Mistake! Guilt for life time? October 04, 2011 13:33
‘Mistakes are bound to happen. No one is exception for this. Right from the most successful person in life to the person who have experienced only failures, throughout his life, every one of us have done mistakes. There is a no big deal’… What a positive thought! But, if we sit back and think about our life, do we also feel the same? Do we move on not considering the darker side of the life or we just stuck back atleast for a while? It brings me back to the question, why are we not accepting the fact of life? When mistakes are bound to happen, certain things that we can’t even think of changing, instead of accepting and living with the same, why are we running from it? It is just because we want to change ourselves and life and if anything does not go well as per our rules set, we end up in a guilt or dilemma. Even I used to feel really bad about all those mistakes I have done in my life, with my life till date. Yes, I do agree that I really feel very guilty of hurting my loved ones, not keeping up to their belief, and in some scenarios, screwing up myself. But, soon I would come out of the thoughts, considering despite of me making all the mistakes, my loved ones still believing me I would not do the same here after. And more over, thanks to all those darker side of my life, that has taught me the importance of being careful, taking each decision with a proper maturity, working day in and day out to keep up to the trust of my people who believed me when I myself lost believe in me, the happiness in leading a peaceful life and at the end of the day, going to bed with a feel good factor and no complaints from my life. all these put together, made me learn how to accept the darker side of your life and live with the same, not letting these situations happen in our life here after. Now, this definitely does not mean that I am picture perfect today. Till date, I tend to make mistakes in my daily life. It could be as simple as lack of proper planning of my day to as big as being so careless to lose 100 bugs. But, I can confidently say that I am careful in not making blunders that will for sure destroy one’s life. It is not that I did not know this way of leading a life earlier. But it is only that once you face the blunder made by you, then you would understand the fact of life! So, do not feel negative about what you have done. Instead every minute of your life as a lesson and learn to live with it, working on to make our life better each day. Wishing us a Happy Living! SunayanaVinay Kumar
Read MoreChild care, an art? October 03, 2011 13:04
Not every parent can succeed in taking care of their child and let him/her grow to be a well behaved, matured and responsible citizen. The growing crime rate, deaths and the suicides that are particularly high among the Youngsters are the result of improper brought up of the parents. It is not that I am complaining or something, but it is definitely the constant effort of the parents that yields positive in transforming your child a better individual. This where the actual meaning of child care comes. The ideology of child care is no more limited to giving good food, clothes, good education and fulfilling their wants, instead inculcating the ethics and behavior that would make your child an individual, on whom the society would look up. Now, this is what is called a ‘challenge of life’. When no two people are alike, how can you transform you child’s behavior to the best? Because even though he is born in your womb, you did not give birth to his thought process. This task would even become difficult when both of you are working and your child is taken care by your parents, maid or at a care center. If your parents are taking care of your child, then there is n number of chances of your child feeling lonely, because of the generation gap… If he is at a care center, then there is an all-time risk of him being grown up with no proper surroundings or atmosphere. And, it is very rare for a maid to be a mother, in many recent cases; they are a curse for your child. It is only you, who can take a proper care of your child, for one reasons your child apart from being your responsibility is your Soul as well. Here are some ideas that might help you is transforming your Child, a better citizen; • If it is necessary for both of you to work, it is better you being a mother and having more responsibility towards your child, either take up a part – time job, or any other job that is from work from home. This way you can monitor your child’s activities and guide him towards being better. As far as your career is concerned, you have to always prioritize certain things, if you prioritize your family. • You also know that mistakes are bound to happen and these are even more common in children. If you lose your patience and yell at your child for the smallest mistake done by him, then there are very much chances he might hide the biggest mistake done by him, from telling you. So, first you differentiate how to react to what situation. Have patience. For this you concentrate on your eating and life style habits first. Once you are perfect, then you can inculcate the same to your child as well. • This is life and not a rule list. Before warning your child from doing or not doing anything, asking him to get good marks in the exams, keeping his things and room clean, being responsible and wise towards spending money, you should explain the reason for you asking him to do or not to do all these things. This way, he would understand and respect you and also the rapport between you and your child would build for the best. • End of the day, it’s his life. So monitor but don’t impose your thoughts on your child. Want he wants to study, his aim towards life, should be his decision. You should guide him to take a correct decision. • Never ever criticize or compare your child with others, in front of him or when you are in a public gathering. The more you respect his individuality, the more he would respect you and your emotions. • Even you are discussing something; never give statements of any situation as correct or wrong. Just explain the consequences of either sides and leave the end result to analyze the situation on your child himself. This way he would learn analyzing the situations that is essential for him to lead a better life. All these, and infinity of ideas you should inculcate in bringing up your child and increasing the bonding between you and him, put together would make, ‘Child care, an art’!
