Three gruesome incidents caught my attention while scanning the web for my daily dosage of live news updates. And instantly I thought since we share a long time bonding, to toss them to you, my ardent readers for enrichment. All of them have been sourced from the internet. So right away, we shall take a dive into this gruesome world.
The first instance is a story from central China. In Hunan Province in the last week of last month a man was operated after two rings were stuck in his pennies. The operation that lasted for an hour was performed on the middle aged man. The man told (as quoted in a Chinese Daily Thursday) that he had swallowed the rings to save them being stolen during his travel home for the Chinese Lunar New Year Jan 23. Poor guy got them stuck in his pennies. Painful gold!!!
In another incident in France a 53-year old teacher was offered a strip job at a night club by the France's government-run jobs agency. Daniele Casadamont felt humiliated over the 12 Euros per hour offer. The agency says that the applicant applied for jobs in specific area and the automated machine has sent the offer. The agency also affirmed that there was nothing wrong in the offer. The senior lady voiced her opinion on the radio station RTL that, "If Pole Emploi is suggesting we go naked for money, where's it going to end?" True disgrace, but this is a lesson to be learnt. While we fill the application we should be careful to specify our requirements, rather leaving them vaguely.
The third report emerged from Taiwan; a 74-year old man went to make sex to a prostitute. Most of the males at this age would have retired from active life at that age. But this wonder man, Chen, is really a superman. But the most misfortunate incident was he swallowed his dentures while in action. Subsequently they got stuck in his throat, and he died. But all this happened after he finished with the woman and even paid her. He collapsed just as he was about to leave.
(With inputs from internet: AarKay)