Wall-less loos, latest trend in homes September 08, 2012 09:58
Wall-less loos are the latest trend in home renovations, engaging the imaginations of builders and home renovators. World-class hotels and luxury resorts already have free-standing bathtubs in the bedroom. So, it was only a matter of time before the toilet also took pride of place. Award-winning bathroom designer Darren James, of Interiors by Darren James, said the demarcation between toilet, bedroom and bathroom was dissolving in the face of a sophisticated approach to taboos. "We are seeing the modern ensuite break free from the four walls that once confined it," News.com.au quoted James as saying. "It's a trend that is very popular in Europe and we are seeing it more and more here. "The line between the bedroom and the bathroom has blurred," he said. However, some Brisbane buyers appear reluctant to spend their pennies quite so close to where they want to lay their heads at night, according to Place agent Mario Sultana. With space at a premium in a three-bedroom Spring Hill cottage on just 146sq m, the vendor plumped for all the latest space-saving ideas. Along with the loft, cupboards under bench seats, they just had to go for a toilet in the master bedroom. Sultana, who is marketing the home at 39 Allenby St, told The Sunday Mail he knew of prospective buyers who had turned their nose up at the sight of a bedside pedestal, insisting some deals were best done behind closed doors. To relieve personal privacy concerns, the industry has an array of solutions, he said. "If it is not what you like, you can put in a fixed wall or even frosted glass." Christiaan Stevens, from Christiaan's in Newmarket, said open-plan ensuites suited buyers with an open mind and a worthwhile view. He said such modern conveniences only made up two-to-three per cent of the market and were most popular in holiday homes. Even then, he said, many of the wall-less loos were shielded by shutters. "So you could have privacy if you wanted," Stevens said. "I don't care whether you look like Elle Macpherson or Brad Pitt - you don't look attractive on the loo," he added.
Read MoreRight attitude for a better atmosphere at Work... September 07, 2012 14:47
In the current scenario, the real challenge in a workplace is to handle and overcome the obstacles and learn from hard and tough experiences. The problems can be tackled by a person only with positive attitude, with focused mind, and with efforts to overcome obstacles. A person with positive attitude can easily survive in many tough situations of life. When a boss or superior comes to a person and asks for some work to be done, and if the response from employee is "I don't think that I can do this" or "What happens if I fail?" shows negative attitude of a person and boss may keep the person away and ignore him in further projects. But if the person responds in positive way like "I will certainly put my total efforts and get work finished by the end of the day", then the boss will consider him as worthy person. The person with this attitude will become a role of encouragement to others. Developing positive attitude helps in overcoming stress, increases self esteem, confidence, and makes a person more productive or dynamic. There are many advantages of positive attitude at workplace. Creates A Positive Environment: In general, employers put effort to make their employees happy, keep their principles high, and strive to create a positive environment for them to work so that they can experience the benefits of higher productivity and as a result, higher profitability can be achieved. Issues at work place should not be treated as problems, they should be considered as challenges. This helps in creating positive environment and gives benefits to both employees and employers. Always try to think on how you can make something easier or more enjoyable. A positive approach in setting goals and in overcoming challenges by leader makes other colleagues to inculcate positive attitude. A positive attitude is more catchy. Helps To Achieve Goals: Persuading a customers is much easier for a person with positive attitude. Research has also confirmed that sales professionals who think positively and trust in the benefits of their product have improved sales performance. If a person has positive attitude about achieving goals and success, they are more prone to take action in order to achieve it. Positive thinking is conspicuous in an achiever. Positive thinking with motivation helps in reaching different goals. It earns more benefits even after the goal is achieved. Increases Productivity Levels: Negative attitudes cause a mean cycle that deteriorates productivity. A positive attitude can be achieved by improving relationships with colleagues in positive way and remembering the job's "good side". By rethinking the "good side" of a job, it is possible to regenerate enthusiasm in it, which results in increase in productivity. Change of perception or thinking about something more positive, can remove stressful feelings. If stress is reduced among the employees, then better health can be achieved, as stress can have a serious negative impact on health. This results in less sick days, and better productivity. Positive Attitude And Team Building: Many business leaders have an impression that promoting and instilling positive thinking in the workplace will help in team building. If ideas of members are encouraged and a positive attitude is taken up, team members will get along with one another more frequently, leading to fewer conflicts. At workplace, if a person is not positive, co-workers are not interested to be around him. Therefore, if a person has good attitude towards work and others around, then co-workers can feel that is a pleasant person to be around. A 'Can do' in oneself exemplifies positive attitude and has an impact in the workplace too. Being positive makes a person stronger, happier, and healthier. The power of positive thinking is crucial for happiness in life and a successful career. You will love your work more and achieve your goals at workplace more easily and faster with positive attitude.
