Just a House Wife or a ‘Home Maker’? November 03, 2011 15:50
‘What is the difference? Both are one and the same? However these days, people prefer to address them as Home Makers’… Any one of us would be thinking the same, if you are asked to describe the difference between a House Wife and Home Maker… Do you remember reading between the lines? All the words that appear to be similar have their own meanings hidden… so as ‘Home Maker’. Own the ‘World House Wives day’ today, this article that speaks about the advantages of being a Home Maker, is completely dedicated to all those Home Makers, who have succeeded in holding up the family values and raising their kids as bright as Chess Champion KoneruHampi or Badminton ChampoinSainaNehwal; For all those who think being a home maker is more ‘cool’ as you need not worry about your career or earning, the answer is ‘No’. Just like each individual irrespective of his/her financial status have 100 other issues, similarly, be a Home Maker or a Working Mother/Woman, we all have our own challenges to face each day. It is just that for Workign Woman they have to devote some extra time to their career and job and this refers to they have some extra time to think about themselves, but for Home makers they are full time available to family only. What they think, what they do, how they take care of the rest of the family members, cook various dishes as per the wish of the rest of the family members, right from getting up from bed in the early morning to going back to bed somewhere around late night, home makers are expected to work and think about their family members, spouse and kids. Despite of all these, if something goes wrong in managing the house or forgetting to do something, if the kids make a mistake or spouse’s attitude is changed, including the rest of the family members and ‘Bin BulaayaMehmaan’ our society would not leave any single opportunity to blame this Home maker, by saying ‘what you will do all the day without even keeping an eye on your kid/spouse? You neither have a job nor any other task to think about, so why did you forget to complete this work? and what not. The sad part is, even in today’s world when we are talking and following the so called broad thinking, the role and the meaning of a ‘Home Maker’ is just limited to kitchen and taking care of family. Time to think, time to take a pledge on this House Wives day; you would live for yourself as well. After all, it is your life dude… so what if you are a home maker? Even you have a right to give the basic grooming that you require, you need to get some rest, you can always take some time and pursue your passion be it glass painting or writing or sari designing or any other and you can definitely make a smart income out of it that is completely your decision to either spend it to your family or to yourself. And these days, where you can find n number of work from home options that includes taking online classes to some process associate jobs, you can take up one. It is always a good option to be independent, because before expecting others to take care of you, you take care of yourself. And do not let any other family member to interfere and point out your negatives, the next time they do, just tell them ‘even I am a human being and don’t be surprised if I make any mistake’… And yes, be a Home Maker or a Working Woman, managing a family refers to making certain set of people of different mid set to live in a same pace, concentrate on this and of course on yourself. SunayanaVinay Kumar
Read MoreNagging Co – Workers? November 01, 2011 20:05
While to talk and abuse our Boss all the time? For a change and to view the situations from the other perspective, let us talk about Nagging Colleagues. They appear to be normal, but make you experience what life means being abnormal… They seem to be working, but they would actually be working on knowing what is happening in the office, with the colleagues around them, who is seeing who, who is doing what to grow, what is cooking and what not… but they would not be interested in their own career growth. Do not know how they would manage to sustain in the job, but at the end of the day, all the hikes and recognitions and also rewards would be applicable to them as well. They will be a pain to everyone. All these are the symptoms of those irritating and nagging colleagues at your work place. What to do? we can either get rid of them nor be rude to them nor run away from them… why don’t we try out these 5 mantras that can work wonders atleast for our life? 1. You need to inculcate that thin line between your personal and professional life. by this, I mean, you are the one who would give that initial chance to all those colleagues to take a initiate to talk about you. Some times in their own group and many times, directly or in directly in Public. Better late than never, the next time you get to hear all these, just be bold enough to ask them to mind their own business and it is your own life. They will abuse you; talk about your arrogance but definitely in a group. They will think twice before behaving ill with you. 2. You don’t encourage any talks about other employees. The next time, your colleague starts off with any similar gossip, just one sentence from you ‘No time for all these’… 3. Always keep in mind the basic thing that made you take up this Job. Be it your necessity or passion, chose one among these and stick to the same. Chill out for some time is okay, but it can always be a healthy way. One free suggestion, if you are working for ‘time pass’, then please look out for a hobby, rather than sticking on in a job that is well deserved for somebody else. 4. And yes, atleast now, learn to say ‘no’ for any extra work that is given by your colleague by saying ‘please help me out with this’. you are overloaded with your own life and work, what is the necessity to take other employee’s responsibility, that too on a regular basis? Emergencies and exceptions are always considered, but not at the cost of your peace. And do not even be immature to think, you saying ‘no’ would affect your Job. It is not that you are escaping from work. It is just that by saying ‘no’ you are making even other people work. 5. Just stay in control. Do not lose your temperament, if any situation goes wrong and something really irritates. Your anger would be converted as arrogance and would become the cover page story in the discussion of your colleagues. Hartarahka friend hi nahi, nagging colleague bhizaroorihai!
