Chief Minister Nitish Kumar was known to have been called on by a World Bank team at the same time discussed overall development in Bihar in addition to the progress of those schemes being sponsored by the international lender. The team comprised its Managing Director Mulyani Indrawati along with the Managing Director (Finance) Bertrand Badre.
During hour-long careful consideration, the team was known to have appreciated development works being done by the NDA government as well expressed willingness to spread its activities saying the state was integral to their scheme of things. While the visiting World Bank officials particularly approved enthusiastically the state government's initiatives in the field of education of girls as well as expressed commitment to provide adequate assistance, besides invest funds in priority economic sectors.
Curb the population explosion in Bihar
Furthermore, the chief minister, while taking an initiative, advised the World Bank officials about its decision to improve educational infrastructure by setting up 1000 high secondary schools each year to guarantee at least one such institution in each panchayat as the reason that qualitative improvement could be gained in social along with human development index. Kumar added that it was unavoidable to provide education to the girls which could help improve gender ratio while also help in declining child marriage and fertility rate to justify a long-term plan to control population in Bihar. Kumar also made it prominent that state's plan to improve road infrastructure and emphasize on steps being taken to improve farm sector and electricity for the benefit of the people.
Interestingly, the World Bank officials also expressed desire to set up some of its offices in Bihar to monitor progress of implementation of schemes to prove support and relief to needy.
This would perhaps help in achieving an overall development at the same time bringing immense peace in the state of Bihar and absolutely have a fruitful impact on the nations prosperity in every critical aspects.
Content Source:Siasat News
Image Source:World Bank
(AW:Samrat Biswas)