Read MoreImportance of happiness in life! September 06, 2012 10:50
Are you truly happy? Do you even know what it means to be happy and what it takes to achieve happiness? These are important questions for anyone who is seeking happiness to ask themselves. I live my life to maintain my own happiness while trying my best to not cause unhappiness to anyone else. If you want to be happy you need to understand that you can be happy and that you should be happy. Many people make the mistake of believing that they don’t deserve happiness and accept their unhappy state as their destiny. The truth of the matter is that happiness, like anything else in life, needs to be nurtured. The following are a few tips that I follow to create happiness in my life. Understand what it is that will make you happy. Everyone has unique requirements for attaining happiness and what makes one person happy may be very different from what makes someone else happy. Revel in your individuality and do not worry about whether or not your desires are comparable to those of your peers. Make a plan for attaining goals that you believe will make you happy. Your mood will very likely increase as your pursue your goal because you will feel better about yourself for going after something you value. Surround yourself with happy people. It is easy to begin to think negatively when you are surrounded by people who think that way. Conversely, if you are around people who are happy their emotional state will be infectious. When something goes wrong try to figure out a solution instead of wallowing in self pity. Truly happy people don’t allow set backs to affect their mood because they know that with a little thought they can turn the circumstances back to their favor. Finding the humor in situations can also lead to happiness. While there are times that require you to be serious, when it is appropriate, find a way to make light of a situation that would otherwise make you unhappy. Maintaining your health is another way to achieve happiness. Being overweight or not eating nutritious foods can have a negative effect on your mood. Additionally, exercise has been known to release endorphins that give you a feeling of happiness. Happiness is hard to define but most people are aware of whether they are happy or not. Many people believe that happiness is a form of luck and that some people are destined to be happy while others are destined to be unhappy. Try to incorporate the tips above into my life and have had great success in achieving happiness. The tips in this article are small but meaningful steps that you can take each day to lead you to true happiness.
Read MoreFor a better stress free Work atmosphere! September 04, 2012 11:06
While some workplace stress is normal, excessive stress can interfere with your productivity and impact your physical and emotional health. And your ability to deal with it can mean the difference between success or failure. You can’t control everything in your work environment, but that doesn’t mean you’re powerless-even when you’re stuck in a difficult situation. Finding ways to manage workplace stress isn’t about making huge changes or rethinking career ambitions, but rather about focusing on the one thing that’s always within your control: you. Coping with work stress in today's uncertain climate For workers everywhere, the troubled economy may feel like an emotional roller coaster. "Layoffs" and "budget cuts" have become bywords in the workplace, and the result is increased fear, uncertainty, and higher levels of stress. Since job and workplace stress increase in times of economic crisis, it’s important to learn new and better ways of coping with the pressure. Your emotions are contagious, and stress has an impact on the quality of your interactions with others. The better you are at managing your own stress, the more you'll positively affect those around you, and the less other people's stress will negatively affect you. You can learn how to manage job stress There are a variety of steps you can take to reduce both your