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Planning the design home June 01, 2010 17:57

You need to determine exactly what you need and want in your new home.  Consider the major elements you would like in your new home, the style, the number of floors, the total area, the number of bedrooms and baths, size of the sitting room, car porch, kitchen etc. You probably have a design in your mind. Discuss with your family and ask for their opinion.  You can discuss with the friends/ relatives who have recently build a house about their experience and the cost they incurred. From that you could get an idea whether your plan will fit your budget.  It is a good idea to analyze the positive and negative features of the house you lived in before.  You will also want to choose a plan that suits the area in which you're planning to build.  Selecting Architect /Engineers A good architect can build your dream home within your budget. It is important to find a good architect when you start planning seriously to build a house. A good architect doesn't mean, a busy person who have lots of offices and built so many houses nearby your area. Instead of that you have to find out the one who is able to and has the time to, listen to your dreams and wishes about your home, make you understand the errors in your design, consider your needs and create a cost affective aesthetic design based on specific needs. He should be able to handle layout problems or budget problems by suggesting good alternatives and that is also within your budget and then overall he must be a person who is able to understand you well.  Ask your friends/relatives who have recently built their own homes about the architects/engineers they engaged. If they were reliable in terms of time as well as expense they estimated and the overall construction was satisfactory, you could make a choice among them. 

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Know your limits & Budget home June 01, 2010 17:56

 A home is where you live your life, your own place to unwind and revive. Building your own home is a life time dream and once in a life time experience.  It can be compared to the birds building their nests by gathering together smalls twigs and branches of trees. Tremendous effort and thoughtful planning is needed for the same. Most of the people are not aware about how to go about building a house and from where to start. A lot of things needs to be done like estimating costs and time, dealing with architects and contractors, locating and buying land, securing home loans - if the funds are insufficient, selecting building materials, overseeing construction etc.  Know your limits & Budget  Knowing your limits is essential before you build a house. A house is the biggest savings in a man's life.  So it is important to invest money wisely for building a house. Discuss with your family about the needs. Consider your household, present and future. You should also have a clear idea about your savings for the home and how much you can generate from the loans and other sources. Your needs and your budget should balance out. Friends/relatives who have recently built a house can help you a lot. Select a good location

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Keep your mattress healthy June 01, 2010 17:13

• Dust and vacuum the bedding regularly to keep <br></br>allergies at bay. Use synthetic instead of feather pillows to further minimize dust.• Sprinkle a bit of baking soda on the mattress to get rid of odours. Leave it for a few hours; then use a handheld vacuum cleaner to remove it.• Don’t ignore spills; moisture causes the mattress to become lumpy and mouldy. Allow spillages to dry in a well-ventilated area. You could even use a hairdryer if there isn’t too much moisture. • If you have children, make sure you protect the mattress with a rubber or waterproof sheet placed over the mattress. • Turn your mattress over once every two months to avoid deep impressions of your body’s contours. Similarly, rotate the mattress to ensure even usage of both sides, especially if you sleep alone on a double bed.

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Mantra of life! October 15, 2011 15:39

As soon as you encounter a health problem, be it as critical as Malaria to as small as fever that one thought comes to your mind is ‘Why this has happened only to me?’… Then you start analyzing what diet you take, where you have ate outside, what made you encounter this problem, the factors the pros and the corns and what not… in short we start panicking about our situation. This has been continuing since ages… have you ever thought the other side? Have you ever thought of taking the situation as it comes would apply to even the health condition? Instead of thinking why this problem has occurred did you ever thought how to get rid of this? Generally not. The reason being, our inherent quality that we panic for the situation that is not usual… as per many researches done in many countries, Woman are more stronger in heart when compared to men. Now, to overcome even this problem of panicking to any uncertain issue, you can try out the following measures; Remember to stay calm all the time, no matter what the situation is. Just believe that life is very uncertain so as the health or any other problems encountered. Certain situations or things would not be in our hand and we need to accept the same. Be it destiny or fate or luck or whatever you name it. Without any intention and any prior notice you need to overcome certain phases of life. So, take it as simple as a passing cloud and expect things would settle down. It is not only in the case of handling certain situations, getting motivated would also be a savior for many health issues, to get resolved. Along with the treatment taken, one should also make it a habit to inculcate the positive thought that ‘yes, this is going to work. I will gain my health and get rid of this problem. I will be happy’… rather than cursing your ill health. After waking up every morning, just tell yourself that it is only you who can either make or break your day. Those 5 minutes thought of your motivation can work wonders. I understand if there is any death in your family, or any one close to your heart passes away, what goes through your mind. That is just similar to your thoughts being stopped from working. But, inculcate that courage to accept the situation and console your heart that everything is a part and parcel of life and even we can, we cannot stop certain things from happening. These are some quick measures to inculcate that motivation in you. Well, these cannot be followed within a day or two, but you can definitely make your mind and in return your heart work towards this, as there has to be a start at some point or the other… SunayanaVinay Kumar

