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Live Life King Size August 08, 2012 14:32

Man/woman is a social animal and love plays a key role in making his/her life sail smooth. A pinch of affection that you shower on the depressed has the power to pull them out of the monotony. "The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread," said Mother Terasa, which is obviously true. But then instead of waiting to be loved and falling in the trap of love hunger, one can simply avoid it by loving oneself, and when you love yourself, you will not only lead a happy life but a life, which is king size. Here are some best ways to keep yourselves happy even if you are not loved by some xyz. Take life as a lesson:You should always take life as a lesson, as said by many philosophers. Every bit of life that you experience has something to offer and also something to teach. So, why cry over something, which teaches you the best. And also never develop hatred towards someone or even on yourself. If you are guilty of something, let it go off and try not to commit the same thing in future and if someone behaved wrongly with you or had upset you, try to forgive if you can. If not, then go away from them and forget them forever. This would be better instead of remembering and cursing them day and night as it would only spoil your peace of mind. Writing: Recording your personal experiences is one of the best ways to love yourself. Pen down the happy and sad moments too. When you write the sad moments, you will relieve yourself and whenever you feel depressed go through the happier moments, which you penned down in your diary. Unconditional:If you love or like someone, make sure that no conditions creep in. To accept someone unconditionally is actually the true love and when you don't like someone for some reason then you will gradually start disliking you when you do something, which according to you is unethical. Love unconditionally and don't expect the same from the others, which will keep you happy. Be consistent: Always be consistent. Your emotions should not fluctuate. Over happiness during bright moments and extreme sadness during dull times stand as good example of emotional instability. Learn to accept happier and sad moments equally. Then nothing on earth can really effect your happiness. Don't care hurdles: You want to do something and others are opposing your idea. So, would you do at that moment? Will you sacrifice your dreams for others' love? Well, that might sound bright in typical movies but let me tell you that it would be foolish to give up your dreams. Do whatever you like, and as long as you enjoy it, give a damn to what others feel. Chase your dreams as they are the ones, which will make you stand on top of the world! Live the life to the life king size! (AW Phani)

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Kareena returns to the ramp for LFW finale August 08, 2012 12:03

The actress talks about her return to the ramp You're back on the ramp for the LFW Grand Finale... The thrill of walking the ramp for the LFW Grand Finale is always unmatched. This time my excitement is twofold... I'll be walking for Kallol Datta and Pankaj & Nidhi, and that too as the brand's face for the second time. What look are you sporting this time? There are some stunning day and night looks that have been put together for me with the brand's range of high performance makeup. It's about helping the contemporary Indian woman to transform her day look to a night look in a matter of minutes. The trend for the season is monochrome. How do you bring it alive? Black-and-white has made a comeback this season with the new style statement - Lakme Absolute Monochrome. It is time for us to pull out the best black- and-whites in our wardrobe.

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Lakme Fashion Week: Pia Pauro brings 'Mexico' spirit alive August 07, 2012 10:58

Pia Pauro showcases collection "Espiritu de Mexico" on the first day of LFW Winter Festive 2012 When the first model took her steps on the runway wearing a sombrero, one could instantly guess that Pia Pauro's show was all about giving the audience a feel of Mexico. Named Espiritu de Mexico (that can be translated as (The Spirit of Mexico), Pia, through her collection, brought alive on ramp everything that spelt festive. In colours like peach, yellow, aqua and more, the clothes made use of aboriginal art and were mostly jumpsuits in exotic prints (Amazonian print), shorts, jersey dresses, beach shorts, garments with cutwork, embellishment or detailing and tops having tassels on them. A collection inspired by the acapulco vibe (so was the styling) the hair and make up was also very 70s. The designer had her models rooting for her just like Tara Sharma who was seen seated in the front row. Like Monica Dogra (showstopper for Pauro who walked in an all-over embellished one shoulder jumpsuit that was in silver and gold) puts it, "This is a very feminine and cutting edge collection. All I can say is, the world needs more colour, the world needs more Pia."

