Madhya Pradesh chief minister Shivraj Singh has said that a dedicated interactive website would be set up by the state government to felicitate one on one dialogue between the state government and the NRIs. This statement came in the wake of Mr. Singh's visit to Chicago on October 6 wherein 250 NRIs who were present at the programme were curious about the developments of the state. Chauhan has also visited Vivekananda Memorial at Chicago and also visited the hall where Swami Vivekananda addressed Parliament of World's Religions in 193.
Elucidating the development of Madhya Pradesh, Shivraj Singh told the NRI s that Madhya Pradesh joined the league of developed states in the country. It was at this meeting that an NRI community came forward and asked Mr. Singh for setting up an interactive website since they were willing to participate in the development of the state. Madhya chief minister then accepted their request and subsequently the website was launched on Sunday.
(AW Phani)