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Healthy living = perfect life style... July 25, 2012 11:25

We talk what not about our life style every day in this blog... let us also consider speaking about what does healthy living mean and relate to a healthy life style... • The body or Physical You requires good nutrition, appropriate weight, beneficial exercise, adequate rest and proper stress management. • The mind or Emotional You needs self-supportive attitudes, positive thoughts and viewpoints and a positive self-image. You also need to give and receive forgiveness, love and compassion; you need to laugh and experience happiness; you need joyful relationships with yourself and others. • The Spiritual You requires inner calmness, openness to your creativity, and trust in your inner knowing. And for some it requires having a relationship with a higher power. We all know when the Physical You is out of balance. Our body tells us right away. We feel fatigue or catch a cold or maybe become chronically ill. But how do we know when the Emotional You or Spiritual You are out of balance? If you answered “yes” too many of these questions, congratulations! But if you answered “no” to several of them, you have identified areas in your life that you may want to change. This can be valuable information. These questions all relate to our emotional and spiritual selves. And to truly define Healthy Living for ourselves and create a healthy living strategy it is important that we address the whole self. Each individual needs to identify their own definition of Healthy Living for themselves. For example, - If you smoke, part of a healthy living strategy for you would be to quit smoking. - If you don’t have a social support system, then one of your strategies would be to make more friends. - If you never see a doctor, then part of your health strategy would be to have an annual checkup to practice preventive health care. Sit down and outline your definition of Healthy Living. List all your negative habits, the ones that contribute to your unhealthy lifestyle (i.e. smoking, excessive alcohol consumption). You may even want to consider your sexual habits and ask yourself if you are practicing unsafe sex. Then take the time to list your current health conditions. Taking the Wellness Quiz will help identify other significant areas that you need to include while outlining your definition of Healthy Living. Once you have all your information written down it’s time to create your Healthy Living Plan. Below is an outline adapted from the American Holistic Health Association. You may find this helpful in listing your goals. Add as many goals as you need to this outline. Once you have completed your definition of Healthy Living and have turned that into a concrete plan, it’s time to prioritize. Pick a few of the goals that you feel are most important to your overall health and happiness and start with those. Don’t try to do them all at once that’s a sure fire way to fail! Start with 2-3 for a month and then add one per month until you have achieved all your goals. Achieving total health requires taking responsibility, making a commitment to you, creating a plan and then taking action. If you can follow these simple steps you will be on your way to living a healthier life. Look for the positive in every situation. Be aware of my thoughts and feelings. Eat a healthy diet. Value myself and my creativity. Exercise regularly. Avoid alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs. Stay open to new ideas. Get adequate rest. Accept change willingly. Express emotions appropriately. Make decisions based on what I think is best for me. Respect myself and others. Practice preventive health care.

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What to avoid posting on the internet? July 24, 2012 18:33

Social Networking is in vogue these days and it helps you stay connected, 27x7 for some people who access the sites via the smartphones. With internet taking an important part of everyone's life and also time you ought to be wary of things that you post online. You have to use your discretion and keep a few things under wraps. Never ever share intimate videos or photos on the internet. You have to remember at all times that once posted, though you delete it online, you cannot completely wipe it off the internet. And if your luck bounces back hard, your parents, siblings, colleagues or anyone else you know might come across the posts. Humiliating embarrassment is the least that you may experience. Don't give a new guy or girl you met your address or phone number. People on the internet always sound trustworthy but you never know; this person could be your doom. Abusing people online to vent your anger? Think twice 'cause whatever you post can easily be linked back to you. Anonymity on the internet is an illusion. It is always better to confront the concerned persons and vent your anger which could even save you a promotion or two. Paying bills online has become very common online but this doesn't mean you can enter the details of the bank accounts or ATM pincodes everywhere. This is a high risk factor and you may be duped by a internet scam. You are never asked ATM pincodes and account numbers online, except by the banks rarely. So now you know what to do if there is someone asking you for the details regardless of the reasons. Finally, it has become a sort of a trend to post updates of whatever you are doing in the internet as a status message. A funny witty status or something similar is safe but don't post details like heading to a pub, out for food and other similar statuses since evil is always on the lookout and your statuses are merely invitations for trouble. (AW- Anil)

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Hookah culture fast catching up in metros July 24, 2012 11:51

