This weekend… a single point agenda and that is… January 07, 2012 13:19
‘Relaxation’. Do you feel it has been ages you have actually got some rest? You have been working day in and day out from past couple some time, without taking a proper break a tall... so, these two days are just mend for you to get ‘relaxed’ from all the daily routine, so that you can get back to the routine with a ‘Joy’… Let rest be the top prerogative on your weekend agenda, for it is the only time when you can really rest. Complete your household chores in a more relaxed way and rushing into them in a dash to complete them. This only hamper the purpose of relaxing. Engage your children in household activities like gardening or cleaning, which serves the double purpose of completing the job, while spending quality time with them, as well as relaxing. Do not have too many engagements, even in the name of relaxation like visiting a theatre, going to a pub or the mall. While you may be interested in doing all of them, see to it that you allow some time for yourself. Too many activities during the weekend may leave you with your energy ebbed. See to it that you spend quality time with yourself in solitude. While it is very relaxing, it also allows you to assess yourself and pull up your socks for the following week. While you may adhere to discipline, see to it that you do not get into a lot of scheduling, which may get you on your toes in fulfilling them, driving away relaxation. Do not also keep away too much from activities, which will bring in boredom. Spend your time with people whose company you really relish. Last but not the least concentrate on a healthy diet and get you good sleep. This is the best way to relax and help you bounce back to work for the following week.
Read More‘Stress’ a myth or a reality? January 06, 2012 10:47
There would not be one single day when we do no speak or think about ‘STRESS’ at least once a day… but, the point is, are we really ‘stressed’ out? Or are stressed out with that ‘thought’? before answering this to ourselves, let’s actually have an idea about different myths and reality of ‘Stress’… MYTH #2: Stress is something we can cope with or deal with directly. FACT: Stress is not something you, I, or anyone else can cope with directly. Contrary to popular belief, stress is not some "thing" that exists or afflicts us like a disease. "Stress" is merely a word that we use to stand for hundreds of specific problems and conflicts we experience from time to time. Some of these problems exist outside our bodies, such as relationship conflicts, work-related pressures, and other external obligations or demands. Others occur inside our bodies, such as feeling tense, angry, worried, or depressed. Thus, whenever we say we are "suffering from stress," what we really mean is WE ARE HAVING PROBLEMS OR CONFLICTS THAT ARE PAINFUL OR TROUBLING TO US. This means we have all been trained to think about stress incorrectly. Instead of asking "what can I do to cope with my stress?" you should be asking yourself "what specific problems or conflicts are troubling me, and how can I deal with each of these problems effectively?" The importance of this change will be discussed in a moment. MYTH #3: Some degree of stress is good or healthy for us. FACT: There is no such thing as "good" or "healthy" stress. Also, there is no truth to the rumor that some degree of stress is necessary for us to be happy, successful, or maximally productive in our jobs. These myths arise from failing to appreciate that stress is just a word. While many experiences in life can excite us, such as movies, plays, and athletic events, these experiences have nothing at all to do with stress (i.e. problems and conflicts that are painful or troubling to us). Confusion about this, however, causes many people to incorrectly assume that a certain amount of fear, anger, frustration, or other negative emotions is actually "good" or "healthy" for them. THIS WIDESPREAD ASSUMPTION NEEDS TO BE CORRECTED! Instead of encouraging people to believe in this myth, we should be teaching our children that much of the pain and suffering people endure in the name of "good stress" is unnecessary. The truth is most of this stress could be eliminated without any adverse effects on our health, happiness, or productivity. MYTH #4: The best way to deal with stress is to manage it--i.e. make it go away with physical exercise, meditation, biofeedback, or other relaxation techniques. FACT: The most damaging belief we have today is that the best way to deal with our stress is to manage it. While stress management experts are quick to point out the positive benefits of exercise, meditation, and