Preparing for an interview? Read this... January 23, 2013 17:41
Are you aiming to get that dream job and prove your worth??? No matter your qualification might be apt for the requirement of the job, but certain mistakes you make during the interview will definitely decide your fate of achieving the desired job or being left out. Here some guidelines if followed can help you bag your dream job; Never ever let the form for the interview be filled by anyone from your family, friends or whomsoever. You might manage to get an interview call, but will definitely fumble when the interviewers ask the questions related to the form you have filled in. so, just use your own brain to fill the interview form. Just be simple and presentable when you dress for the interview. Choose the best of your dress and dress the way you don't over burden your look with heavy makeup, perfume or what so ever. If you are a watch freak, don't forget to put on the watch that suits your personality to best. Say if you are a soft spoken person let the stripe and the dial of the watch be simple... if you posses a bold personality, then the dial be big so as the stripe, to showcase the personality... all those glittery watches or make up or dress color are a big no - no for interview and office wear. Be prepared for the interview a day before itself. Right from being at least 15 minutes before the scheduled time of the interview, knowing which document is at what page in your file, knowing for what position you have applied and thoroughly knowing your skills, everything should be perfect. Then there is no chance for mishap to occur. When you are done with the interview or was not able to answer some of the questions put by the interviewer or you have known this job is not for you, don't be in a hurry to let your friends or family know about the same thorough phone when you are still in the premises of the company. Remember, there are the employees of the company and even the management team around you who are listening to you. Finally, when the interviewer asks you want to know anything about the company or profile, don't hesitate to put the question. Questions like 'am I selected? When I will get the next call? Do you like my performance?' will definitely put you into the negative impression of the interviewers.
Read MoreStressed out? Watch out... January 12, 2013 13:04
Of course, we human beings are designed by some super natural power in such a way, that we stand up for any negative situation, take stress, pressure and work over overcoming the same... happiness and tough times are very much part and parcel of our lives... but, sometimes, the stress levels taken by us would increase in such a way that these become the question for our livelihood as well... we tend to unlearn all the happy times, positive thinking in us and tend to live in the stress, sometimes, clueless of what has to be done to overcome the same… this is a very tricky situation and the stress taken will definitely have a negative impact on our body, mind and soul... want to know what? Read further to know some of the negative effects of stress; Here are some of the negative effects of stress on our physical body; * sleep disturbances (this causes hell lot of other physical and emotional problems too) * fatigue * back, shoulder or neck pain * tension or migraine headaches * constipation, diarrhea * hair loss * muscle tension * irregular heartbeat, palpitations * asthma or shortness of breath * weight gain or loss, eating disorders * cold hands or feet * high blood pressure * skin problems (hives, eczema, psoriasis, tics, itching) * periodontal disease, jaw pain * immune system suppression: more colds, flu, infections And you know what… excess of stress and strain can cause or increase a chronic skin problem in us and that is psoriasis which is a long term disease, many times has to be treated for life time)... And here are the effects of stress on us, emotionally; Depression, moodiness * irritability, frustration * memory problems * lack of concentration * trouble thinking clearly * feeling out of control And this is not all... stress also affects are our relationships with one and all as we become reckless when stressed out, loose our calm self, indulge into baseless arguments many times and henceforth, spoil our relations with one and all... Do you still want to live in stress???
