It's always irritating when you visit a hotel with an empty stomach and waiter keeps will be busy taking orders asking you to wait for a while. While waiter irritating a customers is nothing new at restaurants, even people can bug waiter to the core. Want to try once? If yes, then here are eight best ways make a waiter hate you.
Ask an advice and make a joke:
You waiter will hate you to the core when you ask him an advice as to which dish he prefers and then comments on it without ordering it but for going for something else. Why ask for a recommendation when you are least interested to go with it? Will be the question that will run in the mind of your waiter and will irritate him to the core, which in turn will make him hate you for sure.
Be rash:
When you are rash to him, he definitely gets pissed off. Hey! What the hell? Why you taking so much time to take the order? Are some of the questions that will make him feel that you are rash. Avoid these questions if you don't want to make him (Waiter) hate you.
Cancel the dish:
Call the waiter and say you changed your mind, and you have decided to try something else for the main course. This will surely make him hate you as he will have a tough time in the kitchen and he will also receive scoldings from the in charge of the kitchen. So, try canceling the main course during the last minute.
Complain to the management:
You waiter will hate you when you say everything was fine before you leave and then complain to the management about the service or the waiter.
No thank you:
Leave no tip and no thank you, your waiter will undoubtedly hate you for sure. Always remember that waiters are also people and you should always make eye contacts when you talk to them. When you don't maintain an eye contact and say thank you, it will send across a message that you are too proud of yourself and you actually treat waiters like slaves.
Keep on asking:
When you keep on asking waiters to bring something or the other, he will feel so irritated that he might not only hate you but will definitely ask you what else? There are people who will ask waiters to get lemon wedges and once the waiter gets it for them, then they will ask for napkins and so on. So, be generous and tell all things at once.
Insist on bringing bags to table:
Many good restaurants don't permit people to carry their coats in hand and then dump them on the back of the chair. It could be perfectly okay at office but definitely not at office and in case someone gets bags or coats to table, it's the duty of the waiter to ask them politely to put them in safe and out of sight. But when you pick up and argument and insist that you want to bring bags and coats to table, you waiter will start hating you.
Wave your napkin:
When you wave your napkin at a waiter moving around serving dishes, you will only be sending wrong messages to him, which makes him feel like you are treating him like an animal. The best way is to stand up, call the manager and talk to him so that you will get better attention and service.
It's always better not to follow these eight steps as table manners and hotel manners are one of the important things that any person cannot ignore. But, for fun, yes you may try any of these steps and get cursed by the waiter.
(AW Phani)