complete family, happy relationship with your partner, not a perfect job, lots of money and no Jwellery. Hope, all those who are planning for a ‘Divorce’ would stop and think about what I have said. Good Luck!   Sunayana Vinay Kumar

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Tips to Impress a Guy August 08, 2011 18:18

Do you like someone but finding it difficult to convey your feelings? It is great to be in love. Love is an unmatchable feeling to want someone and being with him. However, the real fun of being in love is not complete until and unless you confess your love to the man of your dream. If you want to convey your feelings to someone, the following write up can give you some useful suggestions; Be yourself is the key mantra for your success in love. Usually people do anything to get the proper attention which is not right. You should be into your skin and just be confident to convey your feelings.Do not be artificial and just be natural and true to yourself. Do not be conscious about your looks or how you speak but be sure of what you do as your confidence will earn you desirable results. Do not hesitate to say your mind and express yourself. Also, so not feel shy to make the right move if you think is necessary. Many girls feel that by making the first move they will not get the best attention. However, it will prove you as confident and smart girl. Pass the right compliment at the right time. It is a great gesture to pass on the compliments for your guy as he will feel special and appreciated.Smile politely. It is a good gesture to smile broadly and in the pleasant manner. A smile can win anyone’s heart as it passes on positive energy.Do look nice and presentable by wearing the right clothes. You should get all kinds of dress that make you look beautiful and attractive. Be sporty as most guys love playing their favorite sports. Try to develop a love for sports. Gather information and take interest in sports.

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How to make love to your husband August 06, 2011 17:45

Finding happiness in most marriages in the present day has proved to be a dream. Many marriages are riding behind the arm chair of sadness. What is seen in the day is not what prevails when the couple is behind the walls of their apartment. Many have tried to please their husbands so that they remain happy forever. Many want to satisfy the sexual needs of their husbands so that they will be jovial. Are you one of those who have tried all these? Have you learned how to make love to your husband and make him get an “enjoyable” ending? If you want to satisfy the needs of your husband completely, then you need to be equipped with some  love making tips for women. This is the only way that has been proved to be effective in giving your husband the kind of physical satisfaction he needs. Without these tips, you will be assured your sexual life will be boring. It is high time you open your brain and learn how to make love to your husband. Learning on how to make love to your husband is the right way of cultivating happiness in your marriage. If you are used to the missionary style, then it is high time you style up and spice things up. It is high time you get out of the shyness cocoon and show your man how much you care of him and how sexy you gauge him. This will make your man desired and he will have all the pleasure when it comes to bed matters. It is good not to be shy when it comes to bed. Your husband needs to see how crazy you are over him. Show him your naughtiness when you are in the bedroom. Another tip recommended when you are learning on how to make love to your husband is to use stimulation. You need to work up his penis by sex or oral means so that he is high before you embark on the real thing. Many women will tend to be shy hence tend to leave their husbands not satisfied. Your man wants to have all the pleasure by hearing you moan and feel your rough side when it comes to bed. Dig your nails deep on his back and give him all the stimulation he wants so that he can get to orgasm. These are some of the crucial tips that will give your husband the pleasure he needs.

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Technology – Woman, does not go hand in hand? August 03, 2011 18:32

