Well, this is definitely a very big statement. Since ages, keeping exceptions aside, it has been observed that Woman always, not been so ‘Techno Friendly’. We do not understand Technology and even work on upgrading it, as easy as we understand the New Fashion accessories, various new varieties in Jeweler and what kind of dresses are in fashion. Now you might think about me, ‘What is this, being a Woman what is she saying? Why is she downsizing Woman?’
Let me explain, I am not against Woman not being ‘Techno Friendly’. For that matter, even I have no clue about certain basic things like how to blog, how to thoroughly access various Social Networking and Micro Blogging sites, and certain E mail etiquettes too. All these days, I have never even bothered to learn them also. But, one incident that recently happened with me, at my work place, changed my entire perception about ‘Woman Being Techno Friendly’.
It so happened that, some of us were supposed to enroll in a Social Networking site, to promote our company, as told by our higher management. Almost everyone apart from me and my colleague were already in this Site. I saw everyone was quick in updating various things about our organization, and making the utmost use of the knowledge they have on the given task. I was standing there with no idea about what to do. For a moment, I felt myself as an illiterate working with all other educated lot.
Some others also might felt the same about me. Not leaving any chance, they commented on me to be a Girl born in some 40s, old fashioned, conservative in thinking and what not. For some time, all these were bothering me a lot. I almost like lost in my own thoughts. But, then, I realized that no matter how important it is, nothing can make me loose my Confidence. Yes, I do agree that I am not Techno freak, but if necessary, I can learn anything, very quickly in order to catch up the rest. It is not in the mindset, but all in the need of knowing the importance or learning any new change, weather it is in our life, or at our work place.
I was able to relate my situation to that of a Woman who experiences Mother Hood for the first time. Any Woman who will be expecting her first baby, might not know anything about how the care of new born is taken, how she should take care of herself, in order to be a good mother, what to do, what not to do at the time of pregnancy, during and post delivery, how to bring up the baby, and what not. But, as time passes by, we will learn all this for sure. Even our Mothers did.
So, there should be a first time for everything, so as to learn and expertise on Technology. With this thought process, I learnt all about the accessing of that Social Networking site on my own. Today, I can confidently say that I am in a position to not only thoroughly access what I have learnt but also to teach others.
With all these, my perception towards looking at life has also changed. Today, I belevie there is no hard and fast rule that Technology only a Cup of Tea of a Man. If that so, then why n number of Organizations are would even think of hiring Woman as Software Engineers. It is as simple as upgrading your knowledge, even technically, according to catch up with this fast passed World.
I have been doing and succeeded in this. Hope you would very soon. After all, Woman are known to be Multi – Skilled!
Sunayana Vinay Kumar