relaxation techniques, few will inform you of the negative side to these same coping strategies. Most people have already discovered, however, that stress management techniques are often ineffective. They are very poor strategies for dealing with certain types of problems, such as the death of a loved one or the loss of your job. They are also very time-consuming, requiring discipline and will power that many people lack. In addition, their benefits are short-lasting, necessitating daily or in some case multiple usages each day. But the biggest drawback to managing stress is that it only deals with the symptoms of our problems. It rarely helps us to clarify or deal with the underlying causes of our difficulties. This means that managing stress--even when we do it well--CAN CAUSE MANY OF OUR PROBLEMS TO PERSIST OR EVEN GET WORSE! Since we never correct the root causes of our problems, they will continue to occur, over and over again. It is all about knowing the reality rather than living in a myth…
Read MoreGet out of it… but how? January 05, 2012 10:50
‘Extra marital’ affair or ‘Two Timing’, you can name it according to your convenience. But, once that ‘hawaa’ is out of you and once things are being perfect with your committed partner or you have known the difference of love when compared to your committed partner and the one you are just seeing, then it would not take much of a time to get out of it. but, the challenge is, how to handle this relationship and convey the same to the one with whom you are in a ‘Extra marital’ affair, that is neither accepted by the society nor by you yourself after you have known your identity. Good for you, but all you have to do is handle the split with a maturity. As this should not make the situation worst and affect the committed relationship of yours. For this, you can; More than half of all men, and around fifty percent of all women, will have an extramarital affair at some point during their marriage. One delicate subject once an affair has started is how to end this activity in the best way possible. Stopping an affair could end badly if it is not handled right, especially if your lover has strong feelings for you and does not want the relationship to end. Look at why you want the affair to end, and be honest about your feelings. Take time to think about every possible reaction you may receive from your lover, and script your responses in return. When breaking off an affair the best way to do this is to meet your lover in a public place, so there is less of a chance that a scene will unfold once you explain the affair is ending. At the meeting be honest with your lover. Start by stating that the affair is ended, and then make sure to explain the reasons behind this decision. Tell the lover that you will no longer accept contact from them, and ask them to cease all communication from that time on. Once you have explained your position do not stick around, but simply ask them again not to contact you in any way and then leave. Take any appropriate steps to prevent contact, such as blocking the phone number of the ex-lover and alerting your employer that the individual is not welcome at your job. If the individual continues to call, text, email, or visit then additional steps may need to be taken. Contact your cellular company, and ask that the calls and texts from the ex-lover are blocked and cannot come through. Once this is done simply delete the information for the ex-lover, and they cannot contact you this way any longer. For emails simply mark the sender info as Spam or trash, and direct the emails straight into the junk file so you do not even have to see them. If the individual shows up at your home or office do not allow them to enter and ask them to leave immediately. If they do not comply it may be necessary to call the police and have them removed. In some cases an ex-lover can turn into a stalker. If this happens then you may need to involve the police, and even get a personal protection order to prevent an ex-lover from harassing you. In these situations it may become necessary to admit the affair and warn your spouse, especially if the court and police are involved. Using caution and discretion before, during, and after an affair can prevent this. Avoid feeling pity or sympathy for the other party, and never attempt to negotiate or give in to emotional blackmail. These steps may erode your will to end the affair, and can be used by an ex-lover to manipulate you into starting the affair back up. Once you have ended the affair stay strong, and refuse any contact. This will let the other party know you are serious in your resolve to end the relationship permanently.