Well, this is definitely a very big statement. Since ages, keeping exceptions aside, it has been observed that Woman always, not been so ‘Techno Friendly’. We do not understand Technology and even work on upgrading it, as easy as we understand the New Fashion accessories, various new varieties in Jeweler and what kind of dresses are in fashion. Now you might think about me, ‘What is this, being a Woman what is she saying? Why is she downsizing Woman?’ Let me explain, I am not against Woman not being ‘Techno Friendly’. For that matter, even I have no clue about certain basic things like how to blog, how to thoroughly access various Social Networking and Micro Blogging sites, and certain E mail etiquettes too. All these days, I have never even bothered to learn them also. But, one incident that recently happened with me, at my work place, changed my entire perception about ‘Woman Being Techno Friendly’. It so happened that, some of us were supposed to enroll in a Social Networking site, to promote our company, as told by our higher management. Almost everyone apart from me and my colleague were already in this Site. I saw everyone was quick in updating various things about our organization, and making the utmost use of the knowledge they have on the given task. I was standing there with no idea about what to do. For a moment, I felt myself as an illiterate working with all other educated lot. Some others also might felt the same about me. Not leaving any chance, they commented on me to be a Girl born in some 40s, old fashioned, conservative in thinking and what not. For some time, all these were bothering me a lot. I almost like lost in my own thoughts. But, then, I realized that no matter how important it is, nothing can make me loose my Confidence. Yes, I do agree that I am not Techno freak, but if necessary, I can learn anything, very quickly in order to catch up the rest. It is not in the mindset, but all in the need of knowing the importance or learning any new change, weather it is in our life, or at our work place. I was able to relate my situation to that of a Woman who experiences Mother Hood for the first time. Any Woman who will be expecting her first baby, might not know anything about how the care of new born is taken, how she should take care of herself, in order to be a good mother, what to do, what not to do at the time of pregnancy, during and post delivery, how to bring up the baby, and what not. But, as time passes by, we will learn all this for sure. Even our Mothers did. So, there should be a first time for everything, so as to learn and expertise on Technology. With this thought process, I learnt all about the accessing of that Social Networking site on my own. Today, I can confidently say that I am in a position to not only thoroughly access what I have learnt but also to teach others. With all these, my perception towards looking at life has also changed. Today, I belevie there is no hard and fast rule that Technology only a Cup of Tea of a Man. If that so, then why n number of Organizations are would even think of hiring Woman as Software Engineers. It is as simple as upgrading your knowledge, even technically, according to catch up with this fast passed World. I have been doing and succeeded in this. Hope you would very soon. After all, Woman are known to be Multi – Skilled!Sunayana Vinay Kumar

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Turn your hobby into a career August 02, 2011 17:05

Today many people have realized that having just one job is not enough. It’s not enough if you’re going to pay your bills, to make your loan payments, to pay college tuition for kids etc. People are actively looking for a second income. Some of them already have a second job as a part time job based around weekday evenings and weekends. But not everyone has time for the second job. Some people want to start their own business. Some want to make money at home. If you are thinking how to make more money and looking for making money ideas and tips, consider your hobbies and interests first. Look within. Do you have any talents? Make money from teaching. Do you play the piano or guitar? You can teach piano or guitar. It doesn't matter what instrument you play. Somewhere there is a huge market for your skill. Hundreds of people want to play music. Are you good with computers? This is one more way to make money. Start an evening class or workshop teaching basic computer skills. Experts say more and more jobs require at least basic computer skills. Turn your hobby into a career. Look around, you can make money on the Internet. If you have access to the Internet, consider one of the many advertised home based businesses. You can become an affiliate, sell someone’s products and make money on each product sold. You can make money if you create your own blog or web site based on a topic that you are expert and get paid for putting ads on it. Freelancing jobs is another making money idea. If you possess skills in writing, simply look online. You can find the freelance writing jobs to write articles, web site content and copy editing jobs. You can find freelance work in almost any field. Are you a good photographer? Make money taking pictures. Post your best pictures at Micro Stock Photography web sites and get paid for them. Now it is possible to make money from your home based business. Think which opportunity is for you and start make money.

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‘It’s all about communicating, baby’ July 29, 2011 12:56

