Finally, Shiv Sena has set ready to join with Bharatiya Janata Party after months of bickering and posturing. Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis announced that both the party leaders have discussed over several things and have been come together on the issue of power sharing. BJP senior leader Subramanian Swamy has played key role in ending the deadlock.
Subramanian Swamy met Shiv Sena chief Uddhav Thackeray at his residence on Sunday to discuss over this issue. According to sources, BJP has planned to offer Public Works Department (PWD) will be given to the Shiv Sena, and reportedly they are also eyeing on Water Resources and the MoS post in the Home Ministry.
Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis said on Monday that we have talk with Shiv Sena leaders and looking very forward with very positive note. The cabinet expansion could be happen before Thursday with four to five cabinet and MoS posts said senior Sena leaders.
- Simha Raju