Read MoreNagging boss?no more… January 04, 2012 15:22
In a survey done about the reason behind the attrition rate of the employees, 88% of them quoted their nagging boss make them leave the organization. It is not just nagging but many other reasons you hate your boss. for a simple statement ‘Boss is made like than’, we many times tend to forgo things. But, is your boss really behaving more than just ‘nagging’? is he being a ‘bully’? find out from the qualities, mentioned below. If your Boss; • A supervisor constantly yells at workers. • A supervisor or coworker picks on the same people in front of others or in private where there are no witnesses. • A boss constantly blocks someone's promotions. • A supervisor sabotages an employees work or claims it as his own. • A boss, supervisor, or coworkers deliberately ignore certain individuals at work and put them "out of the loop." • A supervisor overloads employees, sets unreasonable deadlines, and requires many hours work beyond full-time, without additional pay. NOTE: if the average wage because of this added requirement dips below Federal Minimum Wage, legal action is allowable. • A supervisor attacks a worker personally and name-calls. • A boss, supervisor or coworkers make jokes about an employee. • A boss or supervisors consistently give an employee equipment that does not work, such as the oldest computer in the building and it is broken. • A boss places an employee in dangerous positions, such as at a front desk area into which gunfire has recently perpetrated, without adding security measures. Another example is giving only certain employees workspace that does not have adequate heating, cooling, and ventilation. So, all you do today is find out your Boss is a ‘Bully’ or not… tomorrow, let us talk about how to handle the same, one last time, before actually putting down our papers.
Read More‘Fear’ – An Evil of Life? January 03, 2012 13:06
You can name it as a ‘myth’ of life time, under estimating yourself, no confidence on your worth or whatever it could be, the Fear factor will definitely damage our career and in return our life… don’t believe me? Then question yourself. When was the last time you have given a presentation in front of at least 10 other people? When was the last time you have actively participated in a Group Decision? Did you ever think of exploring your talent, be it dance, music, rangoli, or any other form of art and presenting your knowledge to others? If you are backing away from presenting the ‘real’ you, only because of the inconvenience of others watching you, then for sure, there is a ‘Fear’ factor in you. Better late than never, find it and work on getting out of it… the following tips can be help for you in transforming yourself into a ‘real’ you; Stage fear or Public fear is a most common factor in most of us. Do not view the same as a major negative in you. This is most common in all of us. In fact, many celebs have also admitted that it could be the nth time they are facing the stage or Camera; they are a bit tensed for some minutes. So, just accept the same and move further. Arrive at the venue before others. This gives you an opportunity to get comfortable with the space and get a feel of it. Practice the upcoming session or performance by yourself, using the stage or podium so that when you actually perform, you don’t feel like you are doing new. Greet the audience in a friendly manner and try and build a rapport with them. It helps for the performer to feel like he knows the audience as it removes the fear of the unknown. You might be shaky while beginning your performance, but if you apologize, you draw unwanted attention, which is not required. Gaining attention of your audience is your ultimate goal, but don’t let them notice your nervousness by continuously regretting for it. In fact, apologies are only called for when you have committed a blunder on stage. Try to be suave and look confident. This is the most important part of your stage appearance. You need to focus on the material of your presentation or the content of your performance and persuade the audience to focus on the same. Remember, the content of your performance is what the audience is looking for. Superior content will bring quality to the performance, which will ensure that half the battle is already won. It will also help to boost your confidence. It is important not to keep thinking about your scheduled performance, to avoid paranoia. Accept the fact that no matter how important a performance it is, it will certainly not be the last thing in your life. Continuous planning on how to make it right can enhance your anxiety on the D-day. Try to relax and take it easy, by taking your mind off it. Stretching your body or deep breathing can be a great way to relax if the tension is getting to you.
