Next four to Six Months could be the Worst of Coronavirus says Bill Gates
December 14, 2020 17:38(Image source from:
Next four to Six Months could be the Worst of Coronavirus says Bill Gates:- The coronavirus pandemic left a massive impact and shattered several lives and families across the globe. Several countries are struggling because of the financial stress. Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates and his foundation has been making efforts to develop a vaccine for the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. He warned the world that the next four to six months could be the worst of the pandemic. He reminded about the second wave that hit USA and the number of new cases, deaths and hospitalizations have increased in huge numbers. Bill Gates admitted that he felt that USA would do a better job in handling coronavirus.
Bill Gates told CNN "Sadly, the next four to six months will be the worst of the coronavirus pandemic. The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) forecast predicts 2,00,000 additional deaths. We have to follow the rules and wear masks, prefer social distancing to avoid deaths and rise in the number of cases". The coronavirus killed close to 3 lakh people only in USA. The coronavirus also had a toll on the economic impact across the globe. Bill Gates and his foundation has been funding lot of amount for the research for vaccines. Bill Gates said that he wants to see the world's economy growing.