Read MoreWoman, grow up! October 01, 2011 15:25
Well, this big statement. Many women would also abuse me for putting such a debatable title for the article. But, it is reality people. Today’s woman is perfect in every other aspect of Education, work and personal life balance, handling relationships, communication skills, effective and efficient working style, multi-tasking, and what not. But, one constant mistake that we are making, being in our complete conscious, ending up in a ‘bad’ relationship. It could be because of our inherent nature to believe people within no time, analyzing things, situations and people so soon and taking those decisions that many times turn out to be a question mark in many cases. Sad part is, many woman are in a dilemma whether they have taken a correct decision by choosing a right partner for them or not. Better late than never, woman wake up. Try to see the reality and the darker side of your relationship, if there is some intuition that is poking you. These situations might help you find out what your partner actually thinks about you and are you really important for him or not. Example 1# Each time you need him emotionally, or you want to spend time with him, or have some ‘close’ conversations with him, he simply says, ‘no dear, I can’t meet you. I am stuck up in a meeting’. Only if he wants to meet and spend time with you, he comes to you. This clearly states that, your emotions do not matter to him at all. It is only ‘him’ who is in the relationship. This is a very dangerous sing though! Example 2# Each time you go out with him, meet friends and family, right from your dress to your hair to your walking style and even to how much you should speak with others is decided by him? Better buck up dear, this is not ‘caring’ of him towards you. It is clear that he is damn possessive about his rules should be followed by you and wants you to obey his ‘orders’. Baby, you are not a slave… Example 3# He regularly checks your phone, sometimes even the detailed phone calls list of your Mobile. Does not even let you speak with a friend of yours who is of opposite sex. All the time, monitoring about what you are doing, where are you, to what extent you are moving with your colleagues. Does not take that ‘positive’ compliment given by your male friend, colleague, brother or even your cousin and in turn warn you to not to speak with them, then he is trying to say, your life should start and end only with him. Now, you decide can you live all your life in such an atmosphere? Example 4# He all the time praises about the behavior, bubbliness and looks of your friends and compares your negative with the positive of your friends and even asks you to change similar to that of your friend. If you are sensible enough, please ask him to go to your friend only and let you live your life in a peace. Example 5# He asks you to not to work, just sit at home and do nothing. Not to pursue your interest and passion. Just cook for him and take care of the house. Even if you are interested in making some money or even if you are interested in learning something new, it is a ‘big No’ for him. This means he wants you to be detached with the rest of the World! Example 6# He encourages you to work, earn as much as you can. Do two to three jobs at a time, if your work timings are flexible and give all your earnings to him, so that he can ‘save’ it for your ‘future’. He does not even let you to spend certain percentage of your earnings. Your entire wish to buy something for you, right from clothes to a clip, is a complete waste for him. On the other hand, he gets all those costly gadgets for him, with your money… are your eyes are closed? Can’t you see he is using you as an ATM and nothing more? It’s high time now! Well, every situation has an exception and depends on each individual perception. But, I believe, not much time would take to recognize the true ‘colors’ of a person. If you did and found your partner to be useless, tell him the same and move on ‘lady’. After all, a bad relationship is not the end of the world! SunayanaVinay Kumar
Read MoreLife of a single Woman? September 30, 2011 13:28
Please, do not think that I would again start off with the ‘gyan’ like any other about the measures and safety tips that single Woman should follow. In this context, I am talking about those entire women who are living with their family or with the relatives or friends, but are still single. I mean single in terms of relationships. I understand, these days being single and not dating anyone is considered to be a disqualification. But, do hell with what World thinks. We are single because we did not found our ‘Mr. Right’ yet and this is a matured sign of waiting for a right person to come into our life rather than messing up with our life with a ‘jerk’. So, does this mean, life of a single Woman is boring? Not much to do? Routine? ‘Behenji’ types? Definitely not re. In fact, I think all these questions were raised by all those who are in a forced relationship, want to get out of it, but can’t and finally, jealous