Samaresh Banarjee had recently alleged that Mamata Banarjee, West Bengal Chief Minister has been a corrupt official pointing out a needle at "corruption in judiciary". Samaresh who was once a Calcutta High Court Judge and Lokayukta, has complained to the police that he had been receiving threat calls from unknown members on Friday.
According to Bidhannagar police commissioner Rajeev Kumar, Samaresh had filed two complaints regarding the two threat calls that he received on Wednesday and Thursday.
Police have investigated the first call and identified that the phone was registered in the name of a woman but was being used by some other man. The search for the man is already on.
Samaresh said that he was certain of the timings of the calls had been after his remarks at Mamatha Banarjee. He had received a call on the night of Wednesday and another one on Thursday in the evening. Samaresh said that he got the first call soon after he had concluded a session of panel discussion on a television channel which was where he made the controversial statements on Mamatha regarding her statements in the Assembly on Tuesday.
Samaresh Banerjee, said "if people lose faith in the judiciary, there will be no democracy".
(AW- Anil)