Another reason to not to live in 'PAST'!

May 07, 2012 15:07
Another reason to not to live in 'PAST'!

I see almost all my friends, parents and even my siblings and colleagues cribbing about the mistakes done by them in the past and blaming themselves or even the situations or people who were responsible for them making these so called mistakes..

But, all the girls out there, just take a break and please accept life is the mixture of all emotions and situations, nothing being permanent, for the simple reason being, life itself is not permanent.. want some more reasons to let go off all the mistakes made by you in the past and move on in life? Here are they;

They Make You Feel Miserable

Feeling miserable is not a great state to be in. Our emotions affect how we think and act. When we start to feel miserable about ourselves, we get into a negative state. It can also cause others to shun from you, as it isn’t fun to hang around a negative person. Who wants to listen to complains all day long?

When your mind is full of negative thoughts, you attract other negative thoughts and matters to you. That is why when you start your day in a negative state, nothing seems to go in your favor for the rest of the day.

They Affect Your Performance Now

It is not possible to be efficient and effective when you are in a negative state. When you dwell upon you past mistakes and failures, it affects your confidence. It can cause you to feel fearful and make your fear cast a bigger shadow than before.

If you had suffered from criticism in your work, you may fear to express yourself more in your work due to the fear of criticism. Dwelling on this fear will affect your future work quality as boldness and creativity will be lacking because of the presence of fear.

It Just Doesn’t Do You Any Good.

Your past failures are great lessons for you and it only helps if you are approaching it using the right mindset. You should approach your past failures with the mindset of learning from it and moving on. It is not smart to be so faithful to a single mistake.

Your past mistakes are only feedbacks that are there to help you alter your route direction to get you to your destination. You will not be doing yourself a favor if you are focusing on the negative aspect instead of the positive aspect

Rather than forcing yourself to undergo all this pain, it is better to get rid of all that guilt of past that is troubling you and live your present to the fullest.. get started!

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