Read MoreWhat if you can’t become a Mother? October 31, 2011 20:11
This appears to be one of the wired and not acceptable questions, right? When anyone asks you the same or you think about this, it would be very hard for you to even digest the thought of leading the life without having a baby… what would your family members and relatives think? People would avoid inviting you to all those baby showers and prefer to keep you away from the occasions like marriages as well, how to face the questions and discussions of the society, how to just lead the life with your partner, what would your in – laws say, will this lead to a break up in your marriage as well, all these and many more related to these would rule your mind… But, in today’s life style, the kind of food intake of us, many more hormonal changes, our life style, emotional trauma or stress, basic other problems of irregular menstrual cycle we face that is not simple as it appears, we aborting our child because of unwanted pregnancy, regular and long term usage of birth control pills , the reason could be anything, it is true that in many cases, either or every reason above is stopping us from having a baby. Sometimes, even if everything is normal in either or both the partners, to the reason unknown, the bliss of having a baby is remaining unfulfilled. And this is a problem of life time for many couples. For Women, they more or less face the situations mentioned above, on the other hand, not having a baby is also a question to a Man’s identity, thanks to the kind of narrow thinking of our society. But, why to blame the society when we cannot change anything or anyone’s mindset nor can stop them from speaking about us. The positive aspect is, today, the decisions of our life when it comes to our career, choosing our partner and the kind of life style we aspire to lead; we are being the major decision makers of our life. Then when it comes to giving birth to a kid, why is the ‘Society’ playing the major role in it? The simple reason being we giving importance to the so called society. If is the financial stability or any other health related issue, we know the reason why we are not planning for kids, so, when we are leading our own life without any one’s support why to even care about what the society has to think? Much of us do not agree but, we give birth to a kid, to satisfy our wish and prove that ‘ability’ to the Society around us. What if we take a decision of bringing a new member in our lives, when we are not ready to compromise on certain things, do not want to let our career go in a slower phase because of kids being our priority, put them in hostel or day cares, trouble our aged parents to take care of our children, re – think on the amount spending even on their necessities like studies and clothes? It is not that, money is the only criteria for any relationship to make it work. But, as known, for any relationship, there should be the ample amount of Love, time and Money. If either of these is missing, then the chances of the relations not working and ending up in crises are very high. So, better late than never. Think. Give birth to a baby only when you and your partner are ready for it. Sorry to be rude but, Give a Damn to what Society has to think about you. It is you, who would be happy or repent to the decisions taken by you! SunayanaVinay Kumar
Read MoreWatch out, we might be the next? October 29, 2011 12:08
The recent survey done on the Crime Rate different States, tells that Andhra Pradesh is competing with others like Delhi and Orissa in order to break the numbers and be No.1 in crime rate. And this surely indicates, it is time for us to be alert. In today’s World, where our life style becoming more busy, that in turn requires to spend long hours out of home and when you return back home, many times it would be not late than 7 or 8 pm and if you are working in night shift, then you know how it would be. And development is in everything, including the crime on Women. Whenever this kind of news comes to our notice, one thought that comes into our mind ‘what if I would have been the victim?’ soon we would be relaxed be relaxed by thinking, ‘I am responsible enough to care of me’. But if we think on the root cause of why the increase in this crime rate, the answer would be better known to us. It is not that we are not responsible; it is because in the process of concentrating on our career and daily routine and lot many other things, we are not even looking at taking a basic care of our security. Despite of being aware of what the World around is, we are ignoring the same and moving further. As not every day is ours, not every time would be good for us. As a result, we end up taking a biggest chance in our life that many times costs our life itself. Time to wake up, time to be alarmed and implement that we have been thinking to do for our security. Let’s take a pledge this moment, that no matter what we would implement these basic security measures. After all, it is our security that is more important for us and for people who love us as well; Please cover up your face and neck with the stole completely. It is not important people would have to see and admire you, it is not even that you feel awkward to cover the entire you with a stole. This way, you can protect the jewelry you are wearing around your neck and on your ears and your identity (face) would be limited to you only.I understand you and I like one thing in common and that is Gold Jewelry. But to our daily routine, from Work place to home, or we are going out alone or with a group of friends, it is better not to wear too much of jewelry, that would attract others eyes as soon as they see it. So, keep it simple, to be secured. Late nights are definitely not a good option. It is not that mornings are away from all this happening crimes, but when it is late night, the chances of any negative happening are much high.Never get into that share autos or cabs; never believe any colleagues whom do you hardly know. Public transports are the best option. When you are travelling through Metro trains, even then you need to be careful. Even while taking a walk, just observe people around you. Anybody following you or you sensing somethingnegative just is alert. If it is a job or higher studies, staying away from your family and that too along with some roommates is not a good option. You grow, be independent, be happy and lead your life, but not at the cost of your life. Watch out, it is just you who should decide your life, but not anyone else! SunayanaVinay Kumar
