When was the last time you have given others a lecture on ‘How to plan your day’? If I am not wrong, this might have been very recent. But, did you question yourself, ‘when I end up making a mess because of lack of planning my schedule and things, how I can even give a ‘gyaan’ to others about this?’
Well, let me be on the other side today and here are some of the quick tips to how to plan your day. Just try them, believe me, it works;
1. Before running, just stop for a while and think. Neither you nor I are a super woman to do 100 things at a time. If you can’t manage to cook 3 varieties a day, then cook only one or at max two. If you cannot work for 8 long hours at office, then find some flexible timings ka job or a freelance work that definitely gives you a less pay, but with lot of peace. If you feel like taking an off for a day, then just chill and do nothing. We woman can definitely experiment with these, as many of us have a privilege of not being the head of the family.
2. Now, you must agree that your priorities be it in life or work or relations, do change from time to time. Simple example yaar, your parents who were your top priority have become secondary after your marriage and experiencing the mother hood. So, learn to accept and act according to your priorities, even when you are planning your day.
3. This mind and heart of us are very stubborn yaar, sometimes they do not listen to us. Even if we try to force them to think or do something, they would in turn say, ‘Hello! Will you give us a space please?’Abkyakarein, you have to listen to them and make them listen to you by doing some lively activities like shopping, visiting a peaceful place, enjoying you cup of coffee, listening to your favorite music or watching your all-time favorite film.
4. Do you experience a sense of ‘I am so lonely’ feeling, despite of your family and partner showering oodles of love on you and everything in picture perfect in your life? Baby, this means, you are so stuck up in your routine that it is the time to take a break and so something out of the box. Now what to do? You think re!
5. It is very good to plan your work and follow the same. but, we can’t live in monotony yaar. So, sometimes do skip your planned schedule and so some act that makes you feel crazy. This is like re – inventing your mood.
6. Remember, this is life and it has to be lived. And lived happily with full of ‘life’, but not in ‘sorrow’ and each day you cursing your life!
SunayanaVinay Kumar