How to keep mothers and newborns safe from Coronavirus:- The coronavirus pandemic will leave an unforgettable mark on the humans. Lakhs of people passed away because of the deadly virus. The entire globe is working hard to bring things under control. There are lockdowns, isolations and quarantines, but the spread continues all over. There would be an additional stress for mothers, pregnant women and the newborns. The anxiety and stress in them is huge. It is a challenging task to ensure their safety during these pandemic times. Here are some of the tips to keep the mothers and the newborns safe in this pandemic time:
Keep the newborns in a special room that is disinfected. The mother and the child should strictly remain indoors and maintain the distance with anyone. The siblings and the family members might carry the infection Always keep the infants away from people. All the children below the age of five years are suggested not to wear face masks. Mothers should wear facemasks when they are breastfeeding the infant. A proper hygiene should be maintained and the parents should wash their hands frequently.
Women get exhausted due to the pressure and this will have a toll on the health. This also can lead to serious consequences. Women after conceiving or rejoining work can leave them in stress. Get an uninterrupted sleep for 8 hours on a regular basis. 30 minutes of a physical exercise will make your body fit, energetic. Also practise meditation and yoga. Take low-fat and low-salt diet and stay hydrated. Have some nutritious food and take up routine medical checkups through teleconsultants.
Keep yourself safe from heart related diseases by monitoring. Always check your weight along with the blood pressure and the cholesterol levels. Take up an ECG to know about the health of your heart.