Read MoreLighten up your mood, to the occasion! October 27, 2011 20:36
Finally, ‘Diwali’ ka din tohaahigayaaaurgayaabhi. But, the festive mood and atmosphere at home are still ‘on’! Relatives, friends, crackers, lots of household work, Puja, special dishes, more busy schedule, all these and lot many more things put together, would complete your festival every ‘Diwali’. Even before we realize that it is Diwali, the day is completed and again we wait for the Diwali next year. This process has been following since ages. But, it is high time now, and we should change this kind of a life style of us. As even our right is to enjoy the festival. So you can; Plan the evening ahead. Right from getting ready to getting your entire family ready for the festival. This way, when the guests arrive or when you start celebrating the festival, with the puja to the crackers, there is no delay. The gifts you have decided to give, pack them ahead. The dishes you have made serve them in serving bowl much earlier and put on the dining table ahead. The diyaas and other special lights are good at balcony and in front of your home. You can make them lighten your home as well, but somewhere in a safe place. Make sure all your valuable items are not scattered here and there at your dressing table or so on. Once, you lose them, you can’t blame any of the other members from your home, relatives or friends and moreover, your Diwali will go on in a sad mood. No last moment purchases please. Atleast by afternoon, right from the essentials yo need at home, to the crackers should be ready and by the evening you along with that yummy food should be ready. This way, you will be having some breathing space for yourself, to relax and get into that proper festive mood for the evening. Once you are done with the festival, and have some ample time even the next day, before getting back to the daily routine, then just leave the home the way it is. Do not start cleaning your home, despite you being tired? And the next day, you are cleaning the home, instead of just doing the same mechanically, try remembering all those moments, that you have spent previous day. This is what we call, post festive celebrations. When you would handle too many things, it is quite obvious that mistakes tend to happen. If today evening or during the day, any mistake happens in your family or with you, just take it and forget the same as early as you can. Do not let the festive mood spoil. End of the day, Festival is all about enjoying each and every second right? So, if it is a festival or not, make sure you are happy all the time! SunayanaVinay Kumar
Read MorePreparing for a new member for your life? October 24, 2011 20:06
I have grown up with the thought process that, Marriage is a point of settlement in our lives. Once you are married, then there is no bigger responsibility to be fulfilled. And we Women always can take a liberty of not working and pursuing our passion, as we are not the earning members of the family, in major scenarios. I have got married with the same thought process and initially, some months were same as per my thought. But, certainly, things started getting changed. It could be my Mother – in - law expecting me to take up certain household responsibilities, my husband being dependent on me to take care of him or my father – in – law giving away certain tasks. In short, it was the same old life with brand new relations and responsibilities. Soon, my in – laws kafamily started expecting another, and this time with me and my husband both. They said, they are waiting for Grand Child, soon. In the due course of thinking about having a child made me learn, it is not about just conceiving and having a baby, it is about how do you prepare your mindset from the thought of getting a life from your Soul to this World, moving major attention from your partner to Child, you inculcating in you that you have a responsibility of being a Mother, you need to prioritize everything and your child being the priority, after the baby is born till he attains certain age where he can take care of himself you have got that complete responsibility with no weekly offs, to take care of him… All these put together have been shuffling in my mind. Then I have decided, to sit and speak with my husband, it is because not just me, even he would will to have a baby, then about financial stability as it is the basic responsibility of parents to give the basic needs to the child, and yes, our transformation from being a couple to being the parents. Rest all would be the issues that would come into practice in the due course. It was then when all these discussion was going on, I understood, life itself is a responsibility. And taking up a responsibility does not only mean earning, it means you living along with your loved ones and taking up every responsibility right from managing a job to household work to child, in each phase of life. The term that I used to get pissed off the more, ‘Responsibility’, has now become a lovable bliss for me… it is only about how do you take things that come your way. With a mindset of welcoming the new and with a positive thought, I am enjoying this kind of life style. Hope you would too! SunayanaVinay Kumar