Fortunately, all my friends also are working Woman. Now, why I am fortunate because, I can relate my work life, personal life and work life balance and so on with them. Let me share an issue that happened with me at my work place, recently. Any extra work that turns up or any 11th hour work always comes to me from my Boss. ‘I don’t want to do that work, I wish I could ask my Boss, why only I being her first option of her, when any extra work comes? Everyone else escape from work, they are not passionate and dedicated towards the work, but yet, nobody bothers about what are they doing. It is only me that is working in Office? This is it. I give a damn about what my Boss thinks. I can’t take anything more right now’, each time my Boss asks me to do any work that is apart from a daily routine, and this is how I used to feel. But, never had I used to let my expressions out. This was being going on for a while. Without my knowledge I have started getting my work place frustrations, travelling all the way with me in an auto, even after me leaving the Office, to my Home. Even on weekends and Holidays, I used to only think about one thing, ‘Why only me who is being targeted at work. Is this a way to let me know that I need to quit the Job by myself? Am I not worth of working along with others in the organization? All these years of my work experience, fetched me in no way? What should I do to get rid of this pressure? Should I myself put my papers in the organization?’ Believe me, these thoughts used to keep my mind occupy all the time. This made me stay away from having a good time with my family, thinking and living my life the way I wanted to. I have come to such a situation that, despite of being with my family and friends, I used to always think about my status in the office. I used to curse myself of being a slave in my organization. It was during this time, I happened to meet one of my friends Haritha. Over a casual talk, we happen to discuss our professional life too. I was in one of my moods to share what is happening with my thoughts and shared all the above with my friend. She took a deep breath after listening to all these, and gave that wired laugh. This irritated me to the core. ‘How could she be so mean? How can she laugh over my problems? Have I become that Cheap?’, these were the thoughts going on my mind, that time. Haritha, then started off saying, ‘All these troubles and Hurdles that you are facing are completely created by you. I may sound rude, but this is what the fact is. I agree that you are being bombarded with work, extra loaded with more than one responsibility. Your hard work is speaking, people can see you working, but why should they bother? Why will they bother? You are completing how much ever given work within the deadline, and this is what they require. Why would they think about your mindset? Are they your loved ones, friends, or your family to read your mind? They are just colleagues. And more over, Bosses are trained to behave like this. no boss will think of being concerned towards his employee. At the end of the day, they are only worried about the output. And, why do you even compare your work, your ability with others? No two people are alike. And what if anyone escapes from work? Are you concerned about them, or jealous that you are not able to escape from the responsibilities as they do? Everything is in you. No one else is dictating your life. It is you who are allowing them to do so. Tell me one thing, if you so very feel over loaded, why can’t you straight away go to your boss and say the same thing? Why can’t you say ‘No’? You are making yourself a slave by nodding your head to every damn thing that is happening. It is your life. So, be confident and make people understand that even your personal life is important as much your work is. Go, speak to your Boss, tell her what you can do, what you can’t what timings you can be flexible in adjusting your work with. Talk everything. I suppose you are not taking a step because you are worried this could lead to you loosing the Job. But, this means that you are not confident about your ability of work itself. Think and take a decision’ This explanation given by her actually changed the entire way of my thinking. I felt ashamed for not being thinking like her. But, then I remembered, ‘No two people think alike’. My friend has shown me a path. The very next day, I straight away went to my boss after reaching the Office, explained how over loaded I would feel if all the work burden is put on me, made her understand my priorities apart from Office and yes, also made clear on my roles, responsibilities and even work timings. Surprisingly, nothing negative happened. Neither my boss got down in an argument with me, neither nagged on anything that I spoke. She only said one thing, ‘I am glad that you are able to speak for yourself, and able to finally say ‘No’. Then I understood, it is all in us. People will see us, based on how we project ourselves. It is all about the way we communicate things. Today, my life is full of colors. I work, manage my home, spend time for myself and family and even visit relatives in and out. And most important, me and Haritha, often go out for a Coffee. We no more talk about our troubles. We just Chill. Hope you too would, very soon! Sunayana Vinay Kumar

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Making Exercise a Part of Your Daily Routine July 27, 2011 18:49

Some men may think of exercise as something to do only when they need to lose a few pounds. But regular physical activity should be a permanent part of every man’s lifestyle. The health benefits you gain won’t last unless you exercise regularly. Here are some easy ways to incorporate physical activity into your daily routine: Make time for exercise every day. Get up half an hour earlier in the morning to work out. Better yet, watch television half an hour less each day and spend the time exercising. Work exercise into your usual routine. Stop using the elevator at work; take the stairs instead. Park a few blocks away from work or from the store and walk the extra distance. Take the dog for a nightly walk. Push the baby in a stroller or pull your children in a wagon or on a sled for half an hour every day. Exercise with a friend or family member. Working out with someone is a good strategy because you can motivate each other. Exercise while doing other things. Lift hand weights while you are talking on the phone. Do some sit-ups or leg lifts or ride a stationary bicycle while you are watching television. Break up your exercise time. Exercise for three 10-minute periods throughout the day instead of one long session. The exercise benefits will remain the same. Draw up an exercise contract. Write down weekly fitness goals and sign the contract. Then have a friend or family member witness it. Don’t forget to warm up before exercising and to cool down afterward. And remember, you are making a change for the long term. Once exercise becomes a permanent part of your daily routine, it will cease being an effort. And you will feel better and look better—two of the best motivators you can find.

