Wear pink..... earn more November 23, 2012 12:28
A recent UK research has studied the a group of population in the nation and has come to the conclusion that men who often wear a pink shirt are more successful in life than the ones who stick to the traditional blues and whites. In fact they also arrived at the conclusion that a man wearing pink to work earns as much as a thousand pounds more per year than the ones who stick to the conventional colors. Think about it! Men who wear pink are definitely in the eyes of women. This in turn means more compliments and hence more confident attitudes at work. They also know to get around well with the femme fatale. Daily Mail has mentioned that in a survey that checked the pay rolls of over 1,500 male workers, the ones sporting a pink shirt to work had a pay roll which is £1,000 more per annum. Observers say 25% of men appear to be more attractive in pink. And the ones who wear a shade of pink like the lilac or purple have more romance stories at the office to share with than the others wearing blue who have least romantic experiences at the office. If you see a man wearing pink, the chances that he may have a Master's degree are twice as much as the others. Men these days have become bolder. Their fear of wearing pink and similar bright colors is now redundant. Other interesting details revealed by the research showed that Green shirt wearers are more likely to be late to the office while whites conform to the time norms more. I'll come back with a purple shirt and see you around. (Not just for office romances, Purple shirts are promoted more than the others) (AW- Anil)
Read More5 aspects of interior design you should not forget November 22, 2012 17:28
We all love to have a beautiful home that looks classy and rich, but most houses though grand miss the most important aspects of a great interior design due to poor planning. On the other hand, people with a small house and budget think interior design is not something they can afford. A common misconception. You don't need to hire an interior designer paying big bucks to design something lavishly and burn a hole in your bank accounts. Interior design is the art of making a house, regardless of the size or budget, look aesthetically pleasing. In the end its all about your taste. Magazines may provide ideas for the prodigal consumers but when you know the key aspects of the design, you can have a scaled down, way cheaper solution for yourself. Tip #1: Good Lighting This is the most important aspect of any good home. With proper lighting at the most needed locations in the house you can save electricity, make the house look much neater with evenly distributed illumination. Try to add hanging lamps, and table lamps to add drama to reading rooms and kitchens. Tip #2 Decorative Plants in rooms Most simple plants to deal with are from the cactus family which are available in smaller sizes too. Tuck them away under a glass table or put them on your table. Some kind of taller plants and bonsai trees are capable of living inside a home while adding oxygen and beauty to the home. Learn more about the plants and install a few in the living room to make it more lively. Tip #3 Paintings and mirrors Pick paintings, or photographs if you prefer them more, in moderately large sizes and place them behind your couch or on the side walls. There is no way interesting designs, abstract art among others fail to draw your attention. Creative use of mirrors though expensive would add an interesting dimension to your house. However, do not over do however; you run the risk of turning your house into a hair saloon or a mithai vatika! Play with colors and shapes Rectangle, square, circles... people have been seeing them in houses since time was discovered. Try to add something interestingly unnatural. Experiment with ovals and triangles. Choose couches and chairs that look different than the conventional ones, not compromising on comfort though. New Floors The floors due to their monotonous appearance may appear drab sooner than you think they might. But we have a method to pep up the appearance of your rooms. Since changing the floors completely is an impractical and an extremely expensive idea a good idea might be to add some carpets to the place to make them look newer and better. Go Ahead and try your creative vision while keeping these key aspects to interior design in mind. (AW- Anil)
Read MoreThe trust factor in your relationship November 22, 2012 13:22
Even though most newlyweds live together, they still need to work on building trust in their marriage. Trust, after all, is the glue that holds couples together-even when they face great challenges. Without trust, couples might be more likely to split in times of crises, fail at getting intimate, and have doubts about each other. Couples who trust each other have security and probably feel closer. Here are some ways newlyweds can build trust: Unless you're planning a surprise party for your spouse, you should never lie to your husband or wife. Even small lies–such as saying you’re working late when you’re shooting pool with your friends–are a bad idea. You’ll likely get caught in the lie, and suddenly your spouse will be wondering what else you’re lying about. Follow through on your promises big and small. If you tell your spouse you're going to meet him or her at 8 p.m. at your house, be there on time. Promised to bring home milk? Bring home the milk. Of course, the big ones, such as fidelity and being there through sickness and health, for richer or poorer, also fall under this umbrella. The green monster, jealousy, tends to rear its ugly head and threaten trust when couples don't set boundaries with those outside their marriage. If you know it bothers your spouse when you flirt with that co-worker, then keep it professional. Don't set up lunch dates with that ex who always calls. Make sure your spouse knows that he or she is your number one priority. He or she takes precedence over all others. Don't let your partner pay for the sins of your exes. If you had unfaithful or dishonest exes, you should have worked that out with them. Your spouse is his or her own person and has already chosen to commit to a life with you. He or she should be judged on his or her own actions. Your heart led you to this man or woman. Your gut told you that he or she was worthy of your love. Your mind told you to marry him or her. If you trust yourself, you know you made the right choice. And that’s a strong foundation on which to build trust.