Read MoreBe Crazy back to good mood! October 21, 2011 17:11
Routine life style at times bores us a lot. We would be so fed up doing same things each day that we strive for just taking a break for a day or two, and to re-invent ourselves. Good enough, but what if you could try doing some craziest things in the process of you getting back to your mood? Sounds interesting? Even for me the thought of being crazy alone was craziest. Let me share some of my quick thoughts with you; Switch off your mobile. Let the rest of the world does not know what you are doing. Sit at home and do whatever you want. Listen to some peppy and joshila music, dance mad, have your favorite food, ice cream, chocolates and enjoy the day as you like. Put on that favorite dress of yours which you not prefer wearing in Public and just be yourself for a while. Remember any of your school or college friends, whom you did not talk to for a while? Then call them up from an unknown number and try pulling their leg, the best possible way. Kabhi, kabhi, sharaartihonabhimangtaahai… Are you a bathroom singer? But no more. Just sing your favorite track as much louder as you can. If not, you can also try talking positive about yourself louder. This way not only your heart and mind, even your ears hear what you are. You are passionate about your hobby, but due to lack of time, not even thought of it from a while now. Be it swimming, skating, bat men ton, or reading your favorite novels. Take a time for an hour or two and get back to your hobby. You can see the difference in your thought process. Everything around you would appear so fresh for you. Gharka coffee, amazing. But, sometimes, coffee shop ka coffee is also not bad yaar. That too along with the good music along with mesmerizing ambience. So, chill with the cup of hot/cold coffee. Chocolates are a big no – no, if you are following a diet regime. But, at times, they are the saviors. Having a dark chocolate, would lift up your mood instantly. So, take a break from routine and go for a chocolate. Who does not like kids? But, how much time it has been you atleast played with them? Gather all those kids nearby your apartment/compound and start playing their kind of games, like ice pice, tin tin, out out, and what not. Let them guide you. With their innocence and cuteness, you would forget every boredom of yours. If you can, then shop some clothes for you. But, let that not like the regular stereo type wear of yours. Why only cottons and professional wear all the time? You can always experiment with semi cottons, crapes, chiffons and yet attain that professional look. This way, even at the routine day in your office, you will for sure look different from all those colleagues. It is all in how do you like your look. Remember if you can, shop for you, with the money stolen from your partner or father’s pocket. Now, this is the most creative. And yes, do not forget to tell them the same!It’s all about, living each day with a difference! SunayanaVinay Kumar
Read MoreCrises in life! October 20, 2011 20:14
‘Crises’ a word that disturbs not only our professional but even our personal life as such. For just one reason being, all the days are not alike. These crises in life particularly arise in midlife, when you have gone through almost every phase of life, experienced every moment, some to cherish and some to forget. In short, your husband by this time would be busy with his work, children would be in their teens and no more require our all the time attention, if you are working, then you might have attained atleast middle management level. If you are a home maker, then your life would be much settled and with minimal tension in many cases. No tension, a bit space in mind to accommodate more things, so just think about what is lacking in our life. And the lack of ‘spice’ leads to a routine life that in turn becomes a ‘midlife crises’. This seems to be a bit raw, but if you believe this is the main reason. Now, what to do? To live in the crises or to get out of it and life more enthusiastic life? If you prefer 2nd option, then here are some measures you can take to get out of all that ‘evil’ thoughts; Your hubby goes to Office and comes back late night and has got his own circle, your kids have their own set of friends and want their own space, and you are alone and have couple of other woman friends more or less in similar kind of situation. So, it is better. You all can gather and spend a lot of time, gossiping, shopping if possible, a simple outing, meet at coffee shops, and what not. In fact, many middle aged women gathered together and have started many social welfare organizations, small time business of boutiques, homemade food, and even teaching many forms of arts such as dance/music/glass painting and sari designing/pot painting/mehendi and so on. I am sure you and your set of friends would be having one common interest. Why late? Turn the same into passion and set an example to all others. Then not only the World, even your loved ones would look upto you. It is not a curse but bliss that you are somewhat free from all your responsibilities as atleast now; you can take some time out for yourself. Make yourself as busy as possible. But make sure that, you are at home when your family is at home. This way you would not miss them and vice versa. And after a long day’s work when you get to spend some quality time with your loved ones and share what all happened that day, it would be really very refreshing. In this scenario, as a mother of a teen age kid, you need to play a dual role of being a friend and parent of your kid, simultaneously. If you are working, just take time out for your personal life. Keep some fixed timings at your work place and let nothing dominate your personal life and peace. This is the time to chill, enjoy every moment, right from your coffee to hearing your favorite song and loving yourself more, because this in turn makes you love your family! So, Midlife is a bliss and never a crises! SunayanaVinay Kumar
