Trendy bags, especially designer bags, are something we all are tempted to buy, but often end up ourselves in buying which does not suit the body type. Keeping up with the latest trend is not just enough to keep you in limelight. Always remember, anything you carry must have some coordination and balance with your body and this goes for your handbag choices too.
Says designer Riddhi Dhingra, "A handbag, purse or clutch is one of the most valuable part of a woman's wardrobe. Its shape, size and contents are the most accurate reflection of our personality. A handbag carries our world and also is a great way to express our individual style and mood. A well coordinated bag speaks volumes about your fashion sense, your status and can make any outfit shine."
A fashion handbag is the embodiment of the feminine mystique. Lately, handbags have exploded in popularity. Their designs have been taken to new heights. They have become a sign of exuberance, a status symbol, a testament to the growing independence of women. As a style statement, what these real fashion handbags actually bring into the table is the capacity to reflect your own individual style through your selection of handbag.
Reflection Of Your Personality
Fashion designer Gautam Gupta is of the view, "A unique look is given to each fashion bag by mix and matching materials to metal latches, padlocks and heavy-duty chain straps etc. These include beach bags, sports bags, shopping bags, tote bags, travel bags, wine bags, jewellery bags, drawstring bags, shoulder bags, evening bags etc. These bags reflect a great variety of design, size and colour. The various designs of bags are inspired from the combination of art, fashion and the confluence of modern and traditional cultures."
What a bag woman carries reflects her taste, attitude and personality as not only what you wear matters but the combination of accessory makes a huge difference. The bag you carry gives a finishing touch to your attire. In fact in some cases a simple dress with a stylish bag make a woman look so stylish.
However, Sanjeev Jain, CEO, G Plus believes that today handbags are used for multiple purposes. They are not only use to carry various things but they also define what you are. Elaborating more on the trends he adds, "Simple delicate slim bags highlight your feminine quotient, while very much in vogue tote bags express your stylish side. Bags in colours like red, green define your experimental side and nude colours are an expression of your subtle attitude."
To be in sync with trends, and keeping in mind that handbags reflect your persona, it is utmost important to choose the best handbags. Knowing the right size, pattern of bag for your personality should be the first thing to consider before buying, apart from considering the occasion.