Country Bathroom Decorating February 28, 2011 16:27
The country bathroom look is always a popular choice in bathroom decorating. This design has a strong traditional emphasis and when used properly creates a relaxing atmosphere.The foundation of the basic elements such as cast-iron baths, bow and sash windows that allow an abundance of light, decorative country style accessories and attention to paint schemes works to bring your country bathroom into perfect harmony.It is essential that your bath meets the same strict standards as every other room in your home. Many people neglect the importance of this room and fail to consider the impression it makes on guests in your home.It is probably one of the most used rooms in your home. Why would you not want your bathroom to be any less important than every other room in your home?Ladies, I don't have to tell you something you already know...but...we need a place we can go to for relaxation after a long day, lock the door, light some candles, run a bubble bath and have a relaxing drink, of your choice. This is not a want but really a necessity!...add the tranquility that the country bathroom exudes and we're in heaven.We just recently added a master bathroom to our home, so the boys now have no reason or excuse for invading my space! Now everyones happy.There are lots of quick and simple country bathroom decorating ideas, that will create a tranquil environment, where we can seclude ourselves even if only for a few minutes. Some of the things we can do to give them an instant facelift, can range from such things as adding plants, flowers, candles, wicker baskets and curtains designed for country bathrooms.Often the most overlooked accessory is the curtain, shower curtains, are often the focal point of the room, and are an excellent guide to choosing the rest of the accessories.For a country bathroom theme, choose a shower curtain such as a nature theme shower curtain, is always a great choice or if you prefer solid colors they can range from red, blue, green, and yellow.Painting will also give your room an instant facelift, so when choosing the color, make sure it fits your decor theme. White never goes out of style. But don't limit your imagination, notice in the bathroom picture above, how the colors of light green walls, yellow bathroom rugs, white sink and cabinet combined with the stripped shower curtain creates the traditional country bathroom decor.When choosing a bathroom color, remember these tips...To make a small room appear larger, paint the walls a light color. White always gives the appearance of a larger spaceBright colors will be a great contrast with white fixtures and tiles to make the room bold and cheery. Light greens and yellows are excellent color choices.Some other ideas you can use in your country bathroom theme include choosing a new bathroom light fixture, adding a new vanity cabinet, changing floor coverings, and adding new accessories. Making all or just one of these changes will make a huge impact on your overall decor theme.If you decide to purchase new window treatments, whether it's curtains, shutters or blinds, consider the style of the window. Does it open up and down, slide sideways, or swing in or out? If you want to open and close the windows for air, select window treatments that will not get in the way.If you live in an area that is private enough the windows may need little or no window treatment.Another way to create the country bathroom look is to simply hang shelves and fill them with small plants such as English ivy or violets etc. etc. Another idea is to hang plants from the ceiling, so that they fall right in front of the window.If you choose to add blinds, shades or shutters, be sure they compliment the woodwork. I love cafe curtains hanging over bathroom windows, they just seem to add a clean crisp country decor feel to the room.More easy and inexpensive way to redecorate is to change the faucets, fixtures and towel bars. These small changes will also make a huge impact on the bathroom. There are many new styles to choose from so take your time and pick one that fits your style.A family may plan to stay in their home a lifetime, so comfort, atmosphere and home decor that reflects the families personality is essential. And one of the main attributes to comfort and style is the homey feeling the country bathroom represents.