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Dressing speaks louder August 03, 2012 13:11

In order to climb a ladder, you need to have a right co-ordination, correct dress, a pinch of confidence and most importantly the trust on you and the trust on the ladder. The same applies to even a corporate ladder. To reach good positions, your intelligence alone will not serve the purpose. You will need to have the commitment, dedication and most importantly the trust on the company, which you work for. And apart from these, there's something that often goes unnoticed among discussion. It's nothing but the attire at office. If you want people to take you seriously, the way you dress plays a key role. Besides looking formal, you should also make sure your dress suits the office environment. Always try and wear conservative colours such as grey, blue and black. For women, extra attention should be given towards accessories. It is advised to wear not more than a single pair of ear rings. And it was said by corporate gurus that women should wear just a small pendent instead of wearing too much of jewellery, which can certainly make her struck somewhere in the middle of her corporate ladder. However, if she chooses pushy ways, the case is different as we are talking about serious employees who wants to climb corporate ladder in moral ways. Always wear a business suit during special occasions, meetings and inspections. This will obviously leave a good impression on you. Make sure your belt matches your shoes and your purse matches your wrist watch. Always polish your shoes and heels less than 3 inch are advisable if you are comfortable with it. The watch should not be funky but simple and sober. Sports watches and sports shoes are strict no at many offices on regular days.  On the other hand, women should never go to office with anklets as the anklets' sound will distract fellow colleagues to the core. Also, it will leave a bad impression on the person wearing them. So, make sure you be extra careful at office if you want to leave a clean and good impression on not just your boss but even your colleagues, after all world is small and you may meet your present colleagues at a different point of time and their feedback at that time can literally upside down your life. (AW Phani)

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Models suffer in Delhi-Mumbai clash? August 03, 2012 10:44

With Delhi's couture week starting on August 8, a day after Mumbai's fashion week concludes, top models have been forced to pick between the two. The rivalry between Delhi and Mumbai's fashion cliques has raised its head once again. On August 8, FDCI (Fashion Design Council of India) will put out the ramp in Delhi for the third edition of its couture week-less than 24 hours after Mumbai's Winter/ Festive week concludes. However, proximity between the dates-a first-might result in unexpected situations for those involved. Top models have been forced to pick between the two events, instead of walking for both, like they usually do. Former Miss India World Manasvi Mamgai, a regular model in both Delhi and Mumbai circuits is affected. "I wanted both, but since the fittings were clashing, it wasn't possible for me and many other models, to balance both," she says. In case of Delhi model Arshiya Ahuja, the choice was Mumbai since they announced their dates first. She says, "They called first and I said yes. I may still go and walk for a few designers, but I wouldn't be able to do the entire week." This, of course, has its repercussions. Well-placed sources say that models who've chosen Delhi over Mumbai, have certainly burnt some bridges on this side.Fact is, a lot of senior models prefer Delhi's fashion week over Mumbai because Delhi pays them far better and the arrangements FDCI makes for the models are better. Hence many have chosen Delhi. Also, a model said on condition of anonymity that model rates vary based on how many seasons she has done in Delhi/Mumbai. More importantly, the couture designers, among the biggest names in the industry, always want the best models-in terms of age, body language, ramp presence and looks-to walk for them, and the senior models want to walk for them because of the comfort factor and the money. Designers, who have participated in both fashion weeks in the past, however, feel that they could've been placed better had the two weeks not been so close to each other. Says Mumbai-based Pallavi Jaikishan, "I have done Delhi's couture week earlier, and wanted to do it this year too, but they announced their dates very late. I'd said yes to Mumbai, so I am going with that." Manish Malhotra, on the other hand, ultimately went ahead with Delhi since the extravaganza there, means better business and more grandeur for him. "I may have still done both, but for this time, with all my prior commitments, I thought Delhi made more sense." Given the circumstances, adjustment would be required from every end, be it top designers wanting to attend either fashion week, or models wanting to walk for both. Whether it results in anything good, remains to be seen. On the clash Anjana Sharma of Mumbai Fashion Week says: We announced our dates months ago. You should ask FDCI why their dates are so close to ours. As for the participants, we can only assume that they chose what they felt was the best for them. Sunil Sethi of FDCI says: First of all, we don't believe there is a clash of interests, except, yes, the models. But, our dates were decided based on a couple of factors. All our couture designers sat down and decided on these dates. As for the models, I am sure they choose the platform that they find most beneficial.