Read MoreHave a long, slow, deep breath! January 11, 2013 16:55
Exercise is a staple for a healthy lifestyle. It's just as important as brushing our teeth.:there are no excuses to avoid it. Choose exercises that'll get your heart racing, stimulating a never-ending flow of oxygen. Research shows walking 15 minutes at a time, three to four times a day,improves breathing in people with lung diseases like emphysema. So get in early and make it a habit! In fact eating smartly is also another important factor. An apple(and tomato) a day keeps the doctor away-or so it seems. Research shows people who have the greatest lung function are those eat more than apples a week, or gulp down tomatoes every other day. Wheezing is also less common in people who eat lots of apples and tomatoes. Stock up on fish oil supplements too-they're high in omega-3 fatty acids, which target inflammation, leading cause of most lung problems. Open a window whether you're cooped up at home or working away at the office, it's important that there's fresh air circulating. Household products contain toxic fumes, so leaving windows open will maintain a fresh cycle of air. Also, enforce a non-smoking policy indoors:passive smoking can damage your lungs as much as the smoke from your cigarette would. Try deep breathing before you sleep but the breathing should be slow and smooth-normal rates are between 12 and 16 breath per minute. Why not practise? Breath in for three seconds, breath out for three, then pause-holding your breath for the next three seconds. For ultimate relaxation, try to do this every night for about ten minutes before dozing off. Nudge your partner in the morning, and ask the unaskable: "Honey, do I snore?" If it's a yes, then see a sleep specialist and get checked for sleep apnoea. And don't panic: sleep disorders are common, but typically curable. Crunch it away as the benefit of doing crunches is two-fold:you'll be ready for summer with your new and defined abs, and you can practise your deep breathing at the same time. As you strengthen your abdominal and chest muscles, you'll eventually build your range of heavy-duty breathing! So,Happy breathing! (AW:Samrat Biswas)
Read MoreAfter a long day at work January 09, 2013 17:30
Ohh!!! Really long and tiresome day at work... but, finally managed to give the output at workplace and got home... don't you think you need to relax for a while after all these hours at work? Rather than going for a nap, listening to your favorite music or watching that comedy flick, reading books, you can try out these tips to relax yourself and prepare for yet another lovable day... This may sound a bit strange but once you are at home after work, find relaxation in cleaning up your room and home... rather than finding this as a duty, feel and enjoy what you are doing. A clean home and surroundings will definitely boost up your mood. Warm water bath is the best mantra for relaxation. If you have a special bath room or even a bath tub, then nothing like it... just switch on your favorite music and the tap inside the bath room and enjoy the bath. It is better to write down what you all have done that day, what have you achieved and what made you feel a bit low... even we tend to forget certain situations, these will for sure remain in our sub conscious mind... writing is one of the best way to wipe out all these from our mind, as we put this on paper, think about them for a while and forget later, as our mind and thoughts are occupied by many other things. Try eating a good meal... remember the meal should be healthy and tasty at the same time. Enjoying the taste of every bite of your meal will definitely up your mood. If you are in no mood to take an evening walk, at least enjoy the natural atmosphere out there by spending some time at the balcony or even at the terrace space of your apartment or home. The evening breeze can work wonders on lighting up your mood. Rather than switching on those harsh tube lights, try being in gentle lightening for a while at least. The pleasantness will surround your mood...
Read MoreWhat are your confidence levels? January 08, 2013 15:26
Self-confidence... the success key of many successful people around us who have made the impossible turn possible... and we have also known the positive vibes that transform things to be done with the power of our self-confidence... and it is high time we have thought of working on developing our confidence levels but have not done so... let us take a first step to know the tips to develop our confidence levels; Never let your head down for what you have not done. Be brave enough to accept your mistakes at the same time fight against all those allegations put against you that are not your fault at all. This is the best mantra to develop your confidence levels. Remember, whatever you expect with your confidence and true heart, will definitely turn out to be fulfilling... all you need to know is what you want and that you want is correct for you and others? It should not be hurting anyone else either. You can definitely aim for the toughest wish to be possible, along with this; do not forget to aim for a simplest wish that can be easily fulfilled. The fulfillment of your wish will increase your confidence levels to the greater extent. Day in and day out, our life is porn to be facing n number of hiccups and failures... this will for sure lower down our confidence levels. but, this itself is a tricky situation. The more you are confident on turning situations to your favor, the more you work on this and the more you are confident on your thoughts and yourself, irrespective of the situation will not only increase your confidence levels, but also inculcate that 'do or die' attitude within us which is very necessary for the success of us with CONFIDENCE.
