Starting this sunday, the Delhi Metro Airport Express would be temporarily closed down to take up minor repairs. Reliance Infrastructure-led Delhi Airport Metro Express which was in service for 16 months since Febuary 2011 would be back in services after 2 months the Government assured today, only a day after the announcement that it would be shut down temporarily.
Minor cracks in the civil structure and a few technical problems along the 23 Km long line where metro trains plyed at speeds of 105 kmph cause the 2 month abeyance in the services to the Airport.
A committee with officials from the Indian Railways, Delhi Metro and Reliance Infrastructure are already investigating on the defects and a report would soon be submitted within the following 10 days after which the necessary repairs would begin.
Reliance Infrastructure has already noted that there were some structural defects with the bearing between the girders and the pillars. Of the 2100 bearings present there is a need for at least 230 of them to be corrected or repaired.
Reliance Infrastructure insisted that the trains plying between the lines be halted temporarily as there might be a risk to the lives of passengers. Parrying several questions Krishna, the operator of the Line said, “the line would resume rendering its services by the end of August”.
AW - Anil