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Victorian Decorating For The Modern Home January 12, 2011 17:40

The Victorian decorating style is one that combines antique accessories with modern   methods and can really make your house stand out. Whether you have an old Victorian   mansion or a new home, you can decorating with a Victorian style by changing small things,   for instance painting and hanging vintage accessories to bring some of the Victorian age   to your home.  A major component in victorian decorating is what you put on the walls. For this style the   room colors make a big difference - you should contemplate putting reds and dark colors   and anything with vintage appeal and depending on the particular style many colors either   in your wall color or your accessories. Try using an antique style wallpaper and border   sets on the walls, or if you want something different go with paint and stenciling. You   don't have to get too fancy or spend a lot of money and if you are afraid of a bit of   color, merely paint the walls a neutral shade and let the accents in the room do the   decorating.  The floor covering can make or break your decor, but if you can not buy new flooring then   just use area rugs with a Victorian design. Oriental rugs are perfect for this type of   decor and you can buy genuine antique rugs, or reproductions if you are on a budget.  Accessories are key to pulling your Victorian decor together. You'll be surprised at the   impact a few alterations can make! Concentrate on buying old photos, artwork and mantle   clocks that match your Victorian decor. Be sure to add in plenty of antiques as well as   Victorian era curios. Additional touches like vintage fabrics and vases filled with   flowers can add that special touch that gives your home a professional look. You might want to consider light fixtures in terms of both style and type to go with your   Victorian decorating style,. Given that you are trying to get a Victorian look, you might   want to take a look at using old fashioned ceiling lights with lamps with silk fringe   shades but remember to pass up anything which is primitive or country looking. Don’t   forget to include table lamps as well as wall sconces. Furniture should be Victorian in style but you don’t have to use genuine antiques. For the   sofa especially, you should consider a reproduction. This is because vintage Victorian   sofas are very uncomfortable! Wooden pieces like side tables and curio cabinets would look   best if you can buy real antiques - the new stuff is just not as beautiful as the old   pieces with a rich patina. Always make sure you buy pieces that are in tip top condition.  How you dress your windows are important to your victorian decorating design theme. For a   fantastic design in your parlor go with working with layered drapery or velvet curtains or   heavy draped curtains with different fabrics. There are a lot of window treatments that   can be paired with this design theme, particularly if you match fabrics to your window   treatments, but you should avoid contemporary style window coverings.  One decorating area that is frequently overlooked when decorating is the wall space. Even   the ugliest walls can be made to look good with great wall decor. Try adding vintage   paintings and old photos to create an interesting look to your parlor walls to really   bring out the charm of your Victorian Interior Design.  Putting together a perfect Victorian look in your home can be as basic as just buying new   decorative accessories or as involved as replacing everything. Either way, working on the   details and making sure to coordinate your furniture and decorative accessories will help   you achieve a great new Victorian decorating look that you will be proud to claim you   accomplished all by yourself!