Read MoreDon't let winter affect your dressing sense November 21, 2012 17:47
Winter is here to eat your bones and make you go nutts. And if you are fashion conscious who doesn't want to compromise on dressing style, there's absolutely no need to compromise on your health. You can still make look yourself bright and beautiful; It all requires a pinch of your time to shift between the dressing style. Before you do an online research or google on the topic, let us remind you that we're here to give you quick dressing tips for winter. Colours: Winter is the best time to play with colours, especially the bright ones. Red, violet and anything dark for that matter can make you hog enough limelight. It can be a right time to pull out the dazzling red coloured sweat shirt from your wardrobe or an equally bright coloured blazer, which you kept aside because it makes you sweat. Besides making you feel comfortable, they also look stylish on you. Threads: Just say good bye to cottons in winter. A jeans trouser and a jeans top or a jacket can make you look good in winter and will also provide sufficient warmth. If you have to attend in formals, then go with a wool shirt or a nylon or a thick shirt/top. Vests: There are leather vests available in the market. They don't look too big like sweaters and at the same time keep the heat in besides fashion. Also, they don't weigh too much .So, leather vests can be a right choice for you. Caps/hats: Wear a winter cap. Now that doesn't mean a pom pom hat, which might make you look childish. Also avoid ear muffs if you want to look smart. Knitted winter caps are available in the market. Go with them in order to protect your years without losing your dress sense. Socks and shoes: Wear woolen socks. They will keep you warm. Although winter shoes are advisable, sometimes you may have to wear formal shoes especially when you head to meetings. At that time, make sure you wear formal leather boots and woolen socks. If you already have these things in your wardrobe, then it's the right time to use them. Otherwise, add upo all these things to shopping cart right away. (AW Phani)
Read MoreAnother tough day at work??? don't just bear it... November 21, 2012 14:46
Work is stressful. There are deadlines to meet, bosses to please, customers to help, and it can feel like people are pulling you from every direction. Before you have a Steven Slater meltdown and pull the emergency chute--whatever it may be at your workplace--take time to reflect and find ways to survive your worst days at work. 1. Don't promise what you can't deliver. Everyone wants to look like a superhero at work who can get everything done. But there are only 40 hours in a work week, so don't take on too much or you'll look worse for not getting it all done. Your boss will be disappointed when you can't get the job done in time, so it's best to think ahead on this recommendation and not promise something you can't complete. 2. Take regular breaks. Work is mentally and physically tiring, so taking a few 10-15 minute breaks throughout the day can re-energize you and make getting back to work a lot easier. Take a walk around the block. 3. Don't skip breakfast or lunch. Just like a child in school, regular meals are important to keep the mind and body working at work. If you're having a bad day at work and feel stressed, think about whether you skipped a meal on that day. Chances are you did and were too rushed to eat. Mom was right: Breakfast is important. 4. Stop trying to multitask. You may think you're saving time by writing an e-mail, reading a report and talking on the phone at the same time, but you're not. Research shows that doing multiple tasks at once is more time consuming and can harm your health. You want to do a lot of work, but you also want to do it well. 5. Remind yourself of what's really important in life. Photos of your family on your desk can help remind you, but if you're away from your desk, stop and take a breath and remember what's most important in your life. Your children, for example, are more important than the most stressful work task. Your purpose in life isn't to get stressed at work. 6. Seek work that suits your personality. Maybe dealing with inconsiderate people in an airplane and trying to referee fights over overhead bins isn't suited for you. If you're in a job that doesn't feel right, then start exploring jobs that match how you work best. Do you like to work alone? Do you work best in groups? Whatever your personality, there's a job to match it.
