Now Clean Marble Very Easily June 08, 2011 16:04
Ingredients: 1/2 C. white vinegar1/4 C. baking soda1 C. ammonia1 gal. hot water How to Make : Mix well in a bucket. Wear rubber gloves, and work in well-ventilated area. Use a sponge to wash marble.Rinse with clear water, then dry.
Read MoreBrown Tips on House Plants June 15, 2011 18:23
Most growers (that produce indoor plants) have wells with electric or diesel pumps. The pumps draw water directly from the ground. unlike the water that is found in most cities, this water hasn’t been treated by the local water treatment plant. Some growers are beginning to collect and “clean” water before using it on their plants. I didn’t say add chemicals but clean the water. They are doing this through REVERSE OSMOSIS. Water is pumped through a screen that is fine enough to allow water molecules to pass, but stops dissolved solids, such as salts (fertilizer) and other chemicals.This “clean” water helps growers produce plants that have less problems with disease and they have cleaner foliage. omeowner or City Water Tap water or city water is different. The water that comes out of your kitchen faucet has most likely been treated. years ago cities began to add chlorine and fluoride to the water supply. Fluoride may be fine for your teeth but many indoor plants are not fond of it.Fluoridated city water usually has 1 ppm (parts per million) of fluoride, four times the amount considered safe for sensitive plants.” Don’t get the idea that if you water your plants with water from the kitchen they are going to die. What does this have to do with brown tips on your plants anyway?
Read MoreNow Clean Window Very Easy June 06, 2011 16:03
If necessary, dust off the window and sill with a clean paintbrush. Excess dust and water can cause mud. Use a professional-type squeegee available for about $20 at a janitorial supply store. Forget the cheap brands you find at the grocery store. They are not as effective, and you have to replace the whole thing once you get a nick in the blade. Don't clean windows while they are in direct sunlight. Your cleaning solution will dry too fast. Dip a 100% cotton cleaning cloth in your solution. Wring out the excess and then wipe the window to loosen dirt. Grab your squeegee. Start each squeegee stroke in a dry spot. Wipe a strip with a cleaning cloth to get started. Squeegee in a pattern from top to bottom, or side to side. If you clean the outside and the inside, Work top to bottom on the inside and side to side on the outside. By doing this, you'll be able to identify which side any streaks left behind are on. Keep the squeegee blade dry by wiping it with a cleaning cloth after each stroke. Replace the blade when necessary. Even the smallest nick can cause streaking. Don't have a squeegee? Use newspaper for drying freshly washed windows. It's cheaper and leaves no lint behind.
Read MoreMix Your Own Cleaning Solutions June 01, 2011 18:22
Ammonia, diluted with 3 parts water in an empty spray bottle can be used to clean windows, appliances and countertops. Full strength it can remove wax build-up from the kitchen floor. An excellent way to scour copper and brass is 1/2 cup vinegar mixed with 1 tablespoon salt.Full strength pine oil is great for deodorizing garbage cans, and scrubbing the kitchen and bathroom floor.Baking soda can be used instead of scouring powder and also removes stains and odors from refrigerators and coffee pots.A sprinkle of dry baking soda before vacuuming will freshen the carpeting. Try it as a deodorizer for diaper pails and kitty litter.
Read MoreHome Decoration May 30, 2011 20:10
The thing with home improvement is that the entire task seems so daunting that it seems to easier to give up even before you have started it. But, here we will share a few home decorating tips which will leave you asking for moreFirst things, first; things like wiring, remodeling etc. should be addressed immediately so as to prepare the house for further decoration. Making sure all your electrical wiring is in place will lessen the load considerably and getting rid of old, chipped paint whether from walls or furniture will be the next step. A contractor can take care of all this if required.A new coat of paint can miraculously transform even the dullest room and you can go in for texture painting or highlighting a particular wall or just splash some bright color to liven up a drab corner.Change the upholstery of the furniture and replace old cushion covers with some funky new ones if you cannot afford to go the whole hog and repaint the entire house/rooms. Watch how a few pieces of bright fabrics strategically placed will reinvent the whole look of the room.Invest in big, soft lacy pillows; place some scented candles on the side tables of your bedroom and let the candlelight bathe your room in a soft glow; all this and more such ideas like remodeling small bathroom can be had here in your very own home improvement guide.If your kitchen is looking worn-out how about re-polishing or re-painting the kitchen cabinets? You don’t have to go in for a set of brand new cabinets (unless you want to or have to) and just a coat of polish or paint will make them as good as new. Sew some new curtains for the window and grow potted herbs on the window sill. Buy a few pieces of brightly colored plates and pots and hang them; these will instantly cheer up your kitchen.And don’t think that your garden is being neglected. We have a lot of Home Gardening Tips to share and cutting your grass every 6-8 days is only one of them. Home improvement basement, home improvement ceiling; all this knowledge will be shared with you along with home improvement cost and home improvement loan so that you can go ahead with your remodeling or home improvement projects with a clear head and plenty of ideas.