Read More‘Rejection? Can’t handle…’ October 10, 2011 13:58
I am no more interested in you… You are boring and nagging… You are not fit for this job and fit to be in this company… I can’t tolerate you… You are worth less… All these are nothing but the pure rejection from your loved ones, your boss, friends, and the rest of the World in short, at some point of time or the other. You can’t stand listening all these. How can you be calm? They are after all talking about you and in turn your character boss. you know what you are, they are not ready to listen to you, they go on and on telling about all these that are completely their perception about you. You are not answerable to anyone as at the end of the day, it is completely your life and your mind set. Still, you can’t utter a word about what they are saying about you. Why? Why all these? Despite of knowing any opinion of others about us is a complete perception of them, why cannot we handle the same? Why do we want to listen only positive about us? Are we narrow minded? Do we need to change our thought process? While you will be thinking about all these questions, let me share a thought of my friend Sudhakar about this. It seems, our heart at any given point of time, is so sensitive that it cannot take rejection all of a sudden. No matter how much we control our emotions, how much hard we work on making our mind and heart strong, at the end of the day, in many cases, heart would not listen to our mind. Our heart immediately gets hurt as soon as it listens to something negative that too about us, from those who are near to us, both personally and professionally. Then I asked him, ‘how can we come up with the rejections?’ he has just given a single sentence ka opinion, ‘simple, know your heart cannot take rejection and let your mind console your heart if any negative situation is encountered. Slowly, there would be a co – ordination between your mind and heart and this is how we handle ‘rejection’ of our lives that is most common to happen at any given point of time in our lives’. What a thought! I have started blindly following him and today my heart does not gets upset after facing a ‘rejection’, because my mind says to my heart, ‘do not worry chaachu… all will be well’! SunayanaVinay Kumar
Read MoreKnow the unanswered! October 08, 2011 12:34
Past six months of my life are a hell and what more it could be? Things were not at all going well at Office… Manager has become a disaster to my life… I am constantly in a thought that I am being targeted… My continuous efforts to set things right are not at all getting good results. Every day there is a rejection and nothing more. Every moment there is a down fall and nothing much. Every second there is a curse on my life and nothing great. In short, this life is disgusting for me…. One evening, on way back to from my Office, just a thought has come to my mind after more than six long months of living with a disgusting feeling. ‘Why all this happening to me? Why am I screwing up my happiness each day and living in insane? Will this life will be the same, moving further? Why am I being targeted? Am I really being targeted or it is just my perception? Then I answered to my questions, this time in a different perspective. Some of them are; Why my manager is trying to overload work on me? B’cos she thinks I am efficient enough to handle multi-tasking and yet complete the work in a given time. Why she troubles me even on a week off? It is my inability to let her trouble me. Rather than bitching about my manager, I should in turn learn how to say ‘no’. I am the only person whom she remembers when that last minute work comes? Yes, because I am always available in the Office. Till date I did not make anyone realize that even I have a family. Despite of me not liking doing all those extra work, I am mum, do all the given work and have created a ‘slave’ like impression in the office about me. Why people talk anything and everything about me? Because I do not react and teach them their limits. All the time, I am with ‘it’s okay’ kind of an attitude. Why I am not being considered for higher level positions even though my work speaks? Because I do not speak. I do not market my abilities. I just do the work and push off from Office. No effort made by me to showcase the people in the organization as to what I am. So, I have decided it is me who have let the people and my manager in the Organization to think the way they do about me. Despite of moving to other organization and cursing the people in the present company, I need to first learn how to tackle the situations and yet live in peace. Only then, I can sustain in any other organization. This losing and weak behavior of mine is not done at all. So, these days I am saying ‘no’ to whatever extra work my manager gives if I think this is getting a bit over loaded for me, simply not lifting the call on week offs, when my manager asks me the reason of not lifting the call, I would in turn answer her straight away it is my right to not take a call on a week end. Let people go to hell, let everyone think whatever they want to, if anything or any talk is against my self-respect, I will raise the voice. Each day after my work, I would put a mail to my manager about the things done that day. I will for sure raise the voice and ask for a promotion if I feel I deserve and the analysis would match to the reality. Finally, it is not about being in good books and dying each moment. It is about being what you are and being in peace.
