A recent UK research has studied the a group of population in the nation and has come to the conclusion that men who often wear a pink shirt are more successful in life than the ones who stick to the traditional blues and whites. In fact they also arrived at the conclusion that a man wearing pink to work earns as much as a thousand pounds more per year than the ones who stick to the conventional colors.
Think about it! Men who wear pink are definitely in the eyes of women. This in turn means more compliments and hence more confident attitudes at work. They also know to get around well with the femme fatale.
Daily Mail has mentioned that in a survey that checked the pay rolls of over 1,500 male workers, the ones sporting a pink shirt to work had a pay roll which is £1,000 more per annum.
Observers say 25% of men appear to be more attractive in pink. And the ones who wear a shade of pink like the lilac or purple have more romance stories at the office to share with than the others wearing blue who have least romantic experiences at the office.
If you see a man wearing pink, the chances that he may have a Master's degree are twice as much as the others. Men these days have become bolder. Their fear of wearing pink and similar bright colors is now redundant.
Other interesting details revealed by the research showed that Green shirt wearers are more likely to be late to the office while whites conform to the time norms more. I'll come back with a purple shirt and see you around. (Not just for office romances, Purple shirts are promoted more than the others)
(AW- Anil)