overall stress levels and the stress you find on the job and in the workplace. These include: · Taking responsibility for improving your physical and emotional well-being. · Avoiding pitfalls by identifying knee jerk habits and negative attitudes that add to the stress you experience at work. · Learning better communication skills to ease and improve your relationships with management and coworkers. Common causes of excessive workplace stress · Fear of being laid off · More overtime due to staff cutbacks · Pressure to perform to meet rising expectations but with no increase in job satisfaction· Pressure to work at optimum levels-all the time! Make food choices that keep you going Low blood sugar can make you feel anxious and irritable, while eating too much can make you lethargic. Healthy eating can help you get through stressful work days. By eating small but frequent meals, you can help your body maintain an even level of blood sugar, keep your energy up, stay focused, and avoid mood swings.Get enough sleep Not only can stress and worry can cause insomnia, but a lack of sleep can leave you vulnerable to even more stress. When you're well-rested, it's much easier to keep your emotional balance, a key factor in coping with job and workplace stress. Try to improve the quality of your sleep by keeping a sleep schedule and aiming for 8 hours a night... Tip 3: Reduce job stress by prioritizing and organizing When job and workplace stress threatens to overwhelm you, there are simple steps you can take to regain control over yourself and the situation. Your newfound ability to maintain a sense of self-control in stressful situations will often be well-received by coworkers, managers, and subordinates alike, which can lead to better relationships at work. Here are some suggestions for reducing job stress by prioritizing and organizing your responsibilities. Time management tips for reducing job stress · Create a balanced schedule. Analyze your schedule, responsibilities, and daily tasks. All work and no play is a recipe for burnout. Try to find a balance between work and family life, social activities and solitary pursuits, daily responsibilities and downtime. · Don’t over-commit yourself. Avoid scheduling things back-to-back or trying to fit too much into one day. All too often, we underestimate how long things will take. If you've got too much on your plate, distinguish between the "shoulds" and the "musts." Drop tasks that aren't truly necessary to the bottom of the list or eliminate them entirely. · Try to leave earlier in the morning. Even 10-15 minutes can make the difference between frantically rushing to your desk and having time to ease into your day. Don’t add to your stress levels by running late. · Plan regular breaks. Make sure to take short breaks throughout the day to take a walk or sit back and clear your mind. Also try to get away from your desk or work station for lunch. Stepping away from work to briefly relax and recharge will help you be more, not less, productive.Task management tips for reducing job stress · Prioritize tasks. Make a list of tasks you have to do, and tackle them in order of importance. Do the high-priority items first. If you have something particularly unpleasant to do, get it over with early. The rest of your day will be more pleasant as a result. · Break projects into small steps. If a large project seems overwhelming, make a step-by-step plan. Focus on one manageable step at a time, rather than taking on everything at once. · Delegate responsibility. You don’t have to do it all yourself. If other people can take care of the task, why not let them? Let go of the desire to control or oversee every little step. You’ll be letting go of unnecessary stress in the process. · Be willing to compromise. When you ask someone to contribute differently to a task, revise a deadline, or change their behavior at work, be willing to do the same. Sometimes, if you can both bend a little, you’ll be able to find a happy middle ground that reduces the stress levels for everyone concerned.
