Till date you might have heard a lot about how to handle pressure at work, with colleagues and yet manage your tasks affectively... by yourself learned experiences, you might have solved n number of tensions and issues that are a cause of a pain in your life… here are some more guidelines for you to handle pressure in your life;
Take time before you react. Study any give situation carefully, think about it and come up with a plan. This is better way to respond than being hasty.
Learn how to deal with different kinds of people at work - complainers, aggressive people etc. Develop your listening skills in order to interact better with people and pay attention to improving your communication skills. Here is a useful article - How to be cool
Stop looking at the clock. When you have to meet a tight deadline, then instead of constantly looking at the clock, focus on the task at hand. Do the task with full concentration. Break bigger tasks down into smaller ones, try to finish the most urgent tasks first and then the low-priority ones. Assign time frames dedicated solely for each particular task.
Keep Your Mind In The Present. Winners maintain mental focus in the present. The here and now is where you perform, not the regrets of the past or the uncertainty of the future. Focus on what you are doing, when you do it.
You can keep your mind in the present by concentrating fully on the task at hand while you are performing it. In order to improve your concentration while performing tasks, check out my articles:
a) Improve concentration
b) How to produce excellent work
If you are focused on the present, you can avoid fears and doubts.
Focus on the task and not the outcome. Achievers keep their eye on the journey and not the goal. Having objectives is helpful, but when you execute, stay focused on the process. You cannot completely control the outcome as it can depend on many other factors, some of which may not be in your hands.
Enjoy yourself: Relaxation is important if you want to perform any task well. If you are stressed out, then you may not be able to give your 100%. So enjoy the task you are doing, and you will feel relaxed and enthusiastic about it. See my article: How to produce excellent work, for more information on how relaxation can improve quality of work.
Tea. The most consumed beverage in the world, tea can increase energy, stimulate brain activity and increase information retention.
Healthy snacks. Keep some healthy food at your desk for days when you can’t dash out for lunch. Some good snacks include: cereal bars, dried fruit, and pudding.