with those entire single woman. Just think, being single is many times a bliss. You can enjoy your life to the fullest without any second thought, go shopping, you are not answerable to anyone (apart from your parents and family of course) on what you are doing, with whom you are going out, with whom you are on FB and chatting on phone, what you are wearing and what you are eating. So, there would not be any third person who would be behind you inspecting and nagging. You can chill, have fun, use your phone whenever you want, talk to who so ever friend you want, always be in a gang and can enjoy the life to the fullest. No discussions, difference in opinions, fights, arguments, possessiveness, but full of peace. Yes, in this process if you find you’re that ‘Mr. Right’, then you can ‘aaraam se’ take the decision and welcome a new phase in your life. Take your time and no hurry to end your ‘being single’ tag. It is your life at the end of the day. So, that entire single woman, stop thinking about finding you’re ‘Mr. Right’, let him come your way and doesn’t even waste a ‘single’ minute to enjoy your ‘single’ life now! SunayanaVinay Kumar
Read MoreOffice....? September 29, 2011 12:40
As soon as you read the title, how many of you have felt, ‘Wow! It is more or less a thought in my mind, about the ‘sadaahua’ place I work”! I have been talking to many Working Woman from past few days. Surprisingly almost all the Woman, working in entry, executive, middle management and higher management levels, are pissed off with their Office, because of ‘Office Politics’. Since ages, right from a Man started working with 100 others, these Office Politics have been prevailing. And like many others, we are living with this rather than working to solve it. as a result, these ‘Office Politics’ and unhealthy atmosphere at the work place has grown to that extent that, finding the root cause of it would take the entire life time of yours. Then what to do? Either we should work at the place where we have to subtle or kill our peace? Quit the job and sit at home? If you chose the second option, not many women have a privilege of being at home. In many families there is a necessity for a Woman to come out and work. If you chose the first option, then it is even more difficult. You being impatient at work place will also affect your peace at home. So, rather than cursing your situations try to come out of it. Here are some of quick tips to get rid of those ‘Office Politics’; • Every time you get to listen something ‘interesting’ about your colleague or a boss, you tend to put a lending ear on people who are passing on the information. But, did you ever think that someday, those set of people would also talk about you? It is not necessary that every rumor or a gossip that crops up in office is a truth. What if you become a topic for 100 others? So, if can’t ask them to shut their mouth, shut your ears. Never pay attention to anything that is absolute useless! • It is not your home where you can be care less of what do you speak, to whom you are speaking what, how much concerned you are about your work, what do you want to be in your future, letting out your aspirations or reason to work with your colleagues and so on. If you are so in need to let the management to know about your interest in proving your worth, find out the opportunities by working in them you can prove yourself, rather only speaking about them. • Don’t care. Absolutely do not bother about any sarcastic comments, passed by all those about you working to ‘show off’ your worth, those cheap talks and those useless meetings in coffee or lunch breaks. It is better to be reserved rather than being friends with every one and taking a head ace. • While talking to anyone, observe what kind of a mentality they possess. Are they good to talk to or better to avoid? You decide, and then move on. Despite of taking all these measures, even then you might face these ‘Politics’, then one best thing you can do is ‘ignore’. Once you are saturated with the work place, and feel ‘this is it’, then find another job, obviously a better one and move on. Because, Life is beautiful and has to go on! SunayanaVinay Kumar
Read MoreA loving and caring husband September 28, 2011 13:28
A loving and caring husband, Perfect in – laws, Beautiful and well behaved kids, No financial problems at all, Even then, you are all the time sad, your mind is occupied with some or the other thoughts, and some time you are stuck up in a thought, that you, yourself do not know about what you are thinking! Despite of being surrounded by all loved ones, you tend to feel ‘lonely’. Your heart is aware that there is no problem at all and everything is fine. Even then you are ‘so lonely’. Why? Many times, we Woman tend to live with all these disturbances in our life, all our emotions and feelings kept to us only. All these ‘chote mote’ feelings put to yourself only, will be growing the amount of frustration day by day, and one day, when your heart can’t take more of it, you burst out all your anger and frustration. Many times, this behavior might lead to unforeseen break ups of you with your loved ones. Just question yourself yaar, ‘kyayeh sab tumhaare life meinhonazaroorihai?’ If the answer is ‘No’, then you better try working on your mind set. And you can try; Never be idle, and then being ‘lonely’ katohsawaal hi paidanahihota.Always you compare your life with that of a neighbor or a friend of yours, who is leading a comparatively better life style, financially or personally. Instead why don’t you think about all those excellent moments and happiness in your life? Why don’t you live in happiness all the time? Do you know the happier you appear and the calmer you are at your heart, it not only shows off in your face, but instead would be a feel good factor for all those loved ones of you, who are only living to see a smile in your face.At times, too much of work load and a routine life style too would make you feel ‘lonely’. So, as I may time say, ‘take a break’. Just chill and with a complete new energy, get back to your work. Finally, it is high time, ‘speak out’. Whatever you think, you are angry, happy, lazy, do not want to do ‘anything’, want to go for a drive, film, restaurant, take a break from work, speak with your loved ones, whatever it might be, let your loved ones know what you are thinking. Do not stop letting them know what you are, thinking that they might interpret you wrong. They are not your colleague’s yaar, they are your family. For sure, they will understand and respect your thoughts. So, never say ‘Lonely’ again! SunayanaVinay Kumar
Read MoreOffice? Boring yaar! September 27, 2011 12:42
Home makers, students, all those middle aged and elder Woman, feeling bored? Okay, to certain extent understandable. You, being a working woman, managing your home and kids and family simultaneously, getting bored at work? Well, even this is agreeable! Kyunki, there is no hard and fast rule despite of you are working in such a filed and in such a kind of a job that completely suits your interest and your passion, but still getting bored at work and thinking ways to either quit the job and to quickly search for another. Please go ahead and lageraho in the job search. But, before that, have you ever thought ‘why I am getting pissed off and bored at work? Is this not what I want to do? Is this not a domain where I should explore? It is the person or an organization or my job profile itself that is making me feel bores? Once you answer these questions to yourself and come to a conclusion to stick on where you are for a while, then try out the following; 1. The newly found definition of ‘Boss’ is ‘Khadoos’. Arre, every boss aisa hi hotahai. He/she will force you to come on weekends, do all those ‘extra’ work, all the time, nag reminding your ‘saas’, desperate to find your mistakes, always looking forward to overload you with Work. But, why don’t you take this as an opportunity to learn and add all the work you have done as an experience? This will help you to widen your job search and career growth as well. And never try to impress your boss. Just do your work, and move on Lady.2. Every day, before stepping in your office, recollect one rule. ‘You are not here to make friends. So, no chit chats and sharing any thought or incident of your’s. You should always remain an unanswered question. When it comes to work an employee, on whom the entire organization would look upto. 3. Take a break yaar. I understand, you wish to get back home as soon as your work is done. But, you are a Human being re. Taking a coffee break atleast twice during the work time, for 15 minutes and a lunch break for half an hour, would also manage your break timings and makes you feel, rejuvenated. 4. Kyayehtumhaarasasuraalhaiyamaika? Never get attached to any one or your work place. You are enjoying your work, getting paid for it and learning every now and then. If not this office, then it is some other. You are not going to retire here. 5. When was the last time, you have changed your photo that you keep on your desk? If you are engaged or married, tend to keep your pic along with your partner. You can also put your kid’ska pic. As and when you feel, ‘this is it. I am stressed’, just look at your loved ones ka pic. I am sure; you will come back to your senses and feel who and what are important to you.6. In a survey done on the attrition rate of employees, 88% of Employees leave the organization because of their manager and others, not able to tolerate the gossips that arised on them. If you are one among the second lot, as the first case I have already talked about, then rewind and pause, am you no way responsible for the gossips to airse? Your behavior, your body language, your ‘friendly’ attitude with opposite sex, everything will be observed and the rumors tend to spell in, so better watch out you behavior. Leaving the company is not a solution, changing you and hereafter being true to you, being in your limits, will for sure reduce and then erase the rumors. Keeping all these in mind, get started for a power packed days ahead at your work place!