Read MoreDifferent personalities… Similar thoughts? January 02, 2012 13:23
Impossible, right? Just like no to mind sets are alike, everyone one of us are different from one another, similarly, our way of dealing different people with different mind sets has to differ… By reading the above, you can definitely ask me, ‘Am I am psychologist? I am just like any other Human. After all, how would I know which the better way to deal with people is and how it can differ from person to person?’ Well, what not we do to live? We be selfish, arrogant, calm and composed, greedy. Loving, short tempered, patient according to the situation, to survive at the end of the day. When we can adapt all these expressions and emotions for our survival, why can’t we adapt the technique to deal with people that is different from one person to another, for our survival itself? After all, people se hi tho society bantaahai! Of course, we are there to help you succeed in this. So, here are some suggestions that would give you a brief to deal with people of different mind sets… 1. This person is just arrogant and out of the mind almost all the times. He does not know when he loses his temper and what he speaks in anger… irrespective of his social status; he might even go to an extent to use abusive language when he is furious… So… you never lose your temper and patience and get carried away with the mood of these kinds of people. Finding it simple? In practical, this is the toughest situation as it is very difficult for us to handle the arrogance and madness of others… but, if we aspire to set the things right, we have to have a control on our senses. The more matured, calm and firm we are, the chances of these kinds of people to calm down and get back to the reality are more… try and see once… 2. They appear to be very sweet, understanding and best people in the World… but, for sure, one day you have known how dirty they can be in playing Politics and you would be introduced to their double mouthed nature as well… there are all the chances of you being shocked the other people letting out your secrets and then realize it is because of ‘this’ one person, gaining your confidence and back biting behind you… You can… also be smart enough… never let that person know you have known his real character… you just be the same you were with him earlier, talk to him, and continue your behavior to be the same… one change that you should make is, never ever let him know your mind set, anguish, your feelings about any other person or in front of him… the funda is to make him confused about your behavior… everything should seem normal, but the fact is you are no more the ‘real’ you with him… 3. This lot is a set of sensitive people… they get offended for almost anything and everything… ‘bindaas’ is the word just not apt to them… they are more or less similar to that of any daily soap ka heroine/hero… So You… just be very careful in dealing with them… all those talent of yours, be it cracking jokes, pulling leg, ‘Adult’ jokes, discussions on ‘Bold’ topics are a big no – no, in front of them… you just need to be similar to them, act a bit calm and more matured… 4. This category is one of the best lot… they give a damn about what rest of the World thinks… they are just bothered about them, their life… they neither bitch, nor crib nor make a fuss about anything or anyone… whatever is their thought, you would for sure know the same from them… Why do you bother? You just be the same with them… just be yourself… calm and cool and Yes, ‘Bindaas’… 5. These sets of people are n numbers in this World, around you… you can in short call them as opportunity takers… they always wait to take the opportunity, exploit others and fulfill their needs… By God’s grace even we are aware with this kind of mind sets..why to give them a chance and then crib later? Simple… bhaavnahidenaa… you be clever enough to get away from these people… of course, your survival is ‘The Priority’… SunayanaVinay Kumar
Read MoreDifficult Situation? Not any more… December 31, 2011 15:38
It is so wise and a matured way to handle any problem, if we just restrict our anger and blame the situation rather than the people involved in the same. It is so difficult to inculcate this kind of a thought process, but it is for sure not impossible. Once we make ourselves used to cope up with any kind of situations, based on the situations itself, then half of our problems are solved. Now, we need to work on solving the rest half of the problems by handling the same. So, here are some tips for you to look into, to cope up with different/difficult situations; It is always better to keep a check on your temper, when you are handling some tough situations. There are all the chances for you to lose your temper as most of the times, these situations would be more or less, at least some percent related to your emotional state of mind as well. So, it is better to look into handling the situation rather than getting carried away by the same. Just think for a while in other person’s shoes. Everyone has their own reasons to do or not to do anything or everything. For you it might be a disguise, but for other person the deed done by them might be absolutely right. It is no harm in thinking from other person’s perspective, at times even when you are the victim. Well, to adapt this kind of a thought process, lot of hard work has to be done though. There is all the possibility of somewhere or the other, you being one of the root causes in creating this kind of a situation that could even become a question