Read MoreGood House Plan Design March 06, 2011 16:01
Are you ready to starting building your dream home. House plan designs are abundant and easy to customize. Just getting started can sometimes be quite confusing.There's nothing more exciting than building your dream home. Take a look at your living area now. What would you change? The floor plan for more open space, the flooring or maybe add more windows.Does your house plan design include a big kitchen with a bar or a spacious family room. Get your family members together and sketch out your ideas. Make your dream come true.Planning is crucial, therefore have a well developed house plan design and put it in action. Knowing what features you need will simplify the process. Consider all your needs when deciding on a home plan. Advance planning will pay off.Carefully research your house plan and make sketches of your own for comparison. Often planners will customize pre-designed house plans that will functionally meet your needs. Deciding on a house plan should be fairly easy.Fitting everything in the budget is where the compromises come in. Those beautiful hardwood floors, the lighting, wood burning fireplace. The finishing cost can be quite amazing.This is where you begin to work backwards for instance, tile or wood, fireplace or not, windows everywhere or could you possible get by with a few less.Have a well thought plan when deciding to build. Once you have decided on a house plan design and interior materials. Take a copy of your plan to a few building supply stores and they will be glad to give you an estimated building material cost. Should you work with pre-designed plans or hire an architect. Pre-designed house plans are incredibly cheap rang.Should you hire a contractor or take this on yourself? I would probably say no to doing this yourself unless you have plenty of free time or are retired. The downside hiring your own subcontractors is that you will probably end up paying top shelf price for their work, unless you're really good at negotiations.Another problem you will face is dependability. In the busy season of home building, guess who's not going to get service when a contractor calls the crew you have working for you. They are going to pull off your house to take another job for a contractor that uses them regularly. Usless you have experience in the building process, hiring a contractor will insure the building of your home in a timely manner.One important thing to consider before building your home is the cost of your homeowners insurance. Insurance rates are higher for wood frame homes as compared to brick homes. Also, homeowners premiums can sometimes double or triple for homes built outside five miles from the city limits. Always check with your insurance agent for a homeowners quote before building.
Read MoreThieves love homes that are unprotected and easy to break July 30, 2010 14:02
Thieves love homes that are unprotected and easy to break into; or homes that have many valuables. The following steps elaborate on some methods to avoid having your home broken into. Follow the neighborhood - Even if you are wealthier then most people in the neighborhood, you may want to make the exterior of your home look like the rest of the neighborhood. While this can be offensive in certain areas (i.e. everyone's home is well kept), in bad neighborhoods, this can be a great remedy. This means, unless the exterior of your house is falling apart, do not replace the siding. Moral of the story, make your house look like all of the other houses in the neighborhood. Drive an older car - If you drive an older, cheaper car, this can tell a criminal that you are not very wealthy, and therefore your home is not a good target. 1 Lock the doors - Although this seems obvious, many people still fail to do this. This makes it incredibly easy for a criminal to steal items, without difficulty of getting them out of the home (except some furniture); and without leaving visible evidence of the theft, that a neighbor can see from the outside of the home.2 Close and lock windows - Just locking doors is pointless if you do not close the windows when gone.3 Don't advertise valuables - You do not have to put a list your valuables in the classified for a local newspaper, for a criminal to know what valuables you might have. By placing valuables in plain-sight; such as having valuables in locations that abut a window, especially on the first floor of the home (i.e. large television or computer system directly behind the large front windows of your home.).4 Also, just because you don't make it obvious for someone who goes by the home to know what's in it, there are other ways a criminal can determine what valuables you have in your home. Be careful of who is knowledgeable of your valuables. By bragging (or telling) about your valuables, even to people you believe are not going to be the burglars; you increase your risk of a home invasion. Even if they are completely innocent, they could possibly tell somebody who is not as upstanding. For those who post information of what they own online, you should also be careful.5 Get an alarm - If you live in a rural area, then these may not be very much use. However, in city environments, these can provide additional security to your home. Invest in a quality alarm, preferably with a cellular backup (because it is quite easy for a criminal to disconnect phone wires leading to your home). Be sure to turn it on, especially in the following situations: * You leave your home, and nobody is there. Even if you are only gone for a short period of time. * When you are home alone. * When you are sleeping.6 Remove hiding locations - Criminals love to make an entry in a location that is poorly visible to others. By removing vegetation that makes it difficult for others to see around your home, you lower the risk that they can make a silent entry.7 Park bicycles and vehicles in a garage - If possible, park your bicycles and vehicles in a locked garage. If that garage has windows, be sure to put shades or blinds over them; so criminals cannot see what kind of transportation they can steal.8 Add privacy curtains - These thin curtains allow light in, but distort the image of the room.