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SLIDESHOW: tinsel bonding August 02, 2012 12:26

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Raksha Bandhan bonding cherished August 02, 2012 10:53

The eternal bonding of the brother and sister love has been a natural phenomenon across the world. In India it takes center stage as the family bondings and close relationships are the epicenter of our society. Today is the day of bonding and Raksha Bandhan celebrated on this day is only affirming the bonding of siblings. On this full moon day in the Hindu Shravan month the sister ties a colourful thread around the wrist of her brother for his protection with love and affection all through their existence. She sweetens his mouth as a part of the celebrations. While the brother gifts her with an assurance that he would honor her requests. All said and done the  Raksh Bhandhan once a festival of the Northern parts of the country has crossed barriers and traveled across the lengths and the breadths of the nation. Raksh Bandhan is not restricted to any faith or religion and it is universal call for solidarity. Infact most MNCs have made this occasion for letting their employees vibe well between themselves. And many employees tie the Rakhi's around the wrists of the male colleagues. All this will be seldom in headlines but they are equally dominant. This also improves work place ethics aiding to progress. And this goes on to add the opinion of many youths that the friendship band is a global cousin to Raksha Bandhan. History says that the mark of Rakhi has been celebrated even in the past. As per an interesting jottings Alexander the emperor in the 326 BC had invaded India. And at one point was contemplating over the strengths and courage of Indian King Porous. And as he was in two minds his wife sensing his thoughts secretly sent a Rakhi to King Porous, which implied that her family must be protected. As the battle proceeded, at one point King Porous was to slay the emperor and on noticing his Rakhi, refrained. Such is the power of the colorful bonding in the thread on the wrist.  The pages of Indian history testify that the Rajput and Maratha queens have sent Rakhis even to Mughal kings who, despite their differences, have assuaged their Rakhi-sisters by offering help and protection at critical moments and honoured the fraternal bond. As per the Hindu mythology Lord Yama who was bestowed with the death portfolio among gods had a sister Yamuna, who was a river Goddess. And on this day where ever the Lord was, he would hasten up to his sister. Inturn she would shower him with affection and tie the Rakhi around his wrist. Moved by the ecstasy of the occasion the Lord  granted protection to all brothers who had celebrated the occasion with their sisters, says the myth. Well the celebrations takes its universal form with even Rakhi Special cakes being introduced by the bakeries in the metros. These days living in gated communities Rakhi are also tied on the wrists of close friends and neighbors, which underscores the need for a harmonious social life.  On the whole Raksha Badhan is an occasion to vibe with relations and friends while the bonding, love and affections fills the air around such gatherings proving 'all Indians are my brothers and sisters,' Jai Hind. (With inputs from internet-AW AarKay)

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The Journey of 'Finding Yourself'... July 31, 2012 14:28

You have probably heard the saying that if you keep doing what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten; meaning you'll keep creating the same results over and over again. Sounds logical, doesn't it? Most people are smart enough to know what they need to do to create different results in their lives, yet they don't seem to get themselves to actually do those things, which they already know they should. Why? In order to do different things, you'll have to change who you think you are (self image) and change the beliefs that are preventing you from doing the things you already know you should. Instead you get stuck in old routines, habits, beliefs and thought patterns. We all have created these imaginary boundaries; emotional, physical and mental comfort zones and we’ll do (almost) anything to live our lives within these self-imposed boundaries. You hold on to what you believe is true and you seek evidence to validate and support your own point of view. You continue to walk the same path that looks and feels familiar. Even when you encounter a new branch in the road-like a new opportunity - you may not notice it, and if you do, you ignore it and continue the road you are most comfortable on. But sometimes you’ve got to lose yourself in order to find yourself, your true self. In Australia they call it 'go walkabout', a rite of passage when Australia's Aborigines wander in the outback bush. Sometimes you have to challenge the beliefs you hold about yourself, the beliefs about what you’re truly capable of and what’s really possible. You have to challenge what you think is true, knowing there is always a different perspective, and start believing in what you really want. When you expand your self-imposed boundaries, physically, emotionally and mentally, you have the opportunity to transform yourself, not in accordance with the rules and expectations of others, but guided by your own dreams and heart’s desires. Isn't it time to go walkabout?