When India is rapidly witnessing rapid technological advancement, most of today's generation are leaving behind the extra ordinary culture and traditions of the societies we live in. However, there's one culture, which is now attracting youth in urban areas .Wonder what it is? The hookah or the water pipe. Hookah tradition was one of the dangerous and bad habits of the then emperors of the country. While emperors and forts have gone with the wind, the smoke culture they left is still in the air, which is now becoming a curse to the society. When Andhra Wishesh team contacted many youngsters in Bangalore, Hyderabad, Delhi and in all cosmopolitan cities, many of them had more or less similar opinions. They said hookah was a tradition and there was no harm in taking it as it marks the symbol of royalty. But, when we questioned them on the toxic substances in hookah smoke, all of them had a clueless expression on their faces. Hookah bars:Noticing the craze among youngsters for hookah, many people have allegedly opened up hookah bars in almost all major cities. A single session of hookah, which last about 30 to 60 minutes, a person would be charged around Rs. 500. Some restaurants are even offering discounts to attract youth. Some restaurants charge just Rs. 300 for around two laps and once a person gets addicted to hookah and when the bars charge him high, he/she would be ending up hurting the pockets besides ruining their health in the name of life style. Flavours:In the national capital territory, there are over 100 hookah bars, which offer over 100 flavours. Right from apple to chocolate, people visiting hookah bars have a wide range of options to choose their flavours and enjoy them. But, they are apparently forgetting that hookah smoke contains high levels of carcinogen (cancer causing substances) and carbon monoxide. So, hookah smokers are more prone to lung cancer compared to cigarette smokers. Etiquette of hookah:There is an etiquette for hookah smoking and when someone doesn't follow these instruction, one is said to be insulting the hookah culture. One is said not to smoke hookah with a left hand. Hookah should be placed on the ground and not on the table. One should not directly pass on hookah to the other person. All of them who visit hookah bars stick to these rules and enjoy the smoke. But, then why is it that the same seriousness and respect towards one's health and family is being ignored is a billion dollar question. (AW Phani)

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'Wrong side of a right thing'... July 24, 2012 11:25

Multi tasking is a success mantra of today... we have talked much positive about multi tasking, now just try to view the other side of coin;Have you ever talked on the phone while writing or typing a message, or watched TV while talking to friends?  Congratulations, you've just engaged in multitasking. Although this can give you a sense of accomplishment and the feeling that you’ve done more at once, a recent study suggests that multitasking is not always associated with positive feelings. A study at Michigan State University explored the multitasking behaviors of working mothers and fathers.Not only are working mothers multitasking more frequently than working fathers, but their multitasking experience is more negative as well.Only mothers report negative emotions and feeling stressed and conflicted when they multitask at home and in public settings. Researchers think mothers might have more negative multitasking experiences because the tasks they complete related to housework and children are monitored more often by other people, which causes stress. The authors of the study suggest fathers help mothers more so they don’t have to multitask so much, and that employers should allow men to have more flexible schedules so they can dedicate more time to family. This study brings up an interesting concept of multitasking harming mental health, at least for women in some situations. Experts have different opinions on the effects of multitasking, but overall it appears that many professionals believe multitasking can be detrimental to mental health. Yet it is still prevalent in the American society. Here are some affects that multi tasking would have on you; 1) "Inability to focus well on any one activity." 2) "Feeling rushed all the time even when you're not doing multiple things." 3) "Feeling unproductive when only doing one thing (this is especially true for women)." 4) "Impatience and lack of empathy for others who are often seen as getting in the way." The brain is not designed to mulit-task or multi-focus, which means is less effective at being productive, creative, and strategic.Because the brain is not meant to engage in multitasking, there can be negative consequences. This lower level of brain functioning leads to distraction and overwhelm, causing negative stress because tasks aren't accomplished or are not done well.Negative emotions can result from the experience of multitasking. However, it's important that after people reach a certain point of multi tasking, they need to restore and re gather [their] energy through meditation."