Read MoreMiscommunication at work place??? Speed up... November 20, 2012 15:12
Any kind of misunderstanding in the workplace, big or small, always has a negative effect on the company, and the areas that start indicating this are incomplete tasks, badly affected productivity, poor performances and the downfall of the company's reputation in the eyes of the employees and the public. Also, there will be a lot of negative vibes in the office due to miscommunication which will directly affect the productivity and the final outcome. What you can do; Every problem is due to lack of communication. A vague message or an unclear direction is one of the most common ways by which miscommunication can take place. Be crystal clear about your message. Don't leave any room for interpretations because many times employees interpret things according to their convenience. Make the employees realize their value and potential. This way the staff won't become negatively empowered but will become more confident and will also become more aware of their responsibilities. This proves that you are open to different thoughts and ideas. Don't ever confine the flow of thought by an insufficient amount of communication. Do not send across a message that whatever the opposite person says or believes will be judged and criticized. Think of the perfect medium for sending across the message to the employees. A way in which the message reaches all and is understood by all is the best. Find out what medium suits your company most - Conference? Meeting? A generic mail? Or appointing a contact person who has a great rapport with employees and hence is good at communicating things? Once you have the ideal medium, there will be less chances of misunderstandings. Always stick to the point. Do not beat around the bush and discuss topics that are not important. The message should be brief and clear. Not sticking to the point will create lot of confusion and thus will lead to miscommunication in the workplace. Once you know that the employees have received your message, do not sit back and relax. Get the feedback asking whether they have understood your message or not. Honesty is the best policy. It builds confidence not only in the person talking but in the listeners as well. It is very easy to differentiate between a real and a fake person. So always be your honest self.
Read MoreImprove your relationship... be happy... November 17, 2012 13:02
In the rush of trying to complete your endless to-do list, it can be easy to forget the most basic way to connect with your partner-through touch. These simple but powerful gestures are the easiest way to cement your love on a daily basis. And, in darker moments, taking five minutes to connect with your partner can let the light back in. Try one of these simple acts of affection right now. Hugging is a universal source of comfort. It conveys reassurance, togetherness, and confirms the fact that the two of you will stand strong no matter what storms may rage. Notice when your partner seems down or pensive and offer a calming hug. Embracing your partner from behind is a nondemanding gesture that is a token of your warmth. More casual than a hug, this is a reminder that says, "Although we race through our separate days, you are the one I will always come back to." Surprise your spouse (but be careful not to startle him!) with a cuddle from behind while he is engaged in some mundane task, like dishes or sorting the mail. Kissing whether it's a quick peck, or a long and sultry make-out session-nothing gets your blood racing like kissing. Nothing is more intimate-not even Romance. Over time, it's easy to forget its power as we race out the door or fall gratefully into our beds. Remind yourself to kiss your partner goodbye and hello and anytime you think of it in between. In a more intimate setting, slow things down to a pleasurable simmer by just kissing for five minutes. Handholding is an uncomplicated sign of your togetherness. It's an announcement to the world that you belong together. Reaching for your spouse's hand may also take you back to those first few dates where his touch sent sparks flying. Linking arms is charmingly old-fashioned and shows that you lean on each other. While walking together, take his arm and notice an instant feeling of togetherness. If you and your partner don't enjoy holding hands, this gesture is a great alternative.
Read MoreFall in love... all over again... November 16, 2012 16:54
The spark's faded just a bit. Yes, we all know that it's the general assumption that after marriage it should be enough that there aren’t any major problems. But what's wrong in wanting more...what's wrong with wanting to feel like you’re on your honeymoon all the time? You’d like to bring back that phase when your husband was all lovey dovey, misty eyed and wanting to hold your hand all the time.. and if it goes back to the time when he couldn't keep his hands off you and was dying to get you alone, nothing like it.Find out how to make your husband fall in love with you, again. t becomes inevitable to fall into the trap of becoming buddies after the first few years of marriage. This comfort zone, although great for cementing your relationship, does nothing for the romance. The good news is that you're in the second phase of your relationship if you’re secure and don't feel self-conscious. You’re having fun just being with him even though he’s reading and you’re watching your favourite show. It just means your relationship has matured to the next level. However, every relationship should be jostled out of this comfort zone if it gets too comfortable. The honeymoon is definitely over if you see him coming to bed in his old track pants, and you really don’t bother to wax your legs anymore. If you want your husband to fall in love with you again, do the same things you did when you first met him and were just going out. Remember how you found out about his favourite band, favourite dessert, favourite movie, etc. It's time to go back to that phase to revive the magic. Gift him something that reminds him of the first time you met. It could be a basket of exotic cheese if you met at the cheese, counter in a mall. It could be bottled sand if you met him at the beach. Whatever you do, remember to be creative and romantic. Don't gift him a watermelon just because you met at the fruit market... but you can gift him candied fruit peels in a handmade box with a note that says "I'm in love again".