Read MoreEcoFriendlyhouse January 21, 2011 15:18
It’s very easy to immediately implement eco-friendly measures in your home. “Being conscious of water and energy use is the first step,” says Roshni Udyavar Yehuda, head, Rachana Sansad’s Institute of Environmental Architecture, Mumbai.Water: Always repair leaking taps and switch to aerosol spray faucets or just add an attachment to existing taps. This will increase pressure while reducing water flow. Use low-flow showerheads and switch to a dual flush system for your WC or install a waterless urinal. However, see that your commodes are compatible.Go greenVentilation: Try and create natural ventilation in your home wherever it’s possible. Natural cross ventilation allows for cooling and also prevents the build-up of toxic chemicals or carbon monoxide. In addition, allow sunlight to flood into the house to prevent the formation of moulds and mites which may live in carpets, sofa covers and curtains, making you and your family vulnerable to upper respiratory diseases. Appliances: Use energy-efficient devices and equipment like flat screen monitors, BEE-labelled or eco-star products. When going to bed, switch off and unplug all connected devices such as TVs, DVD players, phone chargers, etc., as they consume energy even when not in use. Almost half a home’s energy consumption is due to heating and cooling. Use energy saving models of air-conditioners for summer and oil radiators to keep warm in winter. Shade your east and west windows with curtains or blinds to help keep your home cool in warm weather. The less the difference between indoor and outdoor temperature, the lower the energy consumption. Delay heat-generating activities such as the use of a dishwasher, washing machine or dryer until evening.Common areasTo take the eco-friendly concept further, get your building or housing society to implement conservation measures. Roshni Udyavar Yehuda explains, “Harvest and use rainwater wherever possible. This will reduce the load on civic infrastructure. Install a solar hot water system and use an electric geyser only as a backup. If a housing society installs this it will lead to tremendous savings in electric consumption. The payback comes in a maximum of two years.”Lighting: For common areas like staircases, lobbies, etc., install LED lights which are controlled by infrared or motion detection sensors. Or use Compact Fluorescent Light bulbs (CFLs), which use 66 per cent less energy than a standard incandescent bulb and last up to 10 times longer. Replacing a 100-watt incandescent bulb with a 32-watt CFL saves cost and energy. Also, don’t forget to go solar. Solar lights, solar water heaters, solar chargers, etc., are all energy saving products.Waste: Encourage your building or office to recycle all waste. Try to segregate organic and inorganic waste; recycle organic waste through composting within your compound and send the recyclable items to your local recycling vendor.Revise and updateBeing eco-friendly does not always mean making do with old things till they rust away or break down, or denying yourself new gadgets. Sometimes, new things can help you save energy. Says Rama Ranjit Mehra, functional medicine practitioner and chairperson, Svaasa Group & Ranjit’s Svaasa, Heritage Boutique Spa Haveli, Amritsar, which is renowned for its green practices, “If your home appliances are over 10 years old, replace them with new energy-efficient models, especially refrigerators and air-conditioners, as they are the highest energy-consuming appliances. Old vehicles should be traded in for energy-efficient engines that consume less fuel and give greater mileage.” Re-use, reduce, recycleSave water: Says Yehuda, “A little common sense can go a long way in water conservation.” Do the things you’re told to do but never do, such as turning the tap off when brushing or shaving, using a bathtub sparingly and opting for a bucket bath over a shower wherever possible. The toilet is the biggest culprit where wastage of water is concerned. Install a low-flow toilet and one with a smaller water toilet tank. That will save gallons of water. If you have an old model, see if you can adjust the float valve to admit less water into the toilet tank.Also, clean your car with a wet sponge rather than a hose. “Switch your dishwasher and washing machine to quick wash mode to not only save electricity but also water. Do not use either without a full load. If you have help to do these chores, teach them to soak clothes in a bucket with detergent and then rinse them and follow the same principle when it comes to dishes in a kitchen sink,” advises Mehra.Ban plastic: Keep a jute or cloth bag handy so that when you go shopping you don’t have to use plastic bags. Buy unbleached paper – many paper products, including some made from recycled fibres, are bleached with chlorine. The bleaching process can create harmful byproducts, including dioxins, which accumulate in our air, water and soil over time.Use safe cleaners: Some household cleaners are potentially toxic, so don’t buy them. Instead use simple ingredients such as plain soap, water, baking soda (sodium bicarbonate), vinegar, washing soda (sodium carbonate), lemon juice and borax to make home cleaning items for floors, bathrooms, etc.Gardens: Compost is always better than synthetic fertilisers. Compost provides a full complement of soil organisms and the balance of nutrients needed to maintain the soil’s well being without the requirement of harmful chemicals. And healthy soil minimises weeds and produces healthy plants. Also, plant native and perennial plants as they are sturdy and since they have adapted to the local environment, they require less attention and use less water.Toxic chemicals escape gardens and concentrate in our environment. So try a variety of organic and physical pest control methods, such as using diatomaceous earth to kill insects, pouring boiling water on weeds, sprinkling red pepper powder to save leaves from being eaten and growing garlic around fruit trees to repel borers. “Try and use products that are based on human energy, such as old-fashioned push lawnmowers. This is the best way to be green,” explains Mehra. “You can also find torches and other small gadgets that can be wound to recharge themselves.”