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Building a patio or terrace February 04, 2011 11:57

Building a terrace or patio can embellish your backyard as well as increase your home’s value. The first step is to determine your budget, after what you’ll have to pick a patio or terrace design. Make sure your project is in line with the municipal regulations – send an inquiry if you’re having any doubts. This being done, let’s get to work!Once you’ve picked a patio design, the big work starts. Discover a few useful tips for the best quality patio: first, make sure that your construction is well aerated, installing it 2.5 to 3 ft above the ground – at least. Floorboards should be separated one from another by 1/8 to 1/4 inches. In addition, sides shouldn’t be hermetic. Plan an angle allowing water to flow easily, in order to avoid useless accumulations that could damage your patio.Use treated quality wood, such as cedar or Ipe wood, to keep your patio in good shape, as some kind of wood are more difficult to take care of. Finally, remember it is not advised to put a geotextile cloth under the patio, as its permeability retains water, humidity and mud.

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5 Ideas For Using Your Space Effectively August 31, 2010 10:13

1.ADD-A-ROD. Looking for extra storage space in your closet. If you have the type of closet with two+ walls for hanging clothes, on one wall hang a rod at head height for long clothing (dresses, pants, etc.). On the other wall, hang two rods--one above the other--for shorter clothing.2.INSTALL SHELVES. Most shelves can be moved up-a-notch or down-a-notch. If you have three inches of space above your linens, you may consider adjusting the shelf so the shelf below  has more space. Or, perhaps you can add another shelf in between. 3.ROTATE. You may have many items you love in your home but not enough space. Rotate them. In other words, keep some things in storage for a month or two and display some of your things. Then, once that time is up, make the switch. The items on display go into storage; the items in storage go on display. What a neat idea!4.KEEP YOUR DESK CLEAR. A clear desk is directly related to your productivity. Full-suspension filing cabinet is a must for any home or office. Portable file boxes that hold hanging file folders also come in handy. There are plenty of storage choices for CD-roms and diskettes. Desk supplies belong in an on-the-desk caddy or in trays inside your desk. 5.PUT FREQUENTLY USED ITEMS WITHIN ARMS REACH.  Whenever possible, store regularly used items where you use them most.  Store linens in the bedroom. Store videos near the television. If you use the scissors in the office area and in the sewing room, have two pairs of scissors, one in each room. 

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Making Roman Shades March 21, 2011 12:41

Roman Shades are both practical and elegant. They are perfect for spaces where you want to maximize sunlight and also offer complete privacy at night. Materials Face Fabric 1/2 inch wood dowel Roman shade ring tape 1x2 wood strip, 1/4-1/2 inch shorter than the width of your window (for the mounting board) Adhesive-back nylon hook-and-loop tape Screw eyes large enough for multiple cording lengths Two L-brackets with screws Nylon cording Awning Cleat Basic Shade Sewing Instructions Measure the inside window width and length. This is the finished size of the shade. Add 2 inches to the length; cut a rectangle of the fabric with these measurements. To finish the sides, fold under 1/2 inch on each side and press, fold 1/2 inch again, press and seam both sides. To finish the top, press under 1/2 inch, then 2 inches; stitch in place. To make a rod pocket, press under 4 inches at the bottom of the shade. Stitch across the width of the shade 1 1/2 inches from the fold to create a rod pocket. Fold up the bottom another 4 inches. Stitch across width near the top fold. When you've finished sewing the rest of the shade and ready to install it, insert the metal rod or wood dowel in the pocket, slip stitch closed. To attach the ring tape, place the bottom ring of the tape just above the rod pocket. End with the top ring 4 inches form the top of the shade. Make sure the rings are perfectly aligned and stitch around the tape. Mounting The Shade Press one side of the hook and loop fastening tape across the front edge of the mounting board, and the other side of the tape across the top edge on the wrong side of the shade. To mount the shade to the mounting board, press the hook-and-loop fastening tape together. Next, mark points on the underside of the mounting board for the placement of screw eyes. The screw eyes must correspond with the vertical row of rings on the shade. Screw the screw eyes to each point. To thread rings, cut the nylon cording into lengths that measure the length of a vertical row of rings, plus the width of the shade, plus at least half the length of a vertical row of rings. Cut on length for each vertical row of rings. Knot the end of a cord length to the bottom ring of each vertical row. Thread the first (left side) cord length through its vertical row of rings and the corresponding screw eye. Thread the next cord length through its vertical row of rings, its corresponding screw eye, and the screw eye to its left. Thread the remaining cording lengths in the same manner in order as directed above, threading each length through all of the screw eyes to the left. When all threading is complete, all cording lengths should be threaded through the far-left screw eye. Tie the excess length together in a loose knot. To mount the Roman shade, secure the mounting board inside the window to the top of the window frame. Secure it with two L-brackets. Mount the awning cleat to the right of the window. Pull on the cording lengths to make sure the shade pulls up evenly; then release the shade. Braid the cording lengths together, and knot them t the end. wrap the braided length around the awning cleat to hold the shade at desired level.  

