Bollywood veteran actor and Trinamool Congress leaderĀ Mithun Chakraborty has resigned from the Rajya Sabha on Monday due to health issues.
"He has submitted his resignation to Rajya Sabha Chairman", sources in TMC said.
The actor made news last year for his involvement in Saradha scam. After a year the actor attended the Upper House for three days only.
"He has written to the Chairman that because of his the health condition he is been not able to fulfil his duty in Rajya Sabha and that is why he is relinquishing his seat", sources added.
Earlier, the members of the House had asked the reason behind the absence of Mithun in the Rajya Sabha.
Deputy Chairman P J Kurien in April said: "I have received a letter from Chakraborty stating that he is unable to attend the sittings of the House during the current session on health grounds".
The actor's term started in April 2014, but till date he had neither asked any question nor took part in any debate.