Read MoreRules For A Good Garden April 08, 2011 15:15
1. A good garden plan involves more mulching and less hoeing. Mulching with leaves, straw, sawdust, or garden compost lessens much maintenance. Mulching will pay 500% in saving labor, holding moisture, and keeping down weeds. Also let rich land and plenty of natural organic fertilizer (really abundant fertilizer) give you more vegetables with less work than poorer land or less fertilizer would provide. 2. Get the man of the house to do more garden work. When I was growing up, some man said this is the secret of successful gardening? "Never plant more than your wife can cultivate!" Nowadays, however, wives are smarter. They not only get the man to help in cultivating the good garden, but have come to insist in this practice. 3. Grow an abundance of vegetables to make the family healthy. Now we know we can't be healthy without them. Fresh vegetables well cooked certainly taste better than a doctor's prescription and cost less. Simply as an example of a good garden, here are 18 such vegetables. a) For vitamins A and C: leafy and yellow vegetables such as turnip an mustard greens, collards, kale, broccoli, spinach, cantaloupes. b) For more vitamin A: sweet potatoes, carrots, pumpkins, winter-type squash, Swiss chard. c) For more vitamin C: tomatoes, peppers, cabbage, Chinese cabbage, cauliflower, kohlrabi. Let's not forget canning and freezing for off-season or year round use. Let's not make this a matter of merely preserving "surplus" produce but let's plan and plant a good garden that will provide enough for this purpose. No meal is complete without the right herbs and spices. When planning your garden don't forget to include an area for this purpose. You might want to consider a patio or indoor herb gardens in order to have easy access to fresh cooking herbs. 4. Think of growing a good garden as an adventure by constantly trying on new vegetables, new varieties, new methods of cooking. 5. Have the garden near the house. The nearer it is, the fewer steps one has to take. Make the garden so pretty you won't mind having it near the house. 6. Get the kids interested. In addition to growing vegetables for the whole family, let's have plenty of watermelons and cantaloupes for the kids (as well as older ones). It helps to have melon to share with friends and neighbors every time they drop in all summer long!
Read MoreRoom Design Ideas for Teenage Girls July 15, 2010 10:57
Room Design Ideas Looking for fresh design ideas for pretentious and stylish teenage girls? In this post we will try to give a hand. We tried to do a various selection: we went with some serious and sober interiors, but we also gave a shot to the familiar and very popular pink, orange and red arrangements. All of the rooms are practical, featuring working spaces, small bookcases or shelving systems for books and Cds and beautiful cabinets especially designed for teenage girls. Last but not least, we consider the mirror to be a mandatory item in any girl’s bedroom, so in some of the photos below you will notice they have a special status. Even though not all the room design ideas have a particular theme, the decorating elements are very well interconnected creating interiors that are both functional and aesthetic. Have a look! Pink color is timeless theme for girls bedrooms. For many people it is a symbol of tenderness and youth. This color is associated with fairy-tale princess or Barbie and almost every girl dreams about a charming pink bedroom. Pink color could perfectly fit as traditional bedrooms with classical furniture and amazing curves as contemporary, more severe ones. Combining this color with others you could get a various awesome designs. For example white and pink furniture looks very beautiful but if you want more bright bedroom then you might more like a combination of pink and green colors. Below you could see very interesting ideas to create the best pink kids bedroom. There are different examples of girls rooms which would be liked by as young as adult girls among them. Bedroom DesignSo, you want to design your bedroom. If you were searching for bedroom designs and got on this page it looks like you are serious about it. Of all the rooms in your house, your bedroom is the last space you would visit before you retire to take a good night sleep. Your bedroom it’s that place where your body lies in deep solitude as it relaxes and rejuvenates the lost energy for the day. Hence, it is important to come up with a relaxing mood when conceptualizing bedroom design decorating ideas, here are a few pictures with bedroom designs that will help you to make an idea of how you want to style your bedroom. Bedrooms are the primary place of relaxation, where we all retire to take a good sleep and refresh, away from the world and worries. The bedroom interior design is extremely important in order to provide that instant feel of relaxation and here are a few tips: the first thing that meets the eyes are the colors used on the walls, carpets and bed set so, they all must be soothing in pastel colors in order to provide a relaxing effect. Keep the bedroom interior design minimal, neat and always clean but also don’t forget to add some change and color with every season in order to keep it exciting and adventurous. Changing your bedroom interior design should only be done to suit an occasion or festivity as constant major changes will actually induce restlessness instead of relaxation until you get used to the sight and sounds and once again be able to relax and enjoy your bedroom interior design.Most of us, really appreciate when seeing a new design, and will sure get you a wow when looking at interesting part of the Maria Bed can be considered the front legs which are designed as one piece with the headboard, together creating a beautiful effect in any room. The bed headboard is made from synthetic leather, and the legs are finished in leather too. When I look at this bed I feel that he is telling me : “Come and stay …” is like an invitation you can’t refuse. The price for this bed is $2,549.00.