Read MoreThe work from home is a latest method of employment May 26, 2011 16:05
The work from home is a latest method of employment and is named by various names in the e-market of today. This text will attempt to carry the completely different conditions used for this concept with the idea of constructing one acquainted to it. This new system will be experimented exclusively with the availability of 1 primary useful resource; Internet. Evidence to this new time period is explained on a number of main web sites in the following manner.They are providers that can be performed at home sensibly than in a workplace; they include, telecommuting, e-work, online work, e-commuting and companies comparable to these. Work form your home is a very simple way to make money. Those peoples who do not want to move out for their job always look for an online job. Many times we can see that there are many websites on internet which offer online work from your home. You can earn a striking amount of money working online. Workings from your home make you comfortable. It can be a good obsession for you and your family.Online jobs are becoming more and more admired. And among the economy causing more and more of us to be with no job, it’s no astonish more people are looking for way to earn from home. It’s no top secret that MLM business-owners experience unique benefits that the majority of the working populations never discover. They job of their own homes. They have no boss, schedules, or substitute. In fundamental nature, they run their businesses however and whenever they desire. You may have despicable following a schedule at your job, but if you’re having troubles finding your work-life stability, then it’s crucial that you arrange the hours at home too. The good news is that you can start whenever you need to work.
Read MoreThe Dining Room February 15, 2011 16:25
In today's households the dining room is probably the least used room in the home. Especially so if you have teenagers.Many times teens will just grab something to eat and head out to ball practice or some other activity.More and more families are on different schedules and find it hard to devote a specified time to sit down at the dining room table and enjoy a meal and the company of family members.Many homes today have a formal dining room that gets used only on special occasions, such as holidays and for entertaining the occasional guest.A dining room doesn't have to look and feel formal, and even more seem stuffy. A more desirable dining room is inviting in it's own charm and comfort. A gorgeous wooden table with comfortable seating with table linen and place mats which are bright and cheerful, accented with a beautiful flower arrangement or bowl of fruit will be an open invitation for the family to gather for meals and enjoy each others company.Accompany this with an antique china cabinet containing your family heirlooms, colorful landscaped art works, an area rug decorated with small figures, thus formal begins to be replaced by comfort and appeal. A properly designed dining room needs the same consideration as the decor in any other room in your home. Simply a table and some chairs isn't very enticing for a family to gather together.Take note that your table settings are bright, cheerful and attractive. Ornaments should include cupboards, possibly some small cabinets, china, pottery, proper art work, all accented by a delicate designed area or oriental rug.Bring your dining room into harmony with the flow of decor throughout your home. And just maybe, you and your family will be drawn to dine together as a family.In the hustle bustle lifestyles today, the lost act of dining together is a missed opportunity for family members to bond and stay abreast of each others concerns and activities.
Read MoreFloor Tile Design February 20, 2011 15:37
If you're considering a new tiled floor, here's a collection of floor tile design ideas that will make your decision less difficult.It's important to research your options and consider which floor tile design suits the aspects of your room and provides the functionality needed.With so many styles and floor tile designs, it can become quite confusing choosing a tile design that accomplishes both style and functionality.Read on below and we'll cover various types of floor tiles that will assist you in making an informed decision as to which type fits your needs.Laminate Flooring...Laminate being the most affordable is the perfect solution for those who wish to emulate the look of hardwood floors. To the unprofessional eye, laminate flooring can be very difficult to differentiate from hardwood.Laminate flooring is very durable, easy to clean, scratch, stain and fade resistant. With an abundance of color choices and plank widths, the laminate makes a perfect choice for high traffic areas such as, living rooms and kitchens.With an easy locking system, the laminate boards are easily clicked together to form the floor. You don't necessarily need to hire a professional, many people find that they can install the flooring themselvesBamboo Flooring...A very popular floor tile design. Durable, resilient, environmentally and economically sound. Bamboo is one of the hardest, most pliable floor tiles available.Bamboo flooring color choices, styles and wood grains are as abundant as any other flooring option. Durability, toughness and impact resistance makes this the perfect choice for kitchens and living room floor tile Hardwood Flooring...Capable of lasting a number of lifetimes. The ultimate standard in beauty and durability. Rich, stylish and eloquent floor tile design.A huge collections of different woods, grains and color tones are available in hardwood flooring.The finishes on todays hardwood floors makes cleaning a breeze. A little sweeping and damp mopping takes care of most cleaning needs.Hardwood offers the ultimate in value and quality. Naturally the cost associated with hardwood sharply increases over laminate or bamboo...although the quality, longevity and floor value compared to the replacement cost of other types of flooring make it well worth the initial investment.
