If life is uncertain, so are relationships because relationships are dealt with people over here. Not every day can be perfect and this implies to your relationship status as well. There are n number of problematic situations you face when you are in a relationship, particularly, when that initial charm is gone. Does this mean there is no more love in the relationship? No, there is more than just love in a relationship.
Here are some major aspects if not attended at a proper time, would turn out to be biggest problems that put up a question for the survival of your relationship itself;
Lack of proper communication, this could be day to day communication as well. With a correct communication itself, complete trust would build up in a relationship. So, communicate your day to day activities with your partner. Let your partner know where you are, with whom you are. It may make him/her feel jealous at times, but it is your responsibility to convince your partner. Once proper communication is done and trust builds up, a true relationship will build up for sure.
Is your partner being insecure? Think, are you are reason for this behavior of your partner by any chance? We talk about giving space for other person in a relationship and it is good to implement this as well. But, once you own a person, you cannot let other come into you and your partner’s world after certain limit. So, it is up to you to decide the limitations of any other relation, to maintain a healthy relationship with your partner.
Just because priorities are changed, this does not mean love itself is lost… it is just that some more aspects need to be looked after. So chill and understand.
Finally, if you want to be in the relationship, think only positives about your partner and if you have no interest what so ever in being with your partner, think twice about the relationship.