mark to your life. Well, when the root cause of the problem is found, to diagnose the same would not take much of the time. Never ever either pity or just convince yourself to be innocent, if you are actually not, for the situation occurred. Be bold and real enough to accept the mistakes done and work on solving them rather than just dumping the blame on others. This way you would just inculcate the habit of blaming others and running from situations. The first method of coping with the situations suggested might be difficult to implement initially, but once you are used to it, you would never ever think of just running from the situations or people or responsibilities. Planning is definitely a good sign of leading a more peaceful and responsible life. But at times, just accepting the situations that have just come your way all of a sudden can also prove your wise ness in regard to the same. so, rather than cribbing please accept the life as it comes. You might have encountered lot of people who just want to either escape or not at all interfere in any situation, because they just want their life to be safe. Getting into a problem is definitely not a good sign, but not responding to the same even when required is also not acceptable. So, just transform your thought process in such a way that the situation should speak your mind. Just talk about coping up with people who possess different mentalities, tomorrow! SunayanaVinay Kumar
Read More‘Be Positive’? December 30, 2011 12:35
When was the last time you heard a talk or a suggestion that suggested you to be positive? Be it in office meetings, personality development or any other training sessions, meditation or yoga classes or a simple discussion with your parents/friend’s/partner… at one point of the time or other, everywhere and everyone would for sure suggest you to be positive, letting out the importance of being ‘Positive’ know to you… It is not that we are new to this World and do not know how to keep our mind active to survive. If we were not positive, we would not have achieved what we are today. But, our mind set is for sure not the same each day. Despite of knowing everything, we tend to forget the same and just live in vane some times. After certain time, there would be a saturation point to even this kind of an emotion as well. We ourselves would realize to ‘Be Positive’. This article is for all those who are in this state of mind. For all those who want to ‘Be Positive’, Just appreciate even the smallest work you have done on that day. It could be as simple as drafting a mail to the higher officials or giving a business idea for the process in the meeting, or preparing the most simple dish just ‘yummy’… you first recognize your worth and appreciate the same… It is very bad to take regular breaks during work… it is even worse if you don’t take a break from a daily routine as and when your mind requires the same. Some other times, it so happens that even after getting back to your daily routine, at times you would still feel the same disguise. So, this is a alarm warning you to make certain necessary changes in your life style and even your work life as well. if you are a home maker, try at least getting rid of certain works by allocating the same to your maid and taking some time out to pursue your passion. And this Mantra would be applicable to even Working Woman as well. Another main reason of our negative thoughts are, just coming to conclusions in the case of living your life. Dear, nothing is the end of the life. be it job or settlement in personal life, every phase lives for certain time and expects us to accept the same and move on in the new phase of life. So, accept this as a fact and implement the same. Always look for a challenge or something new to happen with you. Living in a hope is always bliss. Exercise on a regular basis, at least 20 minutes a day. Burning all those extra kilos would also burn the negative thoughts in you. At least once in a month, shop completely for yourself. The budget of your shopping might be as small as 100 bugs to 200, when you can buy a kurti or a set of bangles, but it should be of completely your choice and you should enjoy this. for sure, this will make a difference, that would in turn make you happy… In this article, we have focused on how to be ‘Positive’. In the next article, we would talk about how to handle the rough phase in our lives! SunayanaVinay Kumar
Read More‘Living with a bad day?’ December 28, 2011 12:25
‘A bad day’ - this is not just limited to Working Woman or College students or self-employed. Even the home makers are no exception for experiencing ‘A Bad day’, be it at work or at home. Could be the never ending complains of your mother – in – law that always pointing your negatives, your boss more or less similar to your in – laws and always wanting you to perform ‘Better’ (we can never find what is the end for this ‘Better’), a tiff in your relationship with your Partner, hectic day with no time for you left throughout the day to think or spend on you, whatever might be the reason, often we end up surviving a bad day… unfortunately, this mind set of us might continue for the next day as well. Only way to get rid of this is to cope with it and get normal as early as possible. Because, the statement, ‘Prevention is better than cure’ would not be applicable in this scenario as no emotion or situation you face can be predictable; When we get mad or irritated, we try to keep it to ourselves to avoid fights or even doing things that we might regret eventually. When we keep