Read MoreHow to plan your day September 26, 2011 13:44
When was the last time you have given others a lecture on ‘How to plan your day’? If I am not wrong, this might have been very recent. But, did you question yourself, ‘when I end up making a mess because of lack of planning my schedule and things, how I can even give a ‘gyaan’ to others about this?’ Well, let me be on the other side today and here are some of the quick tips to how to plan your day. Just try them, believe me, it works; 1. Before running, just stop for a while and think. Neither you nor I are a super woman to do 100 things at a time. If you can’t manage to cook 3 varieties a day, then cook only one or at max two. If you cannot work for 8 long hours at office, then find some flexible timings ka job or a freelance work that definitely gives you a less pay, but with lot of peace. If you feel like taking an off for a day, then just chill and do nothing. We woman can definitely experiment with these, as many of us have a privilege of not being the head of the family. 2. Now, you must agree that your priorities be it in life or work or relations, do change from time to time. Simple example yaar, your parents who were your top priority have become secondary after your marriage and experiencing the mother hood. So, learn to accept and act according to your priorities, even when you are planning your day. 3. This mind and heart of us are very stubborn yaar, sometimes they do not listen to us. Even if we try to force them to think or do something, they would in turn say, ‘Hello! Will you give us a space please?’Abkyakarein, you have to listen to them and make them listen to you by doing some lively activities like shopping, visiting a peaceful place, enjoying you cup of coffee, listening to your favorite music or watching your all-time favorite film. 4. Do you experience a sense of ‘I am so lonely’ feeling, despite of your family and partner showering oodles of love on you and everything in picture perfect in your life? Baby, this means, you are so stuck up in your routine that it is the time to take a break and so something out of the box. Now what to do? You think re! 5. It is very good to plan your work and follow the same. but, we can’t live in monotony yaar. So, sometimes do skip your planned schedule and so some act that makes you feel crazy. This is like re – inventing your mood. 6. Remember, this is life and it has to be lived. And lived happily with full of ‘life’, but not in ‘sorrow’ and each day you cursing your life! SunayanaVinay Kumar
Read More‘For those entire Single Mothers’! September 23, 2011 18:35
‘Each day, we talk about development, growth, individuality and independence. World is changing. In many scenarios for better and in some may be for worst. We are anyways not going to analyze Good or Bad, as it always based on our own perception.’ This change is bringing a lot of a change in us too. We are no more dependent on our family/partner, both emotionally and financially, we do not think much to call it quits when things are going out of the way in even in our committed relationship, and we do not give a damn to what others talk about us. At the end of the day, it is our peace and self-respect that matters to us. With every meaning and identity of every relationship changing from time to time, what remains unchanged? It is the precious gift of nature to us, ‘Mother Hood’. No matter how career oriented we are, how practical we think, take quick decisions in terms of putting an end to a committed relationship and giving a new beginning to our life, we can’t forgo one precious responsibility for life time and that is our Child. Well, there are exceptions in this scenario as well. But, let me take the majority’s side. In fact, because of Children and their future to be good, many Women tend to compromise and live with a bad marriage, but this has a limit isn’t it? what if the misunderstandings, communication gap irresponsibility of your partner towards raising the kids and taking care of the family, you facing Domestic Violence and many other issues that cannot be discussed out of your bedroom and house, that has become a question to your self-respect? There is no other go to end your relationship, before it becomes worst. So, you have to take care of your Child, work and handle the Society’s perception towards you, being a single Mother. You have decided to live with it, so you will. But, let us handle this situation in a better way, that would make a ‘Single Parenting’, if not a Bliss, atleast a peace; • Think twice before taking this decision. Question yourself, ‘is it because you’re perception that your partner does not understand you and being irresponsible, or it is a reality? It is because you both can’t gel well in certain things or he has made no effort at all to understand you? Did you work your 100% to make your marriage work? Is there any other person whom you’re finding interesting and this is a reason for keeping you’re married life aside? Or it is just that life has become routine and you are looking for a ‘Change ’? Once you get you answers and still stick on to the decision of calling it quits, then it is your call. • ‘It is very difficult to prove yourself correct, but easy to make a mistake’. So, be careful. As you are aware there would be 100 others to take an advantage of you. Even if you find a person sensible and planning to start a life with him, think twice. B’cos it is not just you now, you have a kid, whom you have to make a good human being. • Never ever let your Child know the ‘darker’ side of your partner (if any). Keep your anger and dislike about your partner to yourself. For your kid, he is the father, so be matured enough to let not your Child know the ‘facts’. Your Child should be able to accept you both not being together, take it positive and inculcate a healthy attitude and answer n number of others who ask him/her, ‘Why your parents are not together’. SunayanaVinay Kumar
