‘Monday Syndrome’, no more a trouble!

July 25, 2011 12:43
‘Monday Syndrome’, no more a trouble!

urlifeOh no! It is a Monday again. Week long trouble, should run here and there, have to give 100% at my home and at work place, Bacchon ka school, unka Tiffin, Home work tension, hubby’s office, to plan right from the Shirt he should were and to the socks that are to be ready, Mother – in – law would not leave any opportunity to point out any single mistake made by me. Why does this Monday come?’

Atleast most of you would be experiencing the above mentioned feelings right from Sunday evening itself. The happier we would be on a Friday evening, the more worried we would right from Sunday evening and this is about how to plan the coming week.

We know all our responsibilities and we are also aware that we cannot escape from any of these, then why getting worried about planning our week? Why are we striving for a weekend to come and if possible every day to be a weekend? Are we bored of our life? Are we over loading ourselves with too many things? Are we striving to give our best every day, to 100 other things we do? Are we tensed about spending our life? May be ‘Yes’.

It could be at work place, or at our office, most of the things we end up doing every day are without our interest in it. In the process of accepting life the way it comes, we have become so mechanical that after certain point of phase, our mentality develops in such a way that, for every issue, everything and every situation, we get tensed. Our so called planning about tomorrow, if over loads our mind, we forget to live in present and start worrying about tomorrow. And this ‘Worry’ of us, makes us week and as a result, an unknown ‘sorrow’ would rule our mind. Not that all these analysis are not known to you. But, the only fact is that we do not know about ourselves, unless the other person points out our strengths and weakness.

Better late than never, so let us try all these to overcome are ‘Monday Syndrome’;

•Enjoy each and everything you do. Even it is your daily routine, do not leave it to be routine. Right from your Morning Coffee to your Work to your household responsibilities to taking care of your loved ones. Don’t just limit this to a day or two; take a pledge to make up your mind every day.

•I agree that many things every day we do or that come our way are not with our complete consent. But, when we decide to live with the changes, let us work on adapting the same.

•Give a damn to the entire Problem Creators’ of your live. It could be your maid/mother – in – law/ neighbor/ boss/ friend. The pressure on your mind is when you take the same that others give you. So, instead of thinking to satisfy them, just believe in what you do and analyze your work. If you know what are you doing and totally believe that it is completely correct, then no need to answer anybody. Your work definitely speaks.

•Finally, weather it is a week day or a week end, always take some time to pamper yourself and relax, keeping aside everything. It could be as simple as taking a shower bath while listening to your favorite songs or eating your favorite ice cream/chocolate.

Now, you might be thinking, as I am being paid to write articles, I can play a role of a teacher and write every sentence from a third person point of view. I do agree that I am paid for what I am doing, but I am mere not writing anything, instead sharing my experiences that I have and I am experiencing. Believe me, if all the above mentioned that I have practiced to overcome any syndrome, would work for me, and then it will yield a positive result for you too.

Sunayana Vinay Kumar

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