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'Make him feel Special'.... July 23, 2012 10:24

You have 100 others in the journey of life, from your parents to your colleagues and even your kids… but, Your Man is ‘Special’ for you and your priority at any given point of time… even though this is a known fact, it is important to say it once again, for your relationship to blossom every now and then and to sustain that ‘freshness’ in it, how much your partner would mean to you and how special is he to you… Let’s find some creative ways to express your ‘love’ to your partner; Love notes are one of the most romantic ways to express your love. You can use stick on, text messages, emails to send love notes. Small one liners like 'I love you', ‘thinking of you' or 'miss you' can do wonders. This will let your partner know that she/he is on your mind. You can stick on these messages at places like fridge, laptop bags, and lunch box. Surprise your love with sweet gifts. Packaging is very important. Place the gift on his desk or gym bag. It is sometimes essential to give gifts. Giving gifts can make someone feel special. Gifts need not to be expensive. If a gift is from your heart it’s always appreciated.  Spend quality time with each other. Time is the first language of love. By doing so, you can make him feel special. Going out for dinner dates, peeking out in lunch hours, or just going out for evening walks can make your partner feel special. Show your love by making him feel loved every time you spend time with them. Gift your partner a photo frame in some special order. Pictures are your beautiful memories. You can arrange it well in a chronological order with a specific love note on the below. May be from time you met to till date. Send beautiful flowers can also show your love for your partner. You can send flowers with the help of online flower delivery service. Drop a small gift in the mail or on their desk. Even a freshly picked flower from your garden can bring a big smile and brighten someone’s day. Praise your partner. Give a complement. It is a sign of appreciation and love. Everyone likes to hear that there’s something to like about them. It can make your partner feel special and can bring a smile on their face. These tips can make your partner feel special and convey that you really care. Remember to smile; as much can be conveyed with a sweet smile on your face.

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India ranked #3 in the usage of condoms July 20, 2012 19:25

India stands at the third position in following safe sex practices according to a new survey. It had registered its position just behing Hong Kong (73 percent) and China (78 percent) with over 71 percent of the polled Indians using a condom for the last time they had sex. The survey was conducted by the mega condom company, Durex in which over 30,000 adults from 37 countries participated. According to the survey, India bagged the 5th place in the time spent for arousing the partner sexually when couples reported that on average they spend over 19.3 minutes on foreplay of different kinds. Compared to the individuals in other countries, couples indulge in sexual intercourse for a shorter period of time; only for 15.1 minutes. Colombians have reportedly involved in sex the most number of times when they revealed that they indulge in sex at least once a week and were followed by Indonesians and Russians with 88 percent. Hungarians are at the top when it comes to pleasure, 75 percent of the polled Hungarians said that they have an orgasm while in sex, and are followed by Greeks (70 per cent) and Spaniards (70 per cent). AW- Anil

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A 'no name' relationship... with 'no value.??? July 18, 2012 10:33

Some call it a genuine relationship, some even value this relationship more than their other relationships, including marriage. it could be not just a physical attraction but emotional connect that would make two or one already having a committed relationship, end up surviving a extra marital relationship. If this is so true. then why would extra marital affairs end in almost every scenario at some point of the time or other???Sometimes, The Guilt Becomes So Overwhelming That One Party Chooses To End The Affair: It's also not uncommon for one person to end the affair out of guilt. There's a stereotype that people who have affairs are unfeeling and don't care about their spouse anymore. This isn't always the case. Many do feel guilt and some even end the affair because of those same guilt feelings. Although the person on the other side of the affair will often hope or think that the person with whom they are cheating has distanced himself from his family or is no longer as invested as he once was, this sometimes proves to be not the case. An Affair Can End Because One Or Both People Involved In It Realize That The Relationship Just Isn't Working Anymore Or Was Built Upon Misconceptions: It's also not uncommon for one or both people in the relationship to evaluate it and decide that it isn't working anymore or just isn't what they thought or hoped it would be. Often in the beginning, they can build the other person up to be something who he or she is not. After all, if you're going to risk your marriage and your family to participate in infidelity, that other person must be awful special. But, after a while, it becomes easier to see them for who they really are or aren't. And when this happens, you can realize that the other person (or the relationship) just isn't worth the risk or the personal costs. When Reality Sets In, The Rose Colored Glasses Can Come Off: In the beginning of an affair, both people are usually on their best behavior and are working very hard to make each encounter exciting and memorable. Usually at least one person is investing a lot into the relationship. But this can only last or be maintained for so long. Eventually, she might see or have to pick up his dirty socks. Her lack of character might start to annoy him and the list goes on and on. The point is, eventually, the relationship behind the affair becomes like any other relationship - warts and all. And it can become fairly obvious that if the affair is going to have all of the usual problems of a marriage or other long term relationship, then what's the point? The End To An Affair Can Come Very Abruptly Or Quite Gradually: Sometimes when people think of an affair ending, they picture a very dramatic breakdown. I've had people tell me that they sat on the phone while their spouse called the other person and instantly ended the affair. I've heard of nasty face to face confrontations and threats to never ever have any contact again. But an affair doesn't always end with a bang. It can also end with a gradual whimper where one person quietly breaks it off or the interactions or meetings just become less and less frequent until they eventually end altogether. No matter how and why affairs end, most do end eventually. Statistics show that very few relationships that start as an affair end up in marriage - much less a marriage that actually lasts. There's an exception to every rule, of course. But for the most part, an affair does not have a high chance of working out or ending well. That's why it can be advisable to never start one in the first place.