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Enjoy Amazing Form of Gardening with Hydroponics System...! July 30, 2012 12:13

Hydroponic gardening is the most amazing form of gardening today. This hydroponics plant growing systems gives better plantation when they are carried in combination with greenhouses. The plants that are grown in this form of gardening generally have high nutrition and water as its ingredient that plays a very important role to show amazing result in gardening even when they are placed in soil. The plants that re grown in this kind of gardening are totally free from any ill effect of diseases. Pest can also be applied to such vegetation in order to prevent them from any disease; however, it is advisable to remove these pests while yielding the crop so that the growth of the crop must be higher. What to do for this Technique?Hydroponic gardening is a new system of gardening that allows only small numbers of plants only to yield the same crop. IN order to get a higher yielding per plant, the gardener needs to plant more varieties of plants in their vegetations too as well. The installation procedure of this system for gardening is not heavily priced and the user of this technique can save huge amount of money in growing fresh food. The foods that are ripened in this system of gardening are faster in speed that the food ripens via other methods of vegetation or gardening. The main reason behind such growth is the exquisite growing conditions applied to this system of grow media. The taste of the crop by this method is also amazing and do not differentiate from normal form of gardening. Where to Get Tools for Indoor Gardening?The user of the hydroponics system has a very nice experience of fun and excitement whenever he or she became familiar with the working method of this gardening system. Since, good roots are required for making any plant, yet high tech sterile foam is required for the growth of indoor gardening plants in a comfortable manner. The tools such as lights devices or meters required for such kind of gardening are available for sale in both online as well as offline market. Gardener is so much conscious on buying the tools for such vegetation from online retailer more because it is very convenient to them. AHShydro is the best brand in the market that usually offers the high quality tools and other nutritious propagation accessories that are required for indoor gardening. The company always tries to fill the basic requirements of fast growing and potent hydroponics plant with great ease and comfort. The sites mostly deals with the organic products and all the products that are offered by this company gives 100 % increased performance in the growth of indoor gardening or plantation. The company offers the research paper products that can surely satisfy the needs of gardeners in hydroponics vegetation. The products offered by this company are tested by many gardeners from different parts of the world. In this way, AHShydro is best both in terms of result and quality for indoor vegetation through hydroponic systems. One can rely on this company for its hydroponics tools and other requirement for hydroponics system vegetation.

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Even when it rains, don't forget to water. Maybe... July 28, 2012 15:06

If it happens to be raining hard when you read this, my words might make you want to pelt me with ripe tomatoes-if you had them yet. Still, I’ll say it: Timely watering can eke the best plant growth from any plot of ground in any season. Even in wet seasons, watering usually helps, because the water that falls then isn’t all available to plants. Roots need air to function, and a “cats and dogs” rain temporarily drives all the air out of the ground. Roots start to breathe and function again only after gravity has pulled excess water deeper into the ground. A timely watering will spur plant growth in those drier periods between rains. WATERING TRIAGE This doesn’t mean you need to set up elaborate irrigation systems to water every maple, marigold, lettuce leaf and lawn grass. Such a degree of control would take too much of what is natural out of gardening. Too much perfection in watering can even cause trouble in some settings, such as when it spurs invasion of aggressive grasses into a wildflower garden. Depending on what you grow, how you take care of your plants, and general rainfall patterns in the region, most of your yard might not justify being watered. The part of the garden that cries out most for timely watering almost everywhere is the vegetable garden. Most vegetables are annual plants, so have their thirst quenched by just a season’s growth of roots. What’s more, we want our vegetables tender and juicy, qualities that come from cells plumped full of water. Not all vegetables, though, are equally demanding of water. Lettuce and radishes do reach perfection only in consistently moist soil, but tomatoes actually taste best if kept slightly dry. Let’s sidle over to the flower bed now. Annual flowers need water until their roots establish themselves. Beyond the establishment phase, though, there are plenty of annual, biennial and perennial flowers that grow well with little or no watering. Some such flowers that come to mind are Russian sage, potentilla, pinks, coneflower, lavender and yarrow, as well as globeflower, strawflower and other flowers known to dry well after cutting. Of course, if your goal is an English flower garden lush with roses and spires of delphinium, supplemental watering is probably needed. In that case, moving your garden to England also might be justified. Like annuals, newly planted or young trees, shrubs and vines need to be watered until they get established. These plants also eventually get along fine without supplemental watering if plants are chosen that are adapted to their locations. Smaller plants establish themselves more quickly than larger plants, so think twice before planting a 10-foot-high tree; it will require years of timely and abundant watering. MAKING THE MOST OF WATER Whether you’re growing vegetables, flowers or trees, how you care for the soil can have as much impact on satisfying your plants’ thirst as can watering itself.Applying plenty of organic materials, such as compost, leaves and straw, makes any soil better able to sponge up extra moisture. Another way to preserve moisture is to avoid digging or tilling — these activities disrupt capillary water connections in the soil and “burn up” those water-retaining organic materials. Laid on top of the ground as mulches, those organic materials prevent evaporation of water from the ground’s surface at the same time they enrich the soil with organic matter and obviate the need for tilling to control weeds. Whenever some plants justify watering because of a freak dry season or just because of the kinds of plants they are, do it right. Figure, on average, on plants needing a 1-inch depth of water per week, as rainfall or sprinkler-fall, measured into a straight-sided container. If you use drip irrigation, a watering can or a hose, translate that figure into a half-gallon per square foot of planted area or estimated spread of roots. Double or triple that amount for deep-rooted plants, such as larger trees. If you’re going to stand there with hose in hand, supplying that much water is going to take you longer than you think. No matter how you water, dig down into the soil occasionally and check for moisture yourself.

