The CID sleuths are going to file charge sheet against Bhanu, the prime accused in the murder of faction leader Gangula Suryanarayana Reddy alias Madelacheruvu Suri in broad daylight in a busy centre in Hyderabad on January 2, 2009. Right from the beginning, Bhanu was suspected of murdering Suri as he was the one last seen with Suri and the police sources said Bhanu shot Suri from point blank while he was sitting at the rear seat in the car.
Bhanu fled from the scene and Central Crime Station (CCS) police who took up the case had launched manhunt for Suri but they were unable to trace him out and the case was eventually handed over to the Crime Investigation Department (CID) police. After a couple of months, CID police successfully nabbed Bhanu and produced him before the magistrate and also before the media in April this year.
The magistrate remanded Bhanu to the judicial custody and he has been at jail. Today, CID police will file charge sheet against him. It may be noted that Suri, who was murdered by Bhanu, was an accused in the elimination of TDP legislator Paritala Ravindra. Maverick filmmaker Ram Gopal Varma recently shot a film Rakthacharithra, which was based on the lives of Paritala Ravindra and Gangula Suryanarayana Reddy.
(AW Phani)