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8 ways to make your waiter hate you July 17, 2012 12:49

It's always irritating when you visit a hotel with an empty stomach and waiter keeps will be busy taking orders asking you to wait for a while. While waiter irritating a customers is nothing new at restaurants, even people can bug waiter to the core. Want to try once? If yes, then here are eight best ways make a waiter hate you. Ask an advice and make a joke:You waiter will hate you to the core when you ask him an advice as to which dish he prefers and then comments on it without ordering it but for going for something else. Why ask for a recommendation when you are least interested to go with it? Will be the question that will run in the mind of your waiter and will irritate him to the core, which in turn will make him hate you for sure. Be rash:When you are rash to him, he definitely gets pissed off. Hey! What the hell? Why you taking so much time to take the order? Are some of the questions that will make him feel that you are rash. Avoid these questions if you don't want to make him (Waiter) hate you. Cancel the dish:Call the waiter and say you changed your mind, and you have decided to try something else for the main course. This will surely make him hate you as he will have a tough time in the kitchen and he will also receive scoldings from the in charge of the kitchen. So, try canceling the main course during the last minute. Complain to the management:You waiter will hate you when you say everything was fine before you leave and then complain to the management about the service or the waiter. No thank you:Leave no tip and no thank you, your waiter will undoubtedly hate you for sure. Always remember that waiters are also people and you should always make eye contacts when you talk to them. When you don't maintain an eye contact and say thank you, it will send across a message that you are too proud of yourself and you actually treat waiters like slaves. Keep on asking:When you keep on asking waiters to bring something or the other, he will feel so irritated that he might not only hate you but will definitely ask you what else? There are people who will ask waiters to get lemon wedges and once the waiter gets it for them, then they will ask for napkins and so on. So, be generous and tell all things at once. Insist on bringing bags to table:Many good restaurants don't permit people to carry their coats in hand and then dump them on the back of the chair. It could be perfectly okay at office but definitely not at office and in case someone gets bags or coats to table, it's the duty of the waiter to ask them politely to put them in safe and out of sight. But when you pick up and argument and insist that you want to bring bags and coats to table, you waiter will start hating you. Wave your napkin:When you wave your napkin at a waiter moving around serving dishes, you will only be sending wrong messages to him, which makes him feel like you are treating him like an animal. The best way is to stand up, call the manager and talk to him so that you will get better attention and service. It's always better not to follow these eight steps as table manners and hotel manners are one of the important things that any person cannot ignore. But, for fun, yes you may try any of these steps and get cursed by the waiter. (AW Phani)

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SLIDESHOW: Vegetarian Protein foods for a healthy life July 16, 2012 19:31

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Studies can reveal Nail polish are a risk factor for Diabetes in women July 15, 2012 17:38

A new study has found the link between the concentration of pthalates to the diabetes risk in women. According to the study, an increased concentration of pthalates in the body can increase the chances of diabetes in women. Pthalates have the capacity to disrupt the endocrine system in the body which are commonly used in many of the cosmetics and personal care products. The most common products include nail polishes, moisturisers, soaps, hair sprays and perfumes. Apart from personal care products we can also be exposed to pthalates from daily used products like electronics, toys, adhesives and many other products. Tamarra James-Todd, PhD, researcher in the Division of Women's Health at Brigham and Women's Hospital (BWH), along with her co researchers has performed analyses of urinary concentrations of pthalates in about 2350 women. And according to the results of the researches, she has found out that the women with more pthalate concentration in the urine were more susceptiblee to diabetes. Among these American women were people equally distributed socio-demographically, behaviorally and dietwise. James Todd has said that this was indeed an important step in identifying the link between pthalates and diabetes. She added that more research would have to go into this issue to understand the relation clearly and avoid it. (AW- Anil)

