Brown Tips on House Plants

June 15, 2011 18:23
Brown Tips on House Plants

plantMost growers (that produce indoor plants) have wells with electric or diesel pumps. The pumps draw water directly from the ground. unlike the water that is found in most cities, this water hasn’t been treated by the local water treatment plant.
Some growers are beginning to collect and “clean” water before using it on their plants. I didn’t say add chemicals but clean the water. They are doing this through REVERSE OSMOSIS. Water is pumped through a screen that is fine enough to allow water molecules to pass, but stops dissolved solids, such as salts (fertilizer) and other chemicals.

This “clean” water helps growers produce plants that have less problems with disease and they have cleaner foliage. omeowner or City Water Tap water or city water is different. The water that comes out of your kitchen faucet has most likely been treated. years ago cities began to add chlorine and fluoride to the water supply. Fluoride may be fine for your teeth but many indoor plants are not fond of it.Fluoridated city water usually has 1 ppm (parts per million) of fluoride, four times the amount considered safe for sensitive plants.” Don’t get the idea that if you water your plants with water from the kitchen they are going to die. What does this have to do with brown tips on your plants anyway?

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Brown Tips on House Plants