Right from our favorite celebs, Aishwarya Rai Bacchan to Shilpa Shetty, all those celebs, well known names in the society, business women, working women and home makers... the dream that makes a woman complete is nothing but, 'motherhood'... and enjoying the bliss of motherhood is again the factor that proves to be a identity of woman hood... if you are hesitant to experience the mother hood, for any reason... here are the factors that make you enjoy a bliss of motherhood...
Is there a financial instability among you and your partner that is making you stay away from motherhood? Are you career oriented and completely want to concentrate on your career so are thinking to have a baby later or not at all? You have a syndrome that you cannot handle all the responsibility of baby along with your present life style? Or are you not ready itself for a baby, because of the fear of bearing all that pain?
Just know the myth and the reality in all the above... there is no end to the financial stability... your career can also be successfully pursued after having a baby and moreover, you should know when to take a break and how to continue your career... if the success in the career is what that gives you happiness??? Are you’re sure about this or this is just a way to escape from all the other mess in your life?
Put all these questions to yourself and decide when to have a baby... if you still feel motherhood can wait in your life, rather than opting for all those pills that are not advised by any Doctor, just go by the Doctor's advice...
Remember, having a baby at the right age that is not late by 30, will keep your health more active and keep you away from many other diseases that could be a question to your life...
So, motherhood, at any given point of time is not a mess, but complete Bliss...