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‘Monday Syndrome’, no more a trouble! July 25, 2011 12:43

Oh no! It is a Monday again. Week long trouble, should run here and there, have to give 100% at my home and at work place, Bacchon ka school, unka Tiffin, Home work tension, hubby’s office, to plan right from the Shirt he should were and to the socks that are to be ready, Mother – in – law would not leave any opportunity to point out any single mistake made by me. Why does this Monday come?’ Atleast most of you would be experiencing the above mentioned feelings right from Sunday evening itself. The happier we would be on a Friday evening, the more worried we would right from Sunday evening and this is about how to plan the coming week. We know all our responsibilities and we are also aware that we cannot escape from any of these, then why getting worried about planning our week? Why are we striving for a weekend to come and if possible every day to be a weekend? Are we bored of our life? Are we over loading ourselves with too many things? Are we striving to give our best every day, to 100 other things we do? Are we tensed about spending our life? May be ‘Yes’. It could be at work place, or at our office, most of the things we end up doing every day are without our interest in it. In the process of accepting life the way it comes, we have become so mechanical that after certain point of phase, our mentality develops in such a way that, for every issue, everything and every situation, we get tensed. Our so called planning about tomorrow, if over loads our mind, we forget to live in present and start worrying about tomorrow. And this ‘Worry’ of us, makes us week and as a result, an unknown ‘sorrow’ would rule our mind. Not that all these analysis are not known to you. But, the only fact is that we do not know about ourselves, unless the other person points out our strengths and weakness. Better late than never, so let us try all these to overcome are ‘Monday Syndrome’; •Enjoy each and everything you do. Even it is your daily routine, do not leave it to be routine. Right from your Morning Coffee to your Work to your household responsibilities to taking care of your loved ones. Don’t just limit this to a day or two; take a pledge to make up your mind every day. •I agree that many things every day we do or that come our way are not with our complete consent. But, when we decide to live with the changes, let us work on adapting the same. •Give a damn to the entire Problem Creators’ of your live. It could be your maid/mother – in – law/ neighbor/ boss/ friend. The pressure on your mind is when you take the same that others give you. So, instead of thinking to satisfy them, just believe in what you do and analyze your work. If you know what are you doing and totally believe that it is completely correct, then no need to answer anybody. Your work definitely speaks. •Finally, weather it is a week day or a week end, always take some time to pamper yourself and relax, keeping aside everything. It could be as simple as taking a shower bath while listening to your favorite songs or eating your favorite ice cream/chocolate. Now, you might be thinking, as I am being paid to write articles, I can play a role of a teacher and write every sentence from a third person point of view. I do agree that I am paid for what I am doing, but I am mere not writing anything, instead sharing my experiences that I have and I am experiencing. Believe me, if all the above mentioned that I have practiced to overcome any syndrome, would work for me, and then it will yield a positive result for you too. Sunayana Vinay Kumar

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You’re Weekend ‘A Disaster’? July 23, 2011 12:53