Read MoreSelf - discipline... so very tough? January 07, 2013 11:40
Self-discipline... the term itself seems to appear to be very rigid and tough... but, this is just an illusion. The importance of self-discipline in your life will definitely change you for a better. We generally possess these illusions as soon as we hear the term self-discipline; It is a very rigid way of living life. It includes rules and regulations, that is a hurdle from leading a worth living way of life style. It makes you stay away from the society that is moving a step ahead each day and remains you stay stuck in your own rules. But the fact is you can always live life in our own terms and yet be self-disciplined. This is just to keep a check on what are your thinking, doing and mending your life in what way. You can always enjoy your life and yet be self-disciplined. This is just to keep a track of things and situations happening in your life not to overcome the peace of mind of your life... Here are some of the advantages of having self-discipline in your life; As perseverance. The ability not to give up, despite failure and setbacks. As self-control. The ability to resist distractions or temptations. It is not necessary to learn out of your mistakes, every time... you can be conscious enough from the experiences and situations you see around you and let not that happen in your life, plan each and every move of your life carefully, have a proper idea of what you want in your life and all these are possible with a proper self-discipline being inculcated in you.
Read MoreBad temper? Hold it... January 04, 2013 17:11
Bad temper? This is what most of us posses... thanks to the stress filled life style of us today, regardless to our working status or financial status, we all are porn to stress and so to bad temper... but, have you ever thought of what could be the negative effects of a bad temper? You turn to be a over reactor internally... with the habit of reacting to each and everything possible, you will not only welcome all that unnecessary trouble and worry but also tend to become more porn to bad temper… you will tend to lose your patience over a period of time and start losing your cool self on each and every situation... this way, it is not only a hurdle for your relations with others and your mental stability, but this state of mind of yours will affect your physical health as well. It is a fact that we all react to the situations and to those problems that are out of our hands and require to be solved… before getting carried away with the situation, ask yourself these questions, first; How important is this problem to your life? Does it deserve the reaction you are giving it? Can this problem be solved? If no solution can be found, are you willing to accept what you cannot change and move on? Instead of getting tensed and letting the bad temper or any other emotions rule you, you have a control on the situation and think of a solution rather than worrying more, that will fetch you absolutely nothing. While dealing with the issues, just be true to yourself... seeing situations from the realistic angel will fetch you better results and help you to get out of any emotional trauma, be it bad temper...
Read MoreWriting down your resolutions this Year? January 02, 2013 20:09
If you want the resolutions taken this New Year at least, to be implemented affectively, here are some tips to be followed to keep up your New Year resolutions; Is your resolution realistic? Can it be made possible with our efforts? Or it is completely not within your reach? You need to think about this twice before writing down or determining a resolution… of course, we all are emotional and in many scenarios, our heart rules our life over our mind. But, in certain scenarios of planning something in life that would change your life itself, it is better for you to include thinking the aspect practically as well... only then, you would be able to believe and follow the ways to make your resolution turn a reality. Don't over burden your resolutions list... just limit your list and confirm on those resolutions that you can handle and work towards fulfilling them. If you succeed in accomplishing all those resolutions in your list, you can definitely write down the new ones and work on fulfilling them as well. It is better if you let your resolutions be short term... this way you can work immediately on them and achieve them. Succeeding in letting your short term resolutions work positive will definitely fetch you to work on succeeding the long term resolutions as well. Not just writing down the resolutions, prioritize them and make a plan as to how to go about to achieve them... and remember, let this plan be realistic, as your resolution is.
Read MoreCelebrate this New Year... Perfect December 31, 2012 17:01
The New Year's Eve is on... all those hungama that was created on 2012 being the End of the World has come to an end, leaving us to believe there is much more to live... Are you ready to celebrate the New Year's Eve? Here are some tips that might help you to fix up any last moment issues and have a blast this New Year; If you are inviting any guests to join you in the party, make sure the guest list might not have any last moment additions. Proper planning in inviting the guests should be done prior... if there are any last moment guests to be added on onto your list, be quick enough to invite them soon and don't keep this to be a pending job that you might forget doing later. Music is what that mesmerizes even the dull mood and of course, peps up the party mood to better. Just be prepared with what kind of a music that you want to play today... if you wish to have any theme, don't end up having too many options and choosing nothing or not so happening, but let your choice be quick and perfect. You have taken time out and decorated your house to be perfect for the celebrations, ordered for the favorite food and everything else is ready... but, you have to take time out for yourself as well. If n time for a facial and grooming just make sure you get ready in best of your dresses and best possible way... the last moment mantra to get ready BEST is just be SIMPLE and ELEGANT... JUST BE YOURSLEF... so, follow the same... Wish you a very happy new year!
