When was the last time you heard a talk or a suggestion that suggested you to be positive? Be it in office meetings, personality development or any other training sessions, meditation or yoga classes or a simple discussion with your parents/friend’s/partner… at one point of the time or other, everywhere and everyone would for sure suggest you to be positive, letting out the importance of being ‘Positive’ know to you…
It is not that we are new to this World and do not know how to keep our mind active to survive. If we were not positive, we would not have achieved what we are today. But, our mind set is for sure not the same each day. Despite of knowing everything, we tend to forget the same and just live in vane some times. After certain time, there would be a saturation point to even this kind of an emotion as well. We ourselves would realize to ‘Be Positive’. This article is for all those who are in this state of mind. For all those who want to ‘Be Positive’,
Just appreciate even the smallest work you have done on that day. It could be as simple as drafting a mail to the higher officials or giving a business idea for the process in the meeting, or preparing the most simple dish just ‘yummy’… you first recognize your worth and appreciate the same…
It is very bad to take regular breaks during work… it is even worse if you don’t take a break from a daily routine as and when your mind requires the same. Some other times, it so happens that even after getting back to your daily routine, at times you would still feel the same disguise. So, this is a alarm warning you to make certain necessary changes in your life style and even your work life as well. if you are a home maker, try at least getting rid of certain works by allocating the same to your maid and taking some time out to pursue your passion. And this Mantra would be applicable to even Working Woman as well.
Another main reason of our negative thoughts are, just coming to conclusions in the case of living your life. Dear, nothing is the end of the life. be it job or settlement in personal life, every phase lives for certain time and expects us to accept the same and move on in the new phase of life. So, accept this as a fact and implement the same. Always look for a challenge or something new to happen with you. Living in a hope is always bliss.
Exercise on a regular basis, at least 20 minutes a day. Burning all those extra kilos would also burn the negative thoughts in you.
At least once in a month, shop completely for yourself. The budget of your shopping might be as small as 100 bugs to 200, when you can buy a kurti or a set of bangles, but it should be of completely your choice and you should enjoy this. for sure, this will make a difference, that would in turn make you happy…
In this article, we have focused on how to be ‘Positive’. In the next article, we would talk about how to handle the rough phase in our lives!
SunayanaVinay Kumar