Read MoreDust and vacuum the bedding regularly to keep allergies at bay January 22, 2011 10:49
Dust and vacuum the bedding regularly to keep allergies at bay. Use synthetic instead of feather pillows to further minimize dust.• Sprinkle a bit of baking soda on the mattress to get rid of odours. Leave it for a few hours; then use a handheld vacuum cleaner to remove it.• Don’t ignore spills; moisture causes the mattress to become lumpy and mouldy. Allow spillages to dry in a well-ventilated area. You could even use a hairdryer if there isn’t too much moisture.• If you have children, make sure you protect the mattress with a rubber or waterproof sheet placed over the mattress.• Turn your mattress over once every two months to avoid deep impressions of your body’s contours. Similarly, rotate the mattress to ensure even usage of both sides, especially if you sleep alone on a double bed.
Read MoreHow to design the kichen March 27, 2011 14:58
The kitchen doubles for many rooms, family room, dining room, study, office, actually the catch-all room for many rooms in one. Manufacturers are marketing appliances with the woman in mind. Appliances that are the ultimate in efficiency and beauty. Appliances designed to please the woman who wants not only labor-saving equipment, but comfort and luxury as well. There is an abundance of materials for walls, floors, restaurant quality stoves, refrigerator and dish washers, plus the addition of beautiful furniture combined with color schemes that transform the average kitchen into a room of true beauty. Top-notch planning makes use of all available space. To be a success, they must be well planned, down to the last detail. Peninsulas and islands have a multitude of merits and functionality. The less walking you have to do between oven, sink, range and refrigerator, the better.Floors are designed to compliment any decorating scheme. Careful thought should be given to the basics, before choosing flooring material. These are: amount of traffic; exposure to sunlight; moisture; durability; quietness desired. Flooring types range from practical and not too expensive to very expensive. These range from vinyl tiles, solid vinyl, ceramic tiles, brick, wood, marble, linoleums and corks are the more popular types of flooring choices. Brick, tile, wood and marble can create a luxury look in any kitchen. Ceramic tiles are hard wearing and come in a variety of colors. Linoleums are less expensive than vinyls and ceramic tiles, they wear fairly well, but have to be installed above grade only. However they are easy to maintain and grease resistant. Cork is good acoustically, resist stains, burns and indentations. Put this busy room to work, in fact make it work for you. Small or large, it's main contributing factors should be, strategic placing of equipment, labor saving appliances, underfoot comfort, a desk and chair, decorative accessories, a place to cook, relax, entertain and generally be comfortable. Remember, peninsulas and islands solve many problems in the kitchen. They consolidate work and cooking areas, control traffic routes, create isolated areas for specific chores, introduce two atmospheres in one room and offer additional storage space, which we can never have to much of.
