Bharatiya Janata Party National President Amit Shah has been dropped from the Sohrabuddin fake encounter case on Tuesday. A special CBI court has dismissed the charges on Amit Shah and said, “The CBI's inference is not acceptable, Amit Shah stands discharged.” Not happy with the special court's verdict, Sohrabuddin Sheikh's family said they will approach the Bombay High Court. Sohrabuddin's brother said, CBI was misused to protect Amit Shah.
In November 2005, Sohrabuddin and his wife were kidnapped and killed by Gujarat anti-terror squad. The Gujarat police claimed that Sohrabuddin had links with Lashkar-e-Taiba and planned to kill to top political leaders in the state. The CBI alleged that Amit Shah who was then Home Minister of the state, misused his powers and was behind the killing of Sohrabuddin and one police officer who was witness in the case. But CBI took over the case after five years the incident happened. In 2006, an eye witness in the case was shot by the Gujarat police too.
In 2010 Amit Shah was arrested by the CBI and was jailed for three months. The CBI also charged 37 people in the case, including several police officers in this case. The case was transferred from Gujarat to Mumbai in 2012.