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Lives of the Rich and Famous July 15, 2012 13:39

Kotak Wealth in association with CRISIL Research have submitted the report of their survey of the lifestyles and trends of living of the Ultra HNIs (High Net Worth Individuals). After the definition of an Ultra HNI, it has studied various aspects like the behavior, drive, priorities and motives of the ultra HNIs before compiling the report. Here is an excerpt from the report. A ultra HNI was any individual with a minimum net worth of Rs 250 million and according to this definition there are as many as 81,000 ultra HNIs in India (2011-2012). The number is also expected to go up by three times in the four years to come. As expected, most of the HNIs reside in the cities, especially metropolitan cities. But a staggering 50% of them live in the 4 metros. There are 13% of them in the next top 6 cities. The next 40 cities in the top list are home to over 15%. Their major sources of the massive wealth are majorly inherited, and then on the list of sources are Entrepreneurhip motives that are associated with amassing wealth, preservation of the earned wealth, self recognition, self actalization and other benefits from work. They have an attitude to perperuate wealth. Wealth is bequeathed unconditionally but the next generation must strive to uphold the wealth. They tend to invest in organized and informal professions. Father to daughter/ son ratio of education; Graduates: 67.7/49.3, Post-graduates: 13.5/36.2, Professional courses: 9/11.6, Other: 9.8/2.9 Most of the ultra HNIs were unaware of any downturn in spending. A few others also dismissed the suggestion outrightly. The report for the last term indicated that they had saved lesser and spend more for charity and other philanthropic activites than in the previous year.

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Arguments.... a natural happening with unusual result.... July 14, 2012 12:03

Arguments and disagreements are a fact of life. Sometimes they happen because of misunderstandings, sometimes one or both parties are stressed or feeling disrespected, sometimes one person is just plain angry and wants a fight. There are many reasons why this situation occurs and there are different ways of handling it, some better than others. Part of growing up as a rounded human being includes learning how to handle disagreements and disputes. Learning about the negative side of life is an important skill to develop and take into adulthood. Certainly, once a child attends school and then college and work, there will, no doubt, be many times when someone is rude, or disagrees or rejects them. Being able to be pragmatic and cope with this situation without being devastated or traumatized by a negative response is vital to a persons emotional and mental health and well being. In the main there are three types of arguments and disagreements : Some disagreements can be constructive. They clear the air and may well bring previously unspoken resentments out into the open. A constructive disagreement allows for both parties to have their say and be respected and listened to. This then enables the situation to move forward and be resolved. A productive disagreement will bring problems and concerns into the open. This will enable matters to be discussed and each partys' point of view to be appreciated, but this will not necessarily entail a change of either persons mind. Patience and tolerance are important here. These discussions are also respectful and valuable. Destructive disagreements are where emotions and personal attacks and insults are involved. Often raised voices and tempers are exchanged. These do not tend to resolve problems, but rather re fuel them. These situations can fester and cause ongoing tensions, resentments and continual sniping, or maybe the total opposite, where long icy silences occur. The art of handling an argument or disagreement is in saying, 'will this matter in six months time' ? Keeping a sense of perspective and a sense of humor enables a more balanced attitude to prevail. This is not the same as being a doormat. It means being assertive enough, but also appreciating that different people may have a different point of view for their own reasons, based on what is happening in their life and what their agenda is. Working through those criteria can facilitate a respectful discussion and greater understanding. And, as a final thought, a wise man once said that the art of negotiation is where each person trades something that they do not mind losing, whilst treating it as if they have made a major concession. This could be a useful thought to bear in mind in these situations. Finally, remember, in any mode of relationship your ego and the other’s ego should be satisfied at the same time… if you manage to do so and let the priorities speak in, the chances of arguments leading to any other bitter phase would never occur. Analyze what is important to you. a argument to prove your point or a relation that would last long.

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