Read MoreDeal with 'age gap' factor in your relationship... November 15, 2012 15:57
When we talk of age differences in relationships, we are reminded of celebrity couples like Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher, Catherine Zeta-Jones and Michael Douglas. It makes us wonder whether age differences really matter in relationships or not. You need to consider the foundation of the relationship to get the answer to this question. If the two partners in a relationship are honest with their intentions, there is no reason why age difference should create problem in a relationship. Older man going after a young woman in order to re-assure his sense of vanity for sexual attraction or a younger man hoping to get close to an older woman as a means of seeking security are recipes for disaster if you want a long-term relationship. On the other hand, relationship based on parallel interests, compatible values and a strong chemistry is much more likely to withstand the complications of long-term relation despite the age difference. The opposites of more energy and spark in the younger person on one hand and the emotional stability of the older partner at times works to the advantage of such a relationship. There is a flip side to it of course. The partners do not find it easy to adjust to each other’s friends and family. These questions need to be resolved with patience, understanding. Some tips given below can be helpful for your relationship- Dealing with Age Differences in a Relationship Always remember not to be conscious about your age in such a relationship. Do not brag about your younger partner or start acting as a parent to him/her. Younger partners should likewise try to behave as equal. Issues of low self esteem can result in older men and women seeing younger woman or man respectively. This is because the older partner is always going to fear that a younger prospect would end their relationship. As younger partner, you should always re-assure your older mate about with love and concern. Manage your interests judiciously. Since they are not likely to be the same, reserve alternate weekends for pursuing different interests together. Younger partner may like staying late nights for dinner or movie while older one may be content with a book and television at home. Allow for the difference with an open mind. In a case of considerable age difference between two partners, there will always be someone or the other reminding the partners about their age and expressing disapproval. Some may even try to stress on reconsidering. This will be the test of your relationship and how committed to your decision. Bear in mind that compatibility is more important than age to make relationships work.
Read MoreWelcome the SURPRISE in pregnancy... November 14, 2012 13:48
And the SURPRISE is the mood swings during early pregnancy... well, this could be handled in many cases... but could be a hurdle to your happiness of enjoying the motherhood… learn them to deal with them; Implantation bleeding (possibly): If you find that you’re spotting this week (right around the time that you would have had your period or a little before), don't be alarmed. This is usually a sign that the embryo has implanted itself into the uterine wall (and that's good!). Don't have any spotting at all? Don't worry, either - only a small percentage of women experience implantation bleeding, so not having this symptom doesn’t mean that you're not pregnant. PMS-like symptoms (breast tenderness, bloating, mood swings) that might not go away: Sore, tender boobs? Check. Trouble buttoning your pants? Check. Feeling grumpy one minute, happy the next? Check and check. Early pregnancy symptoms are sort of like PMS symptoms but a little more exaggerated (think PMS on steroids). So your breasts may be tingly, sore, and feel a little full, thanks to the progesterone and estrogen coursing through your system (and getting your breasts ready - yes, even at this early stage - to feed your baby). And what's up with the bloating? Well, blame progesterone for that one. It's helping to slow down your digestion to allow more nutrients to enter the bloodstream and reach your baby. You can also blame your roller-coaster moods on hormones (go ahead - they'll be a convenient excuse for the next nine months!). And most important; Back Pain During Pregnancy - What You Can Do About It Watch your posture when you're sitting, which puts more strain on your spine than anything else. At home and at work, make sure the chairs you use most provide good support, preferably with a straight back, arms, and a firm cushion. Use a footrest to elevate your feet slightly, and don't cross your legs; that can cause your pelvis to tilt forward, exacerbating those strained back muscles. Take breaks by walking or standing and stretching at least once an hour. Sitting too long can make your back hurt even more. Try not to stand too long, either. If you work on your feet, try to place one foot on a low stool to take some pressure off your lower back.. Avoid lifting heavy loads, but if you must, do it slowly. Stabilize yourself by assuming a wide stance; bend at the knees, not at the waist; and lift with your arms and legs, not your back. Keep your weight gain where it should be (extra weight is extra hard on any back). Wear the right shoes - and leave the Manolos for Carrie Bradshaw. Extremely high heels are out - as are completely flat ones. Experts recommend a 2-inch heel to keep your body in proper alignment. You might also consider orthotics, orthopedic shoe inserts designed for muscle support. Make sure your mattress is firm. If not, place a board underneath for the duration. A body pillow (at least 5 feet long) can also help you find stress-minimizing sleeping positions. Consider a crisscross support sling designed specifically for a pregnant figure, which will help take the burden of your belly's weight off your lower back. No reaching for the stars - or the cookies on the top shelf. Use a low, stable, step stool to get items from high places and you'll avoid additional strain. (Better still, leave the cookies where they are.) Think good thoughts. A calm mind leads to a looser back. You can also try some yoga, which will relax both your mind and your back.