Read MoreRe – invent your love! September 22, 2011 15:40
Most of our Woman would stop at one question, ‘why marriage becomes routine after couple of years?’ Simple, everything is so routine b’cos you we are used to it. So as with our marriage and partner. Shurumeintoh, everything seems to be so exciting and being loved by your partner will be considered as a heavenly feeling for you. But, as time pass by, both of you will be so busy in your daily routine that even love – making becomes routine. As a result, you lose charm in your life. Kya ye sabkuchaapke life mein hone zaroorihai?You have no other go to life your routine life? every morning to get up with a blank mind set and continue the day with the same thought, do all your work at office and home like you have been doing this for ages and go to bed with absolutely no enthusiasm? No, I don’t feel we have done any sin to live our life in such a pain.Arre, pyaaraurshaadi hi tohkiyahai.So, let’s re - invent that lost charm, love and passion to live. Stop thinking of ‘what to do?’ and start reading some tips below, that can help you in transforming your life to, ‘Wah Life ho tohaisi’… It is so necessary to cook at home on week days too? Arreyaar, week day’s mein you and your partner would have an excellent opportunity to take some time out and meet up for a lunch or atleast for a Coffee. So, just find out from your partner if he is busy with his work. And if he says, ‘no dear, not much to do at Office today’, then surprise him at his Office by wearing his favorite dress, getting ready the way he wants to see you and ask him out for a Coffee. This way, your partner would be more than happy as he would have a chance to showcase the love you shower on him, in front of his colleagues too. As a result he starts pampering you. Ab, yehitohChaahiyehamein! Gifts are not just limited to any special occasions. If you are in a mood to gift and have enough budgets to buy, then go shopping. Recollect that shirt,/trouser/watch/mobile/I – pod/note book/tie/shoes your partner saw and wanted to buy but could not do the same. Even if he says, ‘What is a need to spend money and get me this now?’, he will for sure remember the importance you have for him, in your heart. This is more than enough to re – invent the love. I know you have your set of frustrations, but each time your partner desires to share his emotions and experiences with you, always lend a listening ear and suggest him as a friend. This way, the bonding between you and your partner will grow stronger each day. Your in – laws, God! A big pain for you. But, they are your partner’s parents. No matter what, no human being can take anyone saying anything negative about his/her parents. So as your partner. So, instead of bitching about your in – laws with your partner, try staying calm. Even if they nag you, you remain un reacted. Your partner who watches all this will for sure take your side and ask his parents to mind their work. Because if they are his parents, even you are his life partner. Always let that beautiful smile remain on your face, even if your heart indicates a tension. Every time, your partner loses confidence in any issue, just pat him and say, ‘I am confident that you would not let my confidence on you down’. It is this words of you, would not let your partner give up any situation and fight to keep up your confidence on him. With these quick tips and some more thoughts inculcated by you, work for ‘the re – invention’ of Love! Sunayana Vinay Kumar
Read MoreChange the unchanged! September 21, 2011 14:45
Day in or day out, I connect to the saying ‘one thing that always changes in our life is, ‘change’’. And yes, this is absolutely true. Right from our life style, to our favorite hero, our favorite dish, color, personality, Serial, daily routine, friends, books, songs, everything in our life changes from time to time. And this is applicable to even our thought process. I still remember being a ‘stubborn’ girl in my teens. Without considering the possibilities of getting or not getting it, I used to be behind my parent’s peace, to get me what I want. But, as time passed by, when I have started looking this World in a more matured, meaningful and purposeful phase, I understood the importance of each that thing, that I used to neglect once and understood to learn living with what you have and get what you want in a proper way. But, still, there is one such thing