(Image source from: Updatenews360.com)
India reports 22,270 new cases of Coronavirus:- A total number of 22,270 are reported in India in the last 24 hours and they are 14 percent lower than yesterday. 60298 people recovered completely in the last 24 hours in India and there are 2,53,739 active cases currently in India. The daily positivity rate is at 1.8 percent and the total number of recoveries till date are said to be 4,20,37,536. With 325 new deaths in India, the total death tally is said to be 5,11,230. The total number of vaccination doses administered in India are said to be 175.03 crores. The total cases of coronavirus reported in India after the pandemic started are said to be 4,28,02,505. The total tests conducted for coronavirus as per the reports from the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) are said to be 75,80,22,824.
The weekly positivity rate in the country is 2.50 percent. The national recovery rate climbed to 98.21 percent. The active caseload comprises of 0.59 percent of the total reported cases. The total number of deaths due to coronavirus crossed 15,000 mark in February and it was 14,752 in January. More than 2 crore children aged between 15 and 18 years are now fully vaccinated as per the reports from the government. This accounts to 28 percent of the age group. More than 72 percent of the children have taken the first dose of the coronavirus vaccination. There is a reduction of 38,353 cases in the last 24 hours in the country. The officials wanted the people to wear facemasks when they are in the public though the cases have seen a steep decline.