everything to ourselves, it just builds up inside. Deep breathing can be calming and it allows you to clear your head so that you can control your anger. You can take this as one of your remedies if you cannot vent out your disappointments. Do your favorite activities after work. You can channel your anger and disappointments through these activities. You can go workout. You can go on a driving spree with your big trucks with skyjacker lift kits and enjoy the view not everyone can have. Do anything just as long as you can free yourself momentarily from the environment that can cause such problems. Whatever you do, even when you are trying to meet a deadline for work or for school, always find time to relax. If you have a 15-minute break grab it and free yourself from the stressors around you. A time-out can also help you think Talk to someone or spend some quiet time with yourself- When you are able to share your feelings, you are given a chance to let out what you feel. Phone a friend or look for someone you can confide in at work. If you do not feel like interacting, you can simply be honest with what you feel. Accept that you are angry and if you do not want to talk, give time to yourself. Do not get head-on with the other person especially when both of you are on fire as it can cause a collision. Get some quiet time and think over the things that made you mad or caused to give you a bad mood. When you go home, take a shower, eat a good meal, put on comfortable clothes and get some sleep. So you can you wake up on the good side of the bed, dream about your getaways (like your driving spree on your favorite automobiles with skyjacker lift kits) or grand vacation in Hawaii. If you are a home maker, just let yourself out from those close doors and windows of home. it is better to spend time in between a lot of greenery and fresh air, that could actually help to rejuvenate yourself. One last but the quickest mantra to get rid of any negative mind set is to have a Dark Chocolate… Hoping you would have a happy day ahead! SunayanaVinay Kumar
Read MoreSee the Unseen! December 27, 2011 11:51
We all are well educated, either working or taking the responsibility of house hold, and somehow or the other are exposed to the World. Day in and day out, be people close to us or those who we are meeting for the first time, we are able to see different mind sets each day. Some whom we like to be with and others who we look at avoiding as soon as possible. But, there would be times where we would be shocked to know, the people whom we have known and liked all these years, have entire different mind sets and totally different personalities that are known to us. And people whom we thought of to be negative, might turn out to be good… well, this is what life is. With full of surprises and lot of shocks. Now, the challenge is how would you manage these unforeseen circumstances and get out of the trauma of feeling cheated? Though we know everything, it is not easy to actually face the situation, when that comes our way. What to do? does this mean we should not believe anybody around us? We should also inculcate the nature of acting like a double faced person, who talks something and has some other intention in his mind? Necessarily not. You and I are not required to change our thought process or perspective towards life, just because we have faced a negative person or a situation. It is just that the way we handle each person should differ and it is always better for us to act wise, rather than trusting anyone blindly. There is no hard and fast rule that a stranger would do harm to you and the people with whom you have been living and known for years together are for sure your well-wishers. Our life itself is uncertain, so forget our minds to be certain. Just don’t blame anyone whom you found to be bad. Instead blame the situation that made them act like this, try to sort out the same. taking rude decisions of not speaking to them, making their reality come out in public, would definitely make them live in a shame, but what do you get by doing all these, rather than making you and the person who has done harm to you, similar? So, be wise enough to just let the person know their mistake, just be formal with them here after and you be the way you were. Let not this, for that matter any incident or person affect your peace of mind. Thankfully, our relationships are based on one factor, ‘Trust’. But, at the same time, there are all the chances of the same ‘Trust’ that we have put on our loved ones or friends would be broke by them. But, all these are just the part and parcel of life. Every phase of life has to pass to the other at some point of time or the other. So, just take this as that phase and wait for the clouds to pass. And moving further, do not forget to remember all the past of yours as an experience that can make your future better. This would be routine to say, but has a point though. Be it a joy, happiness or a betrayal or a disguise, let go off the things. Not reacting too much for any situation and keeping a control over your mind, would change your life for better and make you strong enough to face any kind of situation or people! SunayanaVinay Kumar
Read MoreGetting UN – Noticed? December 26, 2011 11:18