that is rigid in me, for that matter in almost every Woman. That is an inherent nagging behavior of us. Are yaar, life tohaisi hi hai… we want everything to be perfect. Our home, our family members and their habits, our time and day ka plan, our food, daily routine and even a thought that pops up into your mind… Hum Woman kotoh, everything has to be picture perfect. And if anything goes wrong, even a bit here – there, then our so called inherent ‘nagging’ nature starts. We end up nagging with our partner to make things more organized, kids to plan their day more affectively, in – laws to understand us in a better way and parents to stop being emotional for everything that happens in our life. Sometimes, we even carry this ‘nagging’ at our work place and our subordinate or colleague becomes the ‘Shikaar of our nagging’. Now, can’t we change this thought of us? Can’t we be peaceful and let people around us to breathe atleast? Can’t we let the people around us, live their life being with us? Why this ‘nagging’ behavior of us that is questioning our relations itself? It is just our behavior, that we have tagged, accepted and started living to be the ‘inherent’ nature of us? Or there is something ‘more’? a thought that is forcing us to look and expect ‘more’ from the people and situations around us? When we expect ‘more’ from others then why are we forgetting that this ‘expecting more’ is applicable to them on us… what in return are we giving? The same old ‘nagging’ nature?Instead, why can’t we discuss what are we expecting from others at one time and close the issue? They work on what we have said, and then it’s awesome. If they don’t, then the risk is at their cost. Chalo, let’s take a pledge this moment. ‘No matter what, let’s work on changing the notion of ‘Nagging being one of the must haves of Woman’ to diminish completely!’ SunayanaVinay Kumar
Read MoreEx, bitter or better? September 16, 2011 12:35
Love is unconditional, innumerable, can’t be explained, only be felt, everyone will fall in love in some point of life or the other. All these expressions would be great, till the time all is well in your relationship. Once your relationship starts showing off its true colors and the same would be bothering you, then the actual problem starts. If your relationship does not work, in many scenarios you would break up. Now, the ‘funda’ is how you get over with your Ex. Is it actually possible to get over with you’re ex relationship and look for a better future? Is your bitterness from your past relationship, does not allow you to think about your future? Too many questions, isn’t it? It is said that, due to all these thoughts and a fear of not able to manage it, there are some set of couples who prefer staying back in a strained relationship rather than thinking to move on. But, don’t you think it is better to end anything that you can’t handle, on a lighter note, rather than ending up in a crisis? Now, if you have planned to end your relationship, it is better if you handle it on a lighter end. If you are planning to conclude your relationship on a lighter end, here are some points that would help you;• Never drag things till the situations become worst. Try your level best in working out things in your relationship. If the trying is only at your end, and your partner has no interest in making things better, then you have to work on how to end this relation on a lighter note.• Since you have planned to part ways, atleast let this phase end up smooth. Never indulge in an argument or abuse each other or try pointing out the negatives or discuss who is on a wrong end, among both of you. Remember that you have decided to part ways and work on ending up the same with a less amount of mess. • One such uncertain thing in life is life itself. You never know what situation is planned for you, the next moment. There is a very much possibility of encountering your ex, after your break up. So, you should not end up in a weird situation at that time. if not being friends, you should not be a enemy of that person, with whom you used experience the utmost happiness. So, not only for a break up, you need to work on for a smooth transition even after your break up.• I understand we all are Social Animals and cannot be alone for a longer time. But, finding out for a new relationship soon after one has been ended is also a negative sign. Just give some time for yourself, think what went wrong with your past relationship and also be careful on what have to be done and what not, in order to work on the future relationship also. And most important, learn from the mistakes that you made in choosing your partner, in your past relationship. • Finally, never get depressed. ‘Love’ is a constant emotion that you would experience throughout your life and until you meet one right person, you have to meet several wrong people. So, it is okay when certain things do not work out in your relationship. And one last thing. No matter your life is going as per designed by you or not, but remember life has to go on and it can only be possible, if there is a lot of happiness and peace in your life. Sunayana Vinay Kumar
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