Read MoreDoes extra marital affair is a perfect formula for a happy marriage? September 03, 2012 10:41
An enduring marriage and an extra-marital affair with lots of sex is the perfect formula for happiness, a controversial sociologist has claimed in her new book. According to Catherine Hakim, an "unforgiving, puritan Anglo-Saxon" attitude to adultery is damaging married life in Britain, driving couples to divorce rather than strengthening the family. The bestselling author has argued in 'The New Rules' that a "sour and rigid English view" of infidelity is condemning millions of people to live frustrated "celibate" lives with their spouses. In a book bound to provoke controversy, Hakim likens faithful husbands and wives to "caged animals" and argues that they should be free to explore their "wild side" with lovers without the threat of divorce. She claims that meeting a secret lover for a casual encounter should be as routine as dining out at a restaurant instead of eating at home. British couples should take their cue from French, who she claims are happier and have more stable home lives because of a permissive and 'philosophical' approach to adultery. Husbands in Britain could also learn much from the 'experienced libertines' across the Channel who, she insists, are the 'masters of seduction'. Dr Hakim, a former London School of Economics social scientist, was at the centre of controversy last year with a book urging women to exploit their 'erotic capital' to get on life.In her latest book she renames adulterous trysts as 'parallel relationships' and 'playfairs' while rebranding secret lovers as 'playmates'. According to her, there is such a thing as a 'successful affair' in which both parties are happier but no one gets hurt. While countries like France and other southern European nations have apparently more accepting attitudes to marital betrayal and thus have lower divorce rates, she lauds Japan with its Geisha traditions and greater acceptance of pornography in contrast to the 'killjoys' in Britain and America. 'Sex is no more a moral issue than eating a good meal,' the Telegraph quoted her as writing. 'The fact that we eat most meals at home with spouses and partners does not preclude eating out in restaurants to sample different cuisines and ambiences, with friends or colleagues. 'Anyone rejecting a fresh approach to marriage and adultery, with a new set of rules to go with it, fails to recognise the benefits of a revitalised sex life outside the home,' she wrote. In the 275-page study she argues that cuckolded husbands and wronged wives would do better if they accept infidelity and try it out for themselves rather than growing bitter. Well, I am neither supporting nor encouraging for you to get into an affair. but, if you are really happy being that relationship, be smart enough to continue the happiness rather than ending a lovable relation with the fear of it getting known. to manage it and your personal life as well, is up to you, how do you take it.
Read More5 Critical Fashion Mistakes Most Guys Make September 01, 2012 12:16
Guys have the perfect excuse for not taking care of their appearance: fashion is for women. While this is true to some extent, grooming and some basic knowledge about how to match clothes is not something to be ignored. Most guys think they can have messy hair, unclipped fingernails and clothes two sizes too large without anyone noticing. I’ve got news for them: people do notice, they just don’t tell you. It’s time you take a closer look at yourself and your personal image, and identify the mistakes that are most likely killing most opportunities in your life right now. I won't go on and on about how personal image is important, how changing the way you look will turn you into a new person, one that’s going to get more respect and admiration than it can handle. I’ll take it easy on you. I’m going to give you the top five biggest mistakes guys make when it comes to their basic fashion. Chances are you’re doing 2 or 3 of them right now. Not only will I tell you how to fix them immediately, but I’ll give you some helpful tips that will put you ahead of most guys. If sneaky tactics to look good is what you’re after, you’re going to get those too. 1. Not taking care of their hygiene I know this may offend some people because I talk about it but I was offended too when I had to smell some guys’ bad breath on the bus. Hygiene is something we easily forget. We don’t have to have smelly hair and bad breath and a big beard and unclipped fingernails to screw up. Any one of them will make that happen – guaranteed. Before you leave the house, make sure you go through this checklist: Take shower Wash hair (no dandruff) Brush teeth + floss + mouthwash Exfoliate + shave + tonify + hydrate skin (this is the normal skin-care routine) Haircut looks good and hair length is not too big (get a haircut at least once a month) Fingernails clipped Eyebrows look good (for those who have unibrow or think eyebrows) Easy, right? It just takes a little discipline. And here’s a sneaky trick pertaining to personal hygiene: Add a little cologne (not too much and make sure it fits the occasion) The right cologne says so many things about you it’s not even funny. 2. Wearing clothes that are stained or have holes in them No, I’m not talking about big stains. The little ones that go unnoticed by us will stand out in front of other people. I’ve seen this happen dozens of times and I don’t want it to happen to you. Make sure you check your clothes regularly for holes and stains. You don’t have to do it with all of them at once. Just take a moment to check them as you wear them. 3. Wearing clothes that don’t fit I’ve seen a lot of guys wearing pirate shirts. You know, shirts 2 or 3 sizes too big. Shirts and other clothes come in slim fit nowadays and will give you a clean, sharp look. If you can’t find the exact shirt or pants on your size, take it to the tailor’s to have it adjusted. It makes absolutely no sense to think about color matching, expensive colognes or high-end watches if your clothes don’t fit you. You’ll end up sending mixed messages about yourself that will create more damage than good. 4. Wearing inappropriate clothes for the situation Before you wear something, you have to know where you’re going and the kind of people that are going to be present. It doesn’t mean you’re dressing for somebody else, just that you need to be aware of the social situation you’ll be involved. In other words, think about the level of formality that is required wherever you’re going. Based on that, you’ll choose the clothes you want and, in the end, you can add a touch of your own personality. Sure, you can do more and wear something that’s out there something that attracts attention it’s up to you. The main thing I don’t want you to do is to make a fool of yourself. 5. Not wearing something to make them stand out As I said in the previous mistake, wearing something that makes you stand out can go a long way. Girls love it and people in general will be more receptive to what you have to say. I consider this to be a mistake (rather than a bonus) because wearing generic clothes can literally rob you of great opportunities’ in your life. Courageous people are the ones that get all the fame, recognition, money, women - you name it. If you have high expectations of yourself, you need to have high expectations of your personal image as well. Sure, there are plenty of other fashion mistakes that guys make, but these are the critical ones. Once you advance in style, you’ll detect more and more of them and fix them.