You are smart, intelligent, independent, sensible, loving and caring, responsible, a perfect example of today’s Woman, whom every guy want to get cozy. Even then, not many people you like are interested to look you, take an initiative to come up to you and keen interest in speaking to you. Why so? Before indulging in a deep thinking, just be practical, look and judge yourself about what is that ‘factor’ that is missing in you and making you staying away from the guy you think is apt for you? In most of the cases, the following are the important factors that can be considered as a hurdles for the guy of your dreams not approaching you and if sorted out, you never know, the guy you desire to be with might just not be a ‘desire’ but ‘reality’ in your life; You might be ‘perfect’, but at times it is important for the World to know about ‘the real ‘you’. You need not be ‘cheap’, but can always be ‘outstanding’ amongst the others. Just let that ‘charm’ in you excels and your liveliness may charm others as well. you can be simple, the way you are but still attract people around you but just putting on full of life to you character. It is not just the clothes, way of dressing and beautiful skin or face features or well-toned body that would attract people. Just open your eyes and look around. You would find ‘n’ number of couple amongst those either the Guy or the Girl are not so good looking when compared to their partner, but do possess the ‘X’ factor in them. Now, the challenge you have is how do you find out that ‘special’ quality in you and let the charm spell. For what are you waiting? Life is too short to wait too much dear… all the time, guys taking the first step to come forward and introducing themselves to girls, ab who zamaanatohgayaa. You can always take an initiative to just go up to the Guy in whom you are interested and make a effort to speak first. Now, this can probably turn into some more talks further, that would for sure help you to know more about him, his interests, life style, if he is in a committed relationship or not, and is he interested in you or not. At least in today’s generation, a girl taking a first step and speaking to the opposite sex for the first time is not considered ‘cheap’. Chaloo, maanbhiliyaathat he has formed that negative impression on you. Then forget him to be a ‘jerk’ and nothing more. No matter in which domain you are and no matter each day is routine to you, unless and until there is something special with your life or in the work place, just remember you need to for sure dress and make your appearance look presentable every day. This not only reflects positive to your personality but gives that impact on your mind as well. Only when you pamper yourself, love the real ‘You’, you would be confident enough to present yourself in front of the rest of the World as well. So, just don’t wait for an opportunity… just like you have grabbed the opportunities and excelled in Studies, Job and life, just prove your worth in this important phase of your live as well. SunayanaVinay Kumar
Read More‘Mid Life’ Crises! December 24, 2011 13:49
‘Swapna, a 39 year old married Woman, and Mother of 13 year Old boy… he Husband is a Software Professional, possessing a challenging and responsible role at top management level in a well-known MNC. Her kid is in his early teens and no more wants his Mother’s interference in his daily routine. In short, Swapna is leading a decent life style, with not much of tension, but, more or less, she is all alone… not just Swapna, we all at some point or the other, experience this kind of mindset or life style… this is what we call a ‘Mid Life Crises’, where all our loved ones would be busy with their own life and ambitions, and would no more seek our attention. Though we are matured enough to understand them and know they do love us, but their priorities have changed, it is not necessary that our mind set should be the same at all the times… ‘ But, whatever happens life has to go on… and if we are alone or surrounded with people around us, our life style should never change… keeping this in mind, just move ahead and look forward to handle midlife crises to be a bliss… Take time out for yourself. Just pamper your mind, body and soul. Be it shopping, learning a new form of art or any other extra-curricular activity, or spending time with your old friends… every day, at least for some hours, just live for yourself, forgetting all the crises you are undergoing. You are leading a much decent and happy life style. But, there are n numbers of people, who are striving for their livelihood as well. Why don’t you lend a helping hand to them? It is not money that dictates terms in all the scenarios. A bit more attention, care and affection is required to all those needy, that you can think of giving to them. You might not agree with me, but it is an age old fact that Cribbing for nothing and everything is the inherent nature Woman. Can’t we change this identity of us? Can’t we understand the situation much better, understand loved ones around us, give that required space to them and strive to make our relationships healthy, rather than putting all our stress and bad mood on our loved ones also? Try let going things and accept the situation as it is. Certain situations and things would not be in your hand and the more you strive of holding it back, chances of you losing it are more. So, do not lose your, self-respect at any cost. Just be calm and composed no matter what the situation is. No emotion would last longer. There would be a change over at stage and phase. So, just wait for that good time, rather than living in a disguise. Do not scatter doing nothing and just waiting for the time to pass on. Remember, nothing should rule you, not even the time… it is you, who would master ‘You’!
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