Saturday, Sunday for that matter during the weekdays even, Party culture is prevailing a lot…. In fact this is a better option to add on some more names in your friends list and to build in some PR with the society…
We aspire to give our best in whatever we do… why don’t we plan for the best party ever? Well, ‘Best’ differs from one person to another, it is just that you need to feel that whatever you have organized in the ‘BEST’… here are some tips for a ‘Best’ party of your kind;
Stick to What You Know. Parties are not the time to experiment, because who needs the added stress of unpredictability? The best recipe is one you can make with your eyes closed. If the urge strikes you to branch out, give it a trial run beforehand.
Buy in Bulk. If you entertain often, choose a few go-to recipes (vary them slightly if you’re entertaining the same people). You can stock up on the basic ingredients at the beginning of the holiday season.
Prep Your Fridge. Before you come home with 80 bags of groceries, clean out your refrigerator and freezer. Toss old condiments and anything you can no longer identify. Fill your fridge safely as well as smartly: Place raw meats away from fruits and vegetables. And keep an eye on the temperature inside with a refrigerator thermometer—the more stuffed your fridge gets, the more difficult it is for the cold air to thoroughly circulate.
Prepare Serving Dishes. Don’t waste valuable time on the day of the event trying to remember where you’ve stashed the holiday platters, plates, stemware, serving spoons, and linens. Plan out what dishes you’ll use, and clean and polish them a few days in advance. For sit-down dinners, you can set the table ahead of time. For cocktail parties, lay serving dishes and napkins out for snacks the day before.
Plan on a Realistic Amount of Food and Drink. A good guideline for a three-hour cocktail party is about three drinks per person, or about one bottle of wine for every two to three guests and one quart of liquor for every 10 to 12 guests. For predinner hors d’oeuvres plan on three to five pieces per person, and for a three-hour cocktail party, about four to six pieces per person per hour.
Show a Little Flair.Whether your thing is cooking, origami, or playing a little jazz flute, show your style through personal details. Don’t go all Martha Stewart on your guests, but a few unique touches make your party memorable.
Vibe Out. No one wants to linger very long in a room that’s lit like an airport lounge. Choose lighting, music, seating, and a temperature that are conducive to eating, drinking, and socializing.
Put Your Guests to Work.But only if they ask, and just enough to make them feel useful. Keep the tasks simple: opening wine bottles, putting coats in the bedroom, or bringing out some hors d’oeuvres. You shouldn’t ask guests to take out garbage or put away dishes.
Clean as You Go. Don’t make guests feel like you’re tidying up because the party’s over. Instead, try to grab crumpled napkins, toothpicks, unaccounted-for glasses, and plates on your way to the kitchen. A little cleaning here and there will ease postparty cleanup, but don’t obsess over every dish in the sink.