Read MoreCorridors Makes Attractive and fun January 26, 2011 14:39
Decorating corridors is more or less the problem of every household. The long empty passage way always seems to give us a boring feeling. But just on the contrary, corridors are a very useful space in your house. So let’s see how to transform these corridors to something attractive and fun.The first thing one needs to remember when working on corridors is; this is one place of your house that is alive and active. People are always moving in and out of your corridors. So give your corridors a picture gallery look. You can put paintings, family photographs and murals as wall decor. Add lamps at little distances to give a soft and dramatic look to your corridors.If you find this decorating tip not so appealing then how about adding some artifacts and flower arrangements complete with soft yellow lighting. If your corridor is wide enough, one can even go for a bookshelf. To complete the feel, put some heavy drapes at the end of the corridor. This is give depth to your decoration.
Read MoreCountry Bathroom Decorating March 30, 2011 14:10
A country bathroom theme is always a popular choice in bathroom decorating. This design has a strong traditional emphasis and when used properly creates a relaxing atmosphere. The foundation and the basic elements, such as cast-iron bath tubs, bow and sash windows that allow an abundance of light, decorative country style accessories and attention to paint schemes all work together to bring your country bathroom into perfect harmony. It is essential that your bath meets the same strict standards as every other room in your home. Many people neglect the importance of this room and fail to consider the impression it makes on guests in your home. It is probably one of the most used rooms in your home. Why would you not want your bathroom to be any less important than every other room in your home? Ladies, I don't have to tell you something you already know...but...we need a place we can go to for relaxation after a long day, lock the door, light some candles, run a bubble bath and have a relaxing drink, of your choice. This is not a want but really a necessity!...add the tranquility that the country bathroom exudes and we're in heaven. We just recently added a master bathroom to our home, so the boys now have no reason or excuse for invading my space! Now everyones happy. There are lots of quick and simple country bathroom decorating ideas, that will create a tranquil environment, where we can seclude ourselves even if only for a few minutes. Some of the things we can do to give them an instant facelift, can range from such things as adding plants, flowers, candles, wicker baskets and curtains designed for country bathrooms. Punched tin and red clay pots, are two of my personal favorites Country Bathroom Decor Accessories for a country bathroom decor theme. Some other popular choices are down on the farm, tulips and lilies, coastal cottage, hearts and stars, and country cats. Often the most overlooked accessory is the shower curtain. They are often the focal point of the room, and are an excellent guide to choosing the rest of the accessories. For a country bathroom theme, choosing a shower curtain in a nature theme, is always a great choice or if you prefer solid colors they can range in colors from red, blue, green and yellow. Painting will give your room an instant facelift, so when choosing the color, make sure it fits your decor theme. White never goes out of style. But don't limit your imagination, notice in the bathroom picture above, how the colors of light green walls, yellow rugs, white sink and cabinet combined with the stripped shower curtain creates a traditional country decor. When choosing a paint color, remember these tips... 1. To make a small room appear larger, paint the walls a light color. White always gives the appearance of a larger space 2. Bright colors will be a great contrast with white fixtures and tiles to make the room bold and cheery. Light greens and yellows are excellent color choices. Some other ideas you can use in your country theme include choosing a new bathroom light fixture, adding a new vanity cabinet, changing floor coverings, and adding new accessories. Making all or just one of these changes will make a huge impact on your overall decor theme. If you decide to purchase new window treatments, whether it's curtains, shutters or blinds, consider the style of the window. Does it open up and down, slide sideways, or swing in or out? If you want to open and close the windows for air, select window treatments that will not get in the way. If you live in an area that is private enough the windows may need little or no window treatment. Another great addition is to simply hang shelves and fill them with small plants such as English ivy or violets etc. etc. Another idea is to hang plants from the ceiling, so that they fall right in front of the window. If you choose to add blinds, shades or shutters, be sure they compliment the woodwork. I love cafe curtains hanging over bathroom windows, they just seem to add a clean crisp country decor feel to the room. Flooring in country decor rooms, is preferably natural wood. It isn't so great in the bathroom though, because natural wood and water don't work so well together. The next two favorite choices is ceramic tile and laminate. Laminate hardwood comes in a variety of styles, textures and colors, such as oak, pine and bamboo. Another easy and inexpensive way to redecorate is to change the light fixtures, faucets and towel bars. These small changes will make a huge impact on the bathroom. There are many new styles to choose from so take your time and pick one that fits your style. A family may plan to stay in their home a lifetime, so comfort, atmosphere and home decor that reflects the families personality is essential. And one of the main attributes to comfort and style is the homey feeling the country bathroom represents.