The thought of your weekend being a disaster, itself is a disaster. But, you or me, or for that matter anyone else, might face this problem, atleast once in their life time. Irrespective you being a Working Woman or a Home Maker or a College going Teenager, there is no hard and fast rule that your weekend should only be overwhelming with joy and happiness, full of colors. It can also be irritating, boring, nagging and yes a total Disaster. The reasons could also be numerous. Your entire week at office, turned out to be pathetic, fully loaded with work, your boss becoming more ‘Khadoos’, than he/she would be generally, your problems could be increased with your in – laws, you had a very ‘Bad’ argument with your partner and patiently continuing the same mood throughout the week, your child has fallen ill suddenly, or it could be as simple as your entire week being boring as you did not had not much to do. The reason could be anything, but all these or any one of similar incident happened during the week, can definitely make your weekend a disaster. Just think for a while, in this busy lifestyle today, where you can’t even afford to waste a single minute, how can you let go a weekend full of excitement and happiness? How can you atleast think of being upset, that to on a weekend? The reason for your bad mood could be anything, but, do not even try to go finding the root cause of the problem. It is better to let go off certain things, rather than thinking about them and spoiling your present. One simple logic, if you could have solved the trouble by yourself, you would have definitely done that, and if this does not turn out, that refers, in the due course of time, everything has to be alright. So, stop thinking and start living in this moment. Remember, the more energetic your weekend would be the happier, a week ahead of yours would be. So, chill out. Even if you are not able to get rid of those disturbing thoughts, you can try these, on your weekend; • Enjoy your evening coffee in a company of your loved ones, preferably at a Balcony of your House. (Wow! I can just experience how does this coffee’s taste enhances). • Music, a big turn on at any given point of time. Irrespective of your Dancing Skills, just try moving your body and soul to the tunes of your favorite song. (I am sure; you will re gain back your lost energy). •Just get into the car, drive wherever the road takes you. (If this Drive includes your Loved ones along with you, then it would definitely add up to your mood. Do not forget to carry your Wallet though). •As per many researches, Ice Cream and Chocolates are Mantras of revamping your mood, so try them. •Not in a mood to do any work, cook, or even take a bath? Then don’t force yourself to do so. Just listen to what your Heart says. It is okay live ‘Dirty’ once in a while. •    Never ever argue on any issue, no matter how big it is, with your partner, that to on a weekend. Just postpone the argument for a Monday. (Who knows, your seriousness of the issue on a Saturday, may appear as silly as a billy, on Monday). Finally, forget everything, just relax, chill and have a blast this weekend. As it is our right to live our life. What say?   Sunayana Vinay Kumar

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Classroom Stress can be Reduced by Walking to School July 21, 2011 13:49

Being parents everyone tries to give as much comfort to their children as walking-to-schoolthey can but sometime some little effort and hard work is also required for the better growth of children, a new research carried by the University at Buffalo researchers has showed that walking to school may help in reducing the children’s stress throughout the day. The findings of this research are not very unique one but it’s really good for those parents who always seek comfort and luxury for their children. This study was carried on 20 girls and 20 boys aged 10 to 14 and they were tested in the behavioral research laboratory.

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Financial Planning, A learning journey? July 20, 2011 15:32

I have grown up hearing my Mom talking about how important it is, particularly of us to know how to plan our budget. There were many instances, Mom used warn me if I can’t handle my expenses and plan a month in an given budget, that would definitely have a very negative impact on me and  my family, after my marriage. Whatever she used to say sounded to be very nagging and boring to me. I never even bothered to think of what is the essence of her talk. Later, I got married. Today, after two and a half years of my marriage, I understand how important it is for anyone to know how to manage their finances. Initially, after my Marriage, everything, right from a 10 rupees Noodles packet to 600 rupees worth lipstick, meant to be important and essential for me. The idea of compromising on not buying all those I wanted to, it was not a convincing point for me. In practice, it was hard for me to analyze what is a necessity and what is a luxury. This went on for a while, I have been spending money like water, buying all those I want, all those I aspire to buy and all those I just feel like buying. It could be clothes, cosmetics, accessories, house hold necessities, Jewelers and what not. All this went for almost 2 years. My Husband, who was mum for two long years, one evening, came up to me, sat beside me and with lot of peace and firm attitude said, ‘I am not expecting you to earn to fulfill your desires, and I do not want that too. Working and earning is something that is purely your call. Neither, I  am expecting you to kill all your desires and adjust for the sake of saving money. I just want you to know, what you actually want. It is very essential for one to know what they want to achieve, clarity in what they are wanting to get, right and clear vision about what are their likes and sensing what are they doing. I am definitely not opposing you from buying anything you want and living the life the way you are used to. I am urging you to know your mind first, before taking any step. Since we just started off with our life, all this is acceptable now. What if a new member (Our Kid) enters into our family tomorrow? What if seeing you or me, even the kid would start behaving in a similar way? I am sure, there would definitely be a point when you will regret for your behavior that has in turn made your child to be irresponsible about the future.’ One last sentence he said, that has actually changed all these years of my entire perspective towards life, ‘Thinking and living in today is very important, but planning about the future and giving a better life ahead for yourself, our family and kids is equally important’.This is how I have learnt how to plan your finances. Even today, I buy whatever I want, I enjoy living every moment, but at the same time, I have learnt to differentiate my necessities, desires, wants and unnecessary expenditure. I hope, all you Woman out there, who more or less are going through the phase I have gone a bit earlier, would start a new beginning, yet again. Well, there is always a next time!   Sunayana Vinay Kumar

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