Read MorePlinio il Giovane Profil...like What we do, How we work...??? August 30, 2012 16:29
WHO WE ARESince 1975, story of a dreamer with his feet on the ground. We are a passionate team of people, designer, craftsmen, producers, commercial, supporters of a philosophy which express itself through a product, a life style. The articles we design tell the story of an ancient trade and bring to light values such as the respect of men's abilities and environment. Mario Prandina, creator of the trade-mark "Plinio il Giovane", is a "dreamer with his feet on the ground". WHAT WE DOIntelligent furniture, designed to last long. We make intelligent furniture, designed to be made up with the less resources possible, using only tools able to exalt men's abilities. We are not interested in low prices materials. We work only hard oak wood, the only one which allow us to use so clever joints to be able to avoid toxic glues. We handle, we smooth and finally we oil by hand each piece of our furniture with pure linseed oil. We make up by hand all our textiles with the best materials. We make up all by hand with passion, in order to give to our products the value and quality that allow us to guarantee them to last long. HOW WE WORKWe listen you, to follow your needs! We work directly with you, we pay attention to you and design furniture born young to last long, marked by an unexcelled quality: essentiality. Our design is able to adapt itself to the style and demands of different people who live spaces. We manufacture each article in our workshops in the country near Milano, through our skilled carpenters who hand on this ancient trade from generation to generation. WHERE WE CAME FROMSince 1975, story of a dreamer with his feet on the ground. We come from the "Brera Academy, from this neighborhood of the artistic and dreaming Milano of the ’70, from a boutique-atelier which gathered artists, craftsmen and materials, where the first products of ethic design were born, such as "Letto Plinio, still of great interest. WHERE WE WANT TO GOSince 1975, story of a dreamer with his feet on the ground. We wish to bring far, really far away in the world, the "Made in Italy" in a new way. We wish to transmit the Italian creative power and know-how together with the concept that we always considered our social campaign, a real trendy concept actually known today under the name of "ecology".