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The dresses of the Indian Olympians July 27, 2012 19:02

With the Olympic fever already spread across the world, people are eager to witness the London Olympics opening ceremony which were marked by the cacophonous sounds of the Big Ben's deep and pearly bongs. Final designs of what the athletes representing India would wear had been pondered over for quite a long time before they were approved. It had been decided that the colors that represent each sport would be different and the colors would also depict the nature of the sport in a few cases. Red had been used a lot to reflect the energetic and sporty character. Green and Saffron the colors of the Tiranga, would also be used at large. Badminton players have excessive shades of grey in their jerseys while Hockey would be represented by the traditional blue. Dhirraj Nangia, business coordinator, Dida sportswear, kit manufacturers for the Olympic contingent said that they thought of something innovative and something other than the Indian Flag with the basic theme being "Empowering India". Here are the colors of the jerseys finalized for the athletes in the Olympic Village. Badminton:The jerseys will be red and grey, while the sleeves will carry the saffron and green tiranga motif. Archery:The T-shirts will be predominantly red with saffron and green sleeves, while the trackpants will be navy blue. Athletics:The vests and tights will be navy blue with saffron and green colour themes on them. Hockey:The team will turn out in traditional blue, as required by the IHF, with a tricolour themeBoxing, Wrestling Boxers and wrestlers will turn out in the universal colours of the sport - red and royal blue. Windcheaters Casuals: Casual wear for the contingent comes in two basic colours - white and navy blue. The highlights on both are saffron and green. Windcheaters: Navy blue with saffron piping and stitching. Quite empowering actually. Let us all hope and pray that India would as many medals as they can. (AW- Anil)

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Tips for better entrepreneur life July 25, 2012 17:15

Are you planning to set up a company of yours? If yes, then investment, infrastructure, human resource  are known things to you. But, there's something that you cannot tend to overlook. The implementation of recommendations by a psychological study can work wonders for your company. If you are a student of Organizational Behaviour or Industrial Psychology, then you know that the topic, which is going to be discussed is Hawthorne Studies and to those who are aliens to the topic, make sure you read the story to know how to increase the productivity from your employees! An Australian Psychologist, George Elton Mayo between 1927 and 1932 conducted an experiment as to know how work environment can effect the productivity (the quality and quantity of work). He conducted four experiments on the same subject, which are collectively referred to as Hawthorne Studies. Today, Hawthorne Studies is one of the principal subjects to any student of Industrial Psychology as these simple experiments show how employees' thinking can effect the work and how employers can get good results from their workers. So, want to know what Hawthorne Studies recommend? The following are the outstanding findings and suggestions of Hawthorne Studies and Elton Mayo: •    Variable affects the productivity: Mayo found out that monotony affect the job regularly and to control them he suggested the company to follow certain variables. These variables include rest pauses, work hours, humidity and environment.•    The work rhythm affects due to frequent rest pauses.•    Work productivity increases if there are rest pauses for ten minutes.•    The employee would, however, take a rest pause mentally if a rest pause is cancelled. •    Employees with less work hours give quality output compared to employees who work for longer hours.•    The output will shoot up to sky if the employees are provided lunch.•    Employees should not be isolated but should be asked to work in a team.•    Job morale (the sense of being accepted) is most important without which an employee cannot give his best.•    Sufficient light should be provided in the rooms where employees work in order to see a better output. Most of the successful companies adhere to the suggestions given by Elton Mayo and that's the reason why people will always bee-line to join such companies. However, new entrepreneurs may tend to think that conventional work atmosphere with too many restrictions would increase the productivity, which is more or less a notion. So, don't fall in that notion and corner your company. Implement the suggestions made by Elton Mayo and take your company to number one position. (AW Phani)

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