Read MoreYoung, forever? October 07, 2011 10:38
Hey, you think this is possible practically? Ye toh sirf fantasy World mein possible hai… What is she even trying to say? Yeh toh paagal hogayi… Aisa hi kuch socha hoga aapne, the soon you had a look on the article. I do know that with the growing times, even we all have to grow older. But, who said growing older is ugly? I understand you would be blessed with all those fine lines and wrinkles on your face and body. Your skin no more looks younger and supple. That glow, that charm, that attention of people towards you, your freedom of experimenting with your look and clothes. In short, your life would be more systematic and your look would be more rigid. It is a basic human tendency to not to accept the fact of life. We all have grown up seeing our parents growing old, but still refuse to believe that one day, even we should face the same phase of life. We use all those face creams, if budget permits, would go for treatments that make our skin look young. Would be very careful with our diet plan, despite of deeply in love with all the junk food, would stay away from them and what not. Now, my idea is not to say that all these are a sin. In fact, it is a very healthy habit to include more fruits and vegies in our diet. But, this should be in regard to develop a good health that would fetch you achieving a younger looking skin as well. On the other hand, it is not that we should not even care about our skin and leave it the way it is. Minimum care toh bantaa hai yaar. On the same hand, we should even let it grow as time passes by. This is what is called as welcoming each and every change in your life with a warmth. Every phase of our life has its importance and enthusiasm. Be it childhood, teenage, Woman, mother hood and 30’s to 40’s and elder age. During the every phase we have our set of behavior mindset and responsibilities. It is all about how well we have lived that phase. So, the only ‘mantra’ of staying ‘young’ no matter in which phase of life we are in, live each day to the fullest. Love the each change in your life, health and skin. Don’t try to withhold any change… just accept the change for better and see how each minute of your life blossoms… Being ‘Ever Young’ is possible! Sunayana Vinay Kumar
Read More‘Festive’, a mess? October 05, 2011 17:03
But why? Almost each day, in one situation or the other we all talk and think about how to divide and spend our earnings, how much to allocate for what, how to run our home within the fixed budget, an within this how to wind up with our shopping, particularly when it is at the time of festival… ‘Dussera’ is in… if you’re planning for a last moment shopping; here are some factors that would help your shopping and certain last moment tips to be followed for this festival to be bliss, and not any other usual mess; • Do not even think of exceeding the break mark that you have kept on your budget. It is understood that all those clothes and jwellery are tempting to buy, but keep a check on your available budget as well. This is a measure to be taken so that you would not repent later. • Just make a list of what you want to buy. Right from the household items to your’s. This way it saves time and helps for a proper execution of a proper planning. • Too much of planning might also lead to nothing at times. So as soon as you plan, make sure you would execute the same. • A clean house definitely transforms our mood, so do not forget to clean your house every inch. You need not do everything by yourself; do take the help of your maid. This way, your house will also be clean and you would not get tired. • Right from what to cook to how much to cook, plan everything thing. There is no harm in cutting the required vegetables a day prior and storing them. This way, your cooking time lessens down and you can invest the same time in spending with your family. • If kids at home, then you need to be more careful and plan your things accordingly as it requires spending time for them, festival being no exception for this. All those decorative items and costly articles, keep them out of the reach of your children, otherwise you would be busy in your work and they, experimenting with every possible thing that they get in their hands. • If you have planned to a get together, on this festival, at your home, then make sure you would complete all the home cleaning and cooking sections before the arrival of the guests. After all, it is your right to enjoy the festival as well, not just sticking on to kitchen. • Do not over load yourself. Even though it is required for you to show some variation in the cooked dishes to home makeover, during your festival, don’t forget that you are not a duper woman, but a human being. So, just do what all you can? Try following this last moment tips to make your ‘Dussera’ bliss! SunayanaVinay Kumar
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