Read MoreAfter effects of break up! October 14, 2011 13:11
Life is an end. There is nothing more to do. That’s it. All the love, togetherness, belongingness, and trust, commitment left without any meaning to them. Why should I live? For whom should I live? I cannot imagine other person in my life. These kinds of emotions and much more crop up in your mind, after a break up for a committed relationship, that too long term in particular. Of course, post break up it would be very difficult for us to overcome from all that years of being in relationship and that I ‘Someone is there for mine’ kafeeling. Sometimes, particularly during the visit to all those places that you have gone earlier with your partner, while seeing his favorite dress of yours, eating his favorite dish, listening to the song or watching his favorite movie, and particularly when you watch any couple in ‘love’, what not, at each and every moment you would remember your partner. Well, this is one side of the break up affect. The other side, you would be revealed from a long time relationship that has become a mess, even longer back. You are free from any rules and regulations. You can get up and go to bed, or go where ever you want without any hurdle, you can shop and wear whatever kind of clothes you wish to. You can talk to whomever you like and yet not feel as a sin for which you used to give an explanation earlier. There is a no spy that would be watching your moves, you can make wonders with your job and in return grow your career the way you want to, the simple reason being the immense increase in the concentration in you. After taking all that ‘stress’ in order to think each day about how to work on your relationship, once you are out of the same, your mind would be so very relaxed that all the time, you are fresh. This way even your skin texture and glow would increase for a better. No smses, calls, lat night chatting, you can just be what you are and at last can start thinking about going out with friends too. Much important, the next time you get into another relationship, or even think about getting close to another guy, who would be careful and the chances of you making a mistake are very low or minimal. This does not mean, I am supporting either side of post break up affects, or I am denying either of them. This also does not mean that I am here to tell you, do not believe any one, or to blindly trust everyone. But, one thing, do not let somebody else screw up your happiness and life. At the end of the day, you are not too bad to go through and live with such a relationship, despite working on it, has no result at all. So, think smart and be happy. After all, it is your life Boss! SunayanaVinay Kumar
Read MoreMillwork Create Beautiful Elegance October 28, 2010 12:01
The inside of your home is even more important than the outside, obviously. It's where you work, live, raise your children, relax and create precious memories. It should be beautiful as well as comfortable. You would be surprised what a startling difference you can make with new moulding and millwork on your ceilings and staircase.We don't often go about looking at our ceilings, do we? But they are in our periphery vision and we always spot imperfections such as cobwebs or a stray bit of dirt. Ceilings are always on the edge of our sight and the more attractive they are, the more inviting and comfortable our homes are. Take a look at the moulding on between your walls and your ceilings; is it old, unattractive or missing altogether? Modern houses often dispense with this extra touch of beauty but you can correct that omission with beautiful moulding choices from your local Southern Maryland building supply.Floor moulding is another important part of the way a room feels. In past times, a house wasn't considered finished until floor moulding, often called baseboards, was installed. Floor moulding and be sleek and simple or decorative, depending on your tastes.Moulding can be as simple or elaborate as you like. Of course, it all depends on your home's décor and architecture. A modern home with clean lines will look great with simple Fillet moulding, which is nothing more than a small flat band but really sets off a room with elegance. An older home where the moulding has been torn out would regain its former stateliness with a Godroon style, a band that looks as if it is beaded and is often seen on silverwork. Or you may prefer Guilloche, which is interlocking half circles decorated with rosettes. You can be as simple or as elaborate as you wish!Many homes take a cue from earlier generations by installing Chair Rail moulding, which was originally meant to protect the wall from the back of a chair. This effect is beautiful when it is used to separate sections of wall that are painted from the half that has been wallpapered. Kitchens with a scheme like this are inviting, warm looking and cozy.You can choose from pre-fabricated moulding or a custom design. They come in a variety of woods that you can paint or stain as you prefer. You can also create a unique look that is all your own. Make sure you get free estimates, advice to help you choose the best moulding for both your décor and your budget.Erika blogs for Dean Lumber of Southern Maryland, located in Southern Maryland in St. Marys County. Dean Lumber & Building supply is also conveniently located near Maryland, Charles, Calvert, Anne Arundel, Prince Georges, Virginia, and King George counties.
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