Read MoreA new life every Morning... August 28, 2012 10:46
It might be hard to believe but we can be refreshed each day and experience the joy of a new beginning. The word of God say that His mercy is new, not renewed as if it had to be warmed over, no, His mercy is new every morning and great is His faithfulness for it endures forever. If His mercy were new, every morning then that would mean that we can be refreshed each day but why are we not refreshed each day? I believe that there are three reasons why we are not refreshed and it is because we have not forgiven ourselves, we have not forgiven others that have hurt us and we have not let go of the things in the past that did not work out for us. We must forgive ourselves otherwise we will always be under condemnation and it will stop the flow of the Holy Spirit in our lives. How can we hear God if we are under condemnation? We cannot because we are under a cloud and cannot see the light of day. Romans 8:1 say there is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the Spirit. Notice the scripture said now and the reason for that is because Jesus has already died for every sin that we have done or what we will do. He has justified us with His blood before the Father in Heaven in order for us to have a new beginning each day. He has forgiven us so what hinders us from forgiving ourselves are we greater than He is? Of course not, so to live in refreshing we need to just accept what He has done for us and forgive ourselves. Another reason why we do not live in refreshing is that we have not forgiven others who have hurt us. In Matthew 6:14-15 Jesus said for if you forgive men their trespasses, your Heavenly Father will also forgive you but if you do not forgive men their trespasses neither will your Heavenly Father forgive your trespasses. Bear in mind that we can forgive others but remain under condemnation ourselves but Jesus would forgive us however, if we do not forgive others, we will not be forgiven. It is important to forgive others in order to have God's mercy and His mercy is His unmerited favor but we will not receive it if we do not forgive others. The third reason why we may not live a new beginning each day is that we have not let go of things that did not work in our past. Each day is a gift from God with His mercy in it so we need to let go of the past because if we do not it will poison our future. We should let go of the past so that we can enjoy today. God orders the steps of a righteous man so if something did not work out in our past it might not have been in His plan for us. If something did not work out for us most likely God have a greater plan in mind for us but if we are looking back at what did not work, we will not be able to see what ahead for us. Regret has never brought joy to anyone.
Read MorePleasing personality for a proper professional... is it really necessary... August 27, 2012 12:05
A professional sometimes has to meet a lot of people as he or she needs to be pleasant and have a friendly disposition. Some people are into professions which deal with the public. Here, the concerned professional needs to be adept in handling people in a cheerful manner. He or she has to make the other person feel comfortable and at ease. Naturally, a pleasing personality is very essential. Reasons for Pleasing Personality One has to win over the person one is dealing with. A sales person, for example, has to sell his or her product. By being pleasant and cordial he or she is able to build a good rapport. He or she is in a better position to strike a deal. After all, the client is impressed by the behavior of the sales person and feels he or she can trust him or her. Charm leaves a lasting impression on the other person. People are always willing to receive a charming person. Doors open quickly for such a person. A pleasant disposition means better interactions at work place. A grouchy person is never liked by his or her associates. A genuine smile can do wonders. A sunny look draws many people towards you. It brightens up the day and energizes you to work well. People look up to a charming personality as they feel they are confident and sure of themselves. How to develop pleasing personality? One must change one’s bad habits. Self-appraisal is a must. One must be well aware of one’s negative aspects of one’s personality and try to change them into positive forces. One must be considerate towards others. Concern for others feelings is very essential. Allow the other person to speak. Be a good listener. Do not sound pompous and over confident. It can put off a person. Be enthusiastic. Treat others the same manner you would like to be treated. Be positive in your outlook. Smile a lot. Avoid being rude or discourteous. Try to like a person for what he or she is. Do not expect too much of the other person. In order to be successful in one’s career, one has to maintain a charming outlook and be pleasant towards other people.
Read MoreDesign Your Business to Fit Your Lifestyle August 24, 2012 13:10
Four and a half years ago I became a mother to a beautiful and sweet girl named Bella. I knew I wanted to be a "mom" but also continue to expand my business. I committed to a three day a week work schedule so I could be mom on Mondays and Fridays and be Lisa Cherney, CEO of Conscious Marketing on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. I took many steps to expand my business in 2009 and ultimately triple my income, and one of these steps was affirming this three days a week work lifestyle.Think about your life and your business. Affirm and explore and decide on what lifestyle you want to have while balancing everything there is to balance. I work with a lot of entrepreneurs who were like me many years ago, working six days a week, up late at night, not taking vacations. A lot of us are in business for ourselves because we didn’t want a boss. But we find that we’ve traded one boss for a worse boss-ourselves! One of the things I really needed to do was to affirm what kind of lifestyle I wanted to have. So I did some soul searching and asked, is this three days a week work schedule for me? Maybe I should be working more-maybe that’s what’s going to help me increase my income. I realized that working more was not the answer. The answer was that I needed to be smarter. This included questioning the way I was doing things and running my business. It led me to get some needed help for those tasks all businesses must deal with. It led me to think smarter about my approach and how I was selling (and charging for) it and completely overhaul many aspects of what I was doing. Because I need-and want-to stick with my three days a week schedule. So affirm the kind of lifestyle you want to have and take the steps to make sure you can have it by designing your business to fit your lifestyle. For me it wasn’t trading hours for dollars anymore. This may require steps that can feel like taking big risks, including: 1. Saying "no" to low-end, smaller clients or projects that take a lot of time with little financial reward. 2. Hiring help (virtual assistant, bookkeeper, cleaning service, etc.) even if it appears you can’t afford it right now. 3. Raising your prices and/or creating a leveraged group program (or a high-end exclusive program). HINT: This is only limited by your ability to own and communicate the value of your expertise. 4. Hiring a mentor that has achieved the goal you have (even it appears you can’t afford it right now). 5. Slowing down and/or taking a break from the day-to-day of your business in order to steer the ship in a new directionFor most of us out there, we didn’t go into business for ourselves so we could work 100 weeks and never take a day off. We’re doing it to have a certain kind of lifestyle. Are you living the lifestyle you want?