Read MoreFestival of lights is here! November 12, 2012 17:54
Come Deepavali, celebrations touch sky in the country. Also called a festival of lights, Deepavali got its name from Deepa-Avali (Sanskrit words), which mean lamp and row. Therefore, Deepavali means row of lamps. Celebrated on the thirteenth lunar day of Krishna paksha of Hindu calendar, Deepavali or Diwali is one of the prominent festivals in India. On this particular day of Deepavali, households put a row of lamps (made of clay) in front of their homes as a mark to remember the victory of good over evil. Notably, the legend has it that Lord Krishna along with his wife Satyabhama killed the demon Narakasura on a day before Deepavali and as per the wishes of the asura (demon) before his death, the day will be celebrated with full of lights and sound. Deepavali falls between September and October on the new moon day. People drape in new threads on Diwali and burst crackers. While the lamps outside the houses illuminate the streets on the no moon day, the fireworks and crackers decorate the sky screen with beautiful designs. In many places of India, Deepavali is celebrated for five days and in some parts of the country, it's celebrated for three days ending with Diwali. On day one it's called Danteras, which is two days before the actual festival. On Danteras, people believe that buying gold is auspicious. And that's the reason why jewellery shop owners offer a discount price on gold on that particular day. If there's any day, which will boost the gold sales to the maximum, it's undoubtedly Dhanathrayodashi. The second day is celebrated as Narakachaturdhashi. It was believed that demon Narakasura was killed on this day. Third day comes Diwali, the festival of lights. As people celebrate this biggest festival, Andhra Wishesh takes an opportunity to wish all its readers a Happy Deepavali. (AW Phani)
Read MoreFor the modern man it's "Bromance" Unlimited November 08, 2012 19:00
The concept of male bonding is far more concrete than ever before. The evolution of friendship has moved from the reserved independent minded nineteenth or twentieth century model to a deeply interconnected relationship of the new millennium. In a research on male friendship psychologists have found that the average modern man has six defined types of friends. According to the report, most men rely on the friends with the traits of being pilot, rock, explorer, wit, hero and coach for moral guidance and emotional support. It argues that it has become more important for modern men to forge deep relationships with a core group of friends as a way to operate in an increasingly complex world and that those men are more in touch with each other's feelings. With the increasing number of portrayals showing the lives of a group of friends in movies and popular culture the attitude of man towards man has become more and more intimate. May be like the popular sitcom character Barney Stinson people are increasingly living by the bro-code , it appears. London-based psychologist Felix Economakis said in the report, that modern men have left behind the austere rules of friendship for more emotional demonstrations of frailty."I see quite a lot of young men who aren't afraid to say, ‘I had an argument and I burst into tears' or, ‘He's my best friend and I love him'," Economakis said. The report describes such dynamics as "fire-team friendships," a basic unit of four or five friends who watch each others' backs, and argues that men who are in closer contact with their friends are happier, healthier and wealthier. With mutual respect ,love and being-their-for-one-another-attitude there has never been a better time to hang out with your friends it seems. Just remember one thing "BE A GOOD WINGMAN"...! (With inputS from the web) (AW-Jyotishman)
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