Read MoreGet everyone involved in Cleaning January 24, 2011 11:05
Women often prefer to do everything themselves. This is because they feel that a certain job is to be done in a certain way and only they can do it perfectly. They don't pass on responsibility to other family members and feel cheated when no one lifts a finger to help. In reality when all the members of the family work together, chores can be done in a fraction of the time and everyone can have the satisfaction of having contributed something towards the maintenance of their homes.Match the job to the personEach member of the family should be asked to take up a particular task. The important thing is to make sure that the task is suitable for their age and their interests. If your husband is a couch potato he can cut vegetables and fruits while watching his favorite TV show. Similarly your son, who is always on the go, can be asked to run a few errands. However if you ask him to peel the garlic he may not be so cooperative simply because it is not in his nature to stay put in a place for more than five minutes.Ask for HelpWhether it is your spouse, your kids or your in-laws, asking for help always fetches the desired result rather. Avoid bossing around. It is a good idea to sit with family members and prepare a list of jobs to be done. Most of the times people don't understand the volume of work involved and hence may not come forward to do things. But once you have it in black and white, everyone can pitch in. Try to swap places for a day. Let your kids be the parent for a day and you don the role of the kid. While they enjoy the new role, they will also understand the hard work it involves.Make it funOn holidays when you expect your kids to clean their rooms or their cupboards, switch on their favorite music. Get a pack of popcorns and get them started. Everyone will be a lot more cooperative. Don't forget to shower praises. Even if the job is not done perfectly, don't make them redo it as by doing so you would be killing their enthusiasm. Later when they are in a listening mood you can gently point out the mistakes, so the next time around they can correct themselves. It is better to give the instructions in a friendly tone before they start the job, or to help them do it the first few times until they get the hang of it.
Read MoreSizing up Your Art May 04, 2011 15:23
When choosing art make sure your prints compliment your rooms and your personality. Paintings emphatically underscore the style already created by furniture, while adding life to any room.A room seems to have more character when the atmosphere is echoed by the paintings used. Take for instance a beautiful landscape. These beautiful prints recreate a peaceful country setting, depicting a time of simplicity and serenity.Landscape prints, not only make your room appear larger, they also add a sense of bringing the outdoors indoors. You can choose s variety of landscape scenes such as floral art, seasonal, garden or wildlife.Poster art has gained popularity and is one of the most affordable means to have a fine art piece of Monet, Van Gough, or Picasso.Wildlife art is great for the man who has everything. Movie poster art for the young at heart or abstract art for the more adventurous. Let's not forget the kids, choose posters of their favorite sports, music or movie stars.If your art is a forethought and not an afterthought, you will appreciate the art for what it adds to the overall project as well as the positive feeling you experience when you see it.Art for the kitchen can add country charm and an overall feeling of nostalgia. These prints make you and your guest feel right at home.
Read MoreLiving Large @ Small Apartment June 18, 2010 14:55
Live Large in a Small ApartmentIn these days more and more people live in small apartments, because the prices for buying or renting an apartment are higher and higher every year. Now the most challenging issue with living in a small apartment is not the size of the apartment itself, but all the things you have to organize in a small place. Many apartment dwellers find themselves dealing with overcrowded apartment homes because of the economical advantages, sacrificing functionality for an affordable living arrangement. The solution for this problem is to create a living area that is comfortable, enjoyable, and at the same time maximizing your spaceWe know you like themes, so today we would like to show you this stylish apartments, a beautiful small apartment (61 sqare meters). You are looking at a crib that is perfect for socializing but also for meditation in solitude. With wide and spacious interiors, this home looks very warm and inviting. The color palette is cheerful, yet subtle and tasteful. A large living room greets the guests with its homey feel: pillows on the floor, plenty of books to chose from. Due to the presence of many glazed windows, the boundary between inside and outside is minimal.Swedish interior designers are famous for their ability to extraordinarily spice things up using the ordinary to come up with what we can easily call — work of art. So how about dwelving in, once again, into their amazing apartments.Home Office Idea for a Small ApartmentDevelop a Home Office Here is an interesting idea for a small home office especially if you live in an apartment. if you use your creativity a little. In this example at the end of this narrow corridor the dead space was transformed in a small and nice home office. You just need a little to install a desktop ( or a laptop, if you prefer) with some shelf space for the computer and a chair. Stunning creation of this piece is the incontestable living proof, it produces a clear and spacious ambiance. Love it? I guess you could say that the main “attraction” of this small apartment is its stunning looking terrace, perfect for having friends over.
Read MoreHow To Use Mirrors To Open Up Smaller Spaces January 30, 2011 18:38
Mirrors are great for creating an illusion of space and are an affordable and easy way to open up a room or hallway. * Place mirrors on the sides in narrow hallways to make them less claustrophobic. * If you have a wall just in front of the entrance then placing a mirror here opens this up. * A mirror can be a great feature as well so consider investing in a really classy mirror and frame that stands out and complements the rest of the home décor.
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