Decorating corridors is more or less the problem of every household. The long empty passage way always seems to give us a boring feeling. But just on the contrary, corridors are a very useful space in your house. So let’s see how to transform these corridors to something attractive and fun.
The first thing one needs to remember when working on corridors is; this is one place of your house that is alive and active. People are always moving in and out of your corridors. So give your corridors a picture gallery look. You can put paintings, family photographs and murals as wall decor. Add lamps at little distances to give a soft and dramatic look to your corridors.
If you find this decorating tip not so appealing then how about adding some artifacts and flower arrangements complete with soft yellow lighting. If your corridor is wide enough, one can even go for a bookshelf. To complete the feel, put some heavy drapes at the end of the corridor. This is give depth to your decoration.