Read MorePain on the ramp August 23, 2012 11:56
India Fashion Street was held on top gear at The Park hotel. A two-day extravaganza with at least 12 designers and just over 30 models showcased the latest of what Hyderabad has on offer to the Indian fashion scene. Here’s an interesting bit. These 20-30 models walked the ramp for all the designers with each changing clothes and make-up at least six times a day. How punishing is that for the skin? How do the most perfect of human bodies take the hectic activity of a fashion week? The work timings are a back-breaking seven continuous hours. "Skin breaks are unavoidable and all we can do is to cover them up with foundation,” says Deborah Doris Fell, 21-year-old city model. The make-up brush too is a point of concern. "We suffered a lot in the beginning when one make-up brush was used. Eventually, we started carrying our own make-up accessories," Bengaluru-based model Apoorva reveals. Archana Kesari, Bangalore model, also adds, "You need to have the stamina to stand in the right posture when wearing high heels and our feet get bruised when we change in a hurry. Of late, we have started carrying our own shoes."
Read MoreFor College students... August 22, 2012 17:33
Colleges have already started and all the students must have been busy with their 1st term exams....at this point of time, here are some tips for all the College going students to prioritize their busy day; Make a ScheduleA to-do list and a daily (or even hourly) calendar are tools you can’t afford to neglect. The more carefully you plan your busy week, the more smoothly it will run, so don’t hesitate to schedule tasks as finite as reading assignment instructions, emailing associates, or even cleaning the house. Major academic assignments, in particular, can easily be broken down into their component parts. For example: instead of scheduling 3 hours to write a 1,000-word paper, instead plan 20 minutes to outline, 20 minutes to write each paragraph, and 20 minutes to proofread. Learn When to Say NoAs a college student, you are constantly exposed to new and potential commitments. During a busy week, when offered a new opportunity or presented with an “emergency” situation that does not involve your essential or important priorities, just say no. Be polite but firm-something along the lines of, "That sounds interesting/fun/gratifying, and I know I’d want to give it more time than I have," is usually sufficient. If the opportunity interests you, reschedule for a future engagement. Procrastinate EffectivelyCareful scheduling may hinder your sense of spontaneity, but that doesn’t mean you can force yourself to be productive.If the urge to procrastinate on a task or assignment is so strong that it’s overwhelming your ability to focus, then choose an activity that engages your body but leaves your brain free to keep working, such as: · Go for a walk· Tidy the house· Play a simple video game· Set a time limit on the activity· Don’t waste any moment of it feeling guilty Once your time is up, go back to finishing the task at hand-you’ll be surprised at how well you can focus after a break. Effectively managing a grueling class schedule, while handling family commitments, takes careful prioritizing. In most cases, you’ll need to break some old habits and learn how to take control over your life and your surroundings. The tips above can help you effectively manage your hectic schedule and still succeed in your education while saving some time for yourself and your family. It sounds like a lot, but remember-if you do it right, you can manage your time without letting it manage you. Well, it is all in the conversion, even working professionals and home makers can implement these tips according to their life style.
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