The spark's faded just a bit. Yes, we all know that it's the general assumption that after marriage it should be enough that there aren’t any major problems. But what's wrong in wanting more...what's wrong with wanting to feel like you’re on your honeymoon all the time? You’d like to bring back that phase when your husband was all lovey dovey, misty eyed and wanting to hold your hand all the time.. and if it goes back to the time when he couldn't keep his hands off you and was dying to get you alone, nothing like it.
Find out how to make your husband fall in love with you, again.
t becomes inevitable to fall into the trap of becoming buddies after the first few years of marriage. This comfort zone, although great for cementing your relationship, does nothing for the romance. The good news is that you're in the second phase of your relationship if you’re secure and don't feel self-conscious. You’re having fun just being with him even though he’s reading and you’re watching your favourite show. It just means your relationship has matured to the next level. However, every relationship should be jostled out of this comfort zone if it gets too comfortable. The honeymoon is definitely over if you see him coming to bed in his old track pants, and you really don’t bother to wax your legs anymore.
If you want your husband to fall in love with you again, do the same things you did when you first met him and were just going out. Remember how you found out about his favourite band, favourite dessert, favourite movie, etc. It's time to go back to that phase to revive the magic.
Gift him something that reminds him of the first time you met. It could be a basket of exotic cheese if you met at the cheese, counter in a mall. It could be bottled sand if you met him at the beach. Whatever you do, remember to be creative and romantic. Don't gift him a watermelon just because you met at the fruit market... but you can gift him candied fruit peels in a handmade box with a note that says "I'm in love again".