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Messy kids? October 18, 2011 17:22

Well, this is a life time problem for every mother. When we see the history, there is no single kid, who has a track record of being calm, cool, matured to their age, which eat and sleep on time, eat healthy without any mess, do their work and keep their things clean… In short, finding a kid with these kindsof qualities is next to impossible. And moreover, if a kid possesses the above mentioned behavior, either your kid is super natural or there is something wrong in him… Because, kids and kids yaar… they are being loved to behave naughty, a bit immature and more matured in either cases, irresponsible and responsible in n number of situations, caring and care less, calm and naughtiest, in short, they are messy… So, to deal with ‘messy’ kids, first and foremost, you need to be patient… whatever happens, either worst or even more than that, do not react eventually. Just understand that like us, even our kids would make mistakes, and many un knowingly… so, what is the point in scolding them and hurting their heart, that is as similar to a flower? So, think how to make your kids understand what they have done, and how that can play a negative effect on them, rather than just scolding them and making them go away from you, even if they do not want to… It is a tough task to make the kids understand, the importance of learning quality education, keeping their stuff clean, being responsible to take care of their own selves, and so on. Only thing is that, you need to make them understand. Just be their friend, make them feel comfortable with you, let them feel free to discuss the same with you, and then you and your kids would share a very good rapport. Understanding the kids, sharing a good and healthy relationship with them, inculcating that values in them, overall transforming them to a proper, well behaved individual, all this is a journey for life time. Each day, you will learn, make mistakes; learn again… it is not only kids, but also you who will make a mistake in understanding them… Confusions and mistakes are a part of life, so, accept them, and learn towards teaching your kids better. This is not an exam or a game to relax, at the end of each day. Each day, a new task with your kids. So, get geared up to a lifelong challenge… as it is proven that kids are a challenge! SunayanaVinay Kumar

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Country Curtains March 13, 2011 14:15

Country Curtains, sometimes they aren't even necessary. If you are fortunate enough to have a beautiful view, and if privacy isn't an issue, then you probably wont want to obstruct the view with curtains Choosing your Country Curtain Style There are several factors to consider when deciding on curtains. What style is the room? What is the design of the window? And what is your budget?If your room is decorated fairly simple then by all means you don't want to over decorate the windows, a simple lace curtain mounted inside the casing and falling just to the sill would be a fine choice. If the room is formal you don't want to under decorate the window, an under decorated window in a formal room will leave the room with an unfinished feeling. Choosing Fabrics Gingham And Lace are popular choices for country curtains Gingham is an informal fabric made of cotton that is traditionally found in colors of red and white or blue and white, but can also be found in other colors with white.Lace is another popular choice for curtain fabrics in a country themed room. It can be found in most any color and length. Curtains made of damask are made of cotton, linen or wool. They are ideal for a formal room. Velvet fabric is another choice for a formal room, Choosing Colors The color you choose for your country curtains should match or compliment the main colors in the room. If your room receives little natural light you can warm it up by using warm colors such as oranges and orange reds. You can make a very sunny room look marvelous by using blues and greens. The Perfect Finial, Rod and Curtain Hooks Finials are decorative pieces that fit onto each end of the pole, and can be found in many styles. Make sure you choose a finial that is in the same category as the style of curtains you will be using them with. You will also need to put thought into the type of curtain hooks you will need to ensure the type of curtain or drapes you are hanging hang in the appropriate manner. Poles and rods are another choice to make. You can find wooden poles, metal rods, and slender rods. Decorating your windows may seem like a difficult task, but with a little fore thought and planning they will certainly bring your room to a pleasing finish.

