We have been talking about various phases of love and relationships from quite a sometime now. Finally, the ‘D’ Day has come. On the eve of Valentine’s Day today, let us try finding out some unique ideas to celebrate Valentine’s Day today;
Make up a batch of heart-shaped pancakes for a yummy Valentine's breakfast or brunch. Just pour the batter in the frying pan in a free-form heart shape and serve with strawberries and whipped cream.
Insert candy surprises into balloons before inflating them - add a folded-up Valentine's message then inflate each balloon. Tie with a red ribbon and attach to your loved one's chair for them
to find Valentine's morning.
Give a hand-made coupon for some work you can do to free-up some time for your spouse or parent. For example, a coupon good for cleaning Dad's garage or for a full-house vacuuming for your wife. How about a coupon for your best friend - you can walk her dog or baby sit one evening.
Each of you can create individual notes, say 4 or 6 each, to describe a special surprise - a back rub, a bubble bath, kisses from head to toe, a special meal - fold up the notes and toss them into a jar. You can take turns having fun plucking a coupon from the jar and doing what it says.
You can prepare this one for your spouse or for your children to enjoy. Write up little notes about how you feel and what they mean to you and place them around the house along with a candy
heart or other treat. Add a riddle at the end of each note about where to find the next note. At the last note, have something special waiting there. For example, you can be waiting for your
hubby in a candle-lit bubble bath with two glasses of wine. For your children, then can find a teddy bear or other toy or treat.
And if no one special in your life this valentine’s day, then…
No one special to share Valentine's Day with? Sure you have! You! Why not pamper yourself with a candlelit bubble bath, then prepare your favorite gourmet meal and rent the latest comedy
video. Or treat yourself to a day at the spa, or a day at the gym with a step or aerobics class. Plan for Valentine's Day at least a week in advance - you'll find yourself looking forward to your special treats and your quality time with yourself, by choice.
Place a blanket on the floor near the lit fireplace with candles on the mantle and have your Valentine's meal as a candle-lit picnic with a bottle of your favorite bubbly.
Sneak in love notes and chocolate kisses in your sweetheart's or children's cereal.
Little notes in their lunch boxes, on the bathroom mirror, in his briefcase, stuck on the car windshields, in his underwear drawer.
So, love is in the air and Valentine’s Day is all about pouring your love on your loved ones!