Read MoreTransform your personality to the BEST December 28, 2012 17:53
Are your striving to be outstanding among 100 others and have your unique personality? Rather than getting influenced by some and ending up inculcating a behavior and personality that will not make you be in the good books of one and all, here are the tips to develop a good personality that will in turn develop you as a good human being; Think positive… every situation has two ways to solve it or handle it… even if the situation is out of your hands and despite you making your efforts to succeed, you end up not being so, just think positive and have a hope that what is best to you will end up happening… this way of thought will definitely turn impossible things towards possible at many times… if not, there is nothing you loose either… all is in the game of life. Have confidence in whatever you are doing… have confidence in you as a person… the way you dress or get ready, the more fashionable you are will built up your confidence levels – this thought is just an illusion. How you are and what you where, in which dress you are comfortable is something to do with your likes and dislikes and brought up as such… but the kind of personality you develop is completely your own decision… so, let nothing influence your thought process. Appreciate people around you for the way they are, but don’t try to imitate or be like one and all… you may like each personality trait in every individual… just appreciate that liking… the personality you develop and are in is completely a unique trait of yours… so, you can get inspired, but don’t bluntly copy others… Just leave your ego behind and let it not dominate you… if you have done a mistake and spoke in an harsh tone to others or in a learning stage in your job or whatever, never let ‘ME’ come in picture… you have to love yourself… but, remember, this should not be more than the love for humanity and values as such.
Read MoreTips to burst your dullness December 27, 2012 18:08
What? Tired with your daily routine? Feeling frustrated after a long day at work? Just burst your tiredness with these tips; Watch at least some clips of best of the comedy movies… you need not opt for watching your favorite comedy movie all the time as you might get bored… such some random comedy movie, the name of which comes into your mind and watch it… this is the immediate stress buster from any kind of situation. A hot bath in this season… even if it a summer, warm water bath will help you to just relax and calm down… if you love taking a shower bath, don't hesitate to do so… Have an ice cream or a chocolate… make sure you enjoy every bit of it while eating… this will definitely lift up your mood. If you are keen in gardening nothing like it… even otherwise, you can take a walk in the area surrounded by greenery… this is not only good for your health but also for your eyes as green color gives a positive vibe. Just laugh… you may think you are laughing at yourself or people who comment and not understand you or at the situations you have encountered from morning… just laugh at them and leave everything behind… Just focus on ending any issue and bad mindset that day itself… doesn't carry anything but happiness for the next day.
Read Morefeeling lazy? No more December 26, 2012 14:40
Being lazy is definitely a Sin… laziness will reduce your productivity at work and in turn, disturbs your life at a major extent. Rather than going through all these, it is better to kill laziness from you. You can try out these tips; Start getting rid of your laziness right from the start of your day… no more keeping alarm clock in snooze mode. As soon as you hear alarm clock just get out from your bed… the more you crawl on bed, the more lazy you become and end up wasting time for no reason as well… some of us have morning sickness and cannot get rid of this… in that case, try getting up one hour early than usual and finish up any pending work, one night before itself… try making your mornings easy and have some time for yourself. If you are working or need to attend family needs only, whatever it could be, never indulge in a too busy activity at morning… right from cooking to get going to work, let your first of the day be simple… this way, there is no chance of you getting tired additionally and in turn being lazy. Exercise at least for 10 minutes a day… this will definitely get rid of your laziness. Some sit ups or a walk or even skipping can survive better for not only your health but even for your mind and body to be active. Listing every task that you are supposed to take up that day and ticking as soon as each task is completed make this act as your daily habit. This way, there is no chance of forgetting things and every chance of completing your work before the end of the day at least. Try media fasting at least once in a week… not all information we consume will have a positive impact on our thoughts… at times, we need to unlearn certain things to refresh our mind… so, no contact with current happenings and news at least for one day… just relax for a week long excitement. And remember, you cannot stop being lazy overnight… you need to make being active a practice and work for it, every day… sooner you will be YOUR ACTIVE SELF.
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