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‘Irritated? No more!’ October 11, 2011 16:09

Who will not get irritated yaar? And for Woman with a inherent quality of multi-tasking, managing hundred other things is for sure a big task and as a result, hell lot of stress. So, to relieve from this, try out some of these; Make sure you get and give your fair share of hugs. Not only does hugging feel good, it has been proven to help reduce the stress level, cortisone. Taking a rest isn’t only about not doing anything. A rest from work can mean putting the emphasis on what you do in your leisure time – hobbies, holidays, sport – to counterbalance work or everyday stress. And we all need sleep for energy, good concentration and general health. Chronic sleep-deprivation can affect your performance at work, which can be a key factor in raising stress levels. When you need to reduce the pressure in your life, you can’t always do it on your own. Everyone should have a support network of friends, family, co-workers and other people they can call on to help take the strain - whether it’s practical help or a sympathetic ear when you feel down. Of course, staying grateful is a lot easier if you are hanging with the right crowd. Because once the negativity is out there, it’s up to you to tell your brain not to dwell on it. And, well, if you’re like me, that cognitive exchange demands a lot of energy. Best to choose your friends carefully and avoid the toxic conversations as much as you can. Are yaar, kabtak? Atleast now, please implement the thought that is running in your  mind since ages. If atleast one thing is going against your mindset and you not liking it at all and moreover, if you are being asked to do something that is against your like, then simply say ‘no’. Later, what happens, who knows? Let’s see. It seems, in order to revamp your mood and yourself, having your favorite flavor of ice creams would help for a better. So, next time, I suppose ice creams should work wonders for you. But, make sure you would not have them on a regular basis. Wait, stop thinking for a while. Just think on which topic or issue you starting thinking and where it has been going at the end of the day? Not only your day and family, learn to prioritize your thought process and problems as well. Then see life becomes so easy for you. Wishing you stress free days ahead! SunayanaVinay Kumar

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Mantra for affective communication! October 13, 2011 16:29

Day in and day out, we talk, think and learn about the importance of communication and how affective communication can change your life for better. But, in practice, there are some situations that we face due to lack of proper communication at proper time. But, here are some quick inputs that can help you communicate affective. And many other inputs would be learnt by you in practice, as these are learnt by me by facing certain situations, both in personal and professional life.  • All the time, it is better to answer to the point. Be at your home or at work place, if you are asked about any progress of the work done, or about your co – employee, just answer to the point and do not give an essay out of the question. This way, people will not run as soon as you open your mouth and your matured behavior would be an added advantage. • To communicate affectively, you should be a good listener first. Only when you understand the situation and your mind set, then you can complete the communication process of explaining what you have understood others. It is also essential to listen what others are saying, completely. Some explanations after heard half seem to be understood, but this is just anticipation but not the reality. So, watch out! • Your body language talks about much of you. It also talks about did you understood what other person is saying about you or not. So, keep your body language right. Only then even others can know how effectively you can communicate.  • Affective communication is the mantra for a proper and successful life ahead. Be it communicating your thoughts, communicating your success or communicating your emotions. The more on time and correct you are, the easier your life would be. • It is very important to communicate your thoughts right. At the same time, it is a very negative sign to communicate any wrong sign. In order to avoid this, just have confidence in you, what you are planning to communicate and what are your strengths and what makes you different from others.  • In order to communicate proper, you need to be well versed with the language in which you are communicating as well. Other wise, there will be a barrier in communication. Proper usage of correct words in appropriate time, makes the communication process much affective. Despite of following all the rules and regulations, there would be situations where you and I will forget all the rule list and end up in a mess. But, do not worry. All the mistakes are bound to happen. Only when fall, you would learn to stand up and learn how to sustain. So, do not worry, let the life go as it is